Joerg Wunsch 266e938a21 Made this script a bit more fool-proof, so people like me can better
use it. :-)

It now explicitly requires the specification of a directory to import
from, either as an argument to the script, or by asking the user about
it.  (Previously, it implicitly used `.', like cvs import does.)

Also implemented an option `-n', which does essentially the same like
the overall CVS option `-n': show only what would have been done,
don't do any commitment.  Note that since the modules' database is
checked out in place (and not commited back), it will erroneously be
reported as to be imported, too:

cvs import: Importing /home/ncvs/ports/foobar/foo/modules
I ports/foobar/foo/modules/CVS
N ports/foobar/foo/modules/modules

This is an unwanted side-effect, but gives the user the option to see
if the `ed' magic did the right thing when editing modules/modules.

Rod, can you please check the function ``checktag'' in the script if it
will be restritctive enough?
1995-03-26 21:56:32 +00:00

366 lines
7.7 KiB

# Support for importing a source collection into CVS.
# Tries to prevent the user from the most common pitfalls (like creating
# new top-level repositories or second-level areas accidentally), and
# cares to do some of the `dirty' work like maintaining the modules
# database accordingly.
# Written by Jörg Wunsch, 95/03/07, and placed in the public domain.
require "";
require "";
sub scan_opts
$dont_do_it = "-n" if $opt_n;
die "usage: $0 [-n] [moduledir]\n" .
" -n: don't do any commit, show only\n"
unless $#ARGV <= 0;
$moduledir = $ARGV[0] if $#ARGV == 0;
sub lsdir
# find all subdirectories under @_
# ignore all CVS entries, dot entries, and non-directories
local($base) = @_;
local(@ls, @rv, $fname);
opendir(DIR, $base) || die "Cannot find dir $base.\n";
@ls = readdir(DIR);
@rv = ();
foreach $fname (@ls) {
next if $fname =~ /^CVS/ || $fname eq "Attic"
|| $fname =~ /^\./ || ! -d "$base/$fname";
@rv = (@rv, $fname);
return sort(@rv);
sub contains
# look if the first parameter is contained in the list following it
local($item, @list) = @_;
local($found, $i);
$found = 0;
foreach $i (@list) {
return 1 if $i eq $item;
return 0;
sub term_init
# first, get some terminal attributes
# try bold mode first
$so = `tput md`; $se = `tput me`;
# if no bold mode available, use standout mode
if ($so eq "") {
$so = `tput so`; $se = `tput se`;
# try if we can underscore
$us = `tput us`; $ue = `tput ue`;
# if we don't have it available, or same as bold/standout, disable it
if ($us eq "" || $us eq $so) {
$us = $ue = "";
# look how many columns we've got
if($ENV{'COLUMNS'} ne "") {
$columns = $ENV{'COLUMNS'};
} elsif(-t STDIN) { # if we operate on a terminal...
local($word, $tmp);
open(STTY, "stty -a|");
$_ = <STTY>; # try getting the tty win structure value
$columns = 0;
foreach $word (split) {
$columns = $tmp if $word eq "columns;"; # the number preceding
$tmp = $word;
} else {
$columns = 80;
# sanity
$columns = 80 unless $columns >= 5;
sub list
# pretty-print a list
# imports: global variable $columns
local(@items) = @_;
# find the longest item
$longest = 0;
foreach $item (@items) {
$i = length($item);
$longest = $i if $longest < $i;
$width = $longest + 1;
$cols = int($columns / $width);
$i = 0;
foreach $item (@items) {
print $item;
if(++$i == $cols) {
$i = 0; print "\n";
} else {
print ' ' x ($width - length($item));
print "\n" unless $i == 0;
sub cvs_init
# get the CVS repository(s)
die "You need to have the \$CVSROOT variable set.\n"
unless $ENV{'CVSROOT'} ne "";
# get the list of available repositories
$cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
@reps = &lsdir($cvsroot);
sub lsmodules
# list all known CVS modules
local(@rv, $mname, $_);
@rv = ();
open(CVS, "cvs co -c|");
while($_ = <CVS>) {
($mname) = split;
next if $mname eq "";
@rv = (@rv, $mname);
return @rv;
sub checktag
# check a given string for tag rules
local($s) = @_;
return 0 if($s !~ /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$/);
return 1;
if(! $moduledir) {
@dirs = &lsdir(".");
print "${so}Import from which directory?${se}\n";
@dirs = (@dirs, ".");
$moduledir = &Complete("Which? [.]: ", @dirs);
$moduledir = "." unless $moduledir ne "";
chdir $moduledir || die "Cannot chdir to $moduledir\n";
print "${so}Available repositories:${se}\n";
# the following kludge prevents the Complete package from starting
# over with the string just selected; Complete should better provide
# some reinitialize method
$Complete'return = ""; $Complete'r = 0;
$selected =
&Complete("Enter repository (<TAB>=complete, ^D=show): ",
die "\aYou cannot create new repositories with this script.\n"
unless &contains($selected, @reps);
$rep = $selected;
print "\n${so}Selected repository:${se} ${us}$rep${ue}\n";
@areas = &lsdir("$cvsroot/$rep");
print "${so}Existent areas in this repository:${se}\n";
$Complete'return = ""; $Complete'r = 0;
$selected =
&Complete("Enter area name (<TAB>=complete, ^D=show): ",
print "\a${us}Warning: this will create a new area.${ue}\n"
unless &contains($selected, @areas);
$area = "$rep/$selected";
print "\n${so}[Working on:${se} ${us}$area${ue}${so}]${se}\n";
for(;;) {
$| = 1;
print "${so}Enter the module path:${se} $area/";
$| = 0;
$modpath = <>;
chop $modpath;
if ($modpath eq "") {
print "\a${us}You cannot use an empty module path.${ue}\n";
last if ! -d "$cvsroot/$area/$modpath";
print "\a${us}This module path does already exist; " .
"choose another one.${ue}\n";
@newdirs = ();
$dir1 = "$cvsroot/$area";
$dir2 = "$area";
@newdirs = (@newdirs, "$dir2") if ! -d $dir1;
foreach $ele (split(/\//, $modpath)) {
$dir1 = "$dir1/$ele";
$dir2 = "$dir2/$ele";
@newdirs = (@newdirs, "$dir2") if ! -d $dir1;
print "${so}You're going to create the following new directories:${se}\n";
@cvsmods = &lsmodules();
for(;;) {
$| = 1;
print "${so}Gimme the module name:${se} ";
$| = 0;
$modname = <>;
chop $modname;
if ($modname eq "") {
print "\a${us}You cannot use an empty module name.${ue}\n";
last if !&contains($modname, @cvsmods);
print "\a${us}This module name does already exist; " .
"choose another one.${ue}\n";
for(;;) {
$| = 1;
print "${so}Enter a \`vendor\' tag (e. g. the authors ID):${se} ";
$| = 0;
$vtag = <>;
chop $vtag;
last if &checktag($vtag);
print "\a${us}Valid tags must match the regexp " .
for(;;) {
$| = 1;
print "${so}Enter a \`release\' tag (e. g. the version #):${se} ";
$| = 0;
$rtag = <>;
chop $rtag;
last if &checktag($rtag);
print "\a${us}Valid tags must match the regexp " .
$| = 1;
print "${so}This is your last chance to interrupt, " .
"hit <return> to go on:${se} ";
$| = 0;
$mod = "";
foreach $tmp (@cvsmods) {
if($tmp gt $modname) {
$mod = $tmp;
if($mod eq "") {
# we are going to append our module
$cmd = "\$\na\n";
} else {
# we can insert it
$cmd = "/^${mod}[ \t]/\ni\n";
print "${so}Checking out the modules database...${se}\n";
system("cvs co modules") && die "${us}failed.\n${ue}";
print "${so}Inserting new module...${se}\n";
open(ED, "|ed modules/modules") || die "${us}Cannot start ed${ue}\n";
print(ED "${cmd}${modname}" . ' ' x (16 - length($modname)) .
print "${so}Commiting new modules database...${se}\n";
system("cvs $dont_do_it commit -m \" " .
"${modname} --> $area/${modpath}\" modules")
&& die "Commit failed\n";
system("cvs $dont_do_it release -dQ modules");
print "${so}Importing source. Enter a commit message in the editor.${se}\n";
system("cvs $dont_do_it import $area/$modpath $vtag $rtag");
print "${so}You are done now. Go to a different directory, perform a${se}\n".
"${us}cvs co ${modname}${ue} ${so}command, and see if your new module" .
" builds ok.${se}\n";
if($dont_do_it) {
print <<END
${so}Since you did not allow to commit anything, you'll have${se}
${so}to remove the edited modules' database yourself.${se}
${so}To do this, perform a${se}
${us}cd ${moduledir}; cvs release -dQ modules${ue}