Hartmut Brandt 29d5d9a8a7 These files are generated by the genfiles script. See FREEBSD-upgrade
for instructions how to upgrade these.
2003-11-03 09:11:53 +00:00

343 lines
8.7 KiB

/* This file was created automatically
* Source file: $Begemot: libunimsg/atm/msg/msg.def,v 1.3 2003/09/19 11:58:15 hbb Exp $
* $FreeBSD$
struct uni_alerting {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_report report;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_call_proc {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_connect {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_aal aal;
struct uni_ie_blli blli;
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_conned conned;
struct uni_ie_connedsub connedsub;
struct uni_ie_eetd eetd;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_traffic traffic;
struct uni_ie_exqos exqos;
struct uni_ie_facility facility;
struct uni_ie_abrsetup abrsetup;
struct uni_ie_abradd abradd;
struct uni_ie_called_soft called_soft;
struct uni_ie_report report;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_connect_ack {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_release {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause[2];
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_facility facility;
struct uni_ie_crankback crankback;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_release_compl {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause[2];
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_crankback crankback;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_setup {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_aal aal;
struct uni_ie_traffic traffic;
struct uni_ie_bearer bearer;
struct uni_ie_bhli bhli;
struct uni_ie_repeat blli_repeat;
struct uni_ie_blli blli[UNI_NUM_IE_BLLI];
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLEDSUB];
struct uni_ie_calling calling;
struct uni_ie_callingsub callingsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLINGSUB];
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_qos qos;
struct uni_ie_eetd eetd;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_scompl scompl;
struct uni_ie_tns tns[UNI_NUM_IE_TNS];
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_atraffic atraffic;
struct uni_ie_mintraffic mintraffic;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_lij_callid lij_callid;
struct uni_ie_lij_param lij_param;
struct uni_ie_lij_seqno lij_seqno;
struct uni_ie_exqos exqos;
struct uni_ie_abrsetup abrsetup;
struct uni_ie_abradd abradd;
struct uni_ie_cscope cscope;
struct uni_ie_calling_soft calling_soft;
struct uni_ie_called_soft called_soft;
struct uni_ie_repeat dtl_repeat;
struct uni_ie_dtl dtl[UNI_NUM_IE_DTL];
struct uni_ie_report report;
struct uni_ie_mdcr mdcr;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_status {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_callstate callstate;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_epstate epstate;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_status_enq {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_notify {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_restart {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_restart restart;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_restart_ack {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_connid connid;
struct uni_ie_restart restart;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_add_party {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_aal aal;
struct uni_ie_bhli bhli;
struct uni_ie_blli blli;
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLEDSUB];
struct uni_ie_calling calling;
struct uni_ie_callingsub callingsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLINGSUB];
struct uni_ie_scompl scompl;
struct uni_ie_tns tns[UNI_NUM_IE_TNS];
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_eetd eetd;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_lij_seqno lij_seqno;
struct uni_ie_calling_soft calling_soft;
struct uni_ie_called_soft called_soft;
struct uni_ie_repeat dtl_repeat;
struct uni_ie_dtl dtl[UNI_NUM_IE_DTL];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_add_party_ack {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_aal aal;
struct uni_ie_blli blli;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_eetd eetd;
struct uni_ie_conned conned;
struct uni_ie_connedsub connedsub;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_called_soft called_soft;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_party_alerting {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_add_party_rej {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_crankback crankback;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_drop_party {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_drop_party_ack {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_uu uu;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_leaf_setup_req {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_tns tns[UNI_NUM_IE_TNS];
struct uni_ie_calling calling;
struct uni_ie_callingsub callingsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLINGSUB];
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub[UNI_NUM_IE_CALLEDSUB];
struct uni_ie_lij_callid lij_callid;
struct uni_ie_lij_seqno lij_seqno;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_leaf_setup_fail {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub;
struct uni_ie_lij_seqno lij_seqno;
struct uni_ie_tns tns[UNI_NUM_IE_TNS];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_cobisetup {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_facility facility;
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub;
struct uni_ie_calling calling;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_facility {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_facility facility;
struct uni_ie_called called;
struct uni_ie_calledsub calledsub;
struct uni_ie_calling calling;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_modify_req {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_traffic traffic;
struct uni_ie_atraffic atraffic;
struct uni_ie_mintraffic mintraffic;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_modify_ack {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_report report;
struct uni_ie_traffic traffic;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_modify_rej {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_cause cause;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_conn_avail {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_notify notify;
struct uni_ie_git git[UNI_NUM_IE_GIT];
struct uni_ie_report report;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
struct uni_unknown {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_ie_epref epref;
struct uni_ie_unrec unrec;
union uni_msgall {
struct uni_msghdr hdr;
struct uni_alerting alerting;
struct uni_call_proc call_proc;
struct uni_connect connect;
struct uni_connect_ack connect_ack; /* !pnni */
struct uni_release release;
struct uni_release_compl release_compl;
struct uni_setup setup;
struct uni_status status;
struct uni_status_enq status_enq;
struct uni_notify notify;
struct uni_restart restart;
struct uni_restart_ack restart_ack;
struct uni_add_party add_party;
struct uni_add_party_ack add_party_ack;
struct uni_party_alerting party_alerting;
struct uni_add_party_rej add_party_rej;
struct uni_drop_party drop_party;
struct uni_drop_party_ack drop_party_ack;
struct uni_leaf_setup_req leaf_setup_req; /* !pnni */
struct uni_leaf_setup_fail leaf_setup_fail; /* !pnni */
struct uni_cobisetup cobisetup; /* !pnni&&q2932 */
struct uni_facility facility; /* !pnni&&q2932 */
struct uni_modify_req modify_req; /* !pnni */
struct uni_modify_ack modify_ack; /* !pnni */
struct uni_modify_rej modify_rej; /* !pnni */
struct uni_conn_avail conn_avail; /* !pnni */
struct uni_unknown unknown;