2015-03-02 21:41:09 +00:00

709 lines
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.TH "LIBUCL" "3" "27 December, 2014" "Libucl manual" ""
\f[B]ucl_parser_new\f[], \f[B]ucl_parser_register_macro\f[],
\f[B]ucl_parser_register_variable\f[], \f[B]ucl_parser_add_chunk\f[],
\f[B]ucl_parser_add_string\f[], \f[B]ucl_parser_add_file\f[],
\f[B]ucl_parser_get_object\f[], \f[B]ucl_parser_get_error\f[],
\f[B]ucl_parser_free\f[], \f[B]ucl_pubkey_add\f[],
\f[B]ucl_parser_set_filevars\f[] \- universal configuration library
parser and utility functions
UCL library (libucl, \-lucl)
\f[C]#include\ <ucl.h>\f[]
Libucl is a parser and \f[C]C\f[] API to parse and generate \f[C]ucl\f[]
Libucl consist of several groups of functions:
.SS Parser functions
Used to parse \f[C]ucl\f[] files and provide interface to extract
\f[C]ucl\f[] object.
Currently, \f[C]libucl\f[] can parse only full \f[C]ucl\f[] documents,
for instance, it is impossible to parse a part of document and therefore
it is impossible to use \f[C]libucl\f[] as a streaming parser.
In future, this limitation can be removed.
.SS Emitting functions
Convert \f[C]ucl\f[] objects to some textual or binary representation.
Currently, libucl supports the following exports:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]JSON\f[] \- valid json format (can possibly lose some original
data, such as implicit arrays)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]Config\f[] \- human\-readable configuration format (lossless)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]YAML\f[] \- embedded yaml format (has the same limitations as
\f[C]json\f[] output)
.SS Conversion functions
Help to convert \f[C]ucl\f[] objects to C types.
These functions are used to convert \f[C]ucl_object_t\f[] to C primitive
types, such as numbers, strings or boolean values.
.SS Generation functions
Allow creation of \f[C]ucl\f[] objects from C types and creating of
complex \f[C]ucl\f[] objects, such as hashes or arrays from primitive
\f[C]ucl\f[] objects, such as numbers or strings.
.SS Iteration functions
Iterate over \f[C]ucl\f[] complex objects or over a chain of values, for
example when a key in an object has multiple values (that can be treated
as implicit array or implicit consolidation).
.SS Validation functions
Validation functions are used to validate some object \f[C]obj\f[] using
json\-schema compatible object \f[C]schema\f[].
Both input and schema must be UCL objects to perform validation.
.SS Utility functions
Provide basic utilities to manage \f[C]ucl\f[] objects: creating,
removing, retaining and releasing reference count and so on.
Parser functions operates with \f[C]struct\ ucl_parser\f[].
.SS ucl_parser_new
struct\ ucl_parser*\ ucl_parser_new\ (int\ flags);
Creates new parser with the specified flags:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_PARSER_KEY_LOWERCASE\f[] \- lowercase keys parsed
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_PARSER_ZEROCOPY\f[] \- try to use zero\-copy mode when reading
files (in zero\-copy mode text chunk being parsed without copying
strings so it should exist till any object parsed is used)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_PARSER_NO_TIME\f[] \- treat time values as strings without
parsing them as floats
.SS ucl_parser_register_macro
void\ ucl_parser_register_macro\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,
\ \ \ \ const\ char\ *macro,\ ucl_macro_handler\ handler,\ void*\ ud);
Register new macro with name .\f[C]macro\f[] parsed by handler
\f[C]handler\f[] that accepts opaque data pointer \f[C]ud\f[].
Macro handler should be of the following type:
bool\ (*ucl_macro_handler)\ (const\ unsigned\ char\ *data,
\ \ \ \ size_t\ len,\ void*\ ud);`
Handler function accepts macro text \f[C]data\f[] of length \f[C]len\f[]
and the opaque pointer \f[C]ud\f[].
If macro is parsed successfully the handler should return \f[C]true\f[].
\f[C]false\f[] indicates parsing failure and the parser can be
.SS ucl_parser_register_variable
void\ ucl_parser_register_variable\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,
\ \ \ \ const\ char\ *var,\ const\ char\ *value);
Register new variable $\f[C]var\f[] that should be replaced by the
parser to the \f[C]value\f[] string.
.SS ucl_parser_add_chunk
bool\ ucl_parser_add_chunk\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,\
\ \ \ \ const\ unsigned\ char\ *data,\ size_t\ len);
Add new text chunk with \f[C]data\f[] of length \f[C]len\f[] to the
At the moment, \f[C]libucl\f[] parser is not a streamlined parser and
chunk \f[I]must\f[] contain the \f[I]valid\f[] ucl object.
For example, this object should be valid:
{\ "var":\ "value"\ }
while this one won\[aq]t be parsed correctly:
{\ "var":\
This limitation may possible be removed in future.
.SS ucl_parser_add_string
bool\ ucl_parser_add_string\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,\
\ \ \ \ const\ char\ *data,\ size_t\ len);
This function acts exactly like \f[C]ucl_parser_add_chunk\f[] does but
if \f[C]len\f[] argument is zero, then the string \f[C]data\f[] must be
zero\-terminated and the actual length is calculated up to \f[C]\\0\f[]
.SS ucl_parser_add_file
bool\ ucl_parser_add_file\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,\
\ \ \ \ const\ char\ *filename);
Load file \f[C]filename\f[] and parse it with the specified
This function uses \f[C]mmap\f[] call to load file, therefore, it should
not be \f[C]shrunk\f[] during parsing.
Otherwise, \f[C]libucl\f[] can cause memory corruption and terminate the
calling application.
This function is also used by the internal handler of \f[C]include\f[]
macro, hence, this macro has the same limitation.
.SS ucl_parser_get_object
ucl_object_t*\ ucl_parser_get_object\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser);
If the \f[C]ucl\f[] data has been parsed correctly this function returns
the top object for the parser.
Otherwise, this function returns the \f[C]NULL\f[] pointer.
The reference count for \f[C]ucl\f[] object returned is increased by
one, therefore, a caller should decrease reference by using
\f[C]ucl_object_unref\f[] to free object after usage.
.SS ucl_parser_get_error
const\ char\ *ucl_parser_get_error(struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser);
Returns the constant error string for the parser object.
If no error occurred during parsing a \f[C]NULL\f[] object is returned.
A caller should not try to free or modify this string.
.SS ucl_parser_free
void\ ucl_parser_free\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser);
Frees memory occupied by the parser object.
The reference count for top object is decreased as well, however if the
function \f[C]ucl_parser_get_object\f[] was called previously then the
top object won\[aq]t be freed.
.SS ucl_pubkey_add
bool\ ucl_pubkey_add\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,\
\ \ \ \ const\ unsigned\ char\ *key,\ size_t\ len);
This function adds a public key from text blob \f[C]key\f[] of length
\f[C]len\f[] to the \f[C]parser\f[] object.
This public key should be in the \f[C]PEM\f[] format and can be used by
\f[C]\&.includes\f[] macro for checking signatures of files included.
\f[C]Openssl\f[] support should be enabled to make this function
If a key cannot be added (e.g.
due to format error) or \f[C]openssl\f[] was not linked to
\f[C]libucl\f[] then this function returns \f[C]false\f[].
.SS ucl_parser_set_filevars
bool\ ucl_parser_set_filevars\ (struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser,\
\ \ \ \ const\ char\ *filename,\ bool\ need_expand);
Add the standard file variables to the \f[C]parser\f[] based on the
\f[C]filename\f[] specified:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$FILENAME\f[] \- a filename of \f[C]ucl\f[] input
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$CURDIR\f[] \- a current directory of the input
For example, if a \f[C]filename\f[] param is
\f[C]\&../something.conf\f[] then the variables will have the following
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$FILENAME\f[] \- "../something.conf"
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$CURDIR\f[] \- ".."
if \f[C]need_expand\f[] parameter is \f[C]true\f[] then all relative
paths are expanded using \f[C]realpath\f[] call.
In this example if \f[C]\&..\f[] is \f[C]/etc/dir\f[] then variables
will have these values:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$FILENAME\f[] \- "/etc/something.conf"
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]$CURDIR\f[] \- "/etc"
.SS Parser usage example
The following example loads, parses and extracts \f[C]ucl\f[] object
from stdin using \f[C]libucl\f[] parser functions (the length of input
is limited to 8K):
char\ inbuf[8192];
struct\ ucl_parser\ *parser\ =\ NULL;
int\ ret\ =\ 0,\ r\ =\ 0;
ucl_object_t\ *obj\ =\ NULL;
FILE\ *in;
in\ =\ stdin;
parser\ =\ ucl_parser_new\ (0);
while\ (!feof\ (in)\ &&\ r\ <\ (int)sizeof\ (inbuf))\ {
\ \ \ \ r\ +=\ fread\ (inbuf\ +\ r,\ 1,\ sizeof\ (inbuf)\ \-\ r,\ in);
ucl_parser_add_chunk\ (parser,\ inbuf,\ r);
fclose\ (in);
if\ (ucl_parser_get_error\ (parser))\ {
\ \ \ \ printf\ ("Error\ occurred:\ %s\\n",\ ucl_parser_get_error\ (parser));
\ \ \ \ ret\ =\ 1;
else\ {
\ \ \ \ obj\ =\ ucl_parser_get_object\ (parser);
if\ (parser\ !=\ NULL)\ {
\ \ \ \ ucl_parser_free\ (parser);
if\ (obj\ !=\ NULL)\ {
\ \ \ \ ucl_object_unref\ (obj);
return\ ret;
Libucl can transform UCL objects to a number of tectual formats:
.IP \[bu] 2
configuration (\f[C]UCL_EMIT_CONFIG\f[]) \- nginx like human readable
configuration file where implicit arrays are transformed to the
duplicate keys
.IP \[bu] 2
compact json: \f[C]UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT\f[] \- single line valid json
without spaces
.IP \[bu] 2
formatted json: \f[C]UCL_EMIT_JSON\f[] \- pretty formatted JSON with
newlines and spaces
.IP \[bu] 2
compact yaml: \f[C]UCL_EMIT_YAML\f[] \- compact YAML output
Moreover, libucl API allows to select a custom set of emitting functions
allowing efficient and zero\-copy output of libucl objects.
Libucl uses the following structure to support this feature:
struct\ ucl_emitter_functions\ {
\ \ \ \ /**\ Append\ a\ single\ character\ */
\ \ \ \ int\ (*ucl_emitter_append_character)\ (unsigned\ char\ c,\ size_t\ nchars,\ void\ *ud);
\ \ \ \ /**\ Append\ a\ string\ of\ a\ specified\ length\ */
\ \ \ \ int\ (*ucl_emitter_append_len)\ (unsigned\ const\ char\ *str,\ size_t\ len,\ void\ *ud);
\ \ \ \ /**\ Append\ a\ 64\ bit\ integer\ */
\ \ \ \ int\ (*ucl_emitter_append_int)\ (int64_t\ elt,\ void\ *ud);
\ \ \ \ /**\ Append\ floating\ point\ element\ */
\ \ \ \ int\ (*ucl_emitter_append_double)\ (double\ elt,\ void\ *ud);
\ \ \ \ /**\ Opaque\ userdata\ pointer\ */
\ \ \ \ void\ *ud;
This structure defines the following callbacks:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_emitter_append_character\f[] \- a function that is called to
append \f[C]nchars\f[] characters equal to \f[C]c\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_emitter_append_len\f[] \- used to append a string of length
\f[C]len\f[] starting from pointer \f[C]str\f[]
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_emitter_append_int\f[] \- this function applies to integer
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_emitter_append_double\f[] \- this function is intended to
output floating point variable
The set of these functions could be used to output text formats of
\f[C]UCL\f[] objects to different structures or streams.
Libucl provides the following functions for emitting UCL objects:
.SS ucl_object_emit
unsigned\ char\ *ucl_object_emit\ (const\ ucl_object_t\ *obj,\ enum\ ucl_emitter\ emit_type);
Allocate a string that is suitable to fit the underlying UCL object
\f[C]obj\f[] and fill it with the textual representation of the object
\f[C]obj\f[] according to style \f[C]emit_type\f[].
The caller should free the returned string after using.
.SS ucl_object_emit_full
bool\ ucl_object_emit_full\ (const\ ucl_object_t\ *obj,\ enum\ ucl_emitter\ emit_type,
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ struct\ ucl_emitter_functions\ *emitter);
This function is similar to the previous with the exception that it
accepts the additional argument \f[C]emitter\f[] that defines the
concrete set of output functions.
This emit function could be useful for custom structures or streams
emitters (including C++ ones, for example).
Conversion functions are used to convert UCL objects to primitive types,
such as strings, numbers, or boolean values.
There are two types of conversion functions:
.IP \[bu] 2
safe: try to convert an ucl object to a primitive type and fail if such
a conversion is not possible
.IP \[bu] 2
unsafe: return primitive type without additional checks, if the object
cannot be converted then some reasonable default is returned (NULL for
strings and 0 for numbers)
Also there is a single \f[C]ucl_object_tostring_forced\f[] function that
converts any UCL object (including compound types \- arrays and objects)
to a string representation.
For objects, arrays, booleans and numeric types this function performs
emitting to a compact json format actually.
Here is a list of all conversion functions:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_toint\f[] \- returns \f[C]int64_t\f[] of UCL object
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_todouble\f[] \- returns \f[C]double\f[] of UCL object
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_toboolean\f[] \- returns \f[C]bool\f[] of UCL object
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_tostring\f[] \- returns \f[C]const\ char\ *\f[] of UCL
object (this string is NULL terminated)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_tolstring\f[] \- returns \f[C]const\ char\ *\f[] and
\f[C]size_t\f[] len of UCL object (string does not need to be NULL
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_tostring_forced\f[] \- returns string representation of
any UCL object
Strings returned by these pointers are associated with the UCL object
and exist over its lifetime.
A caller should not free this memory.
It is possible to generate UCL objects from C primitive types.
Moreover, libucl allows creation and modifying complex UCL objects, such
as arrays or associative objects.
.SS ucl_object_new
ucl_object_t\ *\ ucl_object_new\ (void)
Creates new object of type \f[C]UCL_NULL\f[].
This object should be released by caller.
.SS ucl_object_typed_new
ucl_object_t\ *\ ucl_object_typed_new\ (unsigned\ int\ type)
Create an object of a specified type: \- \f[C]UCL_OBJECT\f[] \- UCL
object \- key/value pairs \- \f[C]UCL_ARRAY\f[] \- UCL array \-
\f[C]UCL_INT\f[] \- integer number \- \f[C]UCL_FLOAT\f[] \- floating
point number \- \f[C]UCL_STRING\f[] \- NULL terminated string \-
\f[C]UCL_BOOLEAN\f[] \- boolean value \- \f[C]UCL_TIME\f[] \- time value
(floating point number of seconds) \- \f[C]UCL_USERDATA\f[] \- opaque
userdata pointer (may be used in macros) \- \f[C]UCL_NULL\f[] \- null
This object should be released by caller.
.SS Primitive objects generation
Libucl provides the functions similar to inverse conversion functions
called with the specific C type: \- \f[C]ucl_object_fromint\f[] \-
converts \f[C]int64_t\f[] to UCL object \-
\f[C]ucl_object_fromdouble\f[] \- converts \f[C]double\f[] to UCL object
\- \f[C]ucl_object_fromboolean\f[] \- converts \f[C]bool\f[] to UCL
object \- \f[C]ucl_object_fromstring\f[] \- converts
\f[C]const\ char\ *\f[] to UCL object (this string should be NULL
terminated) \- \f[C]ucl_object_fromlstring\f[] \- converts
\f[C]const\ char\ *\f[] and \f[C]size_t\f[] len to UCL object (string
does not need to be NULL terminated)
Also there is a function to generate UCL object from a string performing
various parsing or conversion operations called
.SS ucl_object_fromstring_common
ucl_object_t\ *\ ucl_object_fromstring_common\ (const\ char\ *str,\
\ \ \ \ size_t\ len,\ enum\ ucl_string_flags\ flags)
This function is used to convert a string \f[C]str\f[] of size
\f[C]len\f[] to a UCL object applying \f[C]flags\f[] conversions.
If \f[C]len\f[] is equal to zero then a \f[C]str\f[] is assumed as
This function supports the following flags (a set of flags can be
specified using logical \f[C]OR\f[] operation):
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_ESCAPE\f[] \- perform JSON escape
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_TRIM\f[] \- trim leading and trailing whitespaces
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_BOOLEAN\f[] \- parse passed string and detect
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_INT\f[] \- parse passed string and detect integer
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_DOUBLE\f[] \- parse passed string and detect
integer or float number
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_TIME\f[] \- parse time values as floating point
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_NUMBER\f[] \- parse passed string and detect
number (both float, integer and time types)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE\f[] \- parse passed string (and detect booleans,
numbers and time values)
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]UCL_STRING_PARSE_BYTES\f[] \- assume that numeric multipliers are
in bytes notation, for example \f[C]10k\f[] means \f[C]10*1024\f[] and
not \f[C]10*1000\f[] as assumed without this flag
If parsing operations fail then the resulting UCL object will be a
A caller should always check the type of the returned object and release
it after using.
Iteration are used to iterate over UCL compound types: arrays and
Moreover, iterations could be performed over the keys with multiple
values (implicit arrays).
There are two types of iterators API: old and unsafe one via
\f[C]ucl_iterate_object\f[] and the proposed interface of safe
.SS ucl_iterate_object
const\ ucl_object_t*\ ucl_iterate_object\ (const\ ucl_object_t\ *obj,\
\ \ \ \ ucl_object_iter_t\ *iter,\ bool\ expand_values);
This function accepts opaque iterator pointer \f[C]iter\f[].
In the first call this iterator \f[I]must\f[] be initialized to
Iterator is changed by this function call.
\f[C]ucl_iterate_object\f[] returns the next UCL object in the compound
object \f[C]obj\f[] or \f[C]NULL\f[] if all objects have been iterated.
The reference count of the object returned is not increased, so a caller
should not unref the object or modify its content (e.g.
by inserting to another compound object).
The object \f[C]obj\f[] should not be changed during the iteration
process as well.
\f[C]expand_values\f[] flag speicifies whether
\f[C]ucl_iterate_object\f[] should expand keys with multiple values.
The general rule is that if you need to iterate through the
\f[I]object\f[] or \f[I]explicit array\f[], then you always need to set
this flag to \f[C]true\f[].
However, if you get some key in the object and want to extract all its
values then you should set \f[C]expand_values\f[] to \f[C]false\f[].
Mixing of iteration types is not permitted since the iterator is set
according to the iteration type and cannot be reused.
Here is an example of iteration over the objects using libucl API
(assuming that \f[C]top\f[] is \f[C]UCL_OBJECT\f[] in this example):
ucl_object_iter_t\ it\ =\ NULL,\ it_obj\ =\ NULL;
const\ ucl_object_t\ *cur,\ *tmp;
/*\ Iterate\ over\ the\ object\ */
while\ ((obj\ =\ ucl_iterate_object\ (top,\ &it,\ true)))\ {
\ \ \ \ printf\ ("key:\ \\"%s\\"\\n",\ ucl_object_key\ (obj));
\ \ \ \ /*\ Iterate\ over\ the\ values\ of\ a\ key\ */
\ \ \ \ while\ ((cur\ =\ ucl_iterate_object\ (obj,\ &it_obj,\ false)))\ {
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ printf\ ("value:\ \\"%s\\"\\n",\
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ucl_object_tostring_forced\ (cur));
\ \ \ \ }
.SS Safe iterators API
Safe iterators are defined to clarify iterating over UCL objects and
simplify flattening of UCL objects in non\-trivial cases.
For example, if there is an implicit array that contains another array
and a boolean value it is extremely unclear how to iterate over such an
Safe iterators are desinged to define two sorts of iteration:
.IP "1." 3
Iteration over complex objects with expanding all values
.IP "2." 3
Iteration over complex objects without expanding of values
The following example demonstrates the difference between these two
types of iteration:
key\ =\ 1;
key\ =\ [2,\ 3,\ 4];
Iteration\ with\ expansion:
1,\ 2,\ 3,\ 4
Iteration\ without\ expansion:
1,\ [2,\ 3,\ 4]
UCL defines the following functions to manage safe iterators:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_iterate_new\f[] \- creates new safe iterator
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_iterate_reset\f[] \- resets iterator to a new object
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_iterate_safe\f[] \- safely iterate the object inside
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]ucl_object_iterate_free\f[] \- free memory associated with the safe
Please note that unlike unsafe iterators, safe iterators \f[I]must\f[]
be explicitly initialized and freed.
An assert is likely generated if you use uninitialized or \f[C]NULL\f[]
iterator in all safe iterators functions.
ucl_object_iter_t\ it;
const\ ucl_object_t\ *cur;
it\ =\ ucl_object_iterate_new\ (obj);
while\ ((cur\ =\ ucl_object_iterate_safe\ (it,\ true))\ !=\ NULL)\ {
\ \ \ \ /*\ Do\ something\ */
/*\ Switch\ to\ another\ object\ */
it\ =\ ucl_object_iterate_reset\ (it,\ another_obj);
while\ ((cur\ =\ ucl_object_iterate_safe\ (it,\ true))\ !=\ NULL)\ {
\ \ \ \ /*\ Do\ something\ else\ */
ucl_object_iterate_free\ (it);
Currently, there is only one validation function called
It performs validation of object using the specified schema.
This function is defined as following:
.SS ucl_object_validate
bool\ ucl_object_validate\ (const\ ucl_object_t\ *schema,
\ \ \ \ const\ ucl_object_t\ *obj,\ struct\ ucl_schema_error\ *err);
This function uses ucl object \f[C]schema\f[], that must be valid in
terms of \f[C]json\-schema\f[] draft v4, to validate input object
If this function returns \f[C]true\f[] then validation procedure has
been succeed.
Otherwise, \f[C]false\f[] is returned and \f[C]err\f[] is set to a
specific value.
If a caller sets \f[C]err\f[] to NULL then this function does not set
any error just returning \f[C]false\f[].
Error is the structure defined as following:
struct\ ucl_schema_error\ {
\ \ \ \ enum\ ucl_schema_error_code\ code;\ \ \ \ /*\ error\ code\ */
\ \ \ \ char\ msg[128];\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /*\ error\ message\ */
\ \ \ \ ucl_object_t\ *obj;\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /*\ object\ where\ error\ occurred\ */
Caller may use \f[C]code\f[] field to get a numeric error code:
enum\ ucl_schema_error_code\ {
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_OK\ =\ 0,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /*\ no\ error\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_TYPE_MISMATCH,\ \ \ /*\ type\ of\ object\ is\ incorrect\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_INVALID_SCHEMA,\ \ /*\ schema\ is\ invalid\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_MISSING_PROPERTY,/*\ missing\ properties\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT,\ \ \ \ \ \ /*\ constraint\ found\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_MISSING_DEPENDENCY,\ /*\ missing\ dependency\ */
\ \ \ \ UCL_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /*\ generic\ error\ */
\f[C]msg\f[] is a string description of an error and \f[C]obj\f[] is an
object where error has occurred.
Error object is not allocated by libucl, so there is no need to free it
after validation (a static object should thus be used).
Vsevolod Stakhov <>.