Jordan K. Hubbard ae28ee13b4 Update the sound driver to VOXWARE 3.05 with one GUS patch from
Amancio.  There is some SoundSource support here that is primitive and
probably doesn't work, but I'll let the two submitters let me know
how my integration of that was since I don't have this card to test.
I've only tested this on my GUS MAX since it's all I have.

This all probably needs to be re-done anyway since we're widely variant
from the original VOXWARE source in the current layout.
Submitted by:	Amancio Hasty and Jim Lowe
Obtained from:  Hannu Savolainen
1995-07-28 21:40:49 +00:00

254 lines
16 KiB

/* */
/* Port addresses and bit fields for the Media Vision Pro AudioSpectrum second generation sound cards. */
/* */
/* Feel free to use this header file in any application you create that has support for the Media Vision */
/* Pro AudioSpectrum second generation sound cards. Other uses prohibited without prior permission. */
/* */
/* - */
/* */
/* Notes: */
/* */
/* * All of these ports go into the MVD101 multimedia controller chip, which then signals the other chips to do */
/* the actual work. Many ports like the FM ones functionally attach directly to the destination chip though */
/* they don't actually have a direct connection. */
/* */
/* * The PAS2 series cards have an MVD101 multimedia controller chip, the original PAS cards don't. The original */
/* PAS cards are pretty defunct now, so no attempt is made here to support them. */
/* */
/* * The PAS2 series cards are all really different at the hardware level, though the MVD101 hides some of the */
/* incompatibilities, there still are differences that need to be accounted for. */
/* */
/* Card CD-ROM interface PCM chip Mixer chip FM chip */
/* PAS Plus Sony proprietary (Crystal?) 8-bit DAC National OPL3 */
/* PAS 16 Zilog SCSI MVA416 16-bit Codec MVA508 OPL3 */
/* CDPC Sony proprietary Sony 16-bit Codec National OPL3 */
/* Fusion CD 16 Sony proprietary MVA416 16-bit Codec MVA508 OPL3 */
/* Fusion CD Sony proprietary (Crystal?) 8-bit DAC National OPL3 */
/* */
#define PAS_DEFAULT_BASE 0x388
/* Symbolic Name Value R W Subsystem Description */
#define SPEAKER_CONTROL 0x61 /* W PC speaker Control register */
#define SPEAKER_CONTROL_GHOST 0x738B /* R W PC speaker Control ghost register */
#define SPEAKER_TIMER_CONTROL 0x43 /* W PC speaker Timer control register */
#define SPEAKER_TIMER_CONTROL_GHOST 0x778B /* R W PC speaker Timer control register ghost */
#define SPEAKER_TIMER_DATA 0x42 /* W PC speaker Timer data register */
#define SPEAKER_TIMER_DATA_GHOST 0x138A /* R W PC speaker Timer data register ghost */
#define WARM_BOOT 0x41 /* W Control Used to detect system warm boot */
#define WARM_BOOT_GHOST 0x7789 /* ? W Control Use to get the card to fake warm boot */
#define MASTER_DECODE 0x9A01 /* W Control Address >> 2 of card base address */
#define PRESCALE_DIVIDER 0xBF8A /* R W PCM Ration between Codec clock and master clock */
#define WAIT_STATE 0xBF88 /* R W Control Four-bit bus wait-state count (~140ns ea.) */
#define BOARD_REV_ID 0x2789 /* R Control Extended Board Revision ID */
#define CHIP_REV 0xFF88 /* R 0=PAS, 1=PAS+, 2=CDPC, 3=PAS16C, 4=PAS16D */
#define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_1 0x8388 /* R W Control */
#define S_C_1_PCS_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable, 0=disable PC speaker emulation */
#define S_C_1_PCM_CLOCK_SELECT 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=14.31818Mhz/12, 0=28.224Mhz master clock */
#define S_C_1_FM_EMULATE_CLOCK 0x04 /* R W FM 1=use 28.224Mhz/2, 0=use 14.31818Mhz clock */
#define S_C_1_PCS_STEREO 0x10 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable PC speaker stereo effect, 0=disable */
#define S_C_1_PCS_REALSOUND 0x20 /* R W PC speaker 1=enable RealSound enhancement, 0=disable */
#define S_C_1_FORCE_EXT_RESET 0x40 /* R W Control Force external reset */
#define S_C_1_FORCE_INT_RESET 0x80 /* R W Control Force internal reset */
#define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_2 0x8389 /* R W Control */
#define S_C_2_PCM_OVERSAMPLING 0x03 /* R W PCM 00=0x, 01=2x, 10=4x, 11=reserved */
#define S_C_2_PCM_16_BIT 0x04 /* R W PCM 1=16-bit, 0=8-bit samples */
#define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_3 0x838A /* R W Control */
#define S_C_3_PCM_CLOCK_SELECT 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=use 1.008Mhz clock for PCM, 0=don't */
#define SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION_4 0x838B /* R W Control CD-ROM interface controls */
#define IO_CONFIGURATION_1 0xF388 /* R W Control */
#define I_C_1_BOOT_RESET_ENABLE 0x80 /* R W Control 1=reset board on warm boot, 0=don't */
#define I_C_1_JOYSTICK_ENABLE 0x40 /* R W Control 1=enable joystick port, 0=don't */
#define IO_CONFIGURATION_2 0xF389 /* R W Control */
#define I_C_2_PCM_DMA_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W PCM PCM DMA disabled */
#define IO_CONFIGURATION_3 0xF38A /* R W Control */
#define I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W PCM PCM IRQ disabled */
#define COMPATIBILITY_ENABLE 0xF788 /* R W Control */
#define C_E_MPU401_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W MIDI 1=enable, 0=disable MPU401 MIDI emulation */
#define C_E_SB_ENABLE 0x02 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable Sound Blaster emulation */
#define C_E_SB_ACTIVE 0x04 /* R PCM "Sound Blaster Interrupt active" */
#define C_E_MPU401_ACTIVE 0x08 /* R MIDI "MPU UART mode active" */
#define C_E_PCM_COMPRESSION 0x10 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disabled compression */
#define EMULATION_ADDRESS 0xF789 /* R W Control */
#define E_A_SB_BASE 0x0f /* R W PCM bits A4-A7 for SB base port */
#define E_A_MPU401_BASE 0xf0 /* R W MIDI bits A4-A7 for MPU401 base port */
#define EMULATION_CONFIGURATION 0xFB8A /* R W ***** Only valid on newer PAS2 cards (?) ***** */
#define E_C_MPU401_IRQ 0x07 /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ */
#define E_C_SB_IRQ 0x38 /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ */
#define E_C_SB_DMA 0xC0 /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA */
#define OPERATION_MODE_1 0xEF8B /* R Control */
#define O_M_1_CDROM_TYPE 0x03 /* R CD-ROM 3=SCSI, 2=Sony, 0=no CD-ROM interface */
#define O_M_1_FM_TYPE 0x04 /* R FM 1=sterero, 0=mono FM chip */
#define O_M_1_PCM_TYPE 0x08 /* R PCM 1=16-bit Codec, 0=8-bit DAC */
#define OPERATION_MODE_2 0xFF8B /* R Control */
#define O_M_2_PCS_ENABLED 0x02 /* R PC speaker PC speaker emulation 1=enabled, 0=disabled */
#define O_M_2_BUS_TIMING 0x10 /* R Control 1=AT bus timing, 0=XT bus timing */
#define O_M_2_BOARD_REVISION 0xe0 /* R Control Board revision */
#define INTERRUPT_MASK 0x0B8B /* R W Control */
#define I_M_FM_LEFT_IRQ_ENABLE 0x01 /* R W FM Enable FM left interrupt */
#define I_M_FM_RIGHT_IRQ_ENABLE 0x02 /* R W FM Enable FM right interrupt */
#define I_M_PCM_RATE_IRQ_ENABLE 0x04 /* R W PCM Enable Sample Rate interrupt */
#define I_M_PCM_BUFFER_IRQ_ENABLE 0x08 /* R W PCM Enable Sample Buffer interrupt */
#define I_M_MIDI_IRQ_ENABLE 0x10 /* R W MIDI Enable MIDI interrupt */
#define I_M_BOARD_REV 0xE0 /* R Control Board revision */
#define INTERRUPT_STATUS 0x0B89 /* R W Control */
#define I_S_FM_LEFT_IRQ 0x01 /* R W FM Left FM Interrupt Pending */
#define I_S_FM_RIGHT_IRQ 0x02 /* R W FM Right FM Interrupt Pending */
#define I_S_PCM_SAMPLE_RATE_IRQ 0x04 /* R W PCM Sample Rate Interrupt Pending */
#define I_S_PCM_SAMPLE_BUFFER_IRQ 0x08 /* R W PCM Sample Buffer Interrupt Pending */
#define I_S_MIDI_IRQ 0x10 /* R W MIDI MIDI Interrupt Pending */
#define I_S_PCM_CHANNEL 0x20 /* R W PCM 1=right, 0=left */
#define I_S_RESET_ACTIVE 0x40 /* R W Control Reset is active (Timed pulse not finished) */
#define I_S_PCM_CLIPPING 0x80 /* R W PCM Clipping has occurred */
#define FILTER_FREQUENCY 0x0B8A /* R W Control */
#define F_F_FILTER_DISABLED 0x00 /* R W Mixer No filter */
#if 0
struct { /* R W Mixer Filter translation */
unsigned int freq:24;
unsigned int value:8;
} F_F_FILTER_translate[] =
{ { 73500, 0x01 }, /* 73500Hz - divide by 16 */
{ 65333, 0x02 }, /* 65333Hz - divide by 18 */
{ 49000, 0x09 }, /* 49000Hz - divide by 24 */
{ 36750, 0x11 }, /* 36750Hz - divide by 32 */
{ 24500, 0x19 }, /* 24500Hz - divide by 48 */
{ 18375, 0x07 }, /* 18375Hz - divide by 64 */
{ 12783, 0x0f }, /* 12783Hz - divide by 92 */
{ 12250, 0x04 }, /* 12250Hz - divide by 96 */
{ 9188, 0x17 }, /* 9188Hz - divide by 128 */
{ 6125, 0x1f }, /* 6125Hz - divide by 192 */
#define F_F_MIXER_UNMUTE 0x20 /* R W Mixer 1=disable, 0=enable board mute */
#define F_F_PCM_RATE_COUNTER 0x40 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable sample rate counter */
#define F_F_PCM_BUFFER_COUNTER 0x80 /* R W PCM 1=enable, 0=disable sample buffer counter */
#define PAS_NONE 0
#define PAS_PLUS 1
#define PAS_CDPC 2
#define PAS_16 3
#define PAS_16D 4
unsigned char I_C_2_PCM_DMA_translate[] = /* R W PCM PCM DMA channel value translations */
{ 4, 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 7 };
unsigned char I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W PCM PCM IRQ level value translation */
{ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, 1, 7, 8, 9, 0, 10, 11 };
unsigned char E_C_MPU401_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ value translation */
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x01, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 };
unsigned char E_C_SB_IRQ_translate[] = /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ translate */
{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x08, 0x28, 0x30, 0x38, 0, 0 };
unsigned char E_C_SB_DMA_translate[] = /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA translate */
{ 0x00, 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
unsigned char O_M_1_to_card[] = /* R W Control Translate (OM1 & 0x0f) to card type */
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 3 };
extern unsigned char I_C_2_PCM_DMA_translate[]; /* R W PCM PCM DMA channel value translations */
extern unsigned char I_C_3_PCM_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W PCM PCM IRQ level value translation */
extern unsigned char E_C_MPU401_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W MIDI MPU401 emulation IRQ value translation */
extern unsigned char E_C_SB_IRQ_translate[]; /* R W PCM SB emulation IRQ translate */
extern unsigned char E_C_SB_DMA_translate[]; /* R W PCM SB emulation DMA translate */
extern unsigned char O_M_1_to_card[]; /* R W Control Translate (OM1 & 0x0f) to card type */
#define PARALLEL_MIXER 0x078B /* W Mixer Documented for MVD101 as FM Mono Right decode?? */
#define P_M_MV508_ADDRESS 0x80 /* W Mixer MVD508 Address/mixer select */
#define P_M_MV508_DATA 0x00
#define P_M_MV508_LEFT 0x20 /* W Mixer MVD508 Left channel select */
#define P_M_MV508_RIGHT 0x40 /* W Mixer MVD508 Right channel select */
#define P_M_MV508_BOTH 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Both channel select */
#define P_M_MV508_MIXER 0x10 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select a mixer (rather than a volume) */
#define P_M_MV508_VOLUME 0x00
#define P_M_MV508_INPUTMIX 0x20 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select mixer A */
#define P_M_MV508_OUTPUTMIX 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Select mixer B */
#define P_M_MV508_MASTER_A 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master volume control A (output) */
#define P_M_MV508_MASTER_B 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master volume control B (DSP input) */
#define P_M_MV508_BASS 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Bass control */
#define P_M_MV508_TREBLE 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Treble control */
#define P_M_MV508_MODE 0x05 /* W Mixer MVD508 Master mode control */
#define P_M_MV508_LOUDNESS 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - Loudness filter */
#define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_BITS 0x03
#define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_NONE 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - No stereo enhancement */
#define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_40 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 40% stereo enhancement */
#define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_60 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 60% stereo enhancement */
#define P_M_MV508_ENHANCE_80 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Mode control - 80% stereo enhancement */
#define P_M_MV508_FM 0x00 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 0 - FM */
#define P_M_MV508_IMIXER 0x01 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 1 - Input mixer (rec monitor) */
#define P_M_MV508_LINE 0x02 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 2 - Line in */
#define P_M_MV508_CDROM 0x03 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 3 - CD-ROM */
#define P_M_MV508_MIC 0x04 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 4 - Microphone */
#define P_M_MV508_PCM 0x05 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 5 - PCM */
#define P_M_MV508_SPEAKER 0x06 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 6 - PC Speaker */
#define P_M_MV508_SB 0x07 /* W Mixer MVD508 Channel 7 - SB DSP */
#define SERIAL_MIXER 0xB88 /* R W Control Serial mixer control (used other ways) */
#define S_M_PCM_RESET 0x01 /* R W PCM Codec/DSP reset */
#define S_M_FM_RESET 0x02 /* R W FM FM chip reset */
#define S_M_SB_RESET 0x04 /* R W PCM SB emulation chip reset */
#define S_M_MIXER_RESET 0x10 /* R W Mixer Mixer chip reset */
#define S_M_INTEGRATOR_ENABLE 0x40 /* R W Speaker Enable PC speaker integrator (FORCE RealSound) */
#define S_M_OPL3_DUAL_MONO 0x80 /* R W FM Set the OPL-3 to dual mono mode */
#define PCM_CONTROL 0xF8A /* R W PCM PCM Control Register */
#define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_FIELD 0x0f
#define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_R_TO_R 0x01 /* R W Mixer Connect Right to Right */
#define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_L_TO_R 0x02 /* R W Mixer Connect Left to Right */
#define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_R_TO_L 0x04 /* R W Mixer Connect Right to Left */
#define P_C_MIXER_CROSS_L_TO_L 0x08 /* R W Mixer Connect Left to Left */
#define P_C_PCM_DAC_MODE 0x10 /* R W PCM Playback (DAC) mode */
#define P_C_PCM_ADC_MODE 0x00 /* R W PCM Record (ADC) mode */
#define P_C_PCM_MONO 0x20 /* R W PCM Mono mode */
#define P_C_PCM_STEREO 0x00 /* R W PCM Stereo mode */
#define P_C_PCM_ENABLE 0x40 /* R W PCM Enable PCM engine */
#define P_C_PCM_DMA_ENABLE 0x80 /* R W PCM Enable DRQ */
#define SAMPLE_COUNTER_CONTROL 0x138B /* R W PCM Sample counter control register */
#define S_C_C_SQUARE_WAVE 0x04 /* R W PCM Square wave generator (use for sample rate) */
#define S_C_C_RATE 0x06 /* R W PCM Rate generator (use for sample buffer count) */
#define S_C_C_LSB_THEN_MSB 0x30 /* R W PCM Change all 16 bits, LSB first, then MSB */
/* MVD101 and SDK documentations have S_C_C_SAMPLE_RATE and S_C_C_SAMPLE_BUFFER transposed. Only one works :-) */
#define S_C_C_SAMPLE_RATE 0x00 /* R W PCM Select sample rate timer */
#define S_C_C_SAMPLE_BUFFER 0x40 /* R W PCM Select sample buffer counter */
#define S_C_C_PC_SPEAKER 0x80 /* R W PCM Select PC speaker counter */
#define SAMPLE_RATE_TIMER 0x1388 /* W PCM Sample rate timer register (PCM wait interval) */
#define SAMPLE_BUFFER_COUNTER 0x1389 /* R W PCM Sample buffer counter (DMA buffer size) */
#define MIDI_CONTROL 0x178b /* R W MIDI Midi control register */
#define M_C_ENA_TSTAMP_IRQ 0x01 /* R W MIDI Enable Time Stamp Interrupts */
#define M_C_ENA_TME_COMP_IRQ 0x02 /* R W MIDI Enable time compare interrupts */
#define M_C_ENA_INPUT_IRQ 0x04 /* R W MIDI Enable input FIFO interrupts */
#define M_C_ENA_OUTPUT_IRQ 0x08 /* R W MIDI Enable output FIFO interrupts */
#define M_C_ENA_OUTPUT_HALF_IRQ 0x10 /* R W MIDI Enable output FIFO half full interrupts */
#define M_C_RESET_INPUT_FIFO 0x20 /* R W MIDI Reset input FIFO pointer */
#define M_C_RESET_OUTPUT_FIFO 0x40 /* R W MIDI Reset output FIFO pointer */
#define M_C_ENA_THRU_MODE 0x80 /* R W MIDI Echo input to output (THRU) */
#define MIDI_STATUS 0x1B88 /* R W MIDI Midi (interrupt) status register */
#define M_S_TIMESTAMP 0x01 /* R W MIDI Midi time stamp interrupt occurred */
#define M_S_COMPARE 0x02 /* R W MIDI Midi compare time interrupt occurred */
#define M_S_INPUT_AVAIL 0x04 /* R W MIDI Midi input data available interrupt occurred */
#define M_S_OUTPUT_EMPTY 0x08 /* R W MIDI Midi output FIFO empty interrupt occurred */
#define M_S_OUTPUT_HALF_EMPTY 0x10 /* R W MIDI Midi output FIFO half empty interrupt occurred */
#define M_S_INPUT_OVERRUN 0x20 /* R W MIDI Midi input overrun error occurred */
#define M_S_OUTPUT_OVERRUN 0x40 /* R W MIDI Midi output overrun error occurred */
#define M_S_FRAMING_ERROR 0x80 /* R W MIDI Midi input framing error occurred */
#define MIDI_FIFO_STATUS 0x1B89 /* R W MIDI Midi fifo status */
#define MIDI_DATA 0x178A /* R W MIDI Midi data register */