
143 lines
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# /etc/rc.diskless - general BOOTP startup
# BOOTP has mounted / for us. Assume a read-only mount. We must then
# - figure out where the NFS mount is coming from
# - mount /usr via nfs
# - figure out our IP by querying the interface
# - setup the configuration script directory
# - setup the configuration function
# SEE SAMPLE FILES IN /usr/share/examples/diskless. If you have nothing
# better to do, try:
# ln -s /usr/share/examples/diskless /conf
# but at least read the README.
# chkerr:
# Routine to check for error
# checks error code and drops into shell on failure.
# if shell exits, terminates script as well as /etc/rc.
chkerr() {
if [ $1 != 0 ]; then
echo "$2 failed: dropping into /bin/sh"
set -v
# Figure out where the root mount is coming from, synthesize a mount
# for /usr and mount it. Also mount /var
# e.g. nfs_root might wind up as "A.B.C.D:/"
set `/bin/df /`
mount_nfs -o ro ${nfs_root}/usr /usr
chkerr $? "mount of /usr"
# Figure out our interface and IP.
bootp_ifc=`route -n get default | fgrep interface | awk '{ print $2; }'`
bootp_ipa=`ifconfig $bootp_ifc | fgrep inet | head -1 | awk '{ print $2; }'`
echo "Interface $bootp_ifc IP-Address $bootp_ipa"
# retarget the configuration directory, where rc.conf.local and rc.local
# are found. We set the directory to /conf/$bootp_ipa. 'conf_dir' will
# be used by rc.conf and later in /etc/rc.
# retarget the kernel ( put a softlink in your conf directory to point to
# the correct kernel ).
sysctl -w kern.bootfile=$conf_dir/kernel
if [ ! -f $conf_dir/rc.conf.local ]; then
chkerr 1 "access to $conf_dir"
# Tell /etc/rc to skip normal disk configuration and replace
# it with our own.
# Set defaults for MFS filesystem sizes. These can get overriden by
# rc.conf when diskless_mount_system is called back. NOTE! These
# defaults are generous, but may be too large for your memory/swap
# configuration. Large is ok as long as you have sufficient NFS swap.
# Default mounting pass procedure
# We have to create the filesystems that are expected
# to be writeable.
diskless_mount_system() {
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.portrange.first=4000
# This is kinda a hack at the moment. Typically, we do not want to
# export /var from the server root due to security considerations,
# even read-only. XXX fixme. See the tail end of the
# /usr/share/examples/diskless/README.TEMPLATING file for the
# reasoning and other security considerations.
if [ "X$nfs_var_mount" != "XNO" ]; then
mount_nfs -o ro ${nfs_root}/var /var
mount_mfs -s $var_run_sectors -T qp120at dummy /var/run
mount_mfs -s $var_db_sectors -T qp120at dummy /var/db
mount_mfs -s $var_tmp_sectors -T qp120at dummy /var/tmp
mount_mfs -s $var_spool_sectors -T qp120at dummy /var/spool
chmod 755 /var/run
chmod 755 /var/db
chmod 755 /var/spool
chmod 1777 /var/tmp
# /tmp should be a softlink to /var/tmp on most systems. If it isn't,
# use nullfs
if [ ! -h /tmp -a ! -h /var/tmp ]; then
mount_null /var/tmp /tmp
# Create a skeleton spool
mkdir /var/spool/mqueue
mkdir /var/spool/lpd
mkdir /var/spool/output
mkdir /var/spool/output/lpd
chown -R root.daemon /var/spool/output
chgrp daemon /var/spool/lpd
# /proc may be necessary
mount_procfs proc /proc
# We need a R+W /dev ! Use cpio to copy /dev from the
# server to an MFS mount.
mkdir /tmp/root
mount ${nfs_root} /tmp/root
mount_mfs -s 4096 -i 512 -T qp120at dummy /dev
( cd /tmp/root ; find -x dev | cpio -o -H newc ) | \
( cd / ; cpio -i -H newc -d )
umount /tmp/root