Bruce A. Mah bc45722c6c Put URL references in footnotes (rather than in parentheses following
the link text), and put footnotes at the bottom of each page.  This
change affects the release documentation only.
2002-01-07 03:51:41 +00:00

98 lines
3.2 KiB

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; String manipulation functions
(define (split-string-to-list STR)
;; return list of STR separated with char #\ or #\,
(if (string? STR)
(let loop ((i (string-delim-index STR)))
(cond ((equal? (cdr i) '()) '())
(else (cons (substring STR (list-ref i 0) (- (list-ref i 1) 1))
(loop (cdr i))))))
(define (string-delim-index STR)
;; return indexes of STR separated with char #\ or #\,
(if (string? STR)
(let ((strlen (string-length STR)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(cond ((= i strlen) (cons (+ strlen 1) '()))
((= i 0) (cons i (loop (+ i 1))))
((or (equal? (string-ref STR i) #\ )
(equal? (string-ref STR i) #\,)) (cons (+ i 1) (loop (+ i 1))))
(else (loop (+ i 1))))))
(define (string-list-match? STR STR-LIST)
(let loop ((s STR-LIST))
((equal? s #f) #f)
((equal? s '()) #f)
((equal? (car s) #f) #f)
((equal? STR (car s)) #t)
(else (loop (cdr s))))))
; Deal with conditional inclusion of text via entities.
(let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
(for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally. This clause
; handles the majority of cases.
((or (equal? arch #f) (equal? arch ""))
; arch= specified, see if it's equal to "all". If so, then
; print unconditionally. Note that this clause could be
; combined with the check to see if arch= wasn't specified
; or was empty; they have the same outcome.
((equal? arch "all")
; arch= specified. If we're building for all architectures,
; then print it prepended with the set of architectures to which
; this element applies.
; XXX This doesn't work.
; ((equal? for-arch "all")
; (sosofo-append (literal "[") (literal arch) (literal "] ")
; (process-children)))
; arch= specified, so we need to check to see if the specified
; parameter includes the architecture we're building for.
((string-list-match? for-arch (split-string-to-list arch))
; None of the above
(else (empty-sosofo)))))
; We might have some sect1 level elements where the modification times
; are significant. An example of this is the "What's New" section in
; the release notes. We enable the printing of pubdate entry in
; sect1info elements to support this.
(element (sect1info pubdate) (process-children))
<![ %output.print; [
; Put URLs in footnotes, and put footnotes at the bottom of each page.
(define bop-footnotes #t)
(define %footnote-ulinks% #t)
<external-specification id="docbook" document="freebsd.dsl">