1. There is now only one RELNOTESng stylesheet; the architecture-specific stylesheets (to handle different values of the arch= attribute) are gone. 2. Several Makefile variable definitions were factored into doc.relnotes.mk. Submitted by: dd
33 lines
1008 B
33 lines
1008 B
<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY freebsd.dsl PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DOCUMENT DocBook Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
<style-specification use="docbook">
; The architecture we're building for. We need to define this as a
; procedure, because we may not be able to evaluate it until we are
; at a point in formatting where (current-node) is defined.
(let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
(for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
(if (or (equal? arch #f)
(equal? arch ""))
; We can do a lot more flexible things here. Like it'd be nice to
; tokenize the arch= attribute and do comparisons of for-arch against
; different substrings.
(cond ((equal? arch for-arch) (next-match))
(else (empty-sosofo))))))
<external-specification id="docbook" document="freebsd.dsl">