1999-08-28 00:22:10 +00:00

750 lines
27 KiB

* Cronyx-Sigma adapter configuration utility for Unix.
* Copyright (C) 1994 Cronyx Ltd.
* Author: Serge Vakulenko, <>
* This software is distributed with NO WARRANTIES, not even the implied
* Authors grant any other persons or organisations permission to use
* or modify this software as long as this message is kept with the software,
* all derivative works or modified versions.
* Version 1.9, Wed Oct 4 18:58:15 MSK 1995
* Usage:
* cxconfig [-a]
* -- print status of all channels
* cxconfig [-a] <channel>
* -- print status of the channel
* cxconfig <channel> <option>...
* -- set channel options
#ifndef lint
static const char rcsid[] =
#endif /* not lint */
#include <err.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <machine/cronyx.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define NBRD 3
#define CXDEV "/dev/cronyx"
#define atoi(a) strtol((a), (char**)0, 0)
cx_options_t o;
cx_stat_t st;
int aflag;
int sflag;
char *symbol (unsigned char sym)
static char buf[40];
if (sym < ' ')
sprintf (buf, "^%c", sym+0100);
else if (sym == '\\')
strcat (buf, "\\\\");
else if (sym < 127)
sprintf (buf, "%c", sym);
sprintf (buf, "\\%03o", sym);
return (buf);
unsigned char atosym (char *s)
if (*s == '^')
return (*++s & 037);
if (*s == '\\')
return (strtol (++s, 0, 8));
return (*s);
void usage ()
fprintf (stderr,
"Cronyx-Sigma Adapter Configuration Utility, Version 1.0\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Copyright (C) 1994 Cronyx Ltd.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "usage: cxconfig [-a] [<channel> [<option>...]]\n");
exit (1);
char *chantype (int type)
switch (type) {
case T_NONE: return ("none");
case T_ASYNC: return ("RS-232");
case T_UNIV_RS232: return ("RS-232");
case T_UNIV_RS449: return ("RS-232/RS-449");
case T_UNIV_V35: return ("RS-232/V.35");
case T_SYNC_RS232: return ("RS-232");
case T_SYNC_V35: return ("V.35");
case T_SYNC_RS449: return ("RS-449");
char *chanmode (int mode)
switch (mode) {
case M_ASYNC: return ("Async");
case M_HDLC: return ("HDLC");
case M_BISYNC: return ("Bisync");
case M_X21: return ("X.21");
default: return ("???");
void getchan (int channel)
int s = open (CXDEV, 0);
if (s < 0)
err (1, "%s", CXDEV);
o.board = channel/NCHAN; = channel%NCHAN;
if (ioctl (s, CXIOCGETMODE, (caddr_t)&o) < 0)
err (1, "CXIOCGETMODE");
close (s);
if (o.type == T_NONE)
errx (1, "cx%d: channel %d not configured", o.board,;
int printstats (int channel, int hflag)
int s, res;
s = open (CXDEV, 0);
if (s < 0)
err (1, "%s", CXDEV);
st.board = channel/NCHAN; = channel%NCHAN;
res = ioctl (s, CXIOCGETSTAT, (caddr_t)&st);
close (s);
if (res < 0)
return (-1);
if (hflag)
printf ("Chan Rintr Tintr Mintr Ibytes Ipkts Ierrs Obytes Opkts Oerrs\n");
printf ("cx%-2d %7ld %7ld %7ld %8ld %7ld %7ld %8ld %7ld %7ld\n",
channel, st.rintr, st.tintr, st.mintr, st.ibytes, st.ipkts,
st.ierrs, st.obytes, st.opkts, st.oerrs);
return (0);
void printallstats ()
int b, c;
printf ("Chan Rintr Tintr Mintr Ibytes Ipkts Ierrs Obytes Opkts Oerrs\n");
for (b=0; b<NBRD; ++b)
for (c=0; c<NCHAN; ++c)
printstats (b*NCHAN + c, 0);
void setchan (int channel)
int s = open (CXDEV, 0);
if (s < 0)
err (1, "%s", CXDEV);
o.board = channel/NCHAN; = channel%NCHAN;
if (ioctl (s, CXIOCSETMODE, (caddr_t)&o) < 0)
err (1, "CXIOCSETMODE");
close (s);
void printopt ()
/* Common channel options */
/* channel option register 4 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("fifo=%d ", o.opt.cor4.thr); /* FIFO threshold */
printf ("%cctsdown ", o.opt.cor4.cts_zd ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 1 to 0 transition on the CTS */
printf ("%ccddown ", o.opt.cor4.cd_zd ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 1 to 0 transition on the CD */
printf ("%cdsrdown ", o.opt.cor4.dsr_zd ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 1 to 0 transition on the DSR */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 5 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("rfifo=%d ", o.opt.cor5.rx_thr); /* receive flow control FIFO threshold */
printf ("%cctsup ", o.opt.cor5.cts_od ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 0 to 1 transition on the CTS */
printf ("%ccdup ", o.opt.cor5.cd_od ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 0 to 1 transition on the CD */
printf ("%cdsrup ", o.opt.cor5.dsr_od ? '+' : '-'); /* detect 0 to 1 transition on the DSR */
printf ("\n");
/* receive clock option register */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%s ", o.opt.rcor.encod == ENCOD_NRZ ? "nrz" : /* signal encoding */
o.opt.rcor.encod == ENCOD_NRZI ? "nrzi" :
o.opt.rcor.encod == ENCOD_MANCHESTER ? "manchester" : "???");
printf ("%cdpll ", o.opt.rcor.dpll ? '+' : '-'); /* DPLL enable */
/* transmit clock option register */
printf ("%clloop ", o.opt.tcor.llm ? '+' : '-'); /* local loopback mode */
printf ("%cextclock ", o.opt.tcor.ext1x ? '+' : '-'); /* external 1x clock mode */
printf ("\n");
switch (o.mode) {
case M_ASYNC: /* async mode options */
/* channel option register 1 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("cs%d ", o.aopt.cor1.charlen+1); /* character length, 5..8 */
printf ("par%s ", o.aopt.cor1.parity ? "odd" : "even"); /* parity */
printf ("%cignpar ", o.aopt.cor1.ignpar ? '+' : '-'); /* ignore parity */
if (o.aopt.cor1.parmode != PARM_NORMAL) /* parity mode */
printf ("%s ", o.aopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_NOPAR ? "nopar" :
o.aopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_FORCE ? "forcepar" : "???");
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 2 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%cdsr ", o.aopt.cor2.dsrae ? '+' : '-'); /* DSR automatic enable */
printf ("%ccts ", o.aopt.cor2.ctsae ? '+' : '-'); /* CTS automatic enable */
printf ("%crts ", o.aopt.cor2.rtsao ? '+' : '-'); /* RTS automatic output enable */
printf ("%crloop ", o.aopt.cor2.rlm ? '+' : '-'); /* remote loopback mode enable */
printf ("%cetc ", o.aopt.cor2.etc ? '+' : '-'); /* embedded transmitter cmd enable */
printf ("%cxon ", o.aopt.cor2.ixon ? '+' : '-'); /* in-band XON/XOFF enable */
printf ("%cxany ", o.aopt.cor2.ixany ? '+' : '-'); /* XON on any character */
printf ("\n");
/* option register 3 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%s ", o.aopt.cor3.stopb == STOPB_1 ? "stopb1" : /* stop bit length */
o.aopt.cor3.stopb == STOPB_15 ? "stopb1.5" :
o.aopt.cor3.stopb == STOPB_2 ? "stopb2" : "???");
printf ("%csdt ", o.aopt.cor3.scde ? '+' : '-'); /* special char detection enable */
printf ("%cflowct ", o.aopt.cor3.flowct ? '+' : '-'); /* flow control transparency mode */
printf ("%crdt ", o.aopt.cor3.rngde ? '+' : '-'); /* range detect enable */
printf ("%cexdt ", o.aopt.cor3.escde ? '+' : '-'); /* extended spec. char detect enable */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 6 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%s ", o.aopt.cor6.parerr == PERR_INTR ? "parintr" : /* parity/framing error actions */
o.aopt.cor6.parerr == PERR_NULL ? "parnull" :
o.aopt.cor6.parerr == PERR_IGNORE ? "parign" :
o.aopt.cor6.parerr == PERR_DISCARD ? "pardisc" :
o.aopt.cor6.parerr == PERR_FFNULL ? "parffnull" : "???");
printf ("%s ", o.aopt.cor6.brk == BRK_INTR ? "brkintr" : /* action on break condition */
o.aopt.cor6.brk == BRK_NULL ? "brknull" :
o.aopt.cor6.brk == BRK_DISCARD ? "brkdisc" : "???");
printf ("%cinlcr ", o.aopt.cor6.inlcr ? '+' : '-'); /* translate NL to CR on input */
printf ("%cicrnl ", o.aopt.cor6.icrnl ? '+' : '-'); /* translate CR to NL on input */
printf ("%cigncr ", o.aopt.cor6.igncr ? '+' : '-'); /* discard CR on input */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 7 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%cocrnl ", o.aopt.cor7.ocrnl ? '+' : '-'); /* translate CR to NL on output */
printf ("%conlcr ", o.aopt.cor7.onlcr ? '+' : '-'); /* translate NL to CR on output */
printf ("%cfcerr ", o.aopt.cor7.fcerr ? '+' : '-'); /* process flow ctl err chars enable */
printf ("%clnext ", o.aopt.cor7.lnext ? '+' : '-'); /* LNext option enable */
printf ("%cistrip ", o.aopt.cor7.istrip ? '+' : '-'); /* strip 8-bit on input */
printf ("\n");
printf ("\t");
printf ("schr1=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.schr1)); /* special character register 1 (XON) */
printf ("schr2=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.schr2)); /* special character register 2 (XOFF) */
printf ("schr3=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.schr3)); /* special character register 3 */
printf ("schr4=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.schr4)); /* special character register 4 */
printf ("scrl=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.scrl)); /* special character range low */
printf ("scrh=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.scrh)); /* special character range high */
printf ("lnext=%s ", symbol (o.aopt.lnxt)); /* LNext character */
printf ("\n");
case M_HDLC: /* hdlc mode options */
/* hdlc channel option register 1 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("if%d ", o.hopt.cor1.ifflags); /* number of inter-frame flags sent */
printf ("%s ", o.hopt.cor1.admode == ADMODE_NOADDR ? "noaddr" : /* addressing mode */
o.hopt.cor1.admode == ADMODE_4_1 ? "addr1" :
o.hopt.cor1.admode == ADMODE_2_2 ? "addr2" : "???");
printf ("%cclrdet ", o.hopt.cor1.clrdet ? '+' : '-'); /* clear detect for X.21 data transfer phase */
printf ("addrlen%d ", o.hopt.cor1.aflo + 1); /* address field length option */
printf ("\n");
/* hdlc channel option register 2 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%cdsr ", o.hopt.cor2.dsrae ? '+' : '-'); /* DSR automatic enable */
printf ("%ccts ", o.hopt.cor2.ctsae ? '+' : '-'); /* CTS automatic enable */
printf ("%crts ", o.hopt.cor2.rtsao ? '+' : '-'); /* RTS automatic output enable */
printf ("%ccrcinv ", o.hopt.cor2.crcninv ? '-' : '+'); /* CRC invertion option */
printf ("%cfcsapd ", o.hopt.cor2.fcsapd ? '+' : '-'); /* FCS append */
printf ("\n");
/* hdlc channel option register 3 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("pad%d ", o.hopt.cor3.padcnt); /* pad character count */
printf ("idle%s ", o.hopt.cor3.idle ? "mark" : "flag"); /* idle mode */
printf ("%cfcs ", o.hopt.cor3.nofcs ? '-' : '+'); /* FCS disable */
printf ("fcs-%s ", o.hopt.cor3.fcspre ? "crc-16" : "v.41"); /* FCS preset */
printf ("syn=%s ", o.hopt.cor3.syncpat ? "0xAA" : "0x00"); /* send sync pattern */
printf ("%csyn ", o.hopt.cor3.sndpad ? '+' : '-'); /* send pad characters before flag enable */
printf ("\n");
printf ("\t");
printf ("rfar1=0x%02x ", o.hopt.rfar1); /* receive frame address register 1 */
printf ("rfar2=0x%02x ", o.hopt.rfar2); /* receive frame address register 2 */
printf ("rfar3=0x%02x ", o.hopt.rfar3); /* receive frame address register 3 */
printf ("rfar4=0x%02x ", o.hopt.rfar4); /* receive frame address register 4 */
printf ("crc-%s ", o.hopt.cpsr ? "16" : "v.41"); /* CRC polynomial select */
printf ("\n");
case M_BISYNC: /* bisync mode options */
/* channel option register 1 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("cs%d ", o.bopt.cor1.charlen+1); /* character length, 5..8 */
printf ("par%s ", o.bopt.cor1.parity ? "odd" : "even"); /* parity */
printf ("%cignpar ", o.bopt.cor1.ignpar ? '+' : '-'); /* ignore parity */
if (o.bopt.cor1.parmode != PARM_NORMAL) /* parity mode */
printf ("%s ", o.bopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_NOPAR ? "nopar" :
o.bopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_FORCE ? "forcepar" : "???");
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 2 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("syn%d ", o.bopt.cor2.syns+2); /* number of extra SYN chars before a frame */
printf ("%ccrcinv ", o.bopt.cor2.crcninv ? '-' : '+'); /* CRC invertion option */
printf ("%s ", o.bopt.cor2.ebcdic ? "ebcdic" : "ascii"); /* use EBCDIC as char set (instead of ASCII) */
printf ("%cbccapd ", o.bopt.cor2.bcc ? '+' : '-'); /* BCC append enable */
printf ("%s ", o.bopt.cor2.lrc ? "lrc" : "crc-16"); /* longitudinal redundancy check */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 3 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("pad%d ", o.bopt.cor3.padcnt); /* pad character count */
printf ("idle%s ", o.bopt.cor3.idle ? "mark" : "syn"); /* idle mode */
printf ("%cfcs ", o.bopt.cor3.nofcs ? '-' : '+'); /* FCS disable */
printf ("fcs-%s ", o.bopt.cor3.fcspre ? "crc-16" : "v.41"); /* FCS preset */
printf ("syn=%s ", o.bopt.cor3.padpat ? "0x55" : "0xAA"); /* send sync pattern */
printf ("%csyn ", o.bopt.cor3.sndpad ? '+' : '-'); /* send pad characters before flag enable */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 6 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("specterm=%s ", symbol (o.bopt.cor6.specterm)); /* special termination character */
printf ("crc-%s ", o.bopt.cpsr ? "16" : "v.41"); /* CRC polynomial select */
printf ("\n");
case M_X21: /* x.21 mode options */
/* channel option register 1 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("cs%d ", o.xopt.cor1.charlen+1); /* character length, 5..8 */
printf ("par%s ", o.xopt.cor1.parity ? "odd" : "even"); /* parity */
printf ("%cignpar ", o.xopt.cor1.ignpar ? '+' : '-'); /* ignore parity */
if (o.xopt.cor1.parmode != PARM_NORMAL) /* parity mode */
printf ("%s ", o.xopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_NOPAR ? "nopar" :
o.xopt.cor1.parmode == PARM_FORCE ? "forcepar" : "???");
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 2 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("%cetc ", o.xopt.cor2.etc ? '+' : '-'); /* embedded transmitter cmd enable */
/* channel option register 3 */
printf ("%csdt ", o.xopt.cor3.scde ? '+' : '-'); /* special char detection enable */
printf ("%cstripsyn ", o.xopt.cor3.stripsyn ? '+' : '-'); /* treat SYN chars as special condition */
printf ("%cssdt ", o.xopt.cor3.ssde ? '+' : '-'); /* steady state detect enable */
printf ("syn%c ", o.xopt.cor3.syn ? '1' : '2'); /* the number of SYN chars on receive */
printf ("\n");
/* channel option register 6 */
printf ("\t");
printf ("syn=%s ", symbol (o.xopt.cor6.synchar)); /* syn character */
printf ("schr1=%s ", symbol (o.xopt.schr1)); /* special character register 1 */
printf ("schr2=%s ", symbol (o.xopt.schr2)); /* special character register 2 */
printf ("schr3=%s ", symbol (o.xopt.schr3)); /* special character register 3 */
printf ("\n");
void printchan (int channel)
printf ("cx%d (%s) %s", channel, chantype (o.type), chanmode (o.mode));
if (o.txbaud == o.rxbaud)
printf (" %d", o.rxbaud);
printf (" ospeed=%d ispeed=%d", o.txbaud, o.rxbaud);
if (( == 0 || == 8) &&
(o.type == T_UNIV_V35 || o.type == T_UNIV_RS449))
printf (" port=%s", o.iftype ? (o.type == T_UNIV_V35 ?
"v35" : "rs449") : "rs232");
printf (o.sopt.ext ? " ext" : ? " cisco" : " ppp");
printf (" %ckeepalive", o.sopt.keepalive ? '+' : '-');
printf (" %cautorts", o.sopt.norts ? '-' : '+');
if (*o.master)
printf (" master=%s", o.master);
printf ("\n");
if (aflag)
printopt ();
void printall ()
struct ifconf ifc;
struct ifreq *ifr;
char buf[BUFSIZ], *cp;
int s, c;
s = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (s < 0)
err (1, "socket");
ifc.ifc_len = sizeof (buf);
ifc.ifc_buf = buf;
if (ioctl (s, SIOCGIFCONF, (caddr_t)&ifc) < 0)
err (1, "SIOCGIFCONF");
close (s);
s = open (CXDEV, 0);
if (s < 0)
err (1, "%s", CXDEV);
ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define size(p) max((p).sa_len, sizeof(p))
for (cp=buf; cp<buf+ifc.ifc_len; cp+=sizeof(ifr->ifr_name)+size(ifr->ifr_addr)) {
ifr = (struct ifreq*) cp;
if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family != AF_LINK)
if (strncmp (ifr->ifr_name, "cx", 2) != 0)
c = atoi (ifr->ifr_name + 2);
o.board = c/NCHAN; = c%NCHAN;
if (ioctl (s, CXIOCGETMODE, (caddr_t)&o) < 0)
err (1, "CXIOCGETMODE");
printchan (c);
close (s);
void set_interface_type (char *type)
if ( != 0 && != 8) {
printf ("interface option is applicable only for channels 0 and 8\n");
exit (1);
if (o.type != T_UNIV_V35 && o.type != T_UNIV_RS449) {
printf ("interface option is applicable only for universal channels\n");
exit (1);
if (! strcasecmp (type, "port=rs232"))
o.iftype = 0;
o.iftype = 1;
void set_master (char *ifname)
if (o.type == T_ASYNC) {
printf ("master option is not applicable for async channels\n");
exit (1);
strcpy (o.master, ifname);
void set_async_opt (char *opt)
/* channel option register 1 */
if (! strncasecmp (opt, "cs", 2)) o.aopt.cor1.charlen = atoi (opt + 2) - 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "parodd")) o.aopt.cor1.parity = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "pareven")) o.aopt.cor1.parity = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-ignpar")) o.aopt.cor1.ignpar = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+ignpar")) o.aopt.cor1.ignpar = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "nopar")) o.aopt.cor1.parmode = PARM_NOPAR;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "forcepar")) o.aopt.cor1.parmode = PARM_FORCE;
/* channel option register 2 */
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-dsr")) o.aopt.cor2.dsrae = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+dsr")) o.aopt.cor2.dsrae = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-cts")) o.aopt.cor2.ctsae = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+cts")) o.aopt.cor2.ctsae = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-rts")) o.aopt.cor2.rtsao = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+rts")) o.aopt.cor2.rtsao = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-rloop")) o.aopt.cor2.rlm = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+rloop")) o.aopt.cor2.rlm = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-etc")) o.aopt.cor2.etc = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+etc")) o.aopt.cor2.etc = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-ixon")) o.aopt.cor2.ixon = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+ixon")) o.aopt.cor2.ixon = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-ixany")) o.aopt.cor2.ixany = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+ixany")) o.aopt.cor2.ixany = 1;
/* option register 3 */
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "stopb1")) o.aopt.cor3.stopb = STOPB_1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "stopb1.5")) o.aopt.cor3.stopb = STOPB_15;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "stopb2")) o.aopt.cor3.stopb = STOPB_2;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-sdt")) o.aopt.cor3.scde = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+sdt")) o.aopt.cor3.scde = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-flowct")) o.aopt.cor3.flowct = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+flowct")) o.aopt.cor3.flowct = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-rdt")) o.aopt.cor3.rngde = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+rdt")) o.aopt.cor3.rngde = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-exdt")) o.aopt.cor3.escde = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+exdt")) o.aopt.cor3.escde = 1;
/* channel option register 6 */
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "parintr")) o.aopt.cor6.parerr = PERR_INTR;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "parnull")) o.aopt.cor6.parerr = PERR_NULL;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "parign")) o.aopt.cor6.parerr = PERR_IGNORE;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "pardisc")) o.aopt.cor6.parerr = PERR_DISCARD;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "parffnull")) o.aopt.cor6.parerr = PERR_FFNULL;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "brkintr")) o.aopt.cor6.brk = BRK_INTR;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "brknull")) o.aopt.cor6.brk = BRK_NULL;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "brkdisc")) o.aopt.cor6.brk = BRK_DISCARD;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-inlcr")) o.aopt.cor6.inlcr = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+inlcr")) o.aopt.cor6.inlcr = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-icrnl")) o.aopt.cor6.icrnl = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+icrnl")) o.aopt.cor6.icrnl = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-igncr")) o.aopt.cor6.igncr = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+igncr")) o.aopt.cor6.igncr = 1;
/* channel option register 7 */
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-ocrnl")) o.aopt.cor7.ocrnl = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+ocrnl")) o.aopt.cor7.ocrnl = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-onlcr")) o.aopt.cor7.onlcr = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+onlcr")) o.aopt.cor7.onlcr = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-fcerr")) o.aopt.cor7.fcerr = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+fcerr")) o.aopt.cor7.fcerr = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-lnext")) o.aopt.cor7.lnext = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+lnext")) o.aopt.cor7.lnext = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-istrip")) o.aopt.cor7.istrip = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+istrip")) o.aopt.cor7.istrip = 1;
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "schr1=", 6)) o.aopt.schr1 = atosym (opt+6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "schr2=", 6)) o.aopt.schr2 = atosym (opt+6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "schr3=", 6)) o.aopt.schr3 = atosym (opt+6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "schr4=", 6)) o.aopt.schr4 = atosym (opt+6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "scrl=", 5)) o.aopt.scrl = atosym (opt+5);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "scrh=", 5)) o.aopt.scrh = atosym (opt+5);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "lnext=", 6)) o.aopt.lnxt = atosym (opt+6);
usage ();
void set_hdlc_opt (char *opt)
/* hdlc channel option register 1 */
if (! strncasecmp (opt, "if", 2)) o.hopt.cor1.ifflags = atoi (opt + 2);
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "noaddr")) o.hopt.cor1.admode = ADMODE_NOADDR;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "addr1")) o.hopt.cor1.admode = ADMODE_4_1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "addr2")) o.hopt.cor1.admode = ADMODE_2_2;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-clrdet")) o.hopt.cor1.clrdet = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+clrdet")) o.hopt.cor1.clrdet = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "addrlen1")) o.hopt.cor1.aflo = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "addrlen2")) o.hopt.cor1.aflo = 1;
/* hdlc channel option register 2 */
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-dsr")) o.hopt.cor2.dsrae = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+dsr")) o.hopt.cor2.dsrae = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-cts")) o.hopt.cor2.ctsae = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+cts")) o.hopt.cor2.ctsae = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-rts")) o.hopt.cor2.rtsao = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+rts")) o.hopt.cor2.rtsao = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-fcsapd")) o.hopt.cor2.fcsapd = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+fcsapd")) o.hopt.cor2.fcsapd = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-crcinv")) o.hopt.cor2.crcninv = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+crcinv")) o.hopt.cor2.crcninv = 0;
/* hdlc channel option register 3 */
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "pad", 3)) o.hopt.cor3.padcnt = atoi (opt + 3);
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "idlemark")) o.hopt.cor3.idle = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "idleflag")) o.hopt.cor3.idle = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-fcs")) o.hopt.cor3.nofcs = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+fcs")) o.hopt.cor3.nofcs = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "fcs-crc-16")) o.hopt.cor3.fcspre = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "fcs-v.41")) o.hopt.cor3.fcspre = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "syn=0xaa")) o.hopt.cor3.syncpat = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "syn=0x00")) o.hopt.cor3.syncpat = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "-syn")) o.hopt.cor3.sndpad = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "+syn")) o.hopt.cor3.sndpad = 1;
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "rfar1=", 6)) o.hopt.rfar1 = atoi (opt + 6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "rfar2=", 6)) o.hopt.rfar2 = atoi (opt + 6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "rfar3=", 6)) o.hopt.rfar3 = atoi (opt + 6);
else if (! strncasecmp (opt, "rfar4=", 6)) o.hopt.rfar4 = atoi (opt + 6);
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "crc-16")) o.hopt.cpsr = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (opt, "crc-v.41")) o.hopt.cpsr = 0;
else usage ();
void set_bisync_opt (char *opt)
usage ();
void set_x21_opt (char *opt)
usage ();
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int channel;
for (--argc, ++argv; argc>0 && **argv=='-'; --argc, ++argv)
if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-a"))
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-s"))
usage ();
if (argc <= 0) {
if (sflag)
printallstats ();
printall ();
return (0);
if (argv[0][0]=='c' && argv[0][1]=='x')
*argv += 2;
if (**argv<'0' || **argv>'9')
usage ();
channel = atoi (*argv);
--argc, ++argv;
if (sflag) {
if (printstats (channel, 1) < 0)
printf ("channel cx%d not available\n", channel);
return (0);
getchan (channel);
if (argc <= 0) {
printchan (channel);
return (0);
for (; argc>0; --argc, ++argv)
if (**argv == '(')
else if (! strncasecmp (*argv, "ispeed=", 7))
o.rxbaud = atoi (*argv+7);
else if (! strncasecmp (*argv, "ospeed=", 7))
o.txbaud = atoi (*argv+7);
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "async"))
o.mode = M_ASYNC;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "hdlc"))
o.mode = M_HDLC;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "bisync") ||
! strcasecmp (*argv, "bsc"))
o.mode = M_BISYNC;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "x.21") ||
! strcasecmp (*argv, "x21"))
o.mode = M_X21;
else if (**argv>='0' && **argv<='9')
o.txbaud = o.rxbaud = atoi (*argv);
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "cisco")) { = 1;
o.sopt.ext = 0;
} else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "ppp")) { = 0;
o.sopt.ext = 0;
} else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "ext"))
o.sopt.ext = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+keepalive"))
o.sopt.keepalive = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-keepalive"))
o.sopt.keepalive = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+autorts"))
o.sopt.norts = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-autorts"))
o.sopt.norts = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "port=rs232") ||
! strcasecmp (*argv, "port=rs449") ||
! strcasecmp (*argv, "port=v35"))
set_interface_type (*argv);
else if (! strncasecmp (*argv, "master=",7))
set_master (*argv+7);
* Common channel options
/* channel option register 4 */
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-ctsdown"))
o.opt.cor4.cts_zd = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+ctsdown"))
o.opt.cor4.cts_zd = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-cddown"))
o.opt.cor4.cd_zd = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+cddown"))
o.opt.cor4.cd_zd = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-dsrdown"))
o.opt.cor4.dsr_zd = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+dsrdown"))
o.opt.cor4.dsr_zd = 1;
else if (! strncasecmp (*argv, "fifo=", 5))
o.opt.cor4.thr = atoi (*argv + 5);
/* channel option register 5 */
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-ctsup"))
o.opt.cor5.cts_od = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+ctsup"))
o.opt.cor5.cts_od = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-cdup"))
o.opt.cor5.cd_od = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+cdup"))
o.opt.cor5.cd_od = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-dsrup"))
o.opt.cor5.dsr_od = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+dsrup"))
o.opt.cor5.dsr_od = 1;
else if (! strncasecmp (*argv, "rfifo=", 6))
o.opt.cor5.rx_thr = atoi (*argv + 6);
/* receive clock option register */
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "nrz"))
o.opt.rcor.encod = ENCOD_NRZ;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "nrzi"))
o.opt.rcor.encod = ENCOD_NRZI;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "manchester"))
o.opt.rcor.encod = ENCOD_MANCHESTER;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-dpll"))
o.opt.rcor.dpll = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+dpll"))
o.opt.rcor.dpll = 1;
/* transmit clock option register */
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-lloop"))
o.opt.tcor.llm = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+lloop"))
o.opt.tcor.llm = 1;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "-extclock"))
o.opt.tcor.ext1x = 0;
else if (! strcasecmp (*argv, "+extclock"))
o.opt.tcor.ext1x = 1;
* Mode dependent channel options
else switch (o.mode) {
case M_ASYNC: set_async_opt (*argv); break;
case M_HDLC: set_hdlc_opt (*argv); break;
case M_BISYNC: set_bisync_opt (*argv); break;
case M_X21: set_x21_opt (*argv); break;
setchan (channel);
return (0);