Mike Smith 780ebb4b00 Add the Ficl (Forth Inspired Command Language) interpreter. If all goes well,
this will allow us to manage bloat in the loader by using a bytecoded HLL
rather than lots of C code.  It also offers an opportunity for vendors
or others with special applications to significantly customise the boot
process without having to commit to a divergent code branch.

This early commit is to allow others to experiment with the most effective
mechanisms for integrating FICL with the loader as it currently stands.

Ficl is distributed with the following license conditions:

"Ficl is freeware.  Use it in any way that you like, with the understanding
 that the code is not supported."

All source files contain authorship attributions.

Obtained from:	John Sadler (
1998-11-03 06:11:35 +00:00

381 lines
11 KiB

** f i c l . c
** Forth Inspired Command Language - external interface
** Author: John Sadler (
** Created: 19 July 1997
** This is an ANS Forth interpreter written in C.
** Ficl uses Forth syntax for its commands, but turns the Forth
** model on its head in other respects.
** Ficl provides facilities for interoperating
** with programs written in C: C functions can be exported to Ficl,
** and Ficl commands can be executed via a C calling interface. The
** interpreter is re-entrant, so it can be used in multiple instances
** in a multitasking system. Unlike Forth, Ficl's outer interpreter
** expects a text block as input, and returns to the caller after each
** text block, so the data pump is somewhere in external code. This
** is more like TCL than Forth.
** Code is written in ANSI C for portability.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ficl.h"
** Local prototypes
** System statics
** The system builds a global dictionary during its start
** sequence. This is shared by all interpreter instances.
** Therefore only one instance can update the dictionary
** at a time. The system imports a locking function that
** you can override in order to control update access to
** the dictionary. The function is stubbed out by default,
** but you can insert one: #define FICL_MULTITHREAD 1
** and supply your own version of ficlLockDictionary.
static FICL_DICT *dp = NULL;
static FICL_DICT *envp = NULL;
static FICL_DICT *localp = NULL;
static FICL_VM *vmList = NULL;
static int defaultStack = FICL_DEFAULT_STACK;
static int defaultDict = FICL_DEFAULT_DICT;
f i c l I n i t S y s t e m
** Binds a global dictionary to the interpreter system.
** You specify the address and size of the allocated area.
** After that, ficl manages it.
** First step is to set up the static pointers to the area.
** Then write the "precompiled" portion of the dictionary in.
** The dictionary needs to be at least large enough to hold the
** precompiled part. Try 1K cells minimum. Use "words" to find
** out how much of the dictionary is used at any time.
void ficlInitSystem(int nDictCells)
if (dp)
if (envp)
if (localp)
if (nDictCells <= 0)
nDictCells = defaultDict;
dp = dictCreateHashed((unsigned)nDictCells, HASHSIZE);
envp = dictCreate( (unsigned)FICL_DEFAULT_ENV);
** The locals dictionary is only searched while compiling,
** but this is where speed is most important. On the other
** hand, the dictionary gets emptied after each use of locals
** The need to balance search speed with the cost of the empty
** operation led me to select a single-threaded list...
localp = dictCreate( (unsigned)FICL_MAX_LOCALS * CELLS_PER_WORD);
f i c l N e w V M
** Create a new virtual machine and link it into the system list
** of VMs for later cleanup by ficlTermSystem. If this is the first
** VM to be created, use it to compile the words in softcore.c
FICL_VM *ficlNewVM(void)
FICL_VM *pVM = vmCreate(NULL, defaultStack, defaultStack);
pVM->link = vmList;
** Borrow the first vm to build the soft words in softcore.c
if (vmList == NULL)
vmList = pVM;
return pVM;
f i c l B u i l d
** Builds a word into the dictionary.
** Preconditions: system must be initialized, and there must
** be enough space for the new word's header! Operation is
** controlled by ficlLockDictionary, so any initialization
** required by your version of the function (if you overrode
** it) must be complete at this point.
** Parameters:
** name -- duh, the name of the word
** code -- code to execute when the word is invoked - must take a single param
** pointer to a FICL_VM
** flags -- 0 or more of F_IMMEDIATE, F_COMPILE, use bitwise OR!
int ficlBuild(char *name, FICL_CODE code, char flags)
int err = ficlLockDictionary(TRUE);
if (err) return err;
dictAppendWord(dp, name, code, flags);
return 0;
f i c l E x e c
** Evaluates a block of input text in the context of the
** specified interpreter. Emits any requested output to the
** interpreter's output function.
** Contains the "inner interpreter" code in a tight loop
** Returns one of the VM_XXXX codes defined in ficl.h:
** VM_OUTOFTEXT is the normal exit condition
** VM_ERREXIT means that the interp encountered a syntax error
** and the vm has been reset to recover (some or all
** of the text block got ignored
** VM_USEREXIT means that the user executed the "bye" command
** to shut down the interpreter. This would be a good
** time to delete the vm, etc -- or you can ignore this
** signal.
int ficlExec(FICL_VM *pVM, char *pText)
int except;
jmp_buf vmState;
jmp_buf *oldState;
TIB saveTib;
vmPushTib(pVM, pText, &saveTib);
** Save and restore VM's jmp_buf to enable nested calls to ficlExec
oldState = pVM->pState;
pVM->pState = &vmState; /* This has to come before the setjmp! */
except = setjmp(vmState);
switch (except)
case 0:
if (pVM->fRestart)
pVM->fRestart = 0;
** the mysterious inner interpreter...
** vmThrow gets you out of this loop with a longjmp()
for (;;)
tempFW = *pVM->ip++;
** inline code for
** vmExecute(pVM, tempFW);
pVM->runningWord = tempFW;
pVM->fRestart = 1;
except = VM_OUTOFTEXT;
if ((pVM->state != COMPILE) && (pVM->sourceID.i == 0))
ficlTextOut(pVM, FICL_PROMPT, 0);
case VM_QUIT:
if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
default: /* user defined exit code?? */
if (pVM->state == COMPILE)
dictEmpty(localp, localp->pForthWords->size);
pVM->pState = oldState;
vmPopTib(pVM, &saveTib);
return (except);
f i c l L o o k u p
** Look in the system dictionary for a match to the given name. If
** found, return the address of the corresponding FICL_WORD. Otherwise
** return NULL.
FICL_WORD *ficlLookup(char *name)
SI_PSZ(si, name);
return dictLookup(dp, si);
f i c l G e t D i c t
** Returns the address of the system dictionary
FICL_DICT *ficlGetDict(void)
return dp;
f i c l G e t E n v
** Returns the address of the system environment space
FICL_DICT *ficlGetEnv(void)
return envp;
f i c l S e t E n v
** Create an environment variable with a one-CELL payload. ficlSetEnvD
** makes one with a two-CELL payload.
void ficlSetEnv(char *name, UNS32 value)
SI_PSZ(si, name);
pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);
if (pFW == NULL)
dictAppendWord(envp, name, constantParen, FW_DEFAULT);
dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(value));
pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(value);
void ficlSetEnvD(char *name, UNS32 hi, UNS32 lo)
SI_PSZ(si, name);
pFW = dictLookup(envp, si);
if (pFW == NULL)
dictAppendWord(envp, name, twoConstParen, FW_DEFAULT);
dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(lo));
dictAppendCell(envp, LVALUEtoCELL(hi));
pFW->param[0] = LVALUEtoCELL(lo);
pFW->param[1] = LVALUEtoCELL(hi);
f i c l G e t L o c
** Returns the address of the system locals dictionary. This dict is
** only used during compilation, and is shared by all VMs.
FICL_DICT *ficlGetLoc(void)
return localp;
f i c l T e r m S y s t e m
** Tear the system down by deleting the dictionaries and all VMs.
** This saves you from having to keep track of all that stuff.
void ficlTermSystem(void)
if (dp)
dp = NULL;
if (envp)
envp = NULL;
if (localp)
localp = NULL;
while (vmList != NULL)
FICL_VM *pVM = vmList;
vmList = vmList->link;