1) fixed some bugs related to the bounce buffer code 2) vnode pager now supports clustered pageouts 3) experimental code for clustering all I/O via a new "cldisksort" 4) added >16MB check to Bustek driver 5) made some experimental algorithmic changes to the pageout daemon 6) fixed bugs in truncating mapped files (esp when mapped via NFS) 7) reorganized vnode pager I/O code
1530 lines
35 KiB
1530 lines
35 KiB
* Written by Julian Elischer (julian@tfs.com)
* for TRW Financial Systems for use under the MACH(2.5) operating system.
* TRW Financial Systems, in accordance with their agreement with Carnegie
* Mellon University, makes this software available to CMU to distribute
* or use in any manner that they see fit as long as this message is kept with
* the software. For this reason TFS also grants any other persons or
* organisations permission to use or modify this software.
* TFS supplies this software to be publicly redistributed
* on the understanding that TFS is not responsible for the correct
* functioning of this software in any circumstances.
* $Id: bt742a.c,v 1.14 1994/03/24 02:22:58 davidg Exp $
* bt742a SCSI driver
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef KERNEL /* don't laugh.. it compiles to a program too.. look */
#include <bt.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/malloc.h>
#include <sys/buf.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#endif /* KERNEL */
#include <i386/isa/isa_device.h>
#include <scsi/scsi_all.h>
#include <scsi/scsiconf.h>
#ifdef KERNEL
#include "ddb.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#else /*KERNEL */
#define NBT 1
#endif /*KERNEL */
typedef unsigned long int physaddr;
* I/O Port Interface
#define BT_BASE bt->bt_base
#define BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT (BT_BASE + 0x0) /* control & status */
#define BT_CMD_DATA_PORT (BT_BASE + 0x1) /* cmds and datas */
#define BT_INTR_PORT (BT_BASE + 0x2) /* Intr. stat */
* BT_CTRL_STAT bits (write)
#define BT_HRST 0x80 /* Hardware reset */
#define BT_SRST 0x40 /* Software reset */
#define BT_IRST 0x20 /* Interrupt reset */
#define BT_SCRST 0x10 /* SCSI bus reset */
* BT_CTRL_STAT bits (read)
#define BT_STST 0x80 /* Self test in Progress */
#define BT_DIAGF 0x40 /* Diagnostic Failure */
#define BT_INIT 0x20 /* Mbx Init required */
#define BT_IDLE 0x10 /* Host Adapter Idle */
#define BT_CDF 0x08 /* cmd/data out port full */
#define BT_DF 0x04 /* Data in port full */
#define BT_INVDCMD 0x01 /* Invalid command */
* BT_CMD_DATA bits (write)
#define BT_NOP 0x00 /* No operation */
#define BT_MBX_INIT 0x01 /* Mbx initialization */
#define BT_START_SCSI 0x02 /* start scsi command */
#define BT_START_BIOS 0x03 /* start bios command */
#define BT_INQUIRE 0x04 /* Adapter Inquiry */
#define BT_MBO_INTR_EN 0x05 /* Enable MBO available interrupt */
#define BT_SEL_TIMEOUT_SET 0x06 /* set selection time-out */
#define BT_BUS_ON_TIME_SET 0x07 /* set bus-on time */
#define BT_BUS_OFF_TIME_SET 0x08 /* set bus-off time */
#define BT_SPEED_SET 0x09 /* set transfer speed */
#define BT_DEV_GET 0x0a /* return installed devices */
#define BT_CONF_GET 0x0b /* return configuration data */
#define BT_TARGET_EN 0x0c /* enable target mode */
#define BT_SETUP_GET 0x0d /* return setup data */
#define BT_WRITE_CH2 0x1a /* write channel 2 buffer */
#define BT_READ_CH2 0x1b /* read channel 2 buffer */
#define BT_WRITE_FIFO 0x1c /* write fifo buffer */
#define BT_READ_FIFO 0x1d /* read fifo buffer */
#define BT_ECHO 0x1e /* Echo command data */
#define BT_MBX_INIT_EXTENDED 0x81 /* Mbx initialization */
#define BT_INQUIRE_EXTENDED 0x8D /* Adapter Setup Inquiry */
/* Follows command appeared at FirmWare 3.31 */
#define BT_ROUND_ROBIN 0x8f /* Enable/Disable(default) round robin */
#define BT_DISABLE 0x00 /* Parameter value for Disable */
#define BT_ENABLE 0x01 /* Parameter value for Enable */
struct bt_cmd_buf {
u_char byte[16];
* BT_INTR_PORT bits (read)
#define BT_ANY_INTR 0x80 /* Any interrupt */
#define BT_SCRD 0x08 /* SCSI reset detected */
#define BT_HACC 0x04 /* Command complete */
#define BT_MBOA 0x02 /* MBX out empty */
#define BT_MBIF 0x01 /* MBX in full */
* Mail box defs etc.
* these could be bigger but we need the bt_data to fit on a single page..
#define BT_MBX_SIZE 16 /* mail box size (MAX 255 MBxs) */
/* don't need that many really */
#define BT_CCB_MAX 32 /* store up to 32CCBs at any one time */
/* in bt742a H/W ( Not MAX ? ) */
#define CCB_HASH_SIZE 32 /* when we have a physical addr. for */
/* a ccb and need to find the ccb in */
/* space, look it up in the hash table */
#define CCB_HASH_SHIFT 9 /* only hash on multiples of 512 */
#define CCB_HASH(x) ((((long int)(x))>>CCB_HASH_SHIFT) % CCB_HASH_SIZE)
#define bt_nextmbx( wmb, mbx, mbio ) \
if ( (wmb) == &((mbx)->mbio[BT_MBX_SIZE - 1 ]) ) \
(wmb) = &((mbx)->mbio[0]); \
else \
typedef struct bt_mbx_out {
physaddr ccb_addr;
unsigned char dummy[3];
unsigned char cmd;
typedef struct bt_mbx_in {
physaddr ccb_addr;
unsigned char btstat;
unsigned char sdstat;
unsigned char dummy;
unsigned char stat;
struct bt_mbx {
BT_MBO *tmbo; /* Target Mail Box out */
BT_MBI *tmbi; /* Target Mail Box in */
* mbo.cmd values
#define BT_MBO_FREE 0x0 /* MBO entry is free */
#define BT_MBO_START 0x1 /* MBO activate entry */
#define BT_MBO_ABORT 0x2 /* MBO abort entry */
* mbi.stat values
#define BT_MBI_FREE 0x0 /* MBI entry is free */
#define BT_MBI_OK 0x1 /* completed without error */
#define BT_MBI_ABORT 0x2 /* aborted ccb */
#define BT_MBI_UNKNOWN 0x3 /* Tried to abort invalid CCB */
#define BT_MBI_ERROR 0x4 /* Completed with error */
#if defined(BIG_DMA)
WARNING...THIS WON'T WORK(won't fit on 1 page)
/* #define BT_NSEG 2048*/ /* Number of scatter gather segments - to much vm */
#define BT_NSEG 128
#define BT_NSEG 33
#endif /* BIG_DMA */
struct bt_scat_gath {
unsigned long seg_len;
physaddr seg_addr;
struct bt_ccb {
unsigned char opcode;
unsigned char:3, data_in:1, data_out:1,:3;
unsigned char scsi_cmd_length;
unsigned char req_sense_length;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
unsigned long data_length;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
physaddr data_addr;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
unsigned char dummy[2];
unsigned char host_stat;
unsigned char target_stat;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
unsigned char target;
unsigned char lun;
unsigned char scsi_cmd[12]; /* 12 bytes (bytes only) */
unsigned char dummy2[1];
unsigned char link_id;
/*------------------------------------4 longword boundary */
physaddr link_addr;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
physaddr sense_ptr;
/*-----end of HW fields-------------------------------longword boundary */
struct scsi_sense_data scsi_sense;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
struct bt_scat_gath scat_gath[BT_NSEG];
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
struct bt_ccb *next;
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
struct scsi_xfer *xfer; /* the scsi_xfer for this cmd */
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
struct bt_mbx_out *mbx; /* pointer to mail box */
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
int flags;
#define CCB_FREE 0
#define CCB_ACTIVE 1
#define CCB_ABORTED 2
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
struct bt_ccb *nexthash; /* if two hash the same */
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
physaddr hashkey; /*physaddr of this ccb */
/*------------------------------------longword boundary */
* opcode fields
#define BT_INITIATOR_CCB 0x00 /* SCSI Initiator CCB */
#define BT_TARGET_CCB 0x01 /* SCSI Target CCB */
#define BT_INIT_SCAT_GATH_CCB 0x02 /* SCSI Initiator with scattter gather */
#define BT_RESET_CCB 0x81 /* SCSI Bus reset */
* bt_ccb.host_stat values
#define BT_OK 0x00 /* cmd ok */
#define BT_LINK_OK 0x0a /* Link cmd ok */
#define BT_LINK_IT 0x0b /* Link cmd ok + int */
#define BT_SEL_TIMEOUT 0x11 /* Selection time out */
#define BT_OVER_UNDER 0x12 /* Data over/under run */
#define BT_BUS_FREE 0x13 /* Bus dropped at unexpected time */
#define BT_INV_BUS 0x14 /* Invalid bus phase/sequence */
#define BT_BAD_MBO 0x15 /* Incorrect MBO cmd */
#define BT_BAD_CCB 0x16 /* Incorrect ccb opcode */
#define BT_BAD_LINK 0x17 /* Not same values of LUN for links */
#define BT_INV_TARGET 0x18 /* Invalid target direction */
#define BT_CCB_DUP 0x19 /* Duplicate CCB received */
#define BT_INV_CCB 0x1a /* Invalid CCB or segment list */
#define BT_ABORTED 42 /* pseudo value from driver */
struct bt_boardID {
u_char board_type;
u_char custom_feture;
char firm_revision;
u_char firm_version;
struct bt_setup {
u_char sync_neg:1;
u_char parity:1;
u_char :6;
u_char speed;
u_char bus_on;
u_char bus_off;
u_char num_mbx;
u_char mbx[3]; /*XXX */
/* doesn't make sense with 32bit addresses */
struct {
u_char offset:4;
u_char period:3;
u_char valid:1;
} sync[8];
u_char disc_sts;
struct bt_config {
u_char chan;
u_char intr;
u_char scsi_dev:3;
u_char :5;
#define INT9 0x01
#define INT10 0x02
#define INT11 0x04
#define INT12 0x08
#define INT14 0x20
#define INT15 0x40
#define EISADMA 0x00
#define CHAN0 0x01
#define CHAN5 0x20
#define CHAN6 0x40
#define CHAN7 0x80
#define KVTOPHYS(x) vtophys(x)
#define PAGESIZ 4096
#define INVALIDATE_CACHE {asm volatile( ".byte 0x0F ;.byte 0x08" ); }
u_char bt_scratch_buf[256];
struct bt_data {
short bt_base; /* base port for each board */
struct bt_mbx bt_mbx; /* all our mailboxes */
struct bt_ccb *bt_ccb_free; /* list of free CCBs */
struct bt_ccb *ccbhash[CCB_HASH_SIZE]; /* phys to kv hash */
int bt_int; /* int. read off board */
int bt_dma; /* DMA channel read of board */
int bt_scsi_dev; /* adapters scsi id */
int numccbs; /* how many we have malloc'd */
struct scsi_link sc_link; /* prototype for devs */
} *btdata[NBT];
/***********debug values *************/
#define BT_SHOWCCBS 0x01
#define BT_SHOWINTS 0x02
#define BT_SHOWCMDS 0x04
#define BT_SHOWMISC 0x08
int bt_debug = 0;
#ifdef KERNEL
int btprobe();
int btattach();
int btintr();
int32 bt_scsi_cmd();
void bt_timeout(caddr_t, int);
void bt_inquire_setup_information();
void bt_done();
void btminphys();
u_int32 bt_adapter_info();
struct bt_ccb *bt_get_ccb();
struct bt_ccb *bt_ccb_phys_kv();
static int btunit = 0;
struct isa_driver btdriver =
struct scsi_adapter bt_switch =
0, 0
/* the below structure is so we have a default dev struct for out link struct */
struct scsi_device bt_dev =
NULL, /* Use default error handler */
NULL, /* have a queue, served by this */
NULL, /* have no async handler */
NULL, /* Use default 'done' routine */
0, 0
#endif /*KERNEL */
#define BT_RESET_TIMEOUT 1000
#ifndef KERNEL
printf("bt_data is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct bt_data));
printf("bt_ccb is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct bt_ccb));
printf("bt_mbx is %d bytes\n", sizeof(struct bt_mbx));
#else /*KERNEL */
* bt_cmd(unit,icnt, ocnt,wait, retval, opcode, args)
* Activate Adapter command
* icnt: number of args (outbound bytes written after opcode)
* ocnt: number of expected returned bytes
* wait: number of seconds to wait for response
* retval: buffer where to place returned bytes
* opcode: opcode BT_NOP, BT_MBX_INIT, BT_START_SCSI ...
* args: parameters
* Performs an adapter command through the ports. Not to be confused with a
* scsi command, which is read in via the dma; one of the adapter commands
* tells it to read in a scsi command.
bt_cmd(unit, icnt, ocnt, wait, retval, opcode, args)
int unit;
int icnt;
int ocnt;
int wait;
u_char *retval;
unsigned opcode;
u_char args;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
unsigned *ic = &opcode;
u_char oc;
register i;
int sts;
* multiply the wait argument by a big constant
* zero defaults to 1
if (wait)
wait *= 100000;
wait = 100000;
* Wait for the adapter to go idle, unless it's one of
* the commands which don't need this
if (opcode != BT_MBX_INIT && opcode != BT_START_SCSI) {
i = 100000; /* 1 sec? */
while (--i) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
if (sts & BT_IDLE) {
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_cmd, host not idle(0x%x)\n", unit, sts);
return (ENXIO);
* Now that it is idle, if we expect output, preflush the
* queue feeding to us.
if (ocnt) {
while ((inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT)) & BT_DF)
* Output the command and the number of arguments given
* for each byte, first check the port is empty.
/* include the command */
while (icnt--) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
for (i = wait; i; i--) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
if (!(sts & BT_CDF))
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_cmd, cmd/data port full\n", unit);
return (ENXIO);
outb(BT_CMD_DATA_PORT, (u_char) (*ic++));
* If we expect input, loop that many times, each time,
* looking for the data register to have valid data
while (ocnt--) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
for (i = wait; i; i--) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
if (sts & BT_DF)
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_cmd, cmd/data port empty %d\n",
unit, ocnt);
return (ENXIO);
oc = inb(BT_CMD_DATA_PORT);
if (retval)
*retval++ = oc;
* Wait for the board to report a finised instruction
i = 100000; /* 1 sec? */
while (--i) {
sts = inb(BT_INTR_PORT);
if (sts & BT_HACC) {
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_cmd, host not finished(0x%x)\n", unit, sts);
return (ENXIO);
return (0);
* Check if the device can be found at the port given
* and if so, set it up ready for further work
* as an argument, takes the isa_device structure from
* autoconf.c
struct isa_device *dev;
* find unit and check we have that many defined
int unit = btunit;
struct bt_data *bt;
if (unit >= NBT) {
printf("bt%d: unit number too high\n", unit);
return 0;
* Allocate a storage area for us
if (btdata[unit]) {
printf("bt%d: memory already allocated\n", unit);
return 0;
bt = malloc(sizeof(struct bt_data), M_TEMP, M_NOWAIT);
if (!bt) {
printf("bt%d: cannot malloc!\n", unit);
return 0;
bzero(bt, sizeof(struct bt_data));
btdata[unit] = bt;
bt->bt_base = dev->id_iobase;
* Try initialise a unit at this location
* sets up dma and bus speed, loads bt->bt_int
if (bt_init(unit) != 0) {
btdata[unit] = NULL;
free(bt, M_TEMP);
return 0;
* If it's there, put in it's interrupt vectors
*/ dev->id_unit = unit;
dev->id_irq = (1 << bt->bt_int);
dev->id_drq = bt->bt_dma;
return 1;
* Attach all the sub-devices we can find
struct isa_device *dev;
int unit = dev->id_unit;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
* fill in the prototype scsi_link.
bt->sc_link.adapter_unit = unit;
bt->sc_link.adapter_targ = bt->bt_scsi_dev;
bt->sc_link.adapter = &bt_switch;
bt->sc_link.device = &bt_dev;
bt->sc_link.flags = SDEV_BOUNCE;
* ask the adapter what subunits are present
return 1;
* Return some information to the caller about the adapter and its
* capabilities.
int unit;
return (2); /* 2 outstanding requests at a time per device */
* Catch an interrupt from the adaptor
int unit;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
BT_MBI *wmbi;
struct bt_mbx *wmbx;
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
unsigned char stat;
int i, wait;
int found = 0;
#ifdef UTEST
printf("btintr ");
* First acknowlege the interrupt, Then if it's
* not telling about a completed operation
* just return.
stat = inb(BT_INTR_PORT);
/* Mail Box out empty ? */
if (stat & BT_MBOA) {
printf("bt%d: Available Free mbo post\n", unit);
/* Disable MBO available interrupt */
wait = 100000; /* 1 sec enough? */
for (i = wait; i; i--) {
if (!(inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT) & BT_CDF))
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_intr, cmd/data port full\n", unit);
return 1;
outb(BT_CMD_DATA_PORT, 0x00); /* Disable */
return 1;
if (!(stat & BT_MBIF)) {
return 1;
* If it IS then process the competed operation
wmbx = &bt->bt_mbx;
wmbi = wmbx->tmbi;
while (wmbi->stat != BT_MBI_FREE) {
ccb = bt_ccb_phys_kv(bt, (wmbi->ccb_addr));
if (!ccb) {
wmbi->stat = BT_MBI_FREE;
printf("bt: BAD CCB ADDR!\n");
if ((stat = wmbi->stat) != BT_MBI_OK) {
switch (stat) {
#ifdef UTEST
if (bt_debug & BT_SHOWMISC)
printf("abort ");
ccb->host_stat = BT_ABORTED;
ccb = (struct bt_ccb *) 0;
#ifdef UTEST
if (bt_debug & BT_SHOWMISC)
printf("unknown ccb for abort");
panic("Impossible mbxi status");
#ifdef UTEST
if ((bt_debug & BT_SHOWCMDS) && ccb) {
u_char *cp;
cp = ccb->scsi_cmd;
printf("op=%x %x %x %x %x %x\n",
cp[0], cp[1], cp[2],
cp[3], cp[4], cp[5]);
printf("stat %x for mbi addr = 0x%08x\n"
,wmbi->stat, wmbi);
printf("addr = 0x%x\n", ccb);
wmbi->stat = BT_MBI_FREE;
if (ccb) {
untimeout(bt_timeout, (caddr_t)ccb);
bt_done(unit, ccb);
/* Set the IN mail Box pointer for next */ bt_nextmbx(wmbi, wmbx, mbi);
if (!found) {
for (i = 0; i < BT_MBX_SIZE; i++) {
if (wmbi->stat != BT_MBI_FREE) {
bt_nextmbx(wmbi, wmbx, mbi);
if (!found) {
printf("bt%d: mbi at 0x%08x should be found, stat=%02x..resync\n",
unit, wmbi, stat);
} else {
found = 0;
goto AGAIN;
wmbx->tmbi = wmbi;
return 1;
* A ccb is put onto the free list.
bt_free_ccb(unit, ccb, flags)
int unit;
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
int flags;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
unsigned int opri = 0;
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
opri = splbio();
ccb->next = bt->bt_ccb_free;
bt->bt_ccb_free = ccb;
ccb->flags = CCB_FREE;
* If there were none, wake anybody waiting for one to come free,
* starting with queued entries.
if (!ccb->next) {
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
* Get a free ccb
* If there are none, see if we can allocate a new one. If so, put it in
* the hash table too otherwise either return an error or sleep.
struct bt_ccb *
bt_get_ccb(unit, flags)
int unit;
int flags;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
unsigned opri = 0;
struct bt_ccb *ccbp;
struct bt_mbx *wmbx; /* Mail Box pointer specified unit */
BT_MBO *wmbo; /* Out Mail Box pointer */
int hashnum;
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
opri = splbio();
* If we can and have to, sleep waiting for one to come free
* but only if we can't allocate a new one.
while (!(ccbp = bt->bt_ccb_free)) {
if (bt->numccbs < BT_CCB_MAX) {
if (ccbp = (struct bt_ccb *) malloc(sizeof(struct bt_ccb),
bzero(ccbp, sizeof(struct bt_ccb));
ccbp->flags = CCB_ACTIVE;
* put in the phystokv hash table
* Never gets taken out.
ccbp->hashkey = KVTOPHYS(ccbp);
hashnum = CCB_HASH(ccbp->hashkey);
ccbp->nexthash = bt->ccbhash[hashnum];
bt->ccbhash[hashnum] = ccbp;
} else {
printf("bt%d: Can't malloc CCB\n", unit);
goto gottit;
} else {
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOSLEEP)) {
tsleep((caddr_t)&bt->bt_ccb_free, PRIBIO,
"btccb", 0);
if (ccbp) {
/* Get CCB from from free list */
bt->bt_ccb_free = ccbp->next;
ccbp->flags = CCB_ACTIVE;
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
return (ccbp);
* given a physical address, find the ccb that
* it corresponds to:
struct bt_ccb *
bt_ccb_phys_kv(bt, ccb_phys)
struct bt_data *bt;
physaddr ccb_phys;
int hashnum = CCB_HASH(ccb_phys);
struct bt_ccb *ccbp = bt->ccbhash[hashnum];
while (ccbp) {
if (ccbp->hashkey == ccb_phys)
ccbp = ccbp->nexthash;
return ccbp;
* Get a MBO and then Send it
bt_send_mbo(int unit, int flags, int cmd, struct bt_ccb *ccb)
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
unsigned opri = 0;
BT_MBO *wmbo; /* Mail Box Out pointer */
struct bt_mbx *wmbx; /* Mail Box pointer specified unit */
int i, wait;
wmbx = &bt->bt_mbx;
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
opri = splbio();
/* Get the Target OUT mail Box pointer and move to Next */
wmbo = wmbx->tmbo;
wmbx->tmbo = (wmbo == &(wmbx->mbo[BT_MBX_SIZE - 1]) ?
&(wmbx->mbo[0]) : wmbo + 1);
* Check the outmail box is free or not.
* Note: Under the normal operation, it shuld NOT happen to wait.
while (wmbo->cmd != BT_MBO_FREE) {
wait = 100000; /* 1 sec enough? */
/* Enable MBO available interrupt */
for (i = wait; i; i--) {
if (!(inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT) & BT_CDF))
if (i == 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_send_mbo, cmd/data port full\n", unit);
return ((BT_MBO *) 0);
outb(BT_CMD_DATA_PORT, 0x01); /* Enable */
tsleep((caddr_t)wmbx, PRIBIO, "btsend", 0);
/* XXX */ /*can't do this! */
/* May be servicing an int */
/* Link CCB to the Mail Box */
wmbo->ccb_addr = KVTOPHYS(ccb);
ccb->mbx = wmbo;
wmbo->cmd = cmd;
/* Send it! */
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK))
return (wmbo);
* We have a ccb which has been processed by the
* adaptor, now we look to see how the operation
* went. Wake up the owner if waiting
bt_done(unit, ccb)
int unit;
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
struct scsi_sense_data *s1, *s2;
struct scsi_xfer *xs = ccb->xfer;
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB2, ("bt_done\n"));
* Otherwise, put the results of the operation
* into the xfer and call whoever started it
if ((ccb->host_stat != BT_OK || ccb->target_stat != SCSI_OK)
&& (!(xs->flags & SCSI_ERR_OK))) {
s1 = &(ccb->scsi_sense);
s2 = &(xs->sense);
if (ccb->host_stat) {
switch (ccb->host_stat) {
case BT_ABORTED: /* No response */
case BT_SEL_TIMEOUT: /* No response */
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB3,
("timeout reported back\n"));
xs->error = XS_TIMEOUT;
default: /* Other scsi protocol messes */
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB3,
("unexpected host_stat: %x\n",
} else {
switch (ccb->target_stat) {
case 0x02:
*s2 = *s1;
xs->error = XS_SENSE;
case 0x08:
xs->error = XS_BUSY;
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB3,
("unexpected target_stat: %x\n",
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
} else { /* All went correctly OR errors expected */
xs->resid = 0;
xs->flags |= ITSDONE;
bt_free_ccb(unit, ccb, xs->flags);
* Start the board, ready for normal operation
int unit;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
unsigned char ad[4];
volatile int i, sts;
struct bt_config conf;
* reset board, If it doesn't respond, assume
* that it's not there.. good for the probe
for (i = BT_RESET_TIMEOUT; i; i--) {
sts = inb(BT_CTRL_STAT_PORT);
if (sts == (BT_IDLE | BT_INIT))
if (i == 0) {
#ifdef UTEST
printf("bt_init: No answer from bt742a board\n");
return (ENXIO);
* Assume we have a board at this stage
* setup dma channel from jumpers and save int
* level
printf("bt%d: reading board settings, ", unit);
bt_cmd(unit, 0, sizeof(conf), 0, &conf, BT_CONF_GET);
switch (conf.chan) {
bt->bt_dma = -1;
case CHAN0:
outb(0x0b, 0x0c);
outb(0x0a, 0x00);
bt->bt_dma = 0;
case CHAN5:
outb(0xd6, 0xc1);
outb(0xd4, 0x01);
bt->bt_dma = 5;
case CHAN6:
outb(0xd6, 0xc2);
outb(0xd4, 0x02);
bt->bt_dma = 6;
case CHAN7:
outb(0xd6, 0xc3);
outb(0xd4, 0x03);
bt->bt_dma = 7;
printf("illegal dma setting %x\n", conf.chan);
return (EIO);
if (bt->bt_dma == -1)
printf("eisa dma, ");
printf("dma=%d, ", bt->bt_dma);
switch (conf.intr) {
case INT9:
bt->bt_int = 9;
case INT10:
bt->bt_int = 10;
case INT11:
bt->bt_int = 11;
case INT12:
bt->bt_int = 12;
case INT14:
bt->bt_int = 14;
case INT15:
bt->bt_int = 15;
printf("illegal int setting\n");
return (EIO);
printf("int=%d\n", bt->bt_int);
/* who are we on the scsi bus */
bt->bt_scsi_dev = conf.scsi_dev;
* Initialize mail box
*((physaddr *) ad) = KVTOPHYS(&bt->bt_mbx);
bt_cmd(unit, 5, 0, 0, 0, BT_MBX_INIT_EXTENDED
* Set Pointer chain null for just in case
* Link the ccb's into a free-list W/O mbox
* Initialize mail box status to free
if (bt->bt_ccb_free != (struct bt_ccb *) 0) {
printf("bt%d: bt_ccb_free is NOT initialized but init here\n",
bt->bt_ccb_free = (struct bt_ccb *) 0;
for (i = 0; i < BT_MBX_SIZE; i++) {
bt->bt_mbx.mbo[i].cmd = BT_MBO_FREE;
bt->bt_mbx.mbi[i].stat = BT_MBI_FREE;
* Set up initial mail box for round-robin operation.
bt->bt_mbx.tmbo = &bt->bt_mbx.mbo[0];
bt->bt_mbx.tmbi = &bt->bt_mbx.mbi[0];
/* Enable round-robin scheme - appeared at firmware rev. 3.31 */
bt_cmd(unit, 1, 0, 0, 0, BT_ROUND_ROBIN, BT_ENABLE);
* Note that we are going and return (to probe)
return 0;
int unit;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
struct bt_setup setup;
struct bt_boardID bID;
int i;
/* Inquire Board ID to Bt742 for firmware version */
bt_cmd(unit, 0, sizeof(bID), 0, &bID, BT_INQUIRE);
printf("bt%d: version %c.%c, ",
unit, bID.firm_revision, bID.firm_version);
/* Obtain setup information from Bt742. */
bt_cmd(unit, 1, sizeof(setup), 0, &setup, BT_SETUP_GET, sizeof(setup));
if (setup.sync_neg) {
printf("sync, ");
} else {
printf("async, ");
if (setup.parity) {
printf("parity, ");
} else {
printf("no parity, ");
printf("%d mbxs, %d ccbs\n", setup.num_mbx, bt->numccbs);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (!setup.sync[i].offset &&
!setup.sync[i].period &&
printf("bt%d: dev%02d Offset=%d,Transfer period=%d, Synchronous? %s",
unit, i,
setup.sync[i].offset, setup.sync[i].period,
setup.sync[i].valid ? "Yes" : "No");
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)
#endif /* min */
struct buf *bp;
if (bp->b_bcount > ((BT_NSEG - 1) * PAGESIZ)) {
bp->b_bcount = ((BT_NSEG - 1) * PAGESIZ);
* start a scsi operation given the command and the data address. Also needs
* the unit, target and lu.
struct scsi_xfer *xs;
struct scsi_sense_data *s1, *s2;
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
struct bt_scat_gath *sg;
int seg; /* scatter gather seg being worked on */
int i = 0;
int c = 0;
int thiskv;
physaddr thisphys, nextphys;
int unit = xs->sc_link->adapter_unit;
int bytes_this_seg, bytes_this_page, datalen, flags;
struct iovec *iovp;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
BT_MBO *mbo;
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB2, ("bt_scsi_cmd\n"));
* get a ccb (mbox-out) to use. If the transfer
* is from a buf (possibly from interrupt time)
* then we can't allow it to sleep
flags = xs->flags;
if (xs->bp)
flags |= (SCSI_NOSLEEP); /* just to be sure */
if (flags & ITSDONE) {
printf("bt%d: Already done?\n", unit);
xs->flags &= ~ITSDONE;
if (!(flags & INUSE)) {
printf("bt%d: Not in use?\n", unit);
xs->flags |= INUSE;
if (!(ccb = bt_get_ccb(unit, flags))) {
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB3,
("start ccb(%x)\n", ccb));
* Put all the arguments for the xfer in the ccb
ccb->xfer = xs;
if (flags & SCSI_RESET) {
ccb->opcode = BT_RESET_CCB;
} else {
/* can't use S/G if zero length */
ccb->opcode = (xs->datalen ?
ccb->target = xs->sc_link->target;
ccb->data_out = 0;
ccb->data_in = 0;
ccb->lun = xs->sc_link->lun;
ccb->scsi_cmd_length = xs->cmdlen;
ccb->sense_ptr = KVTOPHYS(&(ccb->scsi_sense));
ccb->req_sense_length = sizeof(ccb->scsi_sense);
if ((xs->datalen) && (!(flags & SCSI_RESET))) { /* can use S/G only if not zero length */
ccb->data_addr = KVTOPHYS(ccb->scat_gath);
sg = ccb->scat_gath;
seg = 0;
#ifdef TFS
if (flags & SCSI_DATA_UIO) {
iovp = ((struct uio *) xs->data)->uio_iov;
datalen = ((struct uio *) xs->data)->uio_iovcnt;
xs->datalen = 0;
while ((datalen) && (seg < BT_NSEG)) {
sg->seg_addr = (physaddr) iovp->iov_base;
xs->datalen += sg->seg_len = iovp->iov_len;
SC_DEBUGN(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB4, ("(0x%x@0x%x)"
,iovp->iov_len, iovp->iov_base));
} else
#endif /* TFS */
* Set up the scatter gather block
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB4,
("%d @0x%x:- ", xs->datalen, xs->data));
datalen = xs->datalen;
thiskv = (int) xs->data;
thisphys = KVTOPHYS(thiskv);
while ((datalen) && (seg < BT_NSEG)) {
bytes_this_seg = 0;
/* put in the base address */
sg->seg_addr = thisphys;
SC_DEBUGN(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB4,
("0x%x", thisphys));
/* do it at least once */
nextphys = thisphys;
while ((datalen) && (thisphys == nextphys))
* This page is contiguous (physically) with
* the the last, just extend the length
/* check it fits on the ISA bus */
if (thisphys > 0xFFFFFF)
printf("bt%d: DMA beyond"
" end Of ISA\n", unit);
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
bt_free_ccb(unit, ccb, flags);
return (HAD_ERROR);
/** how far to the end of the page ***/
/* how far to the end of the page */
nextphys = (thisphys & (~(PAGESIZ - 1)))
bytes_this_page = nextphys - thisphys;
/**** or the data ****/
bytes_this_page = min(bytes_this_page
bytes_this_seg += bytes_this_page;
datalen -= bytes_this_page;
/* get more ready for the next page */
thiskv = (thiskv & (~(PAGESIZ - 1)))
if (datalen)
thisphys = KVTOPHYS(thiskv);
* next page isn't contiguous, finish the seg
SC_DEBUGN(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB4,
("(0x%x)", bytes_this_seg));
sg->seg_len = bytes_this_seg;
/* end of iov/kv decision */
ccb->data_length = seg * sizeof(struct bt_scat_gath);
SC_DEBUGN(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB4, ("\n"));
if (datalen) {
* there's still data, must have run out of segs!
printf("bt%d: bt_scsi_cmd, more than %d DMA segs\n",
unit, BT_NSEG);
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
bt_free_ccb(unit, ccb, flags);
return (HAD_ERROR);
} else { /* No data xfer, use non S/G values */
ccb->data_addr = (physaddr) 0;
ccb->data_length = 0;
ccb->link_id = 0;
ccb->link_addr = (physaddr) 0;
* Put the scsi command in the ccb and start it
if (!(flags & SCSI_RESET)) {
bcopy(xs->cmd, ccb->scsi_cmd, ccb->scsi_cmd_length);
if (bt_send_mbo(unit, flags, BT_MBO_START, ccb) == (BT_MBO *) 0) {
xs->error = XS_DRIVER_STUFFUP;
bt_free_ccb(unit, ccb, flags);
SC_DEBUG(xs->sc_link, SDEV_DB3, ("cmd_sent\n"));
if (!(flags & SCSI_NOMASK)) {
timeout(bt_timeout, (caddr_t)ccb, (xs->timeout * hz) / 1000);
* If we can't use interrupts, poll on completion
return (bt_poll(unit, xs, ccb));
* Poll a particular unit, looking for a particular xs
bt_poll(unit, xs, ccb)
int unit;
struct scsi_xfer *xs;
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
int done = 0;
int count = xs->timeout;
u_char stat;
/* timeouts are in msec, so we loop in 1000 usec cycles */
while (count) {
* If we had interrupts enabled, would we
* have got an interrupt?
stat = inb(BT_INTR_PORT);
if (stat & BT_ANY_INTR) {
if (xs->flags & ITSDONE) {
DELAY(1000); /* only happens in boot so ok */
if (count == 0) {
* We timed out, so call the timeout handler manually,
* accounting for the fact that the clock is not running yet
* by taking out the clock queue entry it makes.
bt_timeout((caddr_t)ccb, 0);
* because we are polling, take out the timeout entry
* bt_timeout made
untimeout(bt_timeout, (caddr_t)ccb);
count = 2000;
while (count) {
* Once again, wait for the int bit
stat = inb(BT_INTR_PORT);
if (stat & BT_ANY_INTR) {
if (xs->flags & ITSDONE) {
DELAY(1000); /* only happens in boot so ok */
if (count == 0) {
* We timed out again... This is bad. Notice that
* this time there is no clock queue entry to remove.
bt_timeout((caddr_t)ccb, 0);
if (xs->error)
return (HAD_ERROR);
return (COMPLETE);
bt_timeout(caddr_t arg1, int arg2)
struct bt_ccb * ccb = (struct bt_ccb *)arg1;
int unit;
struct bt_data *bt;
int s = splbio();
unit = ccb->xfer->sc_link->adapter_unit;
bt = btdata[unit];
printf("bt%d:%d:%d (%s%d) timed out ", unit
#ifdef UTEST
* If the ccb's mbx is not free, then the board has gone Far East?
if (bt_ccb_phys_kv(bt, ccb->mbx->ccb_addr) == ccb &&
ccb->mbx->cmd != BT_MBO_FREE) {
printf("bt%d: not taking commands!\n", unit);
* If it has been through before, then
* a previous abort has failed, don't
* try abort again
if (ccb->flags == CCB_ABORTED) {
* abort timed out
printf("bt%d: Abort Operation has timed out\n", unit);
ccb->xfer->retries = 0; /* I MEAN IT ! */
ccb->host_stat = BT_ABORTED;
bt_done(unit, ccb);
} else { /* abort the operation that has timed out */
printf("bt%d: Try to abort\n", unit);
bt_send_mbo(unit, ~SCSI_NOMASK,
/* 2 secs for the abort */
timeout(bt_timeout, (caddr_t)ccb, 2 * hz);
ccb->flags = CCB_ABORTED;
#ifdef UTEST
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
printf("ccb:%x op:%x cmdlen:%d senlen:%d\n"
printf(" datlen:%d hstat:%x tstat:%x flags:%x\n"
bt_print_active_ccbs(int unit)
struct bt_data *bt = btdata[unit];
struct bt_ccb *ccb;
int i = 0;
while (i < CCB_HASH_SIZE) {
ccb = bt->ccbhash[i];
while (ccb) {
if (ccb->flags != CCB_FREE)
ccb = ccb->nexthash;
#endif /*UTEST */
#endif /*KERNEL */