2001-07-30 03:09:46 +00:00

336 lines
12 KiB

# macintosh description
# BinHex is the Macintosh ASCII-encoded file format (see also "apple")
# Daniel Quinlan,
11 string must\ be\ converted\ with\ BinHex BinHex binary text
>41 string x \b, version %.3s
# Stuffit archives are the de facto standard of compression for Macintosh
# files obtained from most archives. (
0 string SIT! StuffIt Archive (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string SITD StuffIt Deluxe (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string Seg StuffIt Deluxe Segment (data)
>2 string x : %s
# Macintosh Applications and Installation binaries (
0 string APPL Macintosh Application (data)
>2 string x \b: %s
# Macintosh System files (
0 string zsys Macintosh System File (data)
0 string FNDR Macintosh Finder (data)
0 string libr Macintosh Library (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string shlb Macintosh Shared Library (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string cdev Macintosh Control Panel (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string INIT Macintosh Extension (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string FFIL Macintosh Truetype Font (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string LWFN Macintosh Postscript Font (data)
>2 string x : %s
# Additional Macintosh Files (
0 string PACT Macintosh Compact Pro Archive (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string ttro Macintosh TeachText File (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string TEXT Macintosh TeachText File (data)
>2 string x : %s
0 string PDF Macintosh PDF File (data)
>2 string x : %s
# MacBinary format (Eric Fischer,
# Unfortunately MacBinary doesn't really have a magic number prior
# to the MacBinary III format. The checksum is really the way to
# do it, but the magic file format isn't up to the challenge.
# 0 byte 0
# 1 byte # filename length
# 2 string # filename
# 65 string # file type
# 69 string # file creator
# 73 byte # Finder flags
# 74 byte 0
# 75 beshort # vertical posn in window
# 77 beshort # horiz posn in window
# 79 beshort # window or folder ID
# 81 byte # protected?
# 82 byte 0
# 83 belong # length of data segment
# 87 belong # length of resource segment
# 91 belong # file creation date
# 95 belong # file modification date
# 99 beshort # length of comment after resource
# 101 byte # new Finder flags
# 102 string mBIN # (only in MacBinary III)
# 106 byte # char. code of file name
# 107 byte # still more Finder flags
# 116 belong # total file length
# 120 beshort # length of add'l header
# 122 byte 129 # for MacBinary II
# 122 byte 130 # for MacBinary III
# 123 byte 129 # minimum version that can read fmt
# 124 beshort # checksum
# This attempts to use the version numbers as a magic number, requiring
# that the first one be 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, or 0x83, and that the second
# be 0x81. This works for the files I have, but maybe not for everyone's.
122 beshort&0xFCFF 0x8081 Macintosh MacBinary data
# MacBinary I doesn't have the version number field at all, but MacBinary II
# has been in use since 1987 so I hope there aren't many really old files
# floating around that this will miss. The original spec calls for using
# the nulls in 0, 74, and 82 as the magic number.
# Another possibility, that would also work for MacBinary I, is to use
# the assumption that 65-72 will all be ASCII (0x20-0x7F), that 73 will
# have bits 1 (changed), 2 (busy), 3 (bozo), and 6 (invisible) unset,
# and that 74 will be 0. So something like
# 71 belong&0x80804EFF 0x00000000 Macintosh MacBinary data
# >73 byte&0x01 0x01 \b, inited
# >73 byte&0x02 0x02 \b, changed
# >73 byte&0x04 0x04 \b, busy
# >73 byte&0x08 0x08 \b, bozo
# >73 byte&0x10 0x10 \b, system
# >73 byte&0x10 0x20 \b, bundle
# >73 byte&0x10 0x40 \b, invisible
# >73 byte&0x10 0x80 \b, locked
>65 string x \b, type "%4.4s"
>65 string 8BIM (PhotoShop)
>65 string ALB3 (PageMaker 3)
>65 string ALB4 (PageMaker 4)
>65 string ALT3 (PageMaker 3)
>65 string APPL (application)
>65 string AWWP (AppleWorks word processor)
>65 string CIRC (simulated circuit)
>65 string DRWG (MacDraw)
>65 string EPSF (Encapsulated PostScript)
>65 string FFIL (font suitcase)
>65 string FKEY (function key)
>65 string FNDR (Macintosh Finder)
>65 string GIFf (GIF image)
>65 string Gzip (GNU gzip)
>65 string INIT (system extension)
>65 string LIB\ (library)
>65 string LWFN (PostScript font)
>65 string MSBC (Microsoft BASIC)
>65 string PACT (Compact Pro archive)
>65 string PDF\ (Portable Document Format)
>65 string PICT (picture)
>65 string PNTG (MacPaint picture)
>65 string PREF (preferences)
>65 string PROJ (Think C project)
>65 string QPRJ (Think Pascal project)
>65 string SCFL (Defender scores)
>65 string SCRN (startup screen)
>65 string SITD (StuffIt Deluxe)
>65 string SPn3 (SuperPaint)
>65 string STAK (HyperCard stack)
>65 string Seg\ (StuffIt segment)
>65 string TARF (Unix tar archive)
>65 string TEXT (ASCII)
>65 string TIFF (TIFF image)
>65 string TOVF (Eudora table of contents)
>65 string WDBN (Microsoft Word word processor)
>65 string WORD (MacWrite word processor)
>65 string XLS\ (Microsoft Excel)
>65 string ZIVM (compress (.Z))
>65 string ZSYS (Pre-System 7 system file)
>65 string acf3 (Aldus FreeHand)
>65 string cdev (control panel)
>65 string dfil (Desk Acessory suitcase)
>65 string libr (library)
>65 string nX^d (WriteNow word processor)
>65 string nX^w (WriteNow dictionary)
>65 string rsrc (resource)
>65 string scbk (Scrapbook)
>65 string shlb (shared library)
>65 string ttro (SimpleText read-only)
>65 string zsys (system file)
>69 string x \b, creator "%4.4s"
# Somewhere, Apple has a repository of registered Creator IDs. These are
# just the ones that I happened to have files from and was able to identify.
>69 string 8BIM (Adobe Photoshop)
>69 string ALD3 (PageMaker 3)
>69 string ALD4 (PageMaker 4)
>69 string ALFA (Alpha editor)
>69 string APLS (Apple Scanner)
>69 string APSC (Apple Scanner)
>69 string BRKL (Brickles)
>69 string BTFT (BitFont)
>69 string CCL2 (Common Lisp 2)
>69 string CCL\ (Common Lisp)
>69 string CDmo (The Talking Moose)
>69 string CPCT (Compact Pro)
>69 string CSOm (Eudora)
>69 string DMOV (Font/DA Mover)
>69 string DSIM (DigSim)
>69 string EDIT (Macintosh Edit)
>69 string ERIK (Macintosh Finder)
>69 string EXTR (self-extracting archive)
>69 string Gzip (GNU gzip)
>69 string KAHL (Think C)
>69 string LWFU (LaserWriter Utility)
>69 string LZIV (compress)
>69 string MACA (MacWrite)
>69 string MACS (Macintosh operating system)
>69 string MAcK (MacKnowledge terminal emulator)
>69 string MLND (Defender)
>69 string MPNT (MacPaint)
>69 string MSBB (Microsoft BASIC (binary))
>69 string MSWD (Microsoft Word)
>69 string NCSA (NCSA Telnet)
>69 string PJMM (Think Pascal)
>69 string PSAL (Hunt the Wumpus)
>69 string PSI2 (Apple File Exchange)
>69 string R*ch (BBEdit)
>69 string RMKR (Resource Maker)
>69 string RSED (Resource Editor)
>69 string Rich (BBEdit)
>69 string SIT! (StuffIt)
>69 string SPNT (SuperPaint)
>69 string Unix (NeXT Mac filesystem)
>69 string VIM! (Vim editor)
>69 string WILD (HyperCard)
>69 string XCEL (Microsoft Excel)
>69 string aCa2 (Fontographer)
>69 string aca3 (Aldus FreeHand)
>69 string dosa (Macintosh MS-DOS file system)
>69 string movr (Font/DA Mover)
>69 string nX^n (WriteNow)
>69 string pdos (Apple ProDOS file system)
>69 string scbk (Scrapbook)
>69 string ttxt (SimpleText)
>69 string ufox (Foreign File Access)
# Just in case...
102 string mBIN MacBinary III data with surprising version number
# sas magic from Bruce Foster (
#0 string SAS SAS
#>8 string x %s
0 string SAS SAS
>24 string DATA data file
>24 string CATALOG catalog
>24 string INDEX data file index
>24 string VIEW data view
# spss magic for SPSS system and portable files,
# from Bruce Foster (
0 long 0xc1e2c3c9 SPSS Portable File
>40 string x %s
0 string $FL2 SPSS System File
>24 string x %s
# Macintosh filesystem data
# From "Tom N Harris" <>
# The MacOS epoch begins on 1 Jan 1904 instead of 1 Jan 1970, so these
# entries depend on the data arithmetic added after v.35
# There's also some Pascal strings in here, ditto...
# The boot block signature, according to IM:Files, is
# "for HFS volumes, this field always contains the value 0x4C4B."
# But if this is true for MFS or HFS+ volumes, I don't know.
# Alternatively, the boot block is supposed to be zeroed if it's
# unused, so a simply >0 should suffice.
0x400 beshort 0xD2D7 Macintosh MFS data
>0 beshort 0x4C4B (bootable)
>0x40a beshort &0x8000 (locked)
>0x402 beldate-0x7C25B080 x created: %s,
>0x406 beldate-0x7C25B080 >0 last backup: %s,
>0x414 belong x block size: %d,
>0x412 beshort x number of blocks: %d,
>0x424 pstring x volume name: %s
0x400 beshort 0x4244 Macintosh HFS data
>0 beshort 0x4C4B (bootable)
>0x40a beshort &0x8000 (locked)
>0x40a beshort ^0x0100 (mounted)
>0x40a beshort &0x0800 (unclean)
>0x402 beldate-0x7C25B080 x created: %s,
>0x406 beldate-0x7C25B080 x last modified: %s,
>0x440 beldate-0x7C25B080 >0 last backup: %s,
>0x414 belong x block size: %d,
>0x412 beshort x number of blocks: %d,
>0x424 pstring x volume name: %s
#>0x480 beshort =0x482B Embedded HFS+ Volume:
#>>((0x482*(0x414))+(0x41c*512)) x \b
# Well, this is (theoretically) how we could do this. But it occurs to
# me that we likely don't read in a large enough chunk. I don't have any
# HFS+ volumes to see what a typical offset would be.
0x400 beshort 0x482B Macintosh HFS Extended
>&2 beshort x version %d data
>0 beshort 0x4C4B (bootable)
>&4 belong ^0x00000100 (mounted)
>&4 belong &0x00000800 (unclean)
>&4 belong &0x00008000 (locked)
>&8 string x last mounted by: '%.4s',
# really, that should be treated as a belong and we print a string
# based on the value. TN1150 only mentions '8.10' for "MacOS 8.1"
>&16 beldate-0x7C25B080 x created: %s,
>&20 beldate-0x7C25B080 x last modified: %s,
>&24 beldate-0x7C25B080 >0 last backup: %s,
>&28 beldate-0x7C25B080 >0 last checked: %s,
>&40 belong x block size: %d,
>&44 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>&48 belong x free blocks: %d
# I don't think this is really necessary since it doesn't do much and
# anything with a valid driver descriptor will also have a valid
# partition map
#0 beshort 0x4552 Apple Device Driver data
#>&24 beshort =1 \b, MacOS
# Is that the partition type a cstring or a pstring? Well, IM says "strings
# shorter than 32 bytes must be terminated with NULL" so I'll treat it as a
# cstring. Of course, partitions can contain more than four entries, but
# what're you gonna do?
0x200 beshort 0x504D Apple Partition data
>&2 beshort x block size: %d
>&48 string x first type: %s,
>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>&48 string x second type: %s
>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>>&48 string x third type: %s
>>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>>>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>>>&48 string x fourth type: %s
>>>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
# AFAIK, only the signature is different
0x200 beshort 0x5453 Apple Old Partition data
>&2 beshort x block size: %d
>&48 string x first type: %s,
>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>&48 string x second type: %s
>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>>&48 string x third type: %s
>>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,
>>>(&0x2.S) beshort 0x504D
>>>>&48 string x fourth type: %s
>>>>&12 belong x number of blocks: %d,