
171 lines
3.7 KiB

$Id: module.sgml-template,v 1.1 1996/11/30 20:59:32 morgan Exp $
This template file was written by Andrew G. Morgan
Text that should be deleted/replaced, is enclosed within
'[' .. ']'
marks. For example, this text should be deleted!
<sect1> [*Familiar full name of module*, eg. The "allow all" module.]
<tag><bf>Module Name:</bf></tag>
insert the name of the module
Blank is not permitted.
Insert author names here
Blank is not permitted. If in doubt, put "unknown" if the
author wishes to remain anonymous, put "anonymous".
Insert names and date-begun of most recent maintainer.
<tag><bf>Management groups provided:</bf></tag>
list the subset of four management groups supported by the
module. Choose from: account; authentication; password;
Blank entries are not permitted. Explicitly list all of the
management groups. In the future more may be added to libpam!
<tag><bf>Cryptographically sensitive:</bf></tag>
Indicate whether this module contains code that can perform
reversible (strong) encryption. This field is primarily to
ensure that people redistributing it are not unwittingly
breaking laws...
Modules may also require the presence of some local library
that performs the necessary encryption via some standard API.
In this case "uses API" can be included in this field. The
library in question should be added to the system requirements
Blank = no cryptography is used by module.
<tag><bf>Security rating:</bf></tag>
Initially, this field should be left blank. If someone takes
it upon themselves to test the strength of the module, it can
later be filled.
Blank = unknown.
<tag><bf>Clean code base:</bf></tag>
This will probably be filled by the libpam maintainer.
It can be considered to be a public humiliation list. :*)
I am of the opinion that "gcc -with_all_those_flags" is
trying to tell us something about whether the program
works as intended. Since there is currently no Security
evaluation procedure for modules IMHO this is not a
completely unreasonable indication (a lower bound anyway)
of the reliability of a module.
This field would indicate the number and flavor of
warnings that gcc barfs up when trying to compile the
module as part of the tree. Is this too tyrannical?
Blank = Linux-PAM maintainer has not tested it :)
<tag><bf>System dependencies:</bf></tag>
here we list config files, dynamic libraries needed, system
resources, kernel options.. etc.
Blank = nothing more than libc required.
<tag><bf>Network aware:</bf></tag>
Does the module base its behavior on probing a network
connection? Does it expect to be protected by the
Blank = Ignorance of network.
<sect2>Overview of module
some text describing the intended actions of the module
general comments mainly (specifics in sections
[ now we have a <sect2> level subsection for each of the
management groups. Include as many as there are groups
listed above in the synopsis ]
<sect2>[ Account | Authentication | Password | Session ] component
<tag><bf>Recognized arguments:</bf></tag>
List the supported arguments (leave their description for the
description below.
Blank = no arguments are read and nothing is logged to syslog
about any arguments that are passed. Note, this
behavior is contrary to the RFC!
This component of the module performs the task of ...
<tag><bf>Examples/suggested usage:</bf></tag>
Here we list some doos and don'ts for this module.
End of sgml insert for this module.