1999-09-03 01:38:29 +00:00

414 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright (c) 1998 Robert Nordier
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are freely
# permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this
# paragraph and the following disclaimer are duplicated in all
# such forms.
# This software is provided "AS IS" and without any express or
# implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
# warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
# purpose.
# $FreeBSD$
# A 512-byte boot manager.
.set NHRDRV,0x475 # Number of hard drives
.set ORIGIN,0x600 # Execution address
.set FAKE,0x800 # Partition entry
.set LOAD,0x7c00 # Load address
.set PRT_OFF,0x1be # Partition table
.set TBL0SZ,0x3 # Table 0 size
.set TBL1SZ,0xb # Table 1 size
.set MAGIC,0xaa55 # Magic: bootable
.set KEY_ENTER,0x1c # Enter key scan code
.set KEY_F1,0x3b # F1 key scan code
# Addresses in the sector of embedded data values.
# Accessed with negative offsets from the end of the relocated sector (%ebp).
.set _NXTDRV,-0x48 # Next drive
.set _OPT,-0x47 # Default option
.set _SETDRV,-0x46 # Drive to force
.set _FLAGS,-0x45 # Flags
.set _TICKS,-0x44 # Timeout ticks
.set _FAKE,0x0 # Fake partition entry
.set _MNUOPT,0xc # Menu options
.globl start # Entry point
# Initialise segments and registers to known values.
# segments start at 0.
# The stack is immediatly below the address we were loaded to.
start: cld # String ops inc
xorl %eax,%eax # Zero
movl %eax,%es # Address
movl %eax,%ds # data
movl %eax,%ss # Set up
movwir(LOAD,_sp) # stack
# Copy this code to the address it was linked for
movl %esp,%esi # Source
movwir(start,_di) # Destination
movwir(0x100,_cx) # Word count
rep # Relocate
movsl # code
# Set address for variable space beyond code, and clear it.
# Notice that this is also used to point to the values embedded in in the block,
# by using negative offsets.
movl %edi,%ebp # Address variables
movb $0x8,%cl # Words to clear
rep # Zero
stosl # them
# Relocate to the new copy of the code.
incb1(-0xe,_di_) # Sector number
jmpnwi(main-LOAD+ORIGIN) # To relocated code
# Check what flags were loaded with us, specifically, Use a predefined Drive.
# If what the bios gives us is bad, use the '0' in the block instead, as well.
main: tstbi1(0x20,_FLAGS,_bp_) # Set number drive?
jnz main.1 # Yes
testb %dl,%dl # Drive number valid?
js main.2 # Possibly (0x80 set)
main.1: movb1r(_SETDRV,_bp_,_dl) # Drive number to use
# Whatever we decided to use, now store it into the fake
# partition entry that lives in the data space above us.
main.2: movbr1(_dl,_FAKE,_bp_) # Save drive number
callwi(putn) # To new line
pushl %edx # Save drive number
# Start out with a pointer to the 4th byte of the first table entry
# so that after 4 iterations it's beyond the end of the sector.
# and beyond a 256 byte boundary and thos overflowed 8 bits (see next comment).
# (remember that the table starts 2 bytes earlier than you would expect
# as the bootable flag is after it in the block)
movwir(partbl+0x4,_bx) # Partition table (+4)
xorl %edx,%edx # Item number
# Loop around on the partition table, printing values until we
# pass a 256 byte boundary. The end of loop test is at main.5.
main.3: movbr1(_ch,-0x4,_bx_) # Zero active flag (ch == 0)
btwr1(_dx,_FLAGS,_bp_) # Entry enabled?
jnc main.5 # No
# If any of the entries in the table are
# the same as the 'type' in the slice table entry,
# then this is an empty or non bootable partition. Skip it.
movb0r(_bx_,_al) # Load type
movwir(tables,_di) # Lookup tables
movb $TBL0SZ,%cl # Number of entries
repne # Exclude
scasb # partition?
je main.5 # Yes
# Now scan the table of known types
movb $TBL1SZ,%cl # Number of entries
repne # Known
scasb # type?
jne main.4 # No
# If it matches get the matching element in the
# next array. if it doesn't, we are already
# pointing at its first element which points to a "?".
addwir(TBL1SZ,_di) # Adjust
main.4: movb0r(_di_,_cl) # Partition
addl %ecx,%edi # description
callwi(putx) # Display it
main.5: incl %edx # Next item
addb $0x10,%bl # Next entry
jnc main.3 # Till done
# Passed a 256 byte boundary..
# table is finished.
# Add one to the drive number and check it is valid,
popl %eax # Drive number
subb $0x80-0x1,%al # Does next
cmpbmr(NHRDRV,_al) # drive exist? (from BIOS?)
jb main.6 # Yes
# If not then if there is only one drive,
# Don't display drive as an option.
decl %eax # Already drive 0?
jz main.7 # Yes
# If it was illegal or we cycled through them,
# then go back to drive 0.
xorb %al,%al # Drive 0
# Whatever drive we selected, make it an ascii digit and save it back
# to the "next drive" location in the loaded block in case we
# want to save it for next time.
# This also is part of the printed drive string so add 0x80 to indicate
# end of string.
main.6: addb $'0'|0x80,%al # Save next
movbr1(_al,_NXTDRV,_bp_) # drive number
movwir(drive,_di) # Display
callwi(putx) # item
# Now that we've printed the drive (if we needed to), display a prompt.
# Get ready for the input byt noting the time.
main.7: movwir(prompt,_si) # Display
callwi(putstr) # prompt
movb1r(_OPT,_bp_,_dl) # Display
decl %esi # default
callwi(putkey) # key
xorb %ah,%ah # BIOS: Get
int $0x1a # system time
movl %edx,%edi # Ticks when
addw1r(_TICKS,_bp_,_di) # timeout
# Busy loop, looking for keystrokes but
# keeping one eye on the time.
main.8: movb $0x1,%ah # BIOS: Check
int $0x16 # for keypress
jnz main.11 # Have one
xorb %ah,%ah # BIOS: Get
int $0x1a # system time
cmpl %edi,%edx # Timeout?
jb main.8 # No
# If timed out or defaulting, come here.
main.9: movb1r(_OPT,_bp_,_al) # Load default
jmp main.12 # Join common code
# User's last try was bad, beep in displeasure.
# Since nothing was printed, just continue on as if the user
# hadn't done anything. This gives the effect of the user getting a beep
# for all bad keystrokes but no action until either the timeout
# occurs or the user hits a good key.
main.10: movb $0x7,%al # Signal
callwi(putchr) # error
# Get the keystroke.
main.11: xorb %ah,%ah # BIOS: Get
int $0x16 # keypress
movb %ah,%al # Scan code
# If it's CR act as if timed out.
cmpb $KEY_ENTER,%al # Enter pressed?
je main.9 # Yes
# Otherwise check if legal
# If not ask again.
subb $KEY_F1,%al # Less F1 scan code
cmpb $0x4,%al # F1..F5?
ja main.10 # No
# We have a selection.
# but if it's a bad selection go back to complain.
# The bits in MNUOPT were set when the options were printed.
# Anything not printed is not an option.
main.12: cwtl # Option
btwr1(_ax,_MNUOPT,_bp_) # enabled?
jnc main.10 # No
# Save the info in the original tables
# for rewriting to the disk.
movbr1(_al,_OPT,_bp_) # Save option
movwir(FAKE,_si) # Partition for write
movb0r(_si_,_dl) # Drive number
movl %esi,%ebx # Partition for read
cmpb $0x4,%al # F5 pressed?
pushfl # Save
je main.13 # Yes
shlb $0x4,%al # Point to
addwia(partbl) # selected
xchgl %ebx,%eax # partition
movbi0(0x80,_bx_) # Flag active
# If not asked to do a write-back (flags 0x40) don't do one.
main.13: pushl %ebx # Save
tstbi1(0x40,_FLAGS,_bp_) # No updates?
jnz main.14 # Yes
movwir(start,_bx) # Data to write
movb $0x3,%ah # Write sector
callwi(intx13) # to disk
main.14: popl %esi # Restore
popfl # Restore
# If going to next drive, replace drive with selected one.
# Remember to un-ascii it. Hey 0x80 is already set, cool!
jne main.15 # If not F5
movb1r(_NXTDRV,_bp_,_dl) # Next drive
subb $'0',%dl # number
# load selected bootsector to the LOAD location in RAM.
# If it fails to read or isn't marked bootable, treat it
# as a bad selection.
# XXX what does %esi carry?
main.15: movwir(LOAD,_bx) # Address for read
movb $0x2,%ah # Read sector
callwi(intx13) # from disk
jc main.10 # If error
cmpwi2(MAGIC,0x1fe,_bx_) # Bootable?
jne main.10 # No
pushl %esi # Save
movwir(crlf,_si) # Leave some
callwi(puts) # space
popl %esi # Restore
jmp *%ebx # Invoke bootstrap
# Display routines
putkey: movb $'F',%al # Display
callwi(putchr) # 'F'
movb $'1',%al # Prepare
addb %dl,%al # digit
jmp putstr.1 # Display the rest
# Display the option and note that it is a valid option.
# That last point is a bit tricky..
putx: btswr1(_dx,_MNUOPT,_bp_) # Enable menu option
movwir(item,_si) # Display
callwi(putkey) # key
movl %edi,%esi # Display the rest
puts: callwi(putstr) # Display string
putn: movwir(crlf,_si) # To next line
putstr: lodsb # Get byte
testb $0x80,%al # End of string?
jnz putstr.2 # Yes
putstr.1: callwi(putchr) # Display char
jmp putstr # Continue
putstr.2: andb $~0x80,%al # Clear MSB
putchr: pushl %ebx # Save
movwir(0x7,_bx) # Page:attribute
movb $0xe,%ah # BIOS: Display
int $0x10 # character
popl %ebx # Restore
ret # To caller
# One-sector disk I/O routine
intx13: movb1r(0x1,_si_,_dh) # Load head
movw1r(0x2,_si_,_cx) # Load cylinder:sector
movb $0x1,%al # Sector count
pushl %esi # Save
movl %esp,%edi # Save
tstbi1(0x80,_FLAGS,_bp_) # Use packet interface?
jz intx13.1 # No
o16 # Set
pushb $0x0 # the
o16 # LBA
pushw1(0x8,_si_) # address
pushl %es # Set the transfer
pushl %ebx # buffer address
pushb $0x1 # Block count
pushb $0x10 # Packet size
movl %esp,%esi # Packet pointer
decl %eax # Verify off
orb $0x40,%ah # Use disk packet
intx13.1: int $0x13 # BIOS: Disk I/O
movl %edi,%esp # Restore
popl %esi # Restore
ret # To caller
# Menu strings
item: .ascii " "; .byte ' '|0x80
prompt: .ascii "\nDefault:"; .byte ' '|0x80
crlf: .ascii "\r"; .byte '\n'|0x80
# Partition type tables
# These entries identify invalid or NON BOOT types and partitions.
.byte 0x0, 0x5, 0xf
# These valuse indicate botable types we know the names of
.byte 0x1, 0x4, 0x6, 0xb, 0xc, 0xe, 0x63, 0x83
.byte 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa9
# These are offsets that match the known names above and point to the strings
# that will be printed.
.byte os_misc-. # Unknown
.byte os_dos-. # DOS
.byte os_dos-. # DOS
.byte os_dos-. # DOS
.byte os_dos-. # Windows
.byte os_dos-. # Windows
.byte os_dos-. # Windows
.byte os_unix-. # UNIX
.byte os_linux-. # Linux
.byte os_freebsd-. # FreeBSD
.byte os_bsd-. # OpenBSD
.byte os_bsd-. # NetBSD
# And here are the strings themselves. 0x80 or'd into a byte indicates
# the end of the string. (not so great for Russians but...)
os_misc: .ascii "?"; .byte '?'|0x80
os_dos: .ascii "DO"; .byte 'S'|0x80
os_unix: .ascii "UNI"; .byte 'X'|0x80
os_linux: .ascii "Linu"; .byte 'x'|0x80
os_freebsd: .ascii "Free"
os_bsd: .ascii "BS"; .byte 'D'|0x80
.org PRT_OFF-0xc,0x90
# These values are sometimes changed before writing back to the drive
# Be especially careful that nxtdrv: must come after drive:, as it
# is part of the same string.
drive: .ascii "Drive "
nxtdrv: .byte 0x0 # Next drive number
opt: .byte 0x0 # Option
setdrv: .byte 0x80 # Drive to force
flags: .byte FLAGS # Flags
ticks: .word TICKS # Delay
# here is the 64 byte partition table that fdisk would fiddle with.
partbl: .fill 0x40,0x1,0x0 # Partition table
.word MAGIC # Magic number