Marcel Moolenaar 20b2c39f0c Revert the part of change 107879 that employs the unused bytes after
the disklabel in the 2nd sector for boot code. Even with both UFS1
and UFS2 supported, there's enough bytes left that we don't have to
nibble from the disklabel.
Thus, the entire 2nd sector is now reserved for the disklabel, which
makes the bootcode compatible again with disklabels that have more
than 8 partitions -- such as those created and supported by gpart.

i386: 135 bytes available
amd64: 151 bytes available

Ok'd by: jhb
2009-03-07 22:05:58 +00:00

371 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
* permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
* paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
* such forms.
* This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
* implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
* warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
* purpose.
* $FreeBSD$
/* Memory Locations */
.set MEM_REL,0x700 # Relocation address
.set MEM_ARG,0x900 # Arguments
.set MEM_ORG,0x7c00 # Origin
.set MEM_BUF,0x8c00 # Load area
.set MEM_BTX,0x9000 # BTX start
.set MEM_JMP,0x9010 # BTX entry point
.set MEM_USR,0xa000 # Client start
.set BDA_BOOT,0x472 # Boot howto flag
/* Partition Constants */
.set PRT_OFF,0x1be # Partition offset
.set PRT_NUM,0x4 # Partitions
.set PRT_BSD,0xa5 # Partition type
/* Flag Bits */
.set FL_PACKET,0x80 # Packet mode
/* Misc. Constants */
.set SIZ_PAG,0x1000 # Page size
.set SIZ_SEC,0x200 # Sector size
.set NSECT,0x10
.globl start
.globl xread
start: jmp main # Start recognizably
* This is the start of a standard BIOS Parameter Block (BPB). Most bootable
* FAT disks have this at the start of their MBR. While normal BIOS's will
* work fine without this section, IBM's El Torito emulation "fixes" up the
* BPB by writing into the memory copy of the MBR. Rather than have data
* written into our xread routine, we'll define a BPB to work around it.
* The data marked with (T) indicates a field required for a ThinkPad to
* recognize the disk and (W) indicates fields written from IBM BIOS code.
* The use of the BPB is based on what OpenBSD and NetBSD implemented in
* their boot code but the required fields were determined by trial and error.
* Note: If additional space is needed in boot1, one solution would be to
* move the "prompt" message data (below) to replace the OEM ID.
.org 0x03, 0x00
oemid: .space 0x08, 0x00 # OEM ID
.org 0x0b, 0x00
bpb: .word 512 # sector size (T)
.byte 0 # sectors/clustor
.word 0 # reserved sectors
.byte 0 # number of FATs
.word 0 # root entries
.word 0 # small sectors
.byte 0 # media type (W)
.word 0 # sectors/fat
.word 18 # sectors per track (T)
.word 2 # number of heads (T)
.long 0 # hidden sectors (W)
.long 0 # large sectors
.org 0x24, 0x00
ebpb: .byte 0 # BIOS physical drive number (W)
.org 0x25,0x90
* Trampoline used by boot2 to call read to read data from the disk via
* the BIOS. Call with:
* %cx:%ax - long - LBA to read in
* %es:(%bx) - caddr_t - buffer to read data into
* %dl - byte - drive to read from
* %dh - byte - num sectors to read
xread: push %ss # Address
pop %ds # data
* Setup an EDD disk packet and pass it to read
xread.1: # Starting
pushl $0x0 # absolute
push %cx # block
push %ax # number
push %es # Address of
push %bx # transfer buffer
xor %ax,%ax # Number of
movb %dh,%al # blocks to
push %ax # transfer
push $0x10 # Size of packet
mov %sp,%bp # Packet pointer
callw read # Read from disk
lea 0x10(%bp),%sp # Clear stack
lret # To far caller
* Load the rest of boot2 and BTX up, copy the parts to the right locations,
* and start it all up.
* Setup the segment registers to flat addressing (segment 0) and setup the
* stack to end just below the start of our code.
main: cld # String ops inc
xor %cx,%cx # Zero
mov %cx,%es # Address
mov %cx,%ds # data
mov %cx,%ss # Set up
mov $start,%sp # stack
* Relocate ourself to MEM_REL. Since %cx == 0, the inc %ch sets
* %cx == 0x100.
mov %sp,%si # Source
mov $MEM_REL,%di # Destination
incb %ch # Word count
rep # Copy
movsw # code
* If we are on a hard drive, then load the MBR and look for the first
* FreeBSD slice. We use the fake partition entry below that points to
* the MBR when we call nread. The first pass looks for the first active
* FreeBSD slice. The second pass looks for the first non-active FreeBSD
* slice if the first one fails.
mov $part4,%si # Partition
cmpb $0x80,%dl # Hard drive?
jb main.4 # No
movb $0x1,%dh # Block count
callw nread # Read MBR
mov $0x1,%cx # Two passes
main.1: mov $MEM_BUF+PRT_OFF,%si # Partition table
movb $0x1,%dh # Partition
main.2: cmpb $PRT_BSD,0x4(%si) # Our partition type?
jne main.3 # No
jcxz main.5 # If second pass
testb $0x80,(%si) # Active?
jnz main.5 # Yes
main.3: add $0x10,%si # Next entry
incb %dh # Partition
cmpb $0x1+PRT_NUM,%dh # In table?
jb main.2 # Yes
dec %cx # Do two
jcxz main.1 # passes
* If we get here, we didn't find any FreeBSD slices at all, so print an
* error message and die.
mov $msg_part,%si # Message
jmp error # Error
* Floppies use partition 0 of drive 0.
main.4: xor %dx,%dx # Partition:drive
* Ok, we have a slice and drive in %dx now, so use that to locate and load
* boot2. %si references the start of the slice we are looking for, so go
* ahead and load up the first 16 sectors (boot1 + boot2) from that. When
* we read it in, we conveniently use 0x8c00 as our transfer buffer. Thus,
* boot1 ends up at 0x8c00, and boot2 starts at 0x8c00 + 0x200 = 0x8e00.
* The first part of boot2 is the disklabel, which is 0x200 bytes long.
* The second part is BTX, which is thus loaded into 0x9000, which is where
* it also runs from. The boot2.bin binary starts right after the end of
* BTX, so we have to figure out where the start of it is and then move the
* binary to 0xc000. Normally, BTX clients start at MEM_USR, or 0xa000, but
* when we use btxld to create boot2, we use an entry point of 0x2000. That
* entry point is relative to MEM_USR; thus boot2.bin starts at 0xc000.
main.5: mov %dx,MEM_ARG # Save args
movb $NSECT,%dh # Sector count
callw nread # Read disk
mov $MEM_BTX,%bx # BTX
mov 0xa(%bx),%si # Get BTX length and set
add %bx,%si # %si to start of boot2.bin
mov $MEM_USR+SIZ_PAG*2,%di # Client page 2
mov $MEM_BTX+(NSECT-1)*SIZ_SEC,%cx # Byte
sub %si,%cx # count
rep # Relocate
movsb # client
* Enable A20 so we can access memory above 1 meg.
* Use the zero-valued %cx as a timeout for embedded hardware which do not
* have a keyboard controller.
seta20: cli # Disable interrupts
seta20.1: dec %cx # Timeout?
jz seta20.3 # Yes
inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.1 # Yes
movb $0xd1,%al # Command: Write
outb %al,$0x64 # output port
seta20.2: inb $0x64,%al # Get status
testb $0x2,%al # Busy?
jnz seta20.2 # Yes
movb $0xdf,%al # Enable
outb %al,$0x60 # A20
seta20.3: sti # Enable interrupts
jmp start+MEM_JMP-MEM_ORG # Start BTX
* Trampoline used to call read from within boot1.
nread: mov $MEM_BUF,%bx # Transfer buffer
mov 0x8(%si),%ax # Get
mov 0xa(%si),%cx # LBA
push %cs # Read from
callw xread.1 # disk
jnc return # If success, return
mov $msg_read,%si # Otherwise, set the error
# message and fall through to
# the error routine
* Print out the error message pointed to by %ds:(%si) followed
* by a prompt, wait for a keypress, and then reboot the machine.
error: callw putstr # Display message
mov $prompt,%si # Display
callw putstr # prompt
xorb %ah,%ah # BIOS: Get
int $0x16 # keypress
movw $0x1234, BDA_BOOT # Do a warm boot
ljmp $0xffff,$0x0 # reboot the machine
* Display a null-terminated string using the BIOS output.
putstr.0: mov $0x7,%bx # Page:attribute
movb $0xe,%ah # BIOS: Display
int $0x10 # character
putstr: lodsb # Get char
testb %al,%al # End of string?
jne putstr.0 # No
* Overused return code. ereturn is used to return an error from the
* read function. Since we assume putstr succeeds, we (ab)use the
* same code when we return from putstr.
ereturn: movb $0x1,%ah # Invalid
stc # argument
return: retw # To caller
* Reads sectors from the disk. If EDD is enabled, then check if it is
* installed and use it if it is. If it is not installed or not enabled, then
* fall back to using CHS. Since we use a LBA, if we are using CHS, we have to
* fetch the drive parameters from the BIOS and divide it out ourselves.
* Call with:
* %dl - byte - drive number
* stack - 10 bytes - EDD Packet
read: testb $FL_PACKET,%cs:MEM_REL+flags-start # LBA support enabled?
jz read.1 # No, use CHS
cmpb $0x80,%dl # Hard drive?
jb read.1 # No, use CHS
mov $0x55aa,%bx # Magic
push %dx # Save
movb $0x41,%ah # BIOS: Check
int $0x13 # extensions present
pop %dx # Restore
jc read.1 # If error, use CHS
cmp $0xaa55,%bx # Magic?
jne read.1 # No, so use CHS
testb $0x1,%cl # Packet interface?
jz read.1 # No, so use CHS
mov %bp,%si # Disk packet
movb $0x42,%ah # BIOS: Extended
int $0x13 # read
retw # To caller
read.1: push %dx # Save
movb $0x8,%ah # BIOS: Get drive
int $0x13 # parameters
movb %dh,%ch # Max head number
pop %dx # Restore
jc return # If error
andb $0x3f,%cl # Sectors per track
jz ereturn # If zero
cli # Disable interrupts
mov 0x8(%bp),%eax # Get LBA
push %dx # Save
movzbl %cl,%ebx # Divide by
xor %edx,%edx # sectors
div %ebx # per track
movb %ch,%bl # Max head number
movb %dl,%ch # Sector number
inc %bx # Divide by
xorb %dl,%dl # number
div %ebx # of heads
movb %dl,%bh # Head number
pop %dx # Restore
cmpl $0x3ff,%eax # Cylinder number supportable?
sti # Enable interrupts
ja ereturn # No, return an error
xchgb %al,%ah # Set up cylinder
rorb $0x2,%al # number
orb %ch,%al # Merge
inc %ax # sector
xchg %ax,%cx # number
movb %bh,%dh # Head number
subb %ah,%al # Sectors this track
mov 0x2(%bp),%ah # Blocks to read
cmpb %ah,%al # To read
jb read.2 # this
movb %ah,%al # track
movb $1,%al # one sector
read.2: mov $0x5,%di # Try count
read.3: les 0x4(%bp),%bx # Transfer buffer
push %ax # Save
movb $0x2,%ah # BIOS: Read
int $0x13 # from disk
pop %bx # Restore
jnc read.4 # If success
dec %di # Retry?
jz read.6 # No
xorb %ah,%ah # BIOS: Reset
int $0x13 # disk system
xchg %bx,%ax # Block count
jmp read.3 # Continue
read.4: movzbw %bl,%ax # Sectors read
add %ax,0x8(%bp) # Adjust
jnc read.5 # LBA,
incw 0xa(%bp) # transfer
read.5: shlb %bl # buffer
add %bl,0x5(%bp) # pointer,
sub %al,0x2(%bp) # block count
ja read.1 # If not done
read.6: retw # To caller
/* Messages */
msg_read: .asciz "Read"
msg_part: .asciz "Boot"
prompt: .asciz " error\r\n"
flags: .byte FLAGS # Flags
.org PRT_OFF,0x90
/* Partition table */
.fill 0x30,0x1,0x0
part4: .byte 0x80, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00
.byte 0xa5, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
.byte 0x50, 0xc3, 0x00, 0x00 # 50000 sectors long, bleh
.word 0xaa55 # Magic number