
198 lines
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package File::Spec::Unix;
use Exporter ();
use Config;
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname fileparse);
use DirHandle;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA $Is_Mac $Is_OS2 $Is_VMS $Is_Win32);
use File::Spec;
Exporter::import('File::Spec', '$Verbose');
$Is_OS2 = $^O eq 'os2';
$Is_Mac = $^O eq 'MacOS';
$Is_Win32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
if ($Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS') {
require VMS::Filespec;
import VMS::Filespec qw( &vmsify );
=head1 NAME
File::Spec::Unix - methods used by File::Spec
C<require File::Spec::Unix;>
Methods for manipulating file specifications.
=head1 METHODS
=over 2
=item canonpath
No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
path. On UNIX eliminated successive slashes and successive "/.".
sub canonpath {
my($self,$path) = @_;
$path =~ s|/+|/|g ; # xx////xx -> xx/xx
$path =~ s|(/\.)+/|/|g ; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
$path =~ s|^(\./)+|| unless $path eq "./"; # ./xx -> xx
$path =~ s|/$|| unless $path eq "/"; # xx/ -> xx
=item catdir
Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending
with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting
string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses
OS2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the
trailing slash :-)
# ';
sub catdir {
my @args = @_;
for (@args) {
# append a slash to each argument unless it has one there
$_ .= "/" if $_ eq '' or substr($_,-1) ne "/";
my $result = join('', @args);
# remove a trailing slash unless we are root
substr($result,-1) = ""
if length($result) > 1 && substr($result,-1) eq "/";
=item catfile
Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
complete path ending with a filename
sub catfile {
my $self = shift @_;
my $file = pop @_;
return $file unless @_;
my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
for ($dir) {
$_ .= "/" unless substr($_,length($_)-1,1) eq "/";
return $dir.$file;
=item curdir
Returns a string representing of the current directory. "." on UNIX.
sub curdir {
return "." ;
=item rootdir
Returns a string representing of the root directory. "/" on UNIX.
sub rootdir {
return "/";
=item updir
Returns a string representing of the parent directory. ".." on UNIX.
sub updir {
return "..";
=item no_upwards
Given a list of file names, strip out those that refer to a parent
directory. (Does not strip symlinks, only '.', '..', and equivalents.)
sub no_upwards {
my($self) = shift;
return grep(!/^\.{1,2}$/, @_);
=item file_name_is_absolute
Takes as argument a path and returns true, if it is an absolute path.
sub file_name_is_absolute {
my($self,$file) = @_;
$file =~ m:^/: ;
=item path
Takes no argument, returns the environment variable PATH as an array.
sub path {
my($self) = @_;
my $path_sep = ":";
my $path = $ENV{PATH};
my @path = split $path_sep, $path;
foreach(@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
=item join
join is the same as catfile.
sub join {
my($self) = shift @_;
=item nativename
sub nativename {
my($self,$name) = shift @_;
=head1 SEE ALSO