Mike Smith 780ebb4b00 Add the Ficl (Forth Inspired Command Language) interpreter. If all goes well,
this will allow us to manage bloat in the loader by using a bytecoded HLL
rather than lots of C code.  It also offers an opportunity for vendors
or others with special applications to significantly customise the boot
process without having to commit to a divergent code branch.

This early commit is to allow others to experiment with the most effective
mechanisms for integrating FICL with the loader as it currently stands.

Ficl is distributed with the following license conditions:

"Ficl is freeware.  Use it in any way that you like, with the understanding
 that the code is not supported."

All source files contain authorship attributions.

Obtained from:	John Sadler (
1998-11-03 06:11:35 +00:00

562 lines
14 KiB

** v m . c
** Forth Inspired Command Language - virtual machine methods
** Author: John Sadler (
** Created: 19 July 1997
** This file implements the virtual machine of FICL. Each virtual
** machine retains the state of an interpreter. A virtual machine
** owns a pair of stacks for parameters and return addresses, as
** well as a pile of state variables and the two dedicated registers
** of the interp.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "ficl.h"
static char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
v m B r a n c h R e l a t i v e
void vmBranchRelative(FICL_VM *pVM, int offset)
pVM->ip += offset;
v m C r e a t e
FICL_VM *vmCreate(FICL_VM *pVM, unsigned nPStack, unsigned nRStack)
if (pVM == NULL)
pVM = (FICL_VM *)ficlMalloc(sizeof (FICL_VM));
pVM->pStack = NULL;
pVM->rStack = NULL;
pVM->link = NULL;
assert (pVM);
if (pVM->pStack)
pVM->pStack = stackCreate(nPStack);
if (pVM->rStack)
pVM->rStack = stackCreate(nRStack);
pVM->textOut = ficlTextOut;
return pVM;
v m D e l e t e
void vmDelete (FICL_VM *pVM)
if (pVM)
v m E x e c u t e
void vmExecute(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_WORD *pWord)
pVM->runningWord = pWord;
v m G e t S t r i n g
** Parses a string out of the VM input buffer and copies up to the first
** FICL_STRING_MAX characters to the supplied destination buffer, a
** FICL_STRING. The destination string is NULL terminated.
** Returns the address of the first unused character in the dest buffer.
char *vmGetString(FICL_VM *pVM, FICL_STRING *spDest, char delimiter)
STRINGINFO si = vmParseString(pVM, delimiter);
strncpy(spDest->text, SI_PTR(si), SI_COUNT(si));
spDest->text[SI_COUNT(si)] = '\0';
spDest->count = (FICL_COUNT)SI_COUNT(si);
return spDest->text + SI_COUNT(si) + 1;
v m G e t W o r d
** vmGetWord calls vmGetWord0 repeatedly until it gets a string with
** non-zero length.
STRINGINFO si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
if (SI_COUNT(si) == 0)
vmThrow(pVM, VM_RESTART);
return si;
v m G e t W o r d 0
** Skip leading whitespace and parse a space delimited word from the tib.
** Returns the start address and length of the word. Updates the tib
** to reflect characters consumed, including the trailing delimiter.
** If there's nothing of interest in the tib, returns zero. This function
** does not use vmParseString because it uses isspace() rather than a
** single delimiter character.
char *pSrc = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
UNS32 count = 0;
char ch;
pSrc = skipSpace(pSrc);
SI_SETPTR(si, pSrc);
for (ch = *pSrc; ch != '\0' && !isspace(ch); ch = *++pSrc)
SI_SETLEN(si, count);
if (isspace(ch)) /* skip one trailing delimiter */
vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
return si;
v m G e t W o r d T o P a d
** Does vmGetWord0 and copies the result to the pad as a NULL terminated
** string. Returns the length of the string. If the string is too long
** to fit in the pad, it is truncated.
int vmGetWordToPad(FICL_VM *pVM)
char *cp = (char *)pVM->pad;
si = vmGetWord0(pVM);
if (SI_COUNT(si) > nPAD)
strncpy(cp, SI_PTR(si), SI_COUNT(si));
cp[SI_COUNT(si)] = '\0';
return (int)(SI_COUNT(si));
v m P a r s e S t r i n g
** Parses a string out of the input buffer using the delimiter
** specified. Skips leading delimiters, marks the start of the string,
** and counts characters to the next delimiter it encounters. It then
** updates the vm input buffer to consume all these chars, including the
** trailing delimiter.
** Returns the address and length of the parsed string, not including the
** trailing delimiter.
STRINGINFO vmParseString(FICL_VM *pVM, char delim)
char *pSrc = vmGetInBuf(pVM);
char ch;
while (*pSrc == delim) /* skip lead delimiters */
SI_SETPTR(si, pSrc); /* mark start of text */
for (ch = *pSrc; (ch != delim)
&& (ch != '\0')
&& (ch != '\r')
&& (ch != '\n'); ch = *++pSrc)
; /* find next delimiter or end of line */
/* set length of result */
SI_SETLEN(si, pSrc - SI_PTR(si));
if (*pSrc == delim) /* gobble trailing delimiter */
vmUpdateTib(pVM, pSrc);
return si;
v m P o p I P
void vmPopIP(FICL_VM *pVM)
pVM->ip = (IPTYPE)(stackPopPtr(pVM->rStack));
v m P u s h I P
void vmPushIP(FICL_VM *pVM, IPTYPE newIP)
stackPushPtr(pVM->rStack, (void *)pVM->ip);
pVM->ip = newIP;
v m P u s h T i b
** Binds the specified input string to the VM and clears >IN (the index)
void vmPushTib(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, TIB *pSaveTib)
if (pSaveTib)
*pSaveTib = pVM->tib;
pVM->tib.cp = text;
pVM->tib.index = 0;
void vmPopTib(FICL_VM *pVM, TIB *pTib)
if (pTib)
pVM->tib = *pTib;
v m Q u i t
void vmQuit(FICL_VM *pVM)
static FICL_WORD *pInterp = NULL;
if (!pInterp)
pInterp = ficlLookup("interpret");
pVM->fRestart = 0;
pVM->ip = &pInterp;
pVM->runningWord = pInterp;
pVM->state = INTERPRET;
pVM->tib.cp = NULL;
pVM->tib.index = 0;
pVM->pad[0] = '\0';
pVM->sourceID.i = 0;
v m R e s e t
void vmReset(FICL_VM *pVM)
pVM->base = 10;
v m S e t T e x t O u t
** Binds the specified output callback to the vm. If you pass NULL,
** binds the default output function (ficlTextOut)
void vmSetTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, OUTFUNC textOut)
if (textOut)
pVM->textOut = textOut;
pVM->textOut = ficlTextOut;
v m T e x t O u t
** Feeds text to the vm's output callback
void vmTextOut(FICL_VM *pVM, char *text, int fNewline)
(pVM->textOut)(pVM, text, fNewline);
v m T h r o w
void vmThrow(FICL_VM *pVM, int except)
longjmp(*(pVM->pState), except);
void vmThrowErr(FICL_VM *pVM, char *fmt, ...)
va_list va;
va_start(va, fmt);
vsprintf(pVM->pad, fmt, va);
vmTextOut(pVM, pVM->pad, 1);
longjmp(*(pVM->pState), VM_ERREXIT);
w o r d I s I m m e d i a t e
int wordIsImmediate(FICL_WORD *pFW)
return ((pFW != NULL) && (pFW->flags & FW_IMMEDIATE));
w o r d I s C o m p i l e O n l y
int wordIsCompileOnly(FICL_WORD *pFW)
return ((pFW != NULL) && (pFW->flags & FW_COMPILE));
s t r r e v
char *strrev( char *string )
{ /* reverse a string in-place */
int i = strlen(string);
char *p1 = string; /* first char of string */
char *p2 = string + i - 1; /* last non-NULL char of string */
char c;
if (i > 1)
while (p1 < p2)
c = *p2;
*p2 = *p1;
*p1 = c;
p1++; p2--;
return string;
d i g i t _ t o _ c h a r
char digit_to_char(int value)
return digits[value];
l t o a
char *ltoa( INT32 value, char *string, int radix )
{ /* convert long to string, any base */
char *cp = string;
int sign = ((radix == 10) && (value < 0));
UNSQR result;
UNS64 v;
assert(radix > 1);
assert(radix < 37);
if (sign)
value = -value;
if (value == 0)
*cp++ = '0';
v.hi = 0;
v.lo = (UNS32)value;
while (v.lo)
result = ficlLongDiv(v, (UNS32)radix);
*cp++ = digits[result.rem];
v.lo = result.quot;
if (sign)
*cp++ = '-';
*cp++ = '\0';
return strrev(string);
u l t o a
char *ultoa(UNS32 value, char *string, int radix )
{ /* convert long to string, any base */
char *cp = string;
UNS64 ud;
UNSQR result;
assert(radix > 1);
assert(radix < 37);
if (value == 0)
*cp++ = '0';
ud.hi = 0;
ud.lo = value;
result.quot = value;
while (ud.lo)
result = ficlLongDiv(ud, (UNS32)radix);
ud.lo = result.quot;
*cp++ = digits[result.rem];
*cp++ = '\0';
return strrev(string);
c a s e F o l d
** Case folds a NULL terminated string in place. All characters
** get converted to lower case.
char *caseFold(char *cp)
char *oldCp = cp;
while (*cp)
if (isupper(*cp))
*cp = (char)tolower(*cp);
return oldCp;
s t r i n c m p
int strincmp(char *cp1, char *cp2, FICL_COUNT count)
int i = 0;
char c1, c2;
for (c1 = *cp1, c2 = *cp2;
((i == 0) && count && c1 && c2);
c1 = *++cp1, c2 = *++cp2, count--)
i = tolower(c1) - tolower(c2);
return i;
s k i p S p a c e
** Given a string pointer, returns a pointer to the first non-space
** char of the string, or to the NULL terminator if no such char found.
char *skipSpace(char *cp)
while (isspace(*cp))
return cp;