Ed Maste 24ed6f550a Rename skein_block_asm.s to .S and assemble using Clang IAS
Comparing the object files produced by GNU as 2.17.50 and Clang IAS
shows many immaterial changes in strtab etc., and one material change
in .text:

   1bac:  4c 8b 4f 18             mov    0x18(%rdi),%r9
   1bb0:  eb 0e                   jmp    1bc0 <Skein1024_block_loop>
-  1bb2:  66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00    data16 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
-  1bb9:  00 00 00 00
-  1bbd:  0f 1f 00                nopl   (%rax)
+  1bb2:  66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00    nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
+  1bb9:  00 00 00
+  1bbc:  0f 1f 40 00             nopl   0x0(%rax)

 0000000000001bc0 <Skein1024_block_loop>:
   1bc0:  4c 8b 47 10             mov    0x10(%rdi),%r8
   1bc4:  4c 03 85 c0 00 00 00    add    0xc0(%rbp),%r8

That is, GNU as and Clang's integrated assembler use different multi-
byte NOPs for alignment (GNU as emits an 11 byte NOP + a 3 byte NOP,
while Clang IAS emits a 10 byte NOP + a 4 byte NOP).

Dependency cleanup hacks are not required, because we do not create
.depend files from GNU as.

Reviewed by:	allanjude, arichardson, cem, tsoome
Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation
Differential Revision:
2020-06-06 00:35:41 +00:00

74 lines
2.6 KiB

# $FreeBSD$
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/opencrypto
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/camellia
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/des
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/rijndael
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/sha2
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/siphash
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/skein
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/blake2
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/chacha20
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/contrib/libb2
.PATH: ${LIBSODIUM}/crypto_onetimeauth/poly1305
.PATH: ${LIBSODIUM}/crypto_onetimeauth/poly1305/donna
.PATH: ${LIBSODIUM}/crypto_verify/sodium
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/libsodium
KMOD = crypto
SRCS = crypto.c cryptodev_if.c
SRCS += criov.c cryptosoft.c xform.c
SRCS += cryptodeflate.c rmd160.c rijndael-alg-fst.c rijndael-api.c rijndael-api-fst.c
SRCS += camellia.c camellia-api.c
SRCS += des_ecb.c des_enc.c des_setkey.c
SRCS += sha1.c sha256c.c sha512c.c
SRCS += skein.c skein_block.c
# unroll the 256 and 512 loops, half unroll the 1024
CFLAGS.skein_block.c += -DSKEIN_LOOP=995
.if exists(${MACHINE_ARCH}/skein_block_asm.S)
.PATH: ${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/skein/${MACHINE_ARCH}
SRCS += skein_block_asm.S
CFLAGS += -DSKEIN_ASM -DSKEIN_USE_ASM=1792 # list of block functions to replace with assembly: 256+512+1024 = 1792
ACFLAGS += -DELF -Wa,--noexecstack
# Fully unroll all loops in the assembly optimized version
SRCS += siphash.c
SRCS += gmac.c gfmult.c
SRCS += blake2b-ref.c
SRCS += blake2s-ref.c
SRCS += blake2-sw.c
CFLAGS.blake2b-ref.c += -I${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/blake2 -DSUFFIX=_ref
CFLAGS.blake2s-ref.c += -I${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/blake2 -DSUFFIX=_ref
CFLAGS.blake2-sw.c += -I${SRCTOP}/sys/crypto/blake2
CWARNFLAGS.blake2b-ref.c += -Wno-cast-qual -Wno-unused-function
CWARNFLAGS.blake2s-ref.c += -Wno-cast-qual -Wno-unused-function
SRCS += chacha.c
SRCS += chacha-sw.c
SRCS += xform_poly1305.c
SRCS += onetimeauth_poly1305.c
CFLAGS.onetimeauth_poly1305.c += -I${LIBSODIUM_INC}/sodium -I${LIBSODIUM_COMPAT}
SRCS += poly1305_donna.c
CFLAGS.poly1305_donna.c += -I${LIBSODIUM_INC}/sodium -I${LIBSODIUM_COMPAT}
SRCS += verify.c
SRCS += randombytes.c
SRCS += utils.c
SRCS += opt_param.h cryptodev_if.h bus_if.h device_if.h
SRCS += opt_compat.h
SRCS += opt_ddb.h
SRCS += cbc_mac.c
SRCS += xform_cbc_mac.c
.include <>