Bruce A. Mah 54307325d3 Add a warning that URLs in this document are subject to change (in
fact, they're incorrect right now).  Point readers to the list
archives for current locations.
2002-03-14 01:29:31 +00:00

529 lines
22 KiB

This file contains sparc64-specific installation instructions.
<title>Installing &os;</title>
<para>This text describes how to install and boot the &arch;
port. Users of this port are encouraged to subscribe to the
<warning><para>The kernel and userland binaries mentioned below are
highly experimental (for example, the kernel contains some ATA
changes and EEPROM handling code which could potentially be
dangerous). Unless you know what you are doing and are willing to
cope with any damage that might arise, you should probably not be
trying this.</para></warning>
<para>Unlike &os;/i386 or &os;/alpha, there is no version of
&man.sysinstall.8; for &os;/&arch;. The installation procedure
consists of loading a kernel (either from CDROM or the network)
onto the &arch; machine, with a root filesystem on CDROM or
exported via NFS. The utilities on the root filesystem can then
be used to partition the local disk on the &arch; machine and
optionally to copy the &os; distribution to the local disk to make
a stand-alone machine.</para>
<para>Currently, there are two ways to install &os;/&arch; on a
new machine. By far the easier of the two is to install from
CDROM; this method allows you to install &os; without any
dependencies on any other computers.</para>
<para>If installing from CDROM is impossible or undesirable, the
alternative is to install over the network. This requires
another machine, suitably configured, to serve the boot loader,
kernel, and root file system to the new machine, via a
combination of RARP, TFTP, and either BOOTP or DHCP. This
netboot server can be another &os; machine, but is not required
to be.</para>
<para>You will need to decide which of these methods you want to
use for installation, as this will determine the set of files
you need to download (if any), as well as the steps required to
do the installation.</para>
<sect3 id="downloading">
<title>Downloading Required Files</title>
<para>This section describes the files you will need for a
&os;/&arch; installation. The links in this document point to
the main &os; FTP server. Please use a mirror site instead if
<para>The URLs in this section are provisional and subject to
change. Please see the archives of the &a.sparc; for the
most recent locations of files. This notice will be removed
when more permanent URLs have been determined.</para>
<title>Required Files for CDROM Installation</title>
<para>If you want to do a CDROM installation, an ISO
image with a snapshot of &os;/&arch; can be found at
<ulink url="&release.url;"></ulink>. This file can be used to
create a bootable CDROM which contains everything necessary to
boot and load at least a minimal &os; installation.</para>
<!-- XXX ISO location?-->
<title>Required Files for Network Installation</title>
<para>For a network installation, you will need several files.
First, you will need to download a &os;/&arch; loader for
&man.tftpd.8; to serve to your &arch; client. The loader
will use either TFTP or NFS to retrieve the &os; kernel from
the netboot server. There is a separate loader for each of these
methods (i.e. a loader for TFTP and a loader for NFS). You
should download one of the following files, as appropriate:</para>
<listitem><para><ulink url="&release.url;loader-tftp.gz"></ulink></para></listitem>
<listitem><para><ulink url="&release.url;loader-nfs.gz"></ulink></para></listitem>
<para>A network installation also requires a kernel to be served
to the netboot client. A suitable kernel can be found at
<ulink url="&release.url;"></ulink>.</para>
<!-- XXX kernel filename?-->
<para>Finally, you will need a &man.tar.1; archive which
contains the binaries and configuration files from the base
system. This file is available from <ulink
<sect3 id="getting-to-prom-prompt">
<title>Getting to the PROM Prompt</title>
<para>Most &arch; systems are set up to boot automatically from
disk. To install &os;, you need to boot over the network or from
a CDROM, which requires you to break into the PROM (OpenFirmware).</para>
<para>To do this, reboot the system, and wait until the boot
message appears. It depends on the model, but should look about
like: </para>
<screen>Sun Blade 100 (UltraSPARC-IIe), Keyboard Present
Copyright 1998-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.2, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #51090132.
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:b:92:d4, Host ID: 830b92d4.</screen>
<para>If your system proceeds to boot from disk at this point,
you need to press
<keycombo action="simul">
<keycombo action="simul">
on the keyboard, or send a
<command>BREAK</command> over the serial console (using for
example <command>~#</command> in
&man.tip.1; or
&;) to get to the PROM prompt. It
looks like
<screen>ok </screen>
<screen>ok {0} </screen>
(on SMP systems).</para>
<title>Installing from CDROM</title>
<para>Place the CDROM into your drive, and break into the PROM as
described above. On the PROM prompt, type <command>boot
cdrom</command>. The system should boot into single-user mode
now, and you can create the disk label and install the base
system archive as described in <xref
linkend="creating-disk-label"> and <xref linkend="creating-root-filesystem">.</para>
<title>Installing over the Network</title>
<title>Configuring the Netboot Server</title>
<para>A &os;/&arch; kernel is booted by having the firmware retrieve
and execute a <application>loader</application>, which in turn
fetches and executes the actual kernel. For this boot process,
you need to set up &man.rarpd.8; and
&man.tftpd.8; (for the firmware) and
&man.bootpd.8; (for the
<application>loader</application>) on another networked
system. The loader can fetch a kernel using TFTP or NFS. All
of this is covered in detail below.</para>
<para>You need to add the Ethernet address of your &os;/&arch; system
to <filename>/etc/ethers</filename> on the netboot server.
An entry looks like:</para>
<para>The Ethernet address is usually displayed in the boot
<para>Make sure <hostid></hostid> is in
<filename>/etc/hosts</filename> or has a valid DNS entry (or
use an IP address). Then, start &man.rarpd.8; on
a network interface that is on the same subnet as the
&os;/&arch; system.</para>
<para>Activate &man.tftpd.8; in your
&man.inetd.8; configuration by uncommenting
the following line in
<programlisting>tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/libexec/tftpd tftpd /tftpboot</programlisting>
<para>Copy the unpacked loader to your
<filename>/tftpboot</filename> directory, and name it with the &os;/&arch; host's IP address in
upper-case hexadecimal notation without dots (or use appropriately-named symbolic links). For
example, your setup may look like this, for an IP address of
<screen> lrwx------ 1 tmm users 9 Jul 24 17:05 /tftpboot/C0A80010 -> boot/loader
-rw-r--r-- 1 tmm users 1643021 Oct 20 18:04 /tftpboot/boot/loader</screen>
<para>If you have trouble booting, it is very helpful to use
&man.tcpdump.1; to monitor the TFTP
requests. This will allow you to see the file name you need
to use for the loader. Error replies by the TFTP server are
most often due to incorrect file permissions.</para>
<title>Setting up bootpd/dhcpd</title>
<para>You can use either BOOTP or DHCP (both not both) to
provide some parameters to the boot loader, such as a
machine's IP address. If you are using another &os; machine
as a netboot server, the BOOTP functionality is provided by
&man.bootpd.8;, which is a part of the &os; base system.
Several DHCP servers are provided in the &os; Ports
<para>If you are going to use
&man.bootpd.8;, create entries for your
&os;/&arch; system in the server's <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> (see &man.bootptab.5; for more details):</para>
&lt;name of the entry>:\
<para>The Ethernet address must be the same as the one in the
TFTP example above, but it is specified
hexadecimal notation without colons (for the example
above, this would be <literal>0003ba0b92d4</literal>). NFS/TFTP specific
entries can be omitted if the given method is not used. The
strings given in the <literal>hd</literal> and
<literal>bf</literal> properties are concatenated to give the boot
file name. If your kernel is named differently or you use
another directory, change these values as required. If you
are booting using NFS, remove the <literal>bf</literal>
and <literal>hd</literal> settings (or change them to
specify the directory and file inside the NFS root hierarchy
in which the kernel will reside). The name of the host entry
is conventionally the host name without the domain appended.</para>
<para>For a DHCP server, add an entry similar to the following to your <filename>dhcpd.conf</filename> file. An example entry for
<application>ISC DHCP</application> version 2 (available in
the &os; Ports Collection as <filename
role="package">net/isc-dhcp2</filename>) is shown
<programlisting>host <replaceable>name-of-entry</replaceable> {
hardware ethernet <replaceable>sparc64-ethernet-address</replaceable>;
option host-name "<replaceable>sparc64-fully-qualified-domain-name</replaceable>";
fixed-address <replaceable>sparc64-ip-address</replaceable>;
always-reply-rfc1048 on;
filename "kernel";
option root-path "<replaceable>tftp-server-ip-address</replaceable>:<replaceable>nfs-root-directory</replaceable>";
<para>The <literal>filename</literal> option corresponds to
the concatenation of <literal>hd</literal> and
<literal>bf</literal> in <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename>. The Ethernet address is
specified in hexadecimal with colons, just like in the
&man.rarpd.8; example
above. <literal>options root-path</literal> corresponds to
<literal>rp</literal> in <filename>/etc/bootptab</filename>. If the name given in <literal>option
host-name</literal> is resolvable, i.e. has a DNS entry or is
associated with an address in
<filename>/etc/hosts</filename>, the
<literal>fixed-address</literal> specification can be omitted.
<title>Loading the Kernel</title>
<para>With the daemons on the netboot server configured, the
next step is to copy the kernel (obtained during the steps of
<xref linkend="downloading">) to an appropriate directory.
There are two ways of retrieving a kernel over the network:
TFTP and NFS. (You specified one of these two alternatives
by picking a loader.)</para>
<para>For both TFTP and NFS, the loader will use the parameters
that it obtained via BOOTP or DHCP to find the kernel.</para>
<title>Loading the Kernel over TFTP</title>
<para>Place the kernel in the directory you specified using
<literal>bf</literal> and <literal>hd</literal> in the
<filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
<literal>filename</literal> parameter to
<title>Loading the Kernel over NFS</title>
<para>Export the directory that was specified by the
<literal>rp</literal> property in
<filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
<literal>root-path</literal> parameter in
<filename>dhcpd.conf</filename> (see &man.exports.5;).
Copy the kernel to the directory you specified using
<literal>bf</literal> and <literal>hd</literal> in the
<filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
<literal>filename</literal> parameter to
<title>Loading the Base System to the Netboot Server</title>
<para>You must extract the base system distribution image to the
NFS root directory specified either by the
<literal>rp</literal> option in
<filename>/etc/bootptab</filename> or the
<literal>root-path</literal> option in
<filename>dhcpd.conf</filename>. This directory tree will become
the &arch;'s root filesystem once the kernel is booted.
Besides providing a normal userland environment, it
also contains all of the necessary utilities for you to install
the distribution on the &arch; client's local disk.</para>
<para>Using whatever editing tools you have on the netboot
server, you probably will want to edit the &arch;'s
<filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and
<filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> and set a
<username>root</username> password.</para>
<para>If all goes well, you can now boot the &os; on your &arch; machine
by dropping into the PROM prompt as described in <xref linkend="getting-to-prom-prompt">. Now, just
type <command>boot net</command> and the system should
boot. Specifically, the loader is retrieved via TFTP, it
then does a BOOTP request and will proceed to load the
kernel (either using TFTP or NFS, depending on your choice of loader). Then, it should wait 10 seconds for user input and
proceed to execute the kernel.</para>
<para>If something does not work in between, and you suspect
TFTP/NFS/BOOTP problems, <application>Ethereal</application>
(available in the &os; Ports Collection as <filename role="package">
is usually helpful. The most common problems are related to bad file
permissions. Also note that &man.rarpd.8;
will not answer to packets under some circumstances, refer to
the manual page for details.</para>
<sect2 id="creating-disk-label">
<title>Creating a Disk Label</title>
<para>The kernel supports the Sun disk label format, so you can
label the disks you want to use with &os; from Solaris.</para>
<para>&os; disk labels must currently be created by hand, as
&man.sysinstall.8; is not yet available on &os;/&arch;. Please
refer to the <ulink url="">FreeBSD
Handbook</ulink> for more information about labels and special
<para>On &os;/&arch;, a Sun compatibility label is embedded in the
&os; label; this is needed for the PROM to boot from disk. This
imposes an additional restriction on the disk label format:
partitions are required to start on a cylinder boundary.</para>
<para>To create a disk label, the following procedure is the
<para>First, use:
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>disklabel -w -r &lt;device&gt; auto</userinput></screen>
This will create a basic disk label. The third argument you need
specify here is just the name of the device, not the complete
path to the device node (e.g. <devicename>ad0</devicename> for
the first ATA disk).</para>
Now, use:
<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>disklabel -e &lt;device&gt; auto</userinput></screen>
This will open an editor in which you can edit the disk
label. The information presented to you should look like:
<screen># /dev/ad6c:
type: unknown
disk: amnesiac
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 79780
sectors/unit: 80418240
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # milliseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # milliseconds
drivedata: 0
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
c: 80418240 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 79779)
You can now add new partitions in the same format as the already
present line. Using <literal>*</literal> in the offset field makes the procedure
easier; please refer to the &man.disklabel.8; manual page for more
<para>To make sure the restriction mentioned above is met, the
size of each partition must be a multiple of the number of
sectors per cylinder as shown in the information that is
presented in the editor (1008 in the example above).</para>
<para>When you are done, save your changes and quit the editor. This will cause the disk
label to be written. </para>
<warning><para>This procedure will overwrite any disk label that
may be already present on the disk. Any existing filesystems on
this disk must have their respective partition entries in the
old and new label match <emphasis>exactly</emphasis>, or they
will be lost.</para></warning>
<para>Use <command>disklabel -B</command> if you want to make the
disk bootable for &os;/&arch;.</para>
<warning><para>Using <command>disklabel -B</command> on a disk
will overwrite any preexisting boot block, so it will likely
render any other operating system installed on the same disk
<para>If you do not want to overwrite the boot block, it is
possible to load the <application>loader</application> via TFTP
as described above, but have it boot the kernel from disk. This
requires a special loader binary, which is available at
<sect2 id="creating-root-filesystem">
<title>Creating the Root Fileystem</title>
<para>If you want to boot from a local disk, you will need
to create a root file system to hold the base system binaries and
configuration files (and optionally other file systems mounted
in places such as <filename>/usr</filename> and
<para>The kernel contains support for Sun disklabels, so you can
use Solaris disks, which may even be prepared using <application>newfs</application> under
Solaris. NetBSD disk labels and file systems are also usable
from &os;.</para>
<warning><para>Do <emphasis>not</emphasis> run Solaris
<application>fsck</application> on file systems
modified by &os;. Doing so will damage the file
<para>To create file systems and to install the base system, boot
from CDROM or via NFS and create a disk label as described
in <xref linkend="creating-disk-label">.
<para>When booting the first time and you have not entered your
root partition into <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> yet, you may
need to specify your root partition on the mountroot
prompt when booting (use a format like
<command>ufs:&lt;disk>&lt;partition></command>, i.e. leave the
slice specification out). If the kernel does automatically
attempt to boot from another file system, press a key
other than <keycap>Enter</keycap> on the <application>loader</application> prompt:
<screen>Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.</screen>
Then, boot the kernel using <command>boot -a -s</command>, which
will cause the kernel to ask you for the root partition and
then boot into single-user mode. Once the root file system has
been entered into <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>, it should be
automatically mounted as <filename>/</filename> on the next
<para>If you are booting over the network (via NFS), the above
BOOTP entries should suffice to have the kernel find and mount
the root filesystem via NFS.</para>
<sect2 id="installing-base-system">
<title>Installing the Base System</title>
<para>If you booted the kernel from the network, you downloaded a
&man.tar.1; archive with the base system and exported it from
the netboot server via NFS. You can unpack this same archive
to your local disk to create a stand-alone system (remember to
copy the kernel over as well).</para>
<para>If you booted from CDROM, the same archive is available in
<filename>/root/</filename> on the CDROM.</para>
<para>Before booting the system stand-alone, you will want to edit
<filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and
<filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> and set a
<username>root</username> password.</para>
<para>Note that some programs from the base system may not be
present in the archive, or may not work properly yet.</para>