2015-12-14 13:01:51 +00:00

263 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer

// dnstap: flexible, structured event replication format for DNS software
// This file contains the protobuf schemas for the "dnstap" structured event
// replication format for DNS software.
// Written in 2013-2014 by Farsight Security, Inc.
// To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
// copyright and related and neighboring rights to this file to the public
// domain worldwide. This file is distributed without any warranty.
// You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
// with this file. If not, see:
// <>.
package dnstap;
// "Dnstap": this is the top-level dnstap type, which is a "union" type that
// contains other kinds of dnstap payloads, although currently only one type
// of dnstap payload is defined.
// See:
message Dnstap {
// DNS server identity.
// If enabled, this is the identity string of the DNS server which generated
// this message. Typically this would be the same string as returned by an
// "NSID" (RFC 5001) query.
optional bytes identity = 1;
// DNS server version.
// If enabled, this is the version string of the DNS server which generated
// this message. Typically this would be the same string as returned by a
// "version.bind" query.
optional bytes version = 2;
// Extra data for this payload.
// This field can be used for adding an arbitrary byte-string annotation to
// the payload. No encoding or interpretation is applied or enforced.
optional bytes extra = 3;
// Identifies which field below is filled in.
enum Type {
required Type type = 15;
// One of the following will be filled in.
optional Message message = 14;
// SocketFamily: the network protocol family of a socket. This specifies how
// to interpret "network address" fields.
enum SocketFamily {
INET = 1; // IPv4 (RFC 791)
INET6 = 2; // IPv6 (RFC 2460)
// SocketProtocol: the transport protocol of a socket. This specifies how to
// interpret "transport port" fields.
enum SocketProtocol {
UDP = 1; // User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768)
TCP = 2; // Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793)
// Message: a wire-format (RFC 1035 section 4) DNS message and associated
// metadata. Applications generating "Message" payloads should follow
// certain requirements based on the MessageType, see below.
message Message {
// There are eight types of "Message" defined that correspond to the
// four arrows in the following diagram, slightly modified from RFC 1035
// section 2:
// +---------+ +----------+ +--------+
// | | query | | query | |
// | Stub |-SQ--------CQ->| Recursive|-RQ----AQ->| Auth. |
// | Resolver| | Server | | Name |
// | |<-SR--------CR-| |<-RR----AR-| Server |
// +---------+ response | | response | |
// +----------+ +--------+
// Each arrow has two Type values each, one for each "end" of each arrow,
// because these are considered to be distinct events. Each end of each
// arrow on the diagram above has been marked with a two-letter Type
// mnemonic. Clockwise from upper left, these mnemonic values are:
// Two additional types of "Message" have been defined for the
// "forwarding" case where an upstream DNS server is responsible for
// further recursion. These are not shown on the diagram above, but have
// the following mnemonic values:
// The "Message" Type values are defined below.
enum Type {
// AUTH_QUERY is a DNS query message received from a resolver by an
// authoritative name server, from the perspective of the authoritative
// name server.
// AUTH_RESPONSE is a DNS response message sent from an authoritative
// name server to a resolver, from the perspective of the authoritative
// name server.
// RESOLVER_QUERY is a DNS query message sent from a resolver to an
// authoritative name server, from the perspective of the resolver.
// Resolvers typically clear the RD (recursion desired) bit when
// sending queries.
// RESOLVER_RESPONSE is a DNS response message received from an
// authoritative name server by a resolver, from the perspective of
// the resolver.
// CLIENT_QUERY is a DNS query message sent from a client to a DNS
// server which is expected to perform further recursion, from the
// perspective of the DNS server. The client may be a stub resolver or
// forwarder or some other type of software which typically sets the RD
// (recursion desired) bit when querying the DNS server. The DNS server
// may be a simple forwarding proxy or it may be a full recursive
// resolver.
// CLIENT_RESPONSE is a DNS response message sent from a DNS server to
// a client, from the perspective of the DNS server. The DNS server
// typically sets the RA (recursion available) bit when responding.
// FORWARDER_QUERY is a DNS query message sent from a downstream DNS
// server to an upstream DNS server which is expected to perform
// further recursion, from the perspective of the downstream DNS
// server.
// FORWARDER_RESPONSE is a DNS response message sent from an upstream
// DNS server performing recursion to a downstream DNS server, from the
// perspective of the downstream DNS server.
// STUB_QUERY is a DNS query message sent from a stub resolver to a DNS
// server, from the perspective of the stub resolver.
// STUB_RESPONSE is a DNS response message sent from a DNS server to a
// stub resolver, from the perspective of the stub resolver.
// One of the Type values described above.
required Type type = 1;
// One of the SocketFamily values described above.
optional SocketFamily socket_family = 2;
// One of the SocketProtocol values described above.
optional SocketProtocol socket_protocol = 3;
// The network address of the message initiator.
// For SocketFamily INET, this field is 4 octets (IPv4 address).
// For SocketFamily INET6, this field is 16 octets (IPv6 address).
optional bytes query_address = 4;
// The network address of the message responder.
// For SocketFamily INET, this field is 4 octets (IPv4 address).
// For SocketFamily INET6, this field is 16 octets (IPv6 address).
optional bytes response_address = 5;
// The transport port of the message initiator.
// This is a 16-bit UDP or TCP port number, depending on SocketProtocol.
optional uint32 query_port = 6;
// The transport port of the message responder.
// This is a 16-bit UDP or TCP port number, depending on SocketProtocol.
optional uint32 response_port = 7;
// The time at which the DNS query message was sent or received, depending
// on whether this is an AUTH_QUERY, RESOLVER_QUERY, or CLIENT_QUERY.
// This is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
optional uint64 query_time_sec = 8;
// The time at which the DNS query message was sent or received.
// This is the seconds fraction, expressed as a count of nanoseconds.
optional fixed32 query_time_nsec = 9;
// The initiator's original wire-format DNS query message, verbatim.
optional bytes query_message = 10;
// The "zone" or "bailiwick" pertaining to the DNS query message.
// This is a wire-format DNS domain name.
optional bytes query_zone = 11;
// The time at which the DNS response message was sent or received,
// depending on whether this is an AUTH_RESPONSE, RESOLVER_RESPONSE, or
// This is the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
optional uint64 response_time_sec = 12;
// The time at which the DNS response message was sent or received.
// This is the seconds fraction, expressed as a count of nanoseconds.
optional fixed32 response_time_nsec = 13;
// The responder's original wire-format DNS response message, verbatim.
optional bytes response_message = 14;
// All fields except for 'type' in the Message schema are optional.
// It is recommended that at least the following fields be filled in for
// particular types of Messages.
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_address, query_port
// query_message
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_address, query_port
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// response_message
// response_time_sec, response_time_nsec
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_name, query_type, query_class
// query_message
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// query_zone
// response_address, response_port
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_name, query_type, query_class
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// query_zone
// response_address, response_port
// response_message
// response_time_sec, response_time_nsec
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_message
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// socket_family, socket_protocol
// query_time_sec, query_time_nsec
// response_message
// response_time_sec, response_time_nsec