
135 lines
4.8 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.306 2002/06/15 17:13:40 tom Exp $
# Makefile for creating ncurses distributions.
# This only needs to be used directly as a makefile by developers, but
# configure mines the current version number out of here. To move
# to a new version number, just edit this file and run configure.
SHELL = /bin/sh
# These define the major/minor/patch versions of ncurses.
NCURSES_PATCH = 20020615
# We don't append the patch to the version, since this only applies to releases
DUMP = lynx -dump
DUMP2 = $(DUMP) -nolist
GNATHTML= `type -p gnathtml || type -p`
# man2html 3.0.1 is a Perl script which assumes that pages are fixed size.
# Not all man programs agree with this assumption; some use half-spacing, which
# has the effect of lengthening the text portion of the page -- so man2html
# would remove some text. The man program on Redhat 6.1 appears to work with
# man2html if we set the top/bottom margins to 6 (the default is 7).
MAN2HTML= man2html -botm=6 -topm=6 -cgiurl '$$title.$$section$$subsection.html'
ALL = ANNOUNCE doc/html/announce.html doc/ncurses-intro.doc doc/hackguide.doc manhtml adahtml
all : $(ALL)
dist: $(ALL)
(cd ..; tar cvf ncurses-$(VERSION).tar `sed <ncurses-$(VERSION)/MANIFEST 's/^./ncurses-$(VERSION)/'`; gzip ncurses-$(VERSION).tar)
rm -f $(ALL) subst.tmp subst.sed MANIFEST.tmp
# Don't mess with unless you have lynx available!
sed 's,@VERSION@,$(VERSION),' < > $@
ANNOUNCE : doc/html/announce.html
$(DUMP) doc/html/announce.html > $@
doc/ncurses-intro.doc: doc/html/ncurses-intro.html
$(DUMP2) doc/html/ncurses-intro.html > $@
doc/hackguide.doc: doc/html/hackguide.html
$(DUMP2) doc/html/hackguide.html > $@
MANPROG = tbl | nroff -man
manhtml: MANIFEST
@rm -f doc/html/man/*.html
@mkdir -p doc/html/man
@rm -f subst.tmp ;
@for f in man/*.[0-9]*; do \
m=`basename $$f` ;\
x=`echo $$m | awk -F. '{print $$2;}'` ;\
xu=`echo $$x | dd conv=ucase 2>/dev/null` ;\
if [ "$${x}" != "$${xu}" ]; then \
echo "s/$${xu}/$${x}/g" >> subst.tmp ;\
fi ;\
# change some things to make weblint happy:
@echo 's/<B>/<STRONG>/g' >> subst.tmp
@echo 's/<\/B>/<\/STRONG>/g' >> subst.tmp
@echo 's/<I>/<EM>/g' >> subst.tmp
@echo 's/<\/I>/<\/EM>/g' >> subst.tmp
@echo 's/<\/TITLE>/<\/TITLE><link rev=made href="">/' >> subst.tmp
@sort < subst.tmp | uniq > subst.sed
@rm -f subst.tmp
@for f in man/*.[0-9]* ; do \
m=`basename $$f` ;\
T=`egrep '^.TH' $$f|sed -e 's/^.TH //' -e s'/"//g' -e 's/[ ]\+$$//'` ; \
g=$${m}.html ;\
if [ -f doc/html/$$g ]; then chmod +w doc/html/$$g; fi;\
echo "Converting $$m to HTML" ;\
echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">' > doc/html/man/$$g ;\
echo '<!-- ' >> doc/html/man/$$g ;\
egrep '^.\\"[^#]' $$f | \
sed -e 's/\$$/@/g' \
-e 's/^.../ */' \
-e 's/</\&lt;/g' \
-e 's/>/\&gt;/g' \
>> doc/html/man/$$g ;\
echo '-->' >> doc/html/man/$$g ;\
man/ editing /usr/man man $$f | $(MANPROG) | tr '\255' '-' | $(MAN2HTML) -title "$$T" | \
sed -f subst.sed |\
sed -e 's/"curses.3x.html"/"ncurses.3x.html"/g' \
>> doc/html/man/$$g ;\
@rm -f subst.sed
@sed -e "\%./doc/html/man/%d" < MANIFEST > MANIFEST.tmp
@find ./doc/html/man -type f -print >> MANIFEST.tmp
@chmod u+w MANIFEST
@sort -u < MANIFEST.tmp > MANIFEST
@rm -f MANIFEST.tmp
# Please note that this target can only be properly built if the build of the
# Ada95 subdir has been done. The reason is, that the gnathtml tool uses the
# .ali files generated by the Ada95 compiler during the build process. These
# .ali files contain cross referencing information required by gnathtml.
adahtml: MANIFEST
if [ ! -z "$(GNATHTML)" ]; then \
(cd ./Ada95/gen ; make html) ;\
sed -e "\%./doc/html/ada/%d" < MANIFEST > MANIFEST.tmp ;\
find ./doc/html/ada -type f -print >> MANIFEST.tmp ;\
sort -u < MANIFEST.tmp > MANIFEST ;\
rm -f MANIFEST.tmp ;\
# Prepare distribution for version control
find . -type d -exec mkdir {}/RCS \;
# Write-lock almost all files not under version control.
ADA_EXCEPTIONS=$(shell eval 'a="\\\\\|";for x in Ada95/gen/terminal*.m4; do echo -n $${a}Ada95/ada_include/`basename $${x} .m4`; done')
EXCEPTIONS = 'announce.html$\\|ANNOUNCE\\|misc/.*\\.doc\\|man/terminfo.5\\|lib_gen.c'$(ADA_EXCEPTIONS)
for x in `grep -v $(EXCEPTIONS) MANIFEST`; do if [ ! -f `dirname $$x`/RCS/`basename $$x`,v ]; then chmod a-w $${x}; fi; done
# This only works on a clean source tree, of course.
-rm -f $@
touch $@
find . -type f -print |sort | fgrep -v .lsm |fgrep -v .spec >$@
etags */*.[ch]
# Makefile ends here