Peter Wemm f0957ccae4 Update nvi-1.79 to 2.1.1-4334a8297f
This is the gsoc-2011 project to clean up and backport multibyte support
from other nvi forks in a form we can use.

USE_WIDECHAR is on unless building for the rescue crunchgen. This should
allow editing in the native locale encoding.

USE_ICONV depends on make.conf having 'WITH_ICONV=YES' for now.  This
adds the ability to do things like edit a KOI8-R file while having $LANG
set to (say) en_US.UTF-8.  iconv is used to transcode the characters for

Other points:
* It uses gencat and catopen/etc instead of homegrown msg catalog stuff.
* A lot of stuff has been trimmed out, eg: the perl and tcl bindings which
  we could never use in base anyway.
* It uses ncursesw when in widechar mode.  This could be interesting.

GSoC info:
Repo at:

Obtained from:  Zhihao Yuan <>
2013-08-11 20:03:12 +00:00

446 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996
* Keith Bostic. All rights reserved.
* See the LICENSE file for redistribution information.
#include "config.h"
#ifndef lint
static const char sccsid[] = "$Id: ex_cmd.c,v 10.26 2011/07/14 15:11:16 zy Exp $";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <bitstring.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "../common/common.h"
* This array maps ex command names to command functions.
* The order in which command names are listed below is important --
* ambiguous abbreviations are resolved to be the first possible match,
* e.g. "r" means "read", not "rewind", because "read" is listed before
* "rewind".
* The syntax of the ex commands is unbelievably irregular, and a special
* case from beginning to end. Each command has an associated "syntax
* script" which describes the "arguments" that are possible. The script
* syntax is as follows:
* ! -- ! flag
* 1 -- flags: [+-]*[pl#][+-]*
* 2 -- flags: [-.+^]
* 3 -- flags: [-.+^=]
* b -- buffer
* c[01+a] -- count (0-N, 1-N, signed 1-N, address offset)
* f[N#][or] -- file (a number or N, optional or required)
* l -- line
* S -- string with file name expansion
* s -- string
* W -- word string
* w[N#][or] -- word (a number or N, optional or required)
EXCMDLIST const cmds[] = {
/* C_SCROLL */
{L("\004"), ex_pr, E_ADDR2,
"scroll lines"},
/* C_BANG */
{L("!"), ex_bang, E_ADDR2_NONE|E_SECURE,
"[line [,line]] ! command",
"filter lines through commands or run commands"},
/* C_HASH */
{L("#"), ex_number, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
"[line [,line]] # [count] [l]",
"display numbered lines"},
{L("&"), ex_subagain, E_ADDR2|E_ADDR_ZERO,
"[line [,line]] & [cgr] [count] [#lp]",
"repeat the last subsitution"},
/* C_STAR */
{L("*"), ex_at, 0,
"* [buffer]",
"execute a buffer"},
/* C_SHIFTL */
{L("<"), ex_shiftl, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] <[<...] [count] [flags]",
"shift lines left"},
/* C_EQUAL */
{L("="), ex_equal, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line] = [flags]",
"display line number"},
/* C_SHIFTR */
{L(">"), ex_shiftr, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] >[>...] [count] [flags]",
"shift lines right"},
/* C_AT */
{L("@"), ex_at, E_ADDR2,
"@ [buffer]",
"execute a buffer"},
/* C_APPEND */
{L("append"), ex_append, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line] a[ppend][!]",
"append input to a line"},
/* C_ABBR */
{L("abbreviate"), ex_abbr, 0,
"ab[brev] [word replace]",
"specify an input abbreviation"},
/* C_ARGS */
{L("args"), ex_args, 0,
"display file argument list"},
/* C_BG */
{L("bg"), ex_bg, E_VIONLY,
"put a foreground screen into the background"},
/* C_CHANGE */
{L("change"), ex_change, E_ADDR2|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line [,line]] c[hange][!] [count]",
"change lines to input"},
/* C_CD */
{L("cd"), ex_cd, 0,
"cd[!] [directory]",
"change the current directory"},
/* C_CHDIR */
{L("chdir"), ex_cd, 0,
"chd[ir][!] [directory]",
"change the current directory"},
/* C_COPY */
{L("copy"), ex_copy, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] co[py] line [flags]",
"copy lines elsewhere in the file"},
/* C_CSCOPE */
{L("cscope"), ex_cscope, 0,
"cs[cope] command [args]",
"create a set of tags using a cscope command"},
* !!!
* Adding new commands starting with 'd' may break the delete command code
* in ex_cmd() (the ex parser). Read through the comments there, first.
/* C_DELETE */
{L("delete"), ex_delete, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] d[elete][flags] [buffer] [count] [flags]",
"delete lines from the file"},
{L("display"), ex_display, 0,
"display b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]",
"display buffers, connections, screens or tags"},
/* C_EDIT */
{L("edit"), ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
"[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]",
"begin editing another file"},
/* C_EX */
{L("ex"), ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
"[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]",
"begin editing another file"},
{L("exusage"), ex_usage, 0,
"[exu]sage [command]",
"display ex command usage statement"},
/* C_FILE */
{L("file"), ex_file, 0,
"f[ile] [name]",
"display (and optionally set) file name"},
/* C_FG */
{L("fg"), ex_fg, E_NEWSCREEN|E_VIONLY,
"[Ff]g [file]",
"bring a backgrounded screen into the foreground"},
/* C_GLOBAL */
{L("global"), ex_global, E_ADDR2_ALL,
"[line [,line]] g[lobal][!] [;/]RE[;/] [commands]",
"execute a global command on lines matching an RE"},
/* C_HELP */
{L("help"), ex_help, 0,
"display help statement"},
/* C_INSERT */
{L("insert"), ex_insert, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line] i[nsert][!]",
"insert input before a line"},
/* C_JOIN */
{L("join"), ex_join, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]",
"join lines into a single line"},
/* C_K */
{L("k"), ex_mark, E_ADDR1,
"[line] k key",
"mark a line position"},
/* C_LIST */
{L("list"), ex_list, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
"[line [,line]] l[ist] [count] [#]",
"display lines in an unambiguous form"},
/* C_MOVE */
{L("move"), ex_move, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] m[ove] line",
"move lines elsewhere in the file"},
/* C_MARK */
{L("mark"), ex_mark, E_ADDR1,
"[line] ma[rk] key",
"mark a line position"},
/* C_MAP */
{L("map"), ex_map, 0,
"map[!] [keys replace]",
"map input or commands to one or more keys"},
/* C_MKEXRC */
{L("mkexrc"), ex_mkexrc, 0,
"mkexrc[!] file",
"write a .exrc file"},
/* C_NEXT */
{L("next"), ex_next, E_NEWSCREEN,
"[Nn][ext][!] [+cmd] [file ...]",
"edit (and optionally specify) the next file"},
/* C_NUMBER */
{L("number"), ex_number, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
"[line [,line]] nu[mber] [count] [l]",
"change display to number lines"},
/* C_OPEN */
{L("open"), ex_open, E_ADDR1,
"[line] o[pen] [/RE/] [flags]",
"enter \"open\" mode (not implemented)"},
/* C_PRINT */
{L("print"), ex_pr, E_ADDR2|E_CLRFLAG,
"[line [,line]] p[rint] [count] [#l]",
"display lines"},
{L("preserve"), ex_preserve, 0,
"preserve an edit session for recovery"},
{L("previous"), ex_prev, E_NEWSCREEN,
"edit the previous file in the file argument list"},
/* C_PUT */
{L("put"), ex_put,
"[line] pu[t] [buffer]",
"append a cut buffer to the line"},
/* C_QUIT */
{L("quit"), ex_quit, 0,
"exit ex/vi"},
/* C_READ */
{L("read"), ex_read, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERO|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line] r[ead] [!cmd | [file]]",
"append input from a command or file to the line"},
{L("recover"), ex_recover, 0,
"recover[!] file",
"recover a saved file"},
/* C_RESIZE */
{L("resize"), ex_resize, E_VIONLY,
"resize [+-]rows",
"grow or shrink the current screen"},
/* C_REWIND */
{L("rewind"), ex_rew, 0,
"re-edit all the files in the file argument list"},
* !!!
* Adding new commands starting with 's' may break the substitute command code
* in ex_cmd() (the ex parser). Read through the comments there, first.
{L("s"), ex_s, E_ADDR2|E_ADDR_ZERO,
"[line [,line]] s [[/;]RE[/;]repl[/;] [cgr] [count] [#lp]]",
"substitute on lines matching an RE"},
/* C_SCRIPT */
{L("script"), ex_script, E_SECURE,
"sc[ript][!] [file]",
"run a shell in a screen"},
/* C_SET */
{L("set"), ex_set, 0,
"se[t] [option[=[value]]...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]",
"set options (use \":set all\" to see all options)"},
/* C_SHELL */
{L("shell"), ex_shell, E_SECURE,
"suspend editing and run a shell"},
/* C_SOURCE */
{L("source"), ex_source, 0,
"so[urce] file",
"read a file of ex commands"},
/* C_STOP */
{L("stop"), ex_stop, E_SECURE,
"suspend the edit session"},
{L("suspend"), ex_stop, E_SECURE,
"suspend the edit session"},
/* C_T */
{L("t"), ex_copy, E_ADDR2|E_AUTOPRINT,
"[line [,line]] t line [flags]",
"copy lines elsewhere in the file"},
/* C_TAG */
{L("tag"), ex_tag_push, E_NEWSCREEN,
"[Tt]a[g][!] [string]",
"edit the file containing the tag"},
{L("tagnext"), ex_tag_next, 0,
"move to the next tag"},
/* C_TAGPOP */
{L("tagpop"), ex_tag_pop, 0,
"tagp[op][!] [number | file]",
"return to the previous group of tags"},
{L("tagprev"), ex_tag_prev, 0,
"move to the previous tag"},
/* C_TAGTOP */
{L("tagtop"), ex_tag_top, 0,
"discard all tags"},
/* C_UNDO */
{L("undo"), ex_undo, E_AUTOPRINT,
"undo the most recent change"},
{L("unabbreviate"),ex_unabbr, 0,
"una[bbrev] word",
"delete an abbreviation"},
/* C_UNMAP */
{L("unmap"), ex_unmap, 0,
"unm[ap][!] word",
"delete an input or command map"},
/* C_V */
{L("v"), ex_v, E_ADDR2_ALL,
"[line [,line]] v [;/]RE[;/] [commands]",
"execute a global command on lines NOT matching an RE"},
{L("version"), ex_version, 0,
"display the program version information"},
{L("visual"), ex_visual, E_ADDR1|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line] vi[sual] [-|.|+|^] [window_size] [flags]",
"enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode"},
{L("visual"), ex_edit, E_NEWSCREEN,
"[Vv]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]",
"edit another file (from vi mode only)"},
{L("viusage"), ex_viusage, 0,
"[viu]sage [key]",
"display vi key usage statement"},
/* C_VSPLIT */
{L("vsplit"), ex_edit, E_VIONLY,
"vs[plit] [+cmd] [file]",
"split the current screen vertically"},
/* C_WRITE */
{L("write"), ex_write, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line [,line]] w[rite][!] [ !cmd | [>>] [file]]",
"write the file"},
/* C_WN */
{L("wn"), ex_wn, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line [,line]] wn[!] [>>] [file]",
"write the file and switch to the next file"},
/* C_WQ */
{L("wq"), ex_wq, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line [,line]] wq[!] [>>] [file]",
"write the file and exit"},
/* C_XIT */
{L("xit"), ex_xit, E_ADDR2_ALL|E_ADDR_ZERODEF,
"[line [,line]] x[it][!] [file]",
/* C_YANK */
{L("yank"), ex_yank, E_ADDR2,
"[line [,line]] ya[nk] [buffer] [count]",
"copy lines to a cut buffer"},
/* C_Z */
{L("z"), ex_z, E_ADDR1,
"[line] z [-|.|+|^|=] [count] [flags]",
"display different screens of the file"},
{L("~"), ex_subtilde, E_ADDR2|E_ADDR_ZERO,
"[line [,line]] ~ [cgr] [count] [#lp]",
"replace previous RE with previous replacement string,"},