
729 lines
28 KiB

//===-- CommandObjectWatchpointCommand.cpp ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
#include <vector>
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "CommandObjectWatchpointCommand.h"
#include "CommandObjectWatchpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Core/IOHandler.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/Watchpoint.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/StoppointCallbackContext.h"
#include "lldb/Core/State.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
// CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd
class CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd :
public CommandObjectParsed,
public IOHandlerDelegateMultiline
CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd(CommandInterpreter &interpreter)
: CommandObjectParsed(
interpreter, "add",
"Add a set of LLDB commands to a watchpoint, to be executed whenever the watchpoint is hit.", nullptr),
IOHandlerDelegateMultiline("DONE", IOHandlerDelegate::Completion::LLDBCommand),
SetHelpLong (
General information about entering watchpoint commands
)" "This command will prompt for commands to be executed when the specified \
watchpoint is hit. Each command is typed on its own line following the '> ' \
prompt until 'DONE' is entered." R"(
)" "Syntactic errors may not be detected when initially entered, and many \
malformed commands can silently fail when executed. If your watchpoint commands \
do not appear to be executing, double-check the command syntax." R"(
)" "Note: You may enter any debugger command exactly as you would at the debugger \
prompt. There is no limit to the number of commands supplied, but do NOT enter \
more than one command per line." R"(
Special information about PYTHON watchpoint commands
)" "You may enter either one or more lines of Python, including function \
definitions or calls to functions that will have been imported by the time \
the code executes. Single line watchpoint commands will be interpreted 'as is' \
when the watchpoint is hit. Multiple lines of Python will be wrapped in a \
generated function, and a call to the function will be attached to the watchpoint." R"(
This auto-generated function is passed in three arguments:
frame: an lldb.SBFrame object for the frame which hit the watchpoint.
wp: the watchpoint that was hit.
)" "When specifying a python function with the --python-function option, you need \
to supply the function name prepended by the module name:" R"(
--python-function myutils.watchpoint_callback
The function itself must have the following prototype:
def watchpoint_callback(frame, wp):
# Your code goes here
)" "The arguments are the same as the arguments passed to generated functions as \
described above. Note that the global variable 'lldb.frame' will NOT be updated when \
this function is called, so be sure to use the 'frame' argument. The 'frame' argument \
can get you to the thread via frame.GetThread(), the thread can get you to the \
process via thread.GetProcess(), and the process can get you back to the target \
via process.GetTarget()." R"(
)" "Important Note: As Python code gets collected into functions, access to global \
variables requires explicit scoping using the 'global' keyword. Be sure to use correct \
Python syntax, including indentation, when entering Python watchpoint commands." R"(
Example Python one-line watchpoint command:
(lldb) watchpoint command add -s python 1
Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
> print "Hit this watchpoint!"
As a convenience, this also works for a short Python one-liner:
(lldb) watchpoint command add -s python 1 -o 'import time; print time.asctime()'
(lldb) run
Launching '.../a.out' (x86_64)
(lldb) Fri Sep 10 12:17:45 2010
Process 21778 Stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x2e03, 0x0000000100000de8 a.out`c + 7 at main.c:39, stop reason = watchpoint 1.1, queue =
37 int c(int val)
38 {
39 -> return val + 3;
40 }
42 int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
Example multiple line Python watchpoint command, using function definition:
(lldb) watchpoint command add -s python 1
Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
> def watchpoint_output (wp_no):
> out_string = "Hit watchpoint number " + repr (wp_no)
> print out_string
> return True
> watchpoint_output (1)
Example multiple line Python watchpoint command, using 'loose' Python:
(lldb) watchpoint command add -s p 1
Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
> global wp_count
> wp_count = wp_count + 1
> print "Hit this watchpoint " + repr(wp_count) + " times!"
)" "In this case, since there is a reference to a global variable, \
'wp_count', you will also need to make sure 'wp_count' exists and is \
initialized:" R"(
(lldb) script
>>> wp_count = 0
>>> quit()
)" "Final Note: A warning that no watchpoint command was generated when there \
are no syntax errors may indicate that a function was declared but never called."
CommandArgumentEntry arg;
CommandArgumentData wp_id_arg;
// Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
wp_id_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeWatchpointID;
wp_id_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
// There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
arg.push_back (wp_id_arg);
// Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
m_arguments.push_back (arg);
~CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd() override = default;
Options *
GetOptions () override
return &m_options;
IOHandlerActivated (IOHandler &io_handler) override
StreamFileSP output_sp(io_handler.GetOutputStreamFile());
if (output_sp)
output_sp->PutCString("Enter your debugger command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.\n");
IOHandlerInputComplete (IOHandler &io_handler, std::string &line) override
// The WatchpointOptions object is owned by the watchpoint or watchpoint location
WatchpointOptions *wp_options = (WatchpointOptions *) io_handler.GetUserData();
if (wp_options)
std::unique_ptr<WatchpointOptions::CommandData> data_ap(new WatchpointOptions::CommandData());
if (data_ap)
BatonSP baton_sp (new WatchpointOptions::CommandBaton (data_ap.release()));
wp_options->SetCallback (WatchpointOptionsCallbackFunction, baton_sp);
CollectDataForWatchpointCommandCallback (WatchpointOptions *wp_options,
CommandReturnObject &result)
m_interpreter.GetLLDBCommandsFromIOHandler ("> ", // Prompt
*this, // IOHandlerDelegate
true, // Run IOHandler in async mode
wp_options); // Baton for the "io_handler" that will be passed back into our IOHandlerDelegate functions
/// Set a one-liner as the callback for the watchpoint.
SetWatchpointCommandCallback (WatchpointOptions *wp_options,
const char *oneliner)
std::unique_ptr<WatchpointOptions::CommandData> data_ap(new WatchpointOptions::CommandData());
// It's necessary to set both user_source and script_source to the oneliner.
// The former is used to generate callback description (as in watchpoint command list)
// while the latter is used for Python to interpret during the actual callback.
data_ap->user_source.AppendString (oneliner);
data_ap->script_source.assign (oneliner);
data_ap->stop_on_error = m_options.m_stop_on_error;
BatonSP baton_sp (new WatchpointOptions::CommandBaton (data_ap.release()));
wp_options->SetCallback (WatchpointOptionsCallbackFunction, baton_sp);
static bool
WatchpointOptionsCallbackFunction (void *baton,
StoppointCallbackContext *context,
lldb::user_id_t watch_id)
bool ret_value = true;
if (baton == nullptr)
return true;
WatchpointOptions::CommandData *data = (WatchpointOptions::CommandData *) baton;
StringList &commands = data->user_source;
if (commands.GetSize() > 0)
ExecutionContext exe_ctx (context->exe_ctx_ref);
Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr();
if (target)
CommandReturnObject result;
Debugger &debugger = target->GetDebugger();
// Rig up the results secondary output stream to the debugger's, so the output will come out synchronously
// if the debugger is set up that way.
StreamSP output_stream (debugger.GetAsyncOutputStream());
StreamSP error_stream (debugger.GetAsyncErrorStream());
result.SetImmediateOutputStream (output_stream);
result.SetImmediateErrorStream (error_stream);
CommandInterpreterRunOptions options;
options.SetStopOnContinue (true);
options.SetStopOnError (data->stop_on_error);
options.SetEchoCommands (false);
options.SetPrintResults (true);
options.SetAddToHistory (false);
debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().HandleCommands (commands,
return ret_value;
class CommandOptions : public Options
CommandOptions (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
Options (interpreter),
m_use_commands (false),
m_use_script_language (false),
m_script_language (eScriptLanguageNone),
m_use_one_liner (false),
~CommandOptions() override = default;
SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg) override
Error error;
const int short_option = m_getopt_table[option_idx].val;
switch (short_option)
case 'o':
m_use_one_liner = true;
m_one_liner = option_arg;
case 's':
m_script_language = (lldb::ScriptLanguage) Args::StringToOptionEnum (option_arg,
m_use_script_language =
(m_script_language == eScriptLanguagePython || m_script_language == eScriptLanguageDefault);
case 'e':
bool success = false;
m_stop_on_error = Args::StringToBoolean(option_arg, false, &success);
if (!success)
error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid value for stop-on-error: \"%s\"", option_arg);
case 'F':
m_use_one_liner = false;
m_use_script_language = true;
return error;
OptionParsingStarting () override
m_use_commands = true;
m_use_script_language = false;
m_script_language = eScriptLanguageNone;
m_use_one_liner = false;
m_stop_on_error = true;
const OptionDefinition*
GetDefinitions () override
return g_option_table;
// Options table: Required for subclasses of Options.
static OptionDefinition g_option_table[];
// Instance variables to hold the values for command options.
bool m_use_commands;
bool m_use_script_language;
lldb::ScriptLanguage m_script_language;
// Instance variables to hold the values for one_liner options.
bool m_use_one_liner;
std::string m_one_liner;
bool m_stop_on_error;
std::string m_function_name;
DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) override
Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
if (target == nullptr)
result.AppendError ("There is not a current executable; there are no watchpoints to which to add commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
const WatchpointList &watchpoints = target->GetWatchpointList();
size_t num_watchpoints = watchpoints.GetSize();
if (num_watchpoints == 0)
result.AppendError ("No watchpoints exist to have commands added");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
if (!m_options.m_use_script_language && !m_options.m_function_name.empty())
result.AppendError ("need to enable scripting to have a function run as a watchpoint command");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
std::vector<uint32_t> valid_wp_ids;
if (!CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint::VerifyWatchpointIDs(target, command, valid_wp_ids))
result.AppendError("Invalid watchpoints specification.");
return false;
const size_t count = valid_wp_ids.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint32_t cur_wp_id = (i);
if (cur_wp_id != LLDB_INVALID_WATCH_ID)
Watchpoint *wp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByID (cur_wp_id).get();
// Sanity check wp first.
if (wp == nullptr) continue;
WatchpointOptions *wp_options = wp->GetOptions();
// Skip this watchpoint if wp_options is not good.
if (wp_options == nullptr) continue;
// If we are using script language, get the script interpreter
// in order to set or collect command callback. Otherwise, call
// the methods associated with this object.
if (m_options.m_use_script_language)
// Special handling for one-liner specified inline.
if (m_options.m_use_one_liner)
m_interpreter.GetScriptInterpreter()->SetWatchpointCommandCallback (wp_options,
// Special handling for using a Python function by name
// instead of extending the watchpoint callback data structures, we just automatize
// what the user would do manually: make their watchpoint command be a function call
else if (!m_options.m_function_name.empty())
std::string oneliner(m_options.m_function_name);
oneliner += "(frame, wp, internal_dict)";
m_interpreter.GetScriptInterpreter()->SetWatchpointCommandCallback (wp_options,
m_interpreter.GetScriptInterpreter()->CollectDataForWatchpointCommandCallback (wp_options,
// Special handling for one-liner specified inline.
if (m_options.m_use_one_liner)
SetWatchpointCommandCallback (wp_options,
CollectDataForWatchpointCommandCallback (wp_options,
return result.Succeeded();
CommandOptions m_options;
// FIXME: "script-type" needs to have its contents determined dynamically, so somebody can add a new scripting
// language to lldb and have it pickable here without having to change this enumeration by hand and rebuild lldb proper.
static OptionEnumValueElement
g_script_option_enumeration[4] =
{ eScriptLanguageNone, "command", "Commands are in the lldb command interpreter language"},
{ eScriptLanguagePython, "python", "Commands are in the Python language."},
{ eSortOrderByName, "default-script", "Commands are in the default scripting language."},
{ 0, nullptr, nullptr }
CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] =
{ LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "one-liner", 'o', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, nullptr, 0, eArgTypeOneLiner,
"Specify a one-line watchpoint command inline. Be sure to surround it with quotes." },
{ LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "stop-on-error", 'e', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, nullptr, 0, eArgTypeBoolean,
"Specify whether watchpoint command execution should terminate on error." },
{ LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "script-type", 's', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, g_script_option_enumeration, 0, eArgTypeNone,
"Specify the language for the commands - if none is specified, the lldb command interpreter will be used."},
{ LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "python-function", 'F', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, nullptr, 0, eArgTypePythonFunction,
"Give the name of a Python function to run as command for this watchpoint. Be sure to give a module name if appropriate."},
{ 0, false, nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, 0, eArgTypeNone, nullptr }
// CommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete
class CommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete : public CommandObjectParsed
CommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
"Delete the set of commands from a watchpoint.",
CommandArgumentEntry arg;
CommandArgumentData wp_id_arg;
// Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
wp_id_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeWatchpointID;
wp_id_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
// There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
arg.push_back (wp_id_arg);
// Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
m_arguments.push_back (arg);
~CommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete() override = default;
DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) override
Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
if (target == nullptr)
result.AppendError ("There is not a current executable; there are no watchpoints from which to delete commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
const WatchpointList &watchpoints = target->GetWatchpointList();
size_t num_watchpoints = watchpoints.GetSize();
if (num_watchpoints == 0)
result.AppendError ("No watchpoints exist to have commands deleted");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
result.AppendError ("No watchpoint specified from which to delete the commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
std::vector<uint32_t> valid_wp_ids;
if (!CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint::VerifyWatchpointIDs(target, command, valid_wp_ids))
result.AppendError("Invalid watchpoints specification.");
return false;
const size_t count = valid_wp_ids.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint32_t cur_wp_id = (i);
if (cur_wp_id != LLDB_INVALID_WATCH_ID)
Watchpoint *wp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByID (cur_wp_id).get();
if (wp)
result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid watchpoint ID: %u.\n",
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
return result.Succeeded();
// CommandObjectWatchpointCommandList
class CommandObjectWatchpointCommandList : public CommandObjectParsed
CommandObjectWatchpointCommandList (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
"List the script or set of commands to be executed when the watchpoint is hit.",
CommandArgumentEntry arg;
CommandArgumentData wp_id_arg;
// Define the first (and only) variant of this arg.
wp_id_arg.arg_type = eArgTypeWatchpointID;
wp_id_arg.arg_repetition = eArgRepeatPlain;
// There is only one variant this argument could be; put it into the argument entry.
arg.push_back (wp_id_arg);
// Push the data for the first argument into the m_arguments vector.
m_arguments.push_back (arg);
~CommandObjectWatchpointCommandList() override = default;
DoExecute (Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) override
Target *target = m_interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get();
if (target == nullptr)
result.AppendError ("There is not a current executable; there are no watchpoints for which to list commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
const WatchpointList &watchpoints = target->GetWatchpointList();
size_t num_watchpoints = watchpoints.GetSize();
if (num_watchpoints == 0)
result.AppendError ("No watchpoints exist for which to list commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0)
result.AppendError ("No watchpoint specified for which to list the commands");
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return false;
std::vector<uint32_t> valid_wp_ids;
if (!CommandObjectMultiwordWatchpoint::VerifyWatchpointIDs(target, command, valid_wp_ids))
result.AppendError("Invalid watchpoints specification.");
return false;
const size_t count = valid_wp_ids.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
uint32_t cur_wp_id = (i);
if (cur_wp_id != LLDB_INVALID_WATCH_ID)
Watchpoint *wp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByID (cur_wp_id).get();
if (wp)
const WatchpointOptions *wp_options = wp->GetOptions();
if (wp_options)
// Get the callback baton associated with the current watchpoint.
const Baton *baton = wp_options->GetBaton();
if (baton)
result.GetOutputStream().Printf ("Watchpoint %u:\n", cur_wp_id);
result.GetOutputStream().IndentMore ();
baton->GetDescription(&result.GetOutputStream(), eDescriptionLevelFull);
result.GetOutputStream().IndentLess ();
result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Watchpoint %u does not have an associated command.\n",
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult);
result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid watchpoint ID: %u.\n", cur_wp_id);
result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
return result.Succeeded();
// CommandObjectWatchpointCommand
CommandObjectWatchpointCommand::CommandObjectWatchpointCommand(CommandInterpreter &interpreter)
: CommandObjectMultiword(interpreter, "command", "Commands for adding, removing and examining LLDB commands "
"executed when the watchpoint is hit (watchpoint 'commmands').",
"command <sub-command> [<sub-command-options>] <watchpoint-id>")
CommandObjectSP add_command_object (new CommandObjectWatchpointCommandAdd (interpreter));
CommandObjectSP delete_command_object (new CommandObjectWatchpointCommandDelete (interpreter));
CommandObjectSP list_command_object (new CommandObjectWatchpointCommandList (interpreter));
add_command_object->SetCommandName ("watchpoint command add");
delete_command_object->SetCommandName ("watchpoint command delete");
list_command_object->SetCommandName ("watchpoint command list");
LoadSubCommand ("add", add_command_object);
LoadSubCommand ("delete", delete_command_object);
LoadSubCommand ("list", list_command_object);
CommandObjectWatchpointCommand::~CommandObjectWatchpointCommand() = default;