1994-10-03 03:48:42 +00:00

101 lines
4.2 KiB

Last updated: $Date: 1994/09/14 09:50:56 $
Id: $Id: mailing-list.FAQ,v 1.2 1994/09/14 09:50:56 jkh Exp $
Though many of the FreeBSD development members read USENET, we cannot
always guarantee that we'll get to your questions in a timely fashion
(or at all) if you post them only to one of the comp.os.386bsd.*
groups. By addressing your questions to the appropriate mailing list
you will reach both us and a concentrated FreeBSD audience, invariably
assuring a better (or at least faster) response.
The following is a summary of the mailing lists:
List Purpose
freebsd-admim Administrative issues (limited)
freebsd-arch Architecture and design discussions (limited)
freebsd-bugs Bug reports
freebsd-hackers Technical discussions and suggestions
freebsd-questions User questions
freebsd-announce Important events / milestones
freebsd-current Discussions about the use of FreeBSD-current
freebsd-commit Commit messages to source repository
freebsd-core FreeBSD core team (limited)
The following lists are for people seeing the log messages for source changes
in specific areas:
List name Source area Area Description (source for)
cvs-CVSROOT /usr/src/[A-Z]* Top level /usr/src file changes
cvs-all /usr/src All changes to the tree (superset)
cvs-bin /usr/src/bin System binaries
cvs-etc /usr/src/etc System files
cvs-games /usr/src/games Games
cvs-gnu /usr/src/gnu GPL'd utilities
cvs-include /usr/src/include Include files
cvs-kerberosIV /usr/src/kerberosIV Kerberos encryption code
cvs-lib /usr/src/lib System libraries
cvs-libexec /usr/src/libexec System binaries
cvs-sbin /usr/src/sbin System binaries
cvs-share /usr/src/share System shared files
cvs-sys /usr/src/sys Kernel
cvs-usrbin /usr/src/usr.bin Use binaries
cvs-usrsbin /usr/src/usr.sbin System binaries
cvs-ports /usr/ports Ported software
Of all the lists, freebsd-arch, freebsd-admin and freebsd-core have closed
memberships limited to a small subset of core team members and developers,
though anyone is free to send suggestions and commentary to them. The other
lists may be freely joined by the general public.
All mailing lists live on `FreeBSD.ORG', so to post to a list you
simply mail to `<listname>@FreeBSD.ORG'. It will then be redistributed
to mailing list members throughout the world.
To subscribe to a list, send mail to:
And include the keyword
subscribe <listname> [<optional address>]
In the body of your message. For example, to subscribe yourself to
freebsd-hackers, you'd do:
% mail majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG
subscribe freebsd-hackers
If you want to subscribe yourself under a different name, or submit a
subscription request for a local mailing list (note: this is more efficient
if you have several interested parties at one site, and highly appreciated by
us!), you would do something like:
% mail majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG
subscribe freebsd-hackers
Finally, it is also possible to unsubscribe yourself from a list, get a
list of other list members or see the list of mailing lists again by
sending other types of control messages to majordomo. For a complete
list of available commands, do this:
% mail majordomo@FreeBSD.ORG
Finally, it is suggested that you only join the freebsd-hackers or
freebsd-questions mailing lists if you're also willing to see upwards
of 100 messages a day (peak)! If you're only interested in the "high points",
then it's suggested that you join freebsd-announce, which will contain
only infrequent traffic.
Thank you!