Hiroki Sato 78f599b1df Apply arch= selection to the qandatoc mode. This fixes
link generation with no actual target.

Reported by:	Tim Witthoeft (tim.witthoeft at
2005-11-28 06:24:19 +00:00

192 lines
6.5 KiB

<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
<!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
<!ENTITY % output.html "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % include.historic "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY % no.include.historic "IGNORE">
<!ENTITY freebsd.dsl PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DOCUMENT DocBook Stylesheet//EN" CDATA DSSSL>
<!ENTITY % release.ent PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//ENTITIES Release Specification//EN">
<style-specification use="docbook">
; Configure behavior of this stylesheet
<![ %include.historic; [
(define %include-historic% #t)
<![ %no.include.historic; [
(define %include-historic% #f)
; String manipulation functions
(define (split-string-to-list STR)
;; return list of STR separated with char #\ or #\,
(if (string? STR)
(let loop ((i (string-delim-index STR)))
(cond ((equal? (cdr i) '()) '())
(else (cons (substring STR (list-ref i 0) (- (list-ref i 1) 1))
(loop (cdr i))))))
(define (string-delim-index STR)
;; return indexes of STR separated with char #\ or #\,
(if (string? STR)
(let ((strlen (string-length STR)))
(let loop ((i 0))
(cond ((= i strlen) (cons (+ strlen 1) '()))
((= i 0) (cons i (loop (+ i 1))))
((or (equal? (string-ref STR i) #\ )
(equal? (string-ref STR i) #\,)) (cons (+ i 1) (loop (+ i 1))))
(else (loop (+ i 1))))))
(define (string-list-match? STR STR-LIST)
(let loop ((s STR-LIST))
((equal? s #f) #f)
((equal? s '()) #f)
((equal? (car s) #f) #f)
((equal? STR (car s)) #t)
(else (loop (cdr s))))))
; Deal with conditional inclusion of text via entities.
(let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
(role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
(for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
; If role=historic, and we're not printing historic things, then
; don't output this element.
((and (equal? role "historic")
(not %include-historic%))
; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally. This clause
; handles the majority of cases.
((or (equal? arch #f) (equal? arch ""))
; arch= specified, see if it's equal to "all". If so, then
; print unconditionally. Note that this clause could be
; combined with the check to see if arch= wasn't specified
; or was empty; they have the same outcome.
((equal? arch "all")
; arch= specified. If we're building for all architectures,
; then print it prepended with the set of architectures to which
; this element applies.
; XXX This doesn't work.
; ((equal? for-arch "all")
; (sosofo-append (literal "[") (literal arch) (literal "] ")
; (process-children)))
; arch= specified, so we need to check to see if the specified
; parameter includes the architecture we're building for.
((string-list-match? for-arch (split-string-to-list arch))
; None of the above
(else (empty-sosofo)))))
(mode qandatoc
(let* ((arch (attribute-string (normalize "arch")))
(role (attribute-string (normalize "role")))
(for-arch (entity-text "arch")))
; If role=historic, and we're not printing historic things, then
; don't output this element.
((and (equal? role "historic")
(not %include-historic%))
; If arch= not specified, then print unconditionally. This clause
; handles the majority of cases.
((or (equal? arch #f) (equal? arch ""))
; arch= specified, see if it's equal to "all". If so, then
; print unconditionally. Note that this clause could be
; combined with the check to see if arch= wasn't specified
; or was empty; they have the same outcome.
((equal? arch "all")
; arch= specified. If we're building for all architectures,
; then print it prepended with the set of architectures to which
; this element applies.
; XXX This doesn't work.
; ((equal? for-arch "all")
; (sosofo-append (literal "[") (literal arch) (literal "] ")
; (process-children)))
; arch= specified, so we need to check to see if the specified
; parameter includes the architecture we're building for.
((string-list-match? for-arch (split-string-to-list arch))
; None of the above
(else (empty-sosofo))))))
; We might have some sect1 level elements where the modification times
; are significant. An example of this is the "What's New" section in
; the release notes. We enable the printing of pubdate entry in
; sect1info elements to support this.
(element (sect1info pubdate) (process-children))
<![ %output.print; [
; Put URLs in footnotes, and put footnotes at the bottom of each page.
(define bop-footnotes #t)
(define %footnote-ulinks% #t)
<![ %output.html; [
(define %callout-graphics%
;; Use graphics in callouts?
<!-- Convert " ... " to `` ... '' in the HTML output. -->
(element quote
(make sequence
(literal "&#8220;")
(literal "&#8221;")))
<!-- Specify how to generate the man page link HREF -->
(define ($create-refentry-xref-link$ #!optional (n (current-node)))
(let* ((r (select-elements (children n) (normalize "refentrytitle")))
(m (select-elements (children n) (normalize "manvolnum")))
(v (attribute-string (normalize "vendor") n))
(u (string-append "&;?query="
(data r) "&" "sektion=" (data m))))
(case v
(("xfree86") (string-append u "&" "manpath=XFree86+&release.manpath.xfree86;" ))
(("xorg") (string-append u "&" "manpath=Xorg+&release.manpath.xorg;" ))
(("netbsd") (string-append u "&" "manpath=NetBSD+&release.manpath.netbsd;"))
(("ports") (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+&release.manpath.freebsd-ports;"))
(else (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+&release.manpath.freebsd;")))))
(define (toc-depth nd)
(if (string=? (gi nd) (normalize "book"))
<external-specification id="docbook" document="freebsd.dsl">