This will make a number of things easier in the future, as well as (finally!) avoiding the Id-smashing problem which has plagued developers for so long. Boy, I'm glad we're not using sup anymore. This update would have been insane otherwise.
222 lines
6.3 KiB
222 lines
6.3 KiB
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# <phk@login.dkuug.dk> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
# can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
# this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Poul-Henning Kamp
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $FreeBSD$
# Generic procedures usable in the process of gnu-to-bmake jobs.
# sh -- execute command.
# argv[1] shell command to execute.
proc sh {cmd} {
puts stdout "+ $cmd"
flush stdout
exec sh -e -c $cmd >&@ stdout
# cp -- execute cp(1)
# argv arguments to cp(1)
proc cp {args} {
sh "cp $args"
# copy_l -- Copy list of files, try to make(1) them if missing.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] destination directory
# argv[3] list of filenames
proc copy_l {src dst files} {
foreach f $files {
if {![file exists $src/${f}]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}"
if {![file exists $src/${f}]} {
error "Couldn't produce ${f} in $src"
cp $src/${f} $dst
# copy_c -- Copy list of .c files, try to make(1) them if missing.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] destination directory
# argv[3] list of filenames, with or without .c suffixes.
proc copy_c {src dst files} {
regsub -all {\.c} $files {} files
foreach f $files {
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}.c ; exit 0"
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
sh "cd $src ; set +e ; make ${f}.o ; exit 0"
if {![file exists $src/${f}.c]} {
error "Couldn't produce ${f}.c in $src"
cp $src/${f}.c $dst
# find_source -- Return a list of sourcefiles.
# argv[1] source directory
# argv[2] source list.
# argv[3] list of extensions
proc find_source {dir files ext} {
set l ""
foreach f $files {
set k ""
foreach i $ext {
if {[file exists $dir/${f}${i}]} { set k ${f}${i} ; break }
if {$k == ""} {
error "cannot find source for $f using extensions <$ext>"
lappend l $k
return $l
# zap_suffix -- remove suffixes from list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] (optional) regex matching suffixes to be removed,
# default removes all known suffixes, (AND warts too!).
proc zap_suffix {lst {suf {\.cc$|\.[cyolhsxS]$}}} {
set a ""
foreach i $lst {
regsub -all $suf $i {} i
lappend a $i
return $a
# add_suffix -- add suffixes to list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] string to add.
proc add_suffix {lst suf} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {lappend l ${i}${suf}}
return $l
# add_prefix -- add prefixes to list if filenames
# argv[1] list of filenames
# argv[2] string to add.
proc add_prefix {lst prf} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {lappend l ${prf}${i}}
return $l
# basename -- removes directory-prefixes from list of names.
# argv[1] list of filenames
proc basename {lst} {
set l ""
foreach i $lst {regsub {.*/} $i {} i ; lappend l $i}
return $l
# makefile_macro -- return the contents of a Makefile macro
# argv[1] name of macro
# argv[2] source directory
# argv[3] (optional) name of makefile
proc makefile_macro {macro dir {makefile Makefile}} {
# Nobody will miss a core file, right ?
sh "cd $dir ; cp $makefile make.core"
set f [open $dir/make.core a]
puts $f "\n\nGNU2TCL_test:\n\t@echo \$\{$macro\}"
close $f
set a [exec sh -e -c "cd $dir ; make -f make.core GNU2TCL_test"]
sh "rm -f $dir/make.core"
return $a
# mk_prog -- Make a directory and Makefile for a program.
# argv[1] name of the parent-directory
# argv[2] name of the program
# argv[3] list of .c files (the SRCS macro content).
# argv[4] (optional) list of lines for the Makefile
proc mk_prog {ddir name list {make ""}} {
sh "mkdir $ddir/$name"
set f [open $ddir/$name/Makefile w]
puts $f "#\n# \$FreeBSD$\n#\n"
puts $f "PROG =\t$name"
puts $f "SRCS =\t[lsort $list]"
foreach i $make {puts $f $i}
puts $f "\n.include <bsd.prog.mk>"
close $f
# mk_lib -- Make a directory and Makefile for a library
# argv[1] name of the parent-directory
# argv[2] name of the library
# argv[3] list of .c files (the SRCS macro content).
# argv[4] (optional) list of lines for the Makefile
proc mk_lib {ddir name list {make ""}} {
sh "mkdir $ddir/$name"
set f [open $ddir/$name/Makefile w]
puts $f "#\n# \$FreeBSD$\n#\n"
puts $f "SRCS =\t[lsort $list]"
puts $f "LIB =\t$name"
foreach i $make {puts $f $i}
puts $f "\n.include <bsd.lib.mk>"
close $f
# common_set -- Return the files common to a list of lists.
# argv[] lists of filenames
proc common_set {args} {
set a(0) 0 ; unset a(0)
foreach i $args {
foreach j $i {if {[catch {incr a($j)} k]} {set a($j) 1}}
set j ""
foreach i [array names a] {
if {$a($i) > 1} {lappend j $i}
return $j
# reduce_by -- Remove elements from list, if present in 2nd list.
# argv[1] lists of filenames
# argv[2] lists of filenames to be removed.
proc reduce_by {l1 l2} {
set a(0) 0 ; unset a(0)
foreach j $l1 { if {[catch {incr a($j)} k]} {set a($j) 1} }
foreach j $l2 { catch {unset a($j)} }
return [array names a]