1999-12-09 13:01:21 +00:00

479 lines
12 KiB

;#,v 3.1 1993/07/06 01:09:09 jbj Exp
;# process loop filter statistics file and either
;# - show statistics periodically using gnuplot
;# - or print a single plot
;# Copyright (c) 1992
;# Rainer Pruy Friedrich-Alexander Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
package ntp;
$NTP_version = 2;
$byte1 = (($NTP_version & 0x7)<< 3) & 0x34 | ($ctrl_mode & 0x7);
$MAX_DATA = 468;
$sequence = 0; # initial sequence number incred before used
$do_auth=0; # no possibility today
;#list if known keys (passwords)
%KEYS = ( 0, "\200\200\200\200\200\200\200\200",
;# access routines for ntp control packet
;# NTP control message format
;# C LI|VN|MODE LI 2bit=00 VN 3bit=2(3) MODE 3bit=6 : $byte1
;# C R|E|M|Op R response E error M more Op opcode
;# n sequence
;# n status
;# n associd
;# n offset
;# n count
;# a+ data (+ padding)
;# optional authentication data
;# N key
;# N2 checksum
;# first bye of packet
sub pkt_LI { return ($_[$[] >> 6) & 0x3; }
sub pkt_VN { return ($_[$[] >> 3) & 0x7; }
sub pkt_MODE { return ($_[$[] ) & 0x7; }
;# second byte of packet
sub pkt_R { return ($_[$[] & 0x80) == 0x80; }
sub pkt_E { return ($_[$[] & 0x40) == 0x40; }
sub pkt_M { return ($_[$[] & 0x20) == 0x20; }
sub pkt_OP { return $_[$[] & 0x1f; }
sub setkey
local($id,$key) = @_;
$KEYS{$id} = $key if (defined($key));
if (! defined($KEYS{$id}))
warn "Key $id not yet specified - key not changed\n";
return undef;
return ($keyid,$keyid = $id)[$[];
sub numerical { $a <=> $b; }
sub send #'
local($fh,$opcode, $associd, $data,$address) = @_;
$fh = caller(0)."'$fh";
$offset = 0;
$junksize = length($data);
$junksize = $MAX_DATA if $junksize > $MAX_DATA;
($junk,$data) = $data =~ /^(.{$junksize})(.*)$/;
= pack("C2n5a".(($junk eq "") ? 0 : &pad($junksize+12,$pad)-12),
($opcode & 0x1f) | ($data ? 0x20 : 0),
0, $associd,
$offset, $junksize, $junk);
if ($do_auth)
;# not yet
$offset += $junksize;
if (defined($address))
$ret = send($fh, $packet, 0, $address);
$ret = send($fh, $packet, 0);
if (! defined($ret))
warn "send failed: $!\n";
return undef;
elsif ($ret != length($packet))
warn "send failed: sent only $ret from ".length($packet). "bytes\n";
return undef;
return $sequence unless $data;
;# status interpretation
sub getval
local($val,*list) = @_;
return $list{$val} if defined($list{$val});
return sprintf("%s#%d",$list{"-"},$val) if defined($list{"-"});
return "unknown-$val";
;# system status
;# format: |LI|CS|SECnt|SECode| LI=2bit CS=6bit SECnt=4bit SECode=4bit
sub ssw_LI { return ($_[$[] >> 14) & 0x3; }
sub ssw_CS { return ($_[$[] >> 8) & 0x3f; }
sub ssw_SECnt { return ($_[$[] >> 4) & 0xf; }
sub ssw_SECode { return $_[$[] & 0xf; }
%LI = ( 0, "leap_none", 1, "leap_add_sec", 2, "leap_del_sec", 3, "sync_alarm", "-", "leap");
%ClockSource = (0, "sync_unspec",
1, "sync_lf_clock",
2, "sync_uhf_clock",
3, "sync_hf_clock",
4, "sync_local_proto",
5, "sync_ntp",
6, "sync_udp/time",
7, "sync_wristwatch",
"-", "ClockSource",
%SystemEvent = (0, "event_unspec",
1, "event_restart",
2, "event_fault",
3, "event_sync_chg",
4, "event_sync/strat_chg",
5, "event_clock_reset",
6, "event_bad_date",
7, "event_clock_excptn",
"-", "event",
sub LI
sub ClockSource
sub SystemEvent
sub system_status
return sprintf("%s, %s, %d event%s, %s", &LI($_[$[]), &ClockSource($_[$[]),
&ssw_SECnt($_[$[]), ((&ssw_SECnt($_[$[])==1) ? "" : "s"),
;# peer status
;# format: |PStat|PSel|PCnt|PCode| Pstat=6bit PSel=2bit PCnt=4bit PCode=4bit
sub psw_PStat_config { return ($_[$[] & 0x8000) == 0x8000; }
sub psw_PStat_authenable { return ($_[$[] & 0x4000) == 0x4000; }
sub psw_PStat_authentic { return ($_[$[] & 0x2000) == 0x2000; }
sub psw_PStat_reach { return ($_[$[] & 0x1000) == 0x1000; }
sub psw_PStat_sane { return ($_[$[] & 0x0800) == 0x0800; }
sub psw_PStat_dispok { return ($_[$[] & 0x0400) == 0x0400; }
sub psw_PStat { return ($_[$[] >> 10) & 0x3f; }
sub psw_PSel { return ($_[$[] >> 8) & 0x3; }
sub psw_PCnt { return ($_[$[] >> 4) & 0xf; }
sub psw_PCode { return $_[$[] & 0xf; }
%PeerSelection = (0, "sel_reject",
1, "sel_candidate",
2, "sel_selcand",
3, "sel_sys.peer",
"-", "PeerSel",
%PeerEvent = (0, "event_unspec",
1, "event_ip_err",
2, "event_authen",
3, "event_unreach",
4, "event_reach",
5, "event_clock_excptn",
6, "event_stratum_chg",
"-", "event",
sub PeerSelection
sub PeerEvent
sub peer_status
local($x) = ("");
$x .= "config," if &psw_PStat_config($_[$[]);
$x .= "authenable," if &psw_PStat_authenable($_[$[]);
$x .= "authentic," if &psw_PStat_authentic($_[$[]);
$x .= "reach," if &psw_PStat_reach($_[$[]);
$x .= &psw_PStat_sane($_[$[]) ? "sane," : "insane,";
$x .= "hi_disp," unless &psw_PStat_dispok($_[$[]);
$x .= sprintf(" %s, %d event%s, %s", &PeerSelection($_[$[]),
&psw_PCnt($_[$[]), ((&psw_PCnt($_[$[]) == 1) ? "" : "s"),
return $x;
;# clock status
;# format: |CStat|CEvnt| CStat=8bit CEvnt=8bit
sub csw_CStat { return ($_[$[] >> 8) & 0xff; }
sub csw_CEvnt { return $_[$[] & 0xff; }
%ClockStatus = (0, "clk_nominal",
1, "clk_timeout",
2, "clk_badreply",
3, "clk_fault",
4, "clk_prop",
5, "clk_baddate",
6, "clk_badtime",
"-", "clk",
sub clock_status
return sprintf("%s, last %s",
;# error status
;# format: |Err|reserved| Err=8bit
sub esw_Err { return ($_[$[] >> 8) & 0xff; }
%ErrorStatus = (0, "err_unspec",
1, "err_auth_fail",
2, "err_invalid_fmt",
3, "err_invalid_opcode",
4, "err_unknown_assoc",
5, "err_unknown_var",
6, "err_invalid_value",
7, "err_adm_prohibit",
sub error_status
return sprintf("%s", &getval(&esw_Err($_[$[]),*ErrorStatus));
;# cntrl op name translation
%CntrlOpName = (1, "read_status",
2, "read_variables",
3, "write_variables",
4, "read_clock_variables",
5, "write_clock_variables",
6, "set_trap",
7, "trap_response",
31, "unset_trap", # !!! unofficial !!!
"-", "cntrlop",
sub cntrlop_name
return &getval($_[$[],*CntrlOpName);
$STAT_short_pkt = 0;
$STAT_pkt = 0;
;# process a NTP control message (response) packet
;# returns a list ($ret,$data,$status,$associd,$op,$seq,$auth_keyid)
;# $ret: undef --> not yet complete
;# "" --> complete packet received
;# "ERROR" --> error during receive, bad packet, ...
;# else --> error packet - list may contain useful info
sub handle_packet
local($pkt,$from) = @_; # parameters
local($len_pkt) = (length($pkt));
;# local(*FRAGS,*lastseen);
if ($len_pkt < 12)
return ("ERROR","short packet received");
;# now break packet apart
($li_vn_mode,$r_e_m_op,$seq,$status,$associd,$offset,$count,$data) =
if ((($len_pkt - 12) - &pad($count,4)) >= 12)
;# looks like an authenticator
($auth_keyid,$auth_cksum) =
;# no checking of auth_cksum (yet ?)
if (&pkt_VN($li_vn_mode) != $NTP_version)
return ("ERROR","version ".&pkt_VN($li_vn_mode)."packet ignored");
if (&pkt_MODE($li_vn_mode) != $ctrl_mode)
return ("ERROR", "mode ".&pkt_MODE($li_vn_mode)." packet ignored");
;# handle single fragment fast
if ($offset == 0 && &pkt_M($r_e_m_op) == 0)
if (&pkt_E($r_e_m_op))
return (&error_status($status),
return ("",
;# fragment - set up local name space
$id = "$from$seq".&pkt_OP($r_e_m_op);
$ID{$id} = 1;
*FRAGS = "$id FRAGS";
*lastseen = "$id lastseen";
$lastseen = 1 if !&pkt_M($r_e_m_op);
if (!defined(%FRAGS))
# (&pkt_M($r_e_m_op) ? " more" : "")."\n";
$FRAGS{$offset} = $data;
;# save other info
@FRAGS = ($status,$associd,&pkt_OP($r_e_m_op),$seq,$auth_keyid,$r_e_m_op);
# (&pkt_M($r_e_m_op) ? " more" : "")."\n";
;# add frag to previous - combine on the fly
if (defined($FRAGS{$offset}))
return ("ERROR","duplicate fragment at $offset seq=$seq");
$FRAGS{$offset} = $data;
foreach $off (sort numerical keys(%FRAGS))
next unless defined($FRAGS{$off});
if (defined($loff) &&
($loff + length($FRAGS{$loff})) == $off)
$FRAGS{$loff} .= $FRAGS{$off};
delete $FRAGS{$off};
$loff = $off;
;# return packet if all frags arrived
;# at most two frags with possible padding ???
if ($lastseen && defined($FRAGS{0}) &&
(((scalar(@x=sort numerical keys(%FRAGS)) == 2) &&
(length($FRAGS{0}) + 8) > $x[$[+1]) ||
(scalar(@x=sort numerical keys(%FRAGS)) < 2)))
@x=((&pkt_E($r_e_m_op) ? &error_status($status) : ""),
&pkt_E($r_e_m_op) ? $STAT_err_frag++ : $STAT_frag_all++;
delete $ID{$id};
return @x;
&main'set_timeout($id,time+$timeout,"&ntp'handle_packet_timeout(\"".unpack("H*",$id)."\");"); #'";
return (undef);
sub handle_packet_timeout
local($id) = @_;
local($r_e_m_op,*FRAGS,*lastseen,@x) = (@FRAGS[$[+5]);
*FRAGS = "$id FRAGS";
*lastseen = "$id lastseen";
@x=((&pkt_E($r_e_m_op) ? &error_status($status) : "TIMEOUT"),
$FRAGS{0},@FRAGS[$[ .. $[+4]);
delete $ID{$id};
return @x;
sub pad
return $_[$[+1] * int(($_[$[] + $_[$[+1] - 1) / $_[$[+1]);