2009-06-02 17:58:47 +00:00

462 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/dcs/software/supported/bin/perl -w
# LLVM Web Demo script
use strict;
use CGI;
use POSIX;
use Mail::Send;
$| = 1;
my $ROOT = "/tmp/webcompile";
#my $ROOT = "/home/vadve/lattner/webcompile";
open( STDERR, ">&STDOUT" ) or die "can't redirect stderr to stdout";
if ( !-d $ROOT ) { mkdir( $ROOT, 0777 ); }
my $LOGFILE = "$ROOT/log.txt";
my $FORM_URL = 'index.cgi';
my $MAILADDR = '';
my $CONTACT_ADDRESS = 'Questions or comments? Email the <a href="">LLVMdev mailing list</a>.';
my $LOGO_IMAGE_URL = 'cathead.png';
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = '/home/vadve/shared/localtools/fc1/lib/';
my $defaultsrc = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n\n" .
"int power(int X) {\n if (X == 0) return 1;\n" .
" return X*power(X-1);\n}\n\n" .
"int main(int argc, char **argv) {\n" .
" printf(\"%d\\n\", power(atoi(argv[0])));\n}\n";
sub getname {
my ($extension) = @_;
for ( my $count = 0 ; ; $count++ ) {
my $name =
sprintf( "$ROOT/_%d_%d%s", $$, $count, $extension );
if ( !-f $name ) { return $name; }
my $c;
sub barf {
print "<b>", @_, "</b>\n";
print $c->end_html;
system("rm -f $ROOT/locked");
exit 1;
sub writeIntoFile {
my $extension = shift @_;
my $contents = join "", @_;
my $name = getname($extension);
local (*FILE);
open( FILE, ">$name" ) or barf("Can't write to $name: $!");
print FILE $contents;
close FILE;
return $name;
sub addlog {
my ( $source, $pid, $result ) = @_;
open( LOG, ">>$LOGFILE" );
my $time = scalar localtime;
my $remotehost = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
print LOG "[$time] [$remotehost]: $pid\n";
print LOG "<<<\n$source\n>>>\nResult is: <<<\n$result\n>>>\n";
close LOG;
sub dumpFile {
my ( $header, $file ) = @_;
my $result;
open( FILE, "$file" ) or barf("Can't read $file: $!");
while (<FILE>) {
$result .= $_;
close FILE;
my $UnhilightedResult = $result;
my $HtmlResult =
"<h3>$header</h3>\n<pre>\n" . $c->escapeHTML($result) . "\n</pre>\n";
if (wantarray) {
return ( $UnhilightedResult, $HtmlResult );
else {
return $HtmlResult;
sub syntaxHighlightLLVM {
my ($input) = @_;
$input =~ s@\b(void|i8|i1|i16|i32|i64|float|double|type|label|opaque)\b@<span class="llvm_type">$1</span>@g;
$input =~ s@\b(add|sub|mul|div|rem|and|or|xor|setne|seteq|setlt|setgt|setle|setge|phi|tail|call|cast|to|shl|shr|vaarg|vanext|ret|br|switch|invoke|unwind|malloc|alloca|free|load|store|getelementptr|begin|end|true|false|declare|global|constant|const|internal|uninitialized|external|implementation|linkonce|weak|appending|null|to|except|not|target|endian|pointersize|big|little|volatile)\b@<span class="llvm_keyword">$1</span>@g;
# Add links to the FAQ.
$input =~ s@(_ZNSt8ios_base4Init[DC]1Ev)@<a href="../docs/FAQ.html#iosinit">$1</a>@g;
$input =~ s@\bundef\b@<a href="../docs/FAQ.html#undef">undef</a>@g;
return $input;
sub mailto {
my ( $recipient, $body ) = @_;
my $msg =
new Mail::Send( Subject => "LLVM Demo Page Run", To => $recipient );
my $fh = $msg->open();
print $fh $body;
$c = new CGI;
print $c->header;
print <<EOF;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Try out LLVM in your browser!</title>
\@import url("syntax.css");
\@import url("");
<body leftmargin="10" marginwidth="10">
<div class="www_sectiontitle">
Try out LLVM in your browser!
<table border=0><tr><td>
<img align=right width=100 height=111 src="$LOGO_IMAGE_URL">
if ( -f "$ROOT/locked" ) {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$locktime) =
my $currtime = time();
if ($locktime + 60 > $currtime) {
print "This page is already in use by someone else at this ";
print "time, try reloading in a second or two. Meow!</td></tr></table>'\n";
exit 0;
system("touch $ROOT/locked");
print <<END;
Bitter Melon the cat says, paste a C/C++ program in the text box or upload
one from your computer, and you can see LLVM compile it, meow!!
print $c->start_multipart_form( 'POST', $FORM_URL );
my $source = $c->param('source');
# Start the user out with something valid if no code.
$source = $defaultsrc if (!defined($source));
print '<table border="0"><tr><td>';
print "Type your source code in below: (<a href='DemoInfo.html#hints'>hints and
print $c->textarea(
-name => "source",
-rows => 16,
-columns => 60,
-default => $source
), "<br>";
print "Or upload a file: ";
print $c->filefield( -name => 'uploaded_file', -default => '' );
print "<p />\n";
print '<p></td><td valign=top>';
print "<center><h3>General Options</h3></center>";
print "Source language: ",
-name => 'language',
-values => [ 'C', 'C++' ],
-default => 'C'
), "<p>";
print $c->checkbox(
-name => 'linkopt',
-label => 'Run link-time optimizer',
-checked => 'checked'
),' <a href="DemoInfo.html#lto">?</a><br>';
print $c->checkbox(
-name => 'showstats',
-label => 'Show detailed pass statistics'
), ' <a href="DemoInfo.html#stats">?</a><br>';
print $c->checkbox(
-name => 'cxxdemangle',
-label => 'Demangle C++ names'
),' <a href="DemoInfo.html#demangle">?</a><p>';
print "<center><h3>Output Options</h3></center>";
print $c->checkbox(
-name => 'showbcanalysis',
-label => 'Show detailed bytecode analysis'
),' <a href="DemoInfo.html#bcanalyzer">?</a><br>';
print $c->checkbox(
-name => 'showllvm2cpp',
-label => 'Show LLVM C++ API code'
), ' <a href="DemoInfo.html#llvm2cpp">?</a>';
print "</td></tr></table>";
print "<center>", $c->submit(-value=> 'Compile Source Code'),
"</center>\n", $c->endform;
print "\n<p>If you have questions about the LLVM code generated by the
front-end, please check the <a href='/docs/FAQ.html#cfe_code'>FAQ</a> and
the demo page <a href='DemoInfo.html#hints'>hints section</a>.
$ENV{'PATH'} = ( join ( ':', @PREPENDPATHDIRS ) ) . ":" . $ENV{'PATH'};
sub sanitychecktools {
my $sanitycheckfail = '';
# insert tool-specific sanity checks here
$sanitycheckfail .= ' llvm-dis'
if `llvm-dis --help 2>&1` !~ /ll disassembler/;
$sanitycheckfail .= ' llvm-gcc'
if ( `llvm-gcc --version 2>&1` !~ /Free Software Foundation/ );
$sanitycheckfail .= ' llvm-ld'
if `llvm-ld --help 2>&1` !~ /llvm linker/;
$sanitycheckfail .= ' llvm-bcanalyzer'
if `llvm-bcanalyzer --help 2>&1` !~ /bcanalyzer/;
"<br/>The demo page is currently unavailable. [tools: ($sanitycheckfail ) failed sanity check]"
if $sanitycheckfail;
sub try_run {
my ( $program, $commandline, $outputFile ) = @_;
my $retcode = 0;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout"; };
$retcode = system($commandline);
alarm 0;
if ( $@ and $@ =~ /timeout/ ) {
barf("Program $program took too long, compile time limited for the web script, sorry!.\n");
if ( -s $outputFile ) {
print scalar dumpFile( "Output from $program", $outputFile );
#print "<p>Finished dumping command output.</p>\n";
if ( WIFEXITED($retcode) && WEXITSTATUS($retcode) != 0 ) {
"$program exited with an error. Please correct source and resubmit.<p>\n" .
"Please note that this form only allows fully formed and correct source" .
" files. It will not compile fragments of code.<p>"
if ( WIFSIGNALED($retcode) != 0 ) {
my $sig = WTERMSIG($retcode);
"Ouch, $program caught signal $sig. Sorry, better luck next time!\n"
my %suffixes = (
'Java' => '.java',
'JO99' => '.jo9',
'C' => '.c',
'C++' => '.cc',
'Stacker' => '.st',
'preprocessed C' => '.i',
'preprocessed C++' => '.ii'
my %languages = (
'.jo9' => 'JO99',
'.java' => 'Java',
'.c' => 'C',
'.i' => 'preprocessed C',
'.ii' => 'preprocessed C++',
'.cc' => 'C++',
'.cpp' => 'C++',
'.st' => 'Stacker'
my $uploaded_file_name = $c->param('uploaded_file');
if ($uploaded_file_name) {
if ($source) {
"You must choose between uploading a file and typing code in. You can't do both at the same time."
$uploaded_file_name =~ s/^.*(\.[A-Za-z]+)$/$1/;
my $language = $languages{$uploaded_file_name};
$c->param( 'language', $language );
print "<p>Processing uploaded file. It looks like $language.</p>\n";
my $fh = $c->upload('uploaded_file');
if ( !$fh ) {
barf( "Error uploading file: " . $c->cgi_error );
while (<$fh>) {
$source .= $_;
close $fh;
if ($c->param('source')) {
print $c->hr;
my $extension = $suffixes{ $c->param('language') };
barf "Unknown language; can't compile\n" unless $extension;
# Add a newline to the source here to avoid a warning from gcc.
$source .= "\n";
# Avoid security hole due to #including bad stuff.
$source =~
s@(\n)?#include.*[<"](.*\.\..*)[">].*\n@$1#error "invalid #include file $2 detected"\n@g;
my $inputFile = writeIntoFile( $extension, $source );
my $pid = $$;
my $bytecodeFile = getname(".bc");
my $outputFile = getname(".llvm-gcc.out");
my $timerFile = getname(".llvm-gcc.time");
my $stats = '';
if ( $extension eq ".st" ) {
$stats = "-stats -time-passes "
if ( $c->param('showstats') );
try_run( "llvm Stacker front-end (stkrc)",
"stkrc $stats -o $bytecodeFile $inputFile > $outputFile 2>&1",
$outputFile );
} else {
#$stats = "-Wa,--stats,--time-passes,--info-output-file=$timerFile"
$stats = "-ftime-report"
if ( $c->param('showstats') );
try_run( "llvm C/C++ front-end (llvm-gcc)",
"llvm-gcc -emit-llvm -W -Wall -O2 $stats -o $bytecodeFile -c $inputFile > $outputFile 2>&1",
$outputFile );
if ( $c->param('showstats') && -s $timerFile ) {
my ( $UnhilightedResult, $HtmlResult ) =
dumpFile( "Statistics for front-end compilation", $timerFile );
print "$HtmlResult\n";
if ( $c->param('linkopt') ) {
my $stats = '';
my $outputFile = getname(".gccld.out");
my $timerFile = getname(".gccld.time");
$stats = "--stats --time-passes --info-output-file=$timerFile"
if ( $c->param('showstats') );
my $tmpFile = getname(".bc");
"optimizing linker (llvm-ld)",
"llvm-ld $stats -o=$tmpFile $bytecodeFile > $outputFile 2>&1",
system("mv $tmpFile.bc $bytecodeFile");
system("rm $tmpFile");
if ( $c->param('showstats') && -s $timerFile ) {
my ( $UnhilightedResult, $HtmlResult ) =
dumpFile( "Statistics for optimizing linker", $timerFile );
print "$HtmlResult\n";
print " Bytecode size is ", -s $bytecodeFile, " bytes.\n";
my $disassemblyFile = getname(".ll");
try_run( "llvm-dis",
"llvm-dis -o=$disassemblyFile $bytecodeFile > $outputFile 2>&1",
$outputFile );
if ( $c->param('cxxdemangle') ) {
print " Demangling disassembler output.\n";
my $tmpFile = getname(".ll");
system("c++filt < $disassemblyFile > $tmpFile 2>&1");
system("mv $tmpFile $disassemblyFile");
my ( $UnhilightedResult, $HtmlResult );
if ( -s $disassemblyFile ) {
( $UnhilightedResult, $HtmlResult ) =
dumpFile( "Output from LLVM disassembler", $disassemblyFile );
print syntaxHighlightLLVM($HtmlResult);
else {
print "<p>Hmm, that's weird, llvm-dis didn't produce any output.</p>\n";
if ( $c->param('showbcanalysis') ) {
my $analFile = getname(".bca");
try_run( "llvm-bcanalyzer", "llvm-bcanalyzer $bytecodeFile > $analFile 2>&1",
if ($c->param('showllvm2cpp') ) {
my $l2cppFile = getname(".l2cpp");
try_run("llvm2cpp","llvm2cpp $bytecodeFile -o $l2cppFile 2>&1",
# Get the source presented by the user to CGI, convert newline sequences to simple \n.
my $actualsrc = $c->param('source');
$actualsrc =~ s/\015\012/\n/go;
# Don't log this or mail it if it is the default code.
if ($actualsrc ne $defaultsrc) {
addlog( $source, $pid, $UnhilightedResult );
my ( $ip, $host, $lg, $lines );
chomp( $lines = `wc -l < $inputFile` );
$lg = $c->param('language');
$ip = $c->remote_addr();
chomp( $host = `host $ip` ) if $ip;
mailto( $MAILADDR,
"--- Query: ---\nFrom: ($ip) $host\nInput: $lines lines of $lg\n"
. "C++ demangle = "
. ( $c->param('cxxdemangle') ? 1 : 0 )
. ", Link opt = "
. ( $c->param('linkopt') ? 1 : 0 ) . "\n\n"
. ", Show stats = "
. ( $c->param('showstats') ? 1 : 0 ) . "\n\n"
. "--- Source: ---\n$source\n"
. "--- Result: ---\n$UnhilightedResult\n" );
unlink( $inputFile, $bytecodeFile, $outputFile, $disassemblyFile );
print $c->hr, "<address>$CONTACT_ADDRESS</address>", $c->end_html;
system("rm $ROOT/locked");
exit 0;