Nathan Whitehorn 1971864966 Revert r241818 that updated dialog to 20120706. This turns out to horribly
break mixed form dialogs in conjunction with the FreeBSD termcap, making
the bsdinstall partition editor Add dialog, among other things, completely
nonfunctional. This restores dialog 20110707.
2012-12-30 04:22:34 +00:00

354 lines
11 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.3 2004/09/21 00:52:15 tom Exp $
# Module:
# Copyright (c) 2000 Robb Shecter <>
# All rights reserved.
# This source is covered by the GNU GPL.
# This module is a Python wrapper around the Linux "dialog" utility
# by Savio Lam and Stuart Herbert. My goals were to make dialog as
# easy to use from Python as possible. The demo code at the end of
# the module is a good example of how to use it. To run the demo,
# execute:
# python
# This module has one class in it, "Dialog". An application typically
# creates an instance of it, and possibly sets the background title option.
# Then, methods can be called on it for interacting with the user.
# I wrote this because I want to use my 486-33 laptop as my main
# development computer (!), and I wanted a way to nicely interact with the
# user in console mode. There are apparently other modules out there
# with similar functionality, but they require the Python curses library.
# Writing this module from scratch was easier than figuring out how to
# recompile Python with curses enabled. :)
# One interesting feature is that the menu and selection windows allow
# *any* objects to be displayed and selected, not just strings.
# TO DO:
# Add code so that the input buffer is flushed before a dialog box is
# shown. This would make the UI more predictable for users. This
# feature could be turned on and off through an instance method.
# Drop using temporary files when interacting with 'dialog'
# (it's possible -- I've already tried :-).
# Try detecting the terminal window size in order to make reasonable
# height and width defaults. Hmmm - should also then check for
# terminal resizing...
# Put into a package name to make more reusable - reduce the possibility
# of name collisions.
# there is a bug in (at least) Linux-Mandrake 7.0 Russian Edition
# running on AMD K6-2 3D that causes core dump when 'dialog'
# is running with --gauge option;
# in this case you'll have to recompile 'dialog' program.
# Modifications:
# Jul 2000, Sultanbek Tezadov (
# Added:
# - 'gauge' widget *)
# - 'title' option to some widgets
# - 'checked' option to checklist dialog; clicking "Cancel" is now
# recognizable
# - 'selected' option to radiolist dialog; clicking "Cancel" is now
# recognizable
# - some other cosmetic changes and improvements
import os
from tempfile import mktemp
from string import split
from time import sleep
# Path of the dialog executable
DIALOG = os.getenv("DIALOG");
if DIALOG is None:
class Dialog:
def __init__(self):
self.__bgTitle = '' # Default is no background title
def setBackgroundTitle(self, text):
self.__bgTitle = '--backtitle "%s"' % text
def __perform(self, cmd):
"""Do the actual work of invoking dialog and getting the output."""
fName = mktemp()
rv = os.system('%s %s %s 2> %s' % (DIALOG, self.__bgTitle, cmd, fName))
f = open(fName)
output = f.readlines()
return (rv, output)
def __perform_no_options(self, cmd):
"""Call dialog w/out passing any more options. Needed by --clear."""
return os.system(DIALOG + ' ' + cmd)
def __handleTitle(self, title):
if len(title) == 0:
return ''
return '--title "%s" ' % title
def yesno(self, text, height=10, width=30, title=''):
Put a Yes/No question to the user.
Uses the dialog --yesno option.
Returns a 1 or a 0.
(code, output) = self.__perform(self.__handleTitle(title) +\
'--yesno "%s" %d %d' % (text, height, width))
return code == 0
def msgbox(self, text, height=10, width=30, title=''):
Pop up a message to the user which has to be clicked
away with "ok".
self.__perform(self.__handleTitle(title) +\
'--msgbox "%s" %d %d' % (text, height, width))
def infobox(self, text, height=10, width=30):
"""Make a message to the user, and return immediately."""
self.__perform('--infobox "%s" %d %d' % (text, height, width))
def inputbox(self, text, height=10, width=30, init='', title=''):
Request a line of input from the user.
Returns the user's input or None if cancel was chosen.
(c, o) = self.__perform(self.__handleTitle(title) +\
'--inputbox "%s" %d %d "%s"' % (text, height, width, init))
return o[0]
except IndexError:
if c == 0: # empty string entered
return ''
else: # canceled
return None
def textbox(self, filename, height=20, width=60, title=None):
"""Display a file in a scrolling text box."""
if title is None:
title = filename
self.__perform(self.__handleTitle(title) +\
' --textbox "%s" %d %d' % (filename, height, width))
def menu(self, text, height=15, width=54, list=[]):
Display a menu of options to the user. This method simplifies the
--menu option of dialog, which allows for complex arguments. This
method receives a simple list of objects, and each one is assigned
a choice number.
The selected object is returned, or None if the dialog was canceled.
menuheight = height - 8
pairs = map(lambda i, item: (i + 1, item), range(len(list)), list)
choices = reduce(lambda res, pair: res + '%d "%s" ' % pair, pairs, '')
(code, output) = self.__perform('--menu "%s" %d %d %d %s' %\
(text, height, width, menuheight, choices))
return list[int(output[0]) - 1]
except IndexError:
return None
def checklist(self, text, height=15, width=54, list=[], checked=None):
Returns a list of the selected objects.
Returns an empty list if nothing was selected.
Returns None if the window was canceled.
checked -- a list of boolean (0/1) values; len(checked) must equal
if checked is None:
checked = [0]*len(list)
menuheight = height - 8
triples = map(
lambda i, item, onoff, fs=('off', 'on'): (i + 1, item, fs[onoff]),
range(len(list)), list, checked)
choices = reduce(lambda res, triple: res + '%d "%s" %s ' % triple,
triples, '')
(c, o) = self.__perform('--checklist "%s" %d %d %d %s' %\
(text, height, width, menuheight, choices))
output = o[0]
indexList = map(lambda x: int(x[1:-1]), split(output))
objectList = filter(lambda item, list=list, indexList=indexList:
list.index(item) + 1 in indexList,
return objectList
except IndexError:
if c == 0: # Nothing was selected
return []
return None # Was canceled
def radiolist(self, text, height=15, width=54, list=[], selected=0):
Return the selected object.
Returns empty string if no choice was selected.
Returns None if window was canceled.
selected -- the selected item (must be between 1 and len(list)
or 0, meaning no selection).
menuheight = height - 8
triples = map(lambda i, item: (i + 1, item, 'off'),
range(len(list)), list)
if selected:
i, item, tmp = triples[selected - 1]
triples[selected - 1] = (i, item, 'on')
choices = reduce(lambda res, triple: res + '%d "%s" %s ' % triple,
triples, '')
(c, o) = self.__perform('--radiolist "%s" %d %d %d %s' %\
(text, height, width, menuheight, choices))
return list[int(o[0]) - 1]
except IndexError:
if c == 0:
return ''
return None
def clear(self):
Clear the screen. Equivalent to the dialog --clear option.
def scrollbox(self, text, height=20, width=60, title=''):
This is a bonus method. The dialog package only has a function to
display a file in a scrolling text field. This method allows any
string to be displayed by first saving it in a temp file, and calling
fName = mktemp()
f = open(fName, 'w')
self.__perform(self.__handleTitle(title) +\
'--textbox "%s" %d %d' % (fName, height, width))
def gauge_start(self, perc=0, text='', height=8, width=54, title=''):
Display gauge output window.
Gauge normal usage (assuming that there is an instace of 'Dialog'
class named 'd'):
# do something
d.gauge_iterate(10) # passed throgh 10%
# ...
d.gauge_iterate(100, 'any text here') # work is done
d.stop_gauge() # clean-up actions
cmd = self.__handleTitle(title) +\
'--gauge "%s" %d %d %d' % (text, height, width, perc)
cmd = '%s %s %s 2> /dev/null' % (DIALOG, self.__bgTitle, cmd)
self.pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'w')
def gauge_iterate(self, perc, text=''):
Update percentage point value.
See gauge_start() function above for the usage.
if text:
text = 'XXX\n%d\n%s\nXXX\n' % (perc, text)
text = '%d\n' % perc
def gauge_stop(self):
Finish previously started gauge.
See gauge_start() function above for the usage.
if __name__ == '__main__':
This demo tests all the features of the class.
d = Dialog()
d.setBackgroundTitle(' demo')
"One moment... Just wasting some time here to test the infobox...")
if d.yesno("Do you like this demo?"):
d.msgbox("Excellent! Here's the source code:")
d.msgbox("Send your complaints to /dev/null")
name = d.inputbox("What's your name?", init="Snow White")
fday ="What's your favorite day of the week?",
list=["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
"Friday (The best day of all)", "Saturday", "Sunday"])
food = d.checklist("What sandwich toppings do you like?",
list=["Catsup", "Mustard", "Pesto", "Mayonaise", "Horse radish",
"Sun-dried tomatoes"], checked=[0,0,0,1,1,1])
sand = d.radiolist("What's your favorite kind of sandwich?",
list=["Hamburger", "Hotdog", "Burrito", "Doener", "Falafel",
"Bagel", "Big Mac", "Whopper", "Quarter Pounder",
"Peanut Butter and Jelly", "Grilled cheese"], selected=4)
# Prepare the message for the final window
bigMessage = "Here are some vital statistics about you:\n\nName: " + name +\
"\nFavorite day of the week: " + fday +\
"\nFavorite sandwich toppings:\n"
for topping in food:
bigMessage = bigMessage + " " + topping + "\n"
bigMessage = bigMessage + "Favorite sandwich: " + str(sand)
#<># Gauge Demo
d.gauge_start(0, 'percentage: 0', title='Gauge Demo')
for i in range(1, 101):
if i < 50:
msg = 'percentage: %d' % i
elif i == 50:
msg = 'Over 50%'
msg = ''
d.gauge_iterate(i, msg)