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# example of a configuration file for the isdn daemon
# ---------------------------------------------------
# $Id: isdnd.rc,v 1.1 1999/01/10 14:30:47 hm Exp $
# last edit-date: [Tue Jan 19 16:30:12 1999]
# =======
# This configuration file is an EXAMPLE only and MUST be edited
# carefully to get the desired results!
# Please read the "isdnd.rc" manual page (execute "man isdnd.rc")
# for reference !
# SYSTEM section: isdnd global configuration parameters
# accounting
# ----------
acctall = on # generate info for everything
acctfile = /var/log/isdnd.acct # name & location of accounting file
useacctfile = yes # generate accouting info to file
# monitor
# -------
monitor-allowed = no # global switch: monitor on/off
monitor-port = 451 # default monitor TCP port
# Monitor rights are granted due to the most specific host/net spec, i.e. in
# the example below host will have the rights specified on that
# line, even so it belongs to net as well.
# A monitor specification may either be:
# - the name of a local (UNIX-domain) socket; this MUST start with a "/"
monitor = "/var/run/isdn-monitor"
monitor-access = fullcmd
monitor-access = channelstate, logevents
monitor-access = callin, callout
# - a dotted-quad host spec
monitor = ""
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a dotted-quad net spec with "/len" (CIDR-style) netmask spec
monitor = ""
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a resolveable host name
monitor = "rumolt"
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# - a resolveable net name with "/len" netmask (s.a.) appended
monitor = "up-vision-net/24"
monitor-access = restrictedcmd, channelstate, callin, callout
# ratesfile
# ---------
ratesfile = /etc/isdn/isdnd.rates # name & location of rates file
# regular expression pattern matching
# -----------------------------------
#regexpr = "connected.*XXX" # look for matches in log messages
#regprog = connectXXX # execute program when match is found
# realtime priority section
# -------------------------
rtprio = 25 # modify isdnd's process priority
# entry section: IP over ISDN example - i call back the remote end
name = I4BIP # name for reference. This name will
# be used in the logfile to identfy
# this entry.
# the network or telephone device
# the data traffic should be routed to:
usrdevicename = ipr # ipr, isp, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 0 # unit number
# the ISDN controller number to be
# used for this entry:
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for any
# incoming only, outgoing only or both:
direction = inout # in, out, inout
# numbers used to verify a DIAL IN:
local-phone-incoming = 321 # this is my number
remote-phone-incoming = 0123456789 # this one can call in
# numbers used at DIAL OUT time:
local-phone-dialout = 321 # this is my number
remote-phone-dialout = 00123456789 # i call this remote number
# in case i have several remote
# telephone numbers specified, this
# is used to specify which one is
# used next on dial fail or retry:
remdial-handling = first # first, last or next
# what happenes if someone dials in:
dialin-reaction = callback # accept, reject, ignore, answer, callback
# normal dialout or do i call back:
dialout-type = normal # normal / calledback
callbackwait = 1 # no of secs to wait before calling back
# type of protocol on the B-channel:
# hdlc must be specified for IP (the
# ipr and isp drivers), raw must be
# specified for telephone answering
b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw
# shorthold mode and idle time
# configuration:
ratetype = 0 # ratesfile entry to use
unitlength = 90 # unitlength to assume
unitlengthsrc = rate # none, rate, cmdl, conf, aocd
idletime-incoming = 120 # incoming call idle timeout
idletime-outgoing = 60 # outgoing call idle timeout
earlyhangup = 5 # time to hangup before an expected
# next charging unit will occur
# retry and recovery parameters
dialretries = 3 # # of dial retries
dialrandincr = off # random dial increment time
recoverytime = 5 # time to wait between 2 dial tries
usedown = off # set i/f down
downtries = 5 # retry cycles before set down
downtime = 30 # time to be in down before going up
#connectprog = "ip-up" # run /etc/isdn/ip-up when an interface
# has established its network connection.
# example parameters are:
# /etc/isdn/ip-up -d isp0 -f up -a
#disconnectprog = "ip-down" # like connectprog, but run after the connection
# is closed (ISDN layer down). The actual
# interface address might not be known
# any more. example parameters are:
# /etc/isdn/ip-up -d isp0 -f down -a
# entry section: IP over ISDN example - i am called back by the remote end
name = I4BIP1 # name for reference
usrdevicename = ipr # ipr, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 1 # unit number
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for any
# numbers used to DIAL OUT
remote-phone-dialout = 00401234567 # remote number to dial
local-phone-dialout = 38 # our number to tell remote
# numbers used to verify at DIAL IN
local-phone-incoming = 38 # we take calls for this local number
remote-phone-incoming = 00401234567 # we take calls from this remote machine
b1protocol = hdlc # hdlc, raw
ratetype = 0 # city
unitlength = 90 # default unit length
earlyhangup = 5 # safety zone
unitlengthsrc = aocd # none, rate, cmdl, conf, aocd
dialin-reaction = accept # accept, reject, ignore, anwer, callback
dialout-type = calledback # normal or calledback
dialretries = 3
recoverytime = 3
calledbackwait = 20
dialrandincr = off
usedown = off
downtries = 2
downtime = 30
idletime-incoming = 300
idletime-outgoing = 30
# entry section: answering machine example
name = I4BTEL # name for reference
usrdevicename = tel # ipr, tel, rbch
usrdeviceunit = 0 # unit number
isdncontroller = 0 # contoller to use or -1 to use any
isdnchannel = -1 # channel (1/2) to use or 0 or -1 for any
# numbers used to verify at DIAL IN
local-phone-incoming = 456 # this is my number
remote-phone-incoming = * # anyone can call in
dialin-reaction = answer # accept, reject, ignore, answer
answerprog = answer # program to run
b1protocol = raw # hdlc, raw
idletime-incoming = 5 # 5 seconds idle timeout
# entry section: PPP example
name = I4BPPP
usrdevicename = isp
usrdeviceunit = 0
isdncontroller = 0
isdnchannel = -1
local-phone-incoming = 1234
remote-phone-incoming = 5678
local-phone-dialout = 1234
remote-phone-dialout = 5678
remdial-handling = first
dialin-reaction = accept
dialout-type = normal
b1protocol = hdlc
idletime-incoming = 240
idletime-outgoing = 30
ratetype = 0
unitlength = 90
unitlengthsrc = rate
dialretries = 3
dialrandincr = on
recoverytime = 25
usedown = off
downtries = 2
downtime = 30
# EOF #########################################################################