2010-01-15 12:01:25 +00:00

789 lines
24 KiB

.\" dvi.tmac
.nr _C \n(.C
.cp 0
.ftr CR CW
.ftr C CW
.ftr CO CWI
.ftr CI CWI
.ftr CB CW
.ftr TT CW
.ftr H HR
.special TR TI MI S SA SB CW
.fspecial TI CWI
.fspecial TBI CWI
.fspecial HI CWI
.fspecial HBI CWI
.fspecial CW SC
.fspecial CWI SC
.\" This uses the dvi-char-_-1 string in fixed-width fonts, dvi-char-_-0
.\" otherwise.
.fchar _ \R'dvi-char (\w'M' == \w'i')'\E*[dvi-char-_-\\n[dvi-char]]
.\" Normally use a rule.
.ds dvi-char-_-0 \Z'\v'.08m'\D'R .54m .04m''\h'.5m'
.\" In fixed-width fonts (CW and CWI) use a real _ character.
.ds dvi-char-_-1 _
.fchar \[/l] \
\R'dvi-char ((\w'M' == \w'i') + \
(\En[.f] == \f[CWI]\En[.f]\f[]))'\E*[dvi-char-/l-\\n[dvi-char]]
.ds dvi-char-/l-0 \[slash@for@l]l
.ds dvi-char-/l-1 \Z'\v'0.22v'\h'-0.02m'\''l
.ds dvi-char-/l-2 \Z'\v'0.22v'\h'-0.13m'\''l
.fchar \[/L] \
\R'dvi-char ((\w'M' == \w'i') + \
(\En[.f] == \f[CWI]\En[.f]\f[]))'\E*[dvi-char-/L-\\n[dvi-char]]
.ds dvi-char-/L-0 \h'\w'L'u-\w'\[slash@for@l]L'u'\[slash@for@l]L
.ds dvi-char-/L-1 \Z'\v'0.22v'\h'-0.14m'\''L
.ds dvi-char-/L-2 \Z'\v'0.22v'\h'-0.21m'\''L
.\" This is designed so that \(ul, \(rn and \(br form corners.
.char \[br] \Z'\v'.25m'\D'R .04m -1m''
.char \[ul] \Z'\v'.23m'\D'R .54m .04m''\h'.5m'
.char \[rn] \Z'\v'-.77m'\D'R .54m .04m''\h'.5m'
.char \[or] \h'.1m'\Z'\D'l 0 -.675m''\h'.1m'
.char \[ru] \Z'\v'-.02m'\D'R .54m .04m''\h'.5m'
.fchar \[sr] \v'-.75m'\[sqrt]\v'.75m'
.fchar \[sqrtex] \D'R .5m -.04m'\v'.04m'
.fchar \[radicalex] \v'-.75m'\D'R .5m -.04m'\v'.79m'
.fchar \[co] \
.fchar \[rg] \
.fchar \[fm] \v'-.35m'\s[\En[.s]*7u/10u]\[prime]\s0\v'.35m'
.fchar \[sd] \v'-.35m'\s[\En[.s]*7u/10u]\[prime]\[prime]\s0\v'.35m'
.fchar \[de] \h'.05m'\v'-.54m'\D'c .3m'\v'.54m'\h'.05m'
.fchar \[ct] \o'c/'
.fchar \[sq] \
\Z'\h'.05m'\D'R .4m -.04m'\v'.04m'\h'-.04m'\
\D'R .04m -.4m'\v'.04m'\D'R -.4m -.04m'\D'R .04m .4m''\h'.5m'
.\"char \[sq] \h'.05m'\D'l .4m 0'\D'l 0 -.4m'\D'l -.4m 0'\D'l 0 .4m'\h'.45m'
.\" SC contains a real \[!=] glyph
.schar \[!=] \[slashnot]\[eq]
.schar \[nm] \o'\F[T]\f[R]/\[mo]'
.fschar CW \[nm] \o'/\[mo]'
.fschar CWI \[nm] \o'\f[CW]/\[mo]'
.schar \[ne] \[slashnot]\[==]
.fschar CW \[ne] \o'/\[==]'
.fschar CWI \[ne] \o'\f[CW]/\[==]'
.fchar \[=~] \v'.1m'\Z'\[eq]'\v'-.4m'\[ap]\v'.3m'
.fchar \[tm] \v'-.3m'\s[\En[.s]/2u]TM\s0\v'.3m'
.\" TC fonts contain real \[aq] glyphs
.schar \[aq] '
.fchar \[bq] ,
.fchar \[Bq] ,\h'\w'\[rq]'u-(2u*\w"'"u)',
.fchar \[ho] \s[\En[.s]/2u]\v'.4m'c\v'-.4m'\s0
.fchar \[-D] \Z'\v'-.1m'\h'.05m'-'D
.fchar \[Sd] \Z'\v'-.3m'\h'.35m'-'\[pd]
.fchar \[TP] \
.fchar \[Tp] \zlp
.fchar \[nb] \[slashnot]\[sb]
.fchar \[nc] \[slashnot]\[sp]
.cflags 8 \[an]
.schar \[an] \h'-.167m'\[mi]\h'-.167m'
.fschar CW \[an] -
.fschar CWI \[an] \f[CW]\[mi]
.\" we follow the EC ligatures for fixed-width dashes
.fchar \[em] --
.fchar \[en] -
.fchar \[hy] -
.fschar CW \[va] \o'\[ua]\[da]'
.fschar CWI \[va] \o'\[ua]\[da]'
.fschar CW \[<>] \o'\[<-]\[->]'
.fschar CWI \[<>] \o'\[<-]\[->]'
.fchar \[lh] \[lA]
.fchar \[rh] \[rA]
.fchar \[f/] /
.\" Define some fractions.
.de dvi-frac
. fchar \[\\$1\\$2] \
.dvi-frac 1 2
.dvi-frac 3 4
.dvi-frac 1 4
.dvi-frac 1 8
.dvi-frac 3 8
.dvi-frac 5 8
.dvi-frac 7 8
.\" support for ISO Latin-1
.fchar \[S1] \v'-.2m'\s-31\s+3\v'+.2m'
.fchar \[S2] \v'-.2m'\s-32\s+3\v'+.2m'
.fchar \[S3] \v'-.2m'\s-33\s+3\v'+.2m'
.fchar \[Of] \v'-.2m'\s'\En[.s]*6u/10u'\o'_a'\s0\v'.2m'
.fchar \[Om] \v'-.2m'\s'\En[.s]*6u/10u'\o'_o'\s0\v'.2m'
.fchar \[fo] \v'-.1m'\s-3<\s+3\v'+.1m'
.fchar \[fc] \v'-.1m'\s-3>\s+3\v'+.1m'
.fchar \[Fo] \v'-.1m'\s-3<\h'-.3m'<\s+3\v'+.1m'
.fchar \[Fc] \v'-.1m'\s-3>\h'-.3m'>\s+3\v'+.1m'
.fchar \[bb] |
.fchar \[Cs] \o'\[mu]o'
.fchar \[IJ] IJ
.fchar \[ij] ij
.de dvi-achar
. \" Note that character definitions are always interpreted with
. \" compatibility mode off.
. fchar \\$1 \
. hcode \\$1\\$4
.dvi-achar \[`A] \` A a
.dvi-achar \['A] \' A a
.dvi-achar \[^A] ^ A a
.dvi-achar \[~A] ~ A a
.dvi-achar \[:A] \[ad] A a
.dvi-achar \[oA] \[ao] A a
.dvi-achar \['C] \' C c
.dvi-achar \[`E] \` E e
.dvi-achar \['E] \' E e
.dvi-achar \[^E] ^ E e
.dvi-achar \[:E] \[ad] E e
.dvi-achar "\[G ab]" \[ab] G g
.dvi-achar \[`I] \` I i
.dvi-achar \['I] \' I i
.dvi-achar \[^I] ^ I i
.dvi-achar \[:I] \[ad] I i
.dvi-achar "\[I .]" \[a.] I i
.dvi-achar \[~N] ~ N n
.dvi-achar \[`O] \` O o
.dvi-achar \['O] \' O o
.dvi-achar \[^O] ^ O o
.dvi-achar \[~O] ~ O o
.dvi-achar \[:O] \[ad] O o
.dvi-achar \[`U] \` U u
.dvi-achar \['U] \' U u
.dvi-achar \[^U] ^ U u
.dvi-achar \[:U] \[ad] U u
.dvi-achar \['Y] \' Y y
.dvi-achar \[:Y] \[ad] Y y
.dvi-achar \[`a] \` a a
.dvi-achar \['a] \' a a
.dvi-achar \[^a] ^ a a
.dvi-achar \[~a] ~ a a
.dvi-achar \[:a] \[ad] a a
.dvi-achar \[oa] \[ao] a a
.dvi-achar \['c] \' c c
.dvi-achar \[`e] \` e e
.dvi-achar \['e] \' e e
.dvi-achar \[^e] ^ e e
.dvi-achar \[:e] \[ad] e e
.dvi-achar "\[g ab]" \[ab] g g
.dvi-achar \[`i] \` \[.i] i
.dvi-achar \['i] \' \[.i] i
.dvi-achar \[^i] ^ \[.i] i
.dvi-achar \[:i] \[ad] \[.i] i
.dvi-achar \[~n] ~ n n
.dvi-achar \[`o] \` o o
.dvi-achar \['o] \' o o
.dvi-achar \[^o] ^ o o
.dvi-achar \[~o] ~ o o
.dvi-achar \[:o] \[ad] o o
.dvi-achar \[`u] \` u u
.dvi-achar \['u] \' u u
.dvi-achar \[^u] ^ u u
.dvi-achar \[:u] \[ad] u u
.dvi-achar \['y] \' y y
.dvi-achar \[:y] \[ad] y y
.dvi-achar \[vs] \[ah] s s
.dvi-achar \[vS] \[ah] S s
.dvi-achar \[vz] \[ah] z z
.dvi-achar \[vZ] \[ah] Z z
.fchar \[,C] \o'\[ac]C'
.hcode \[,C]c
.fchar \[,c] \o'\[ac]c'
.hcode \[,c]c
.fchar \[S ,] \o'S\[ac]'
.hcode \[S ,]s
.fchar \[s ,] \o's\[ac]'
.hcode \[s ,]s
.\" now for color definitions
.\" this is a composite of MIT's X Consortium red/green/blue (rgb) color
.\" specifications, X Consortium version 10.41, 1994.
.defcolor black rgb #000000
.defcolor grey rgb #bebebe
.defcolor dimgrey rgb #696969
.defcolor lightgray rgb #d3d3d3
.defcolor lightslategrey rgb #778899
.defcolor slategray rgb #708090
.defcolor slategray1 rgb #c6e2ff
.defcolor slategray2 rgb #b9d3ee
.defcolor slategray3 rgb #9fb6cd
.defcolor slategray4 rgb #6c7b8b
.defcolor slategrey rgb #708090
.defcolor grey0 rgb #000000
.defcolor grey1 rgb #030303
.defcolor grey2 rgb #050505
.defcolor grey3 rgb #080808
.defcolor grey4 rgb #0a0a0a
.defcolor grey5 rgb #0d0d0d
.defcolor grey6 rgb #0f0f0f
.defcolor grey7 rgb #121212
.defcolor grey8 rgb #141414
.defcolor grey9 rgb #171717
.defcolor grey10 rgb #1a1a1a
.defcolor grey11 rgb #1c1c1c
.defcolor grey12 rgb #1f1f1f
.defcolor grey13 rgb #212121
.defcolor grey14 rgb #242424
.defcolor grey15 rgb #262626
.defcolor grey16 rgb #292929
.defcolor grey17 rgb #2b2b2b
.defcolor grey18 rgb #2e2e2e
.defcolor grey19 rgb #303030
.defcolor grey20 rgb #333333
.defcolor grey21 rgb #363636
.defcolor grey22 rgb #383838
.defcolor grey23 rgb #3b3b3b
.defcolor grey24 rgb #3d3d3d
.defcolor grey25 rgb #404040
.defcolor grey26 rgb #424242
.defcolor grey27 rgb #454545
.defcolor grey28 rgb #474747
.defcolor grey29 rgb #4a4a4a
.defcolor grey30 rgb #4d4d4d
.defcolor grey31 rgb #4f4f4f
.defcolor grey32 rgb #525252
.defcolor grey33 rgb #545454
.defcolor grey34 rgb #575757
.defcolor grey35 rgb #595959
.defcolor grey36 rgb #5c5c5c
.defcolor grey37 rgb #5e5e5e
.defcolor grey38 rgb #616161
.defcolor grey39 rgb #636363
.defcolor grey40 rgb #666666
.defcolor grey41 rgb #696969
.defcolor grey42 rgb #6b6b6b
.defcolor grey43 rgb #6e6e6e
.defcolor grey44 rgb #707070
.defcolor grey45 rgb #737373
.defcolor grey46 rgb #757575
.defcolor grey47 rgb #787878
.defcolor grey48 rgb #7a7a7a
.defcolor grey49 rgb #7d7d7d
.defcolor grey50 rgb #7f7f7f
.defcolor grey51 rgb #828282
.defcolor grey52 rgb #858585
.defcolor grey53 rgb #878787
.defcolor grey54 rgb #8a8a8a
.defcolor grey55 rgb #8c8c8c
.defcolor grey56 rgb #8f8f8f
.defcolor grey57 rgb #919191
.defcolor grey58 rgb #949494
.defcolor grey59 rgb #969696
.defcolor grey60 rgb #999999
.defcolor grey61 rgb #9c9c9c
.defcolor grey62 rgb #9e9e9e
.defcolor grey63 rgb #a1a1a1
.defcolor grey64 rgb #a3a3a3
.defcolor grey65 rgb #a6a6a6
.defcolor grey66 rgb #a8a8a8
.defcolor grey67 rgb #ababab
.defcolor grey68 rgb #adadad
.defcolor grey69 rgb #b0b0b0
.defcolor grey70 rgb #b3b3b3
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.defcolor grey73 rgb #bababa
.defcolor grey74 rgb #bdbdbd
.defcolor grey75 rgb #bfbfbf
.defcolor grey76 rgb #c2c2c2
.defcolor grey77 rgb #c4c4c4
.defcolor grey78 rgb #c7c7c7
.defcolor grey79 rgb #c9c9c9
.defcolor grey80 rgb #cccccc
.defcolor grey81 rgb #cfcfcf
.defcolor grey82 rgb #d1d1d1
.defcolor grey83 rgb #d4d4d4
.defcolor grey84 rgb #d6d6d6
.defcolor grey85 rgb #d9d9d9
.defcolor grey86 rgb #dbdbdb
.defcolor grey87 rgb #dedede
.defcolor grey88 rgb #e0e0e0
.defcolor grey89 rgb #e3e3e3
.defcolor grey90 rgb #e5e5e5
.defcolor grey91 rgb #e8e8e8
.defcolor grey92 rgb #ebebeb
.defcolor grey93 rgb #ededed
.defcolor grey94 rgb #f0f0f0
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.defcolor grey99 rgb #fcfcfc
.defcolor grey100 rgb #ffffff
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.defcolor cadetblue1 rgb #98f5ff
.defcolor cadetblue2 rgb #8ee5ee
.defcolor cadetblue3 rgb #7ac5cd
.defcolor cadetblue4 rgb #53868b
.defcolor cornflowerblue rgb #6495ed
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.defcolor deepskyblue3 rgb #009acd
.defcolor deepskyblue4 rgb #00688b
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.defcolor lightblue3 rgb #9ac0cd
.defcolor lightblue4 rgb #68838b
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.defcolor lightcyan1 rgb #e0ffff
.defcolor lightcyan2 rgb #d1eeee
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.defcolor lightskyblue4 rgb #607b8b
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.defcolor chocolate4 rgb #8b4513
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.defcolor tan4 rgb #8b5a2b
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.defcolor olivedrab4 rgb #698b22
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.defcolor palegreen2 rgb #90ee90
.defcolor palegreen3 rgb #7ccd7c
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.defcolor springgreen4 rgb #008b45
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.defcolor green2 rgb #00ee00
.defcolor green3 rgb #00cd00
.defcolor green4 rgb #008b00
.defcolor khaki rgb #f0e68c
.defcolor khaki1 rgb #fff68f
.defcolor khaki2 rgb #eee685
.defcolor khaki3 rgb #cdc673
.defcolor khaki4 rgb #8b864e
.defcolor darkorange rgb #ff8c00
.defcolor darkorange1 rgb #ff7f00
.defcolor darkorange2 rgb #ee7600
.defcolor darkorange3 rgb #cd6600
.defcolor darkorange4 rgb #8b4500
.defcolor darksalmon rgb #e9967a
.defcolor lightcoral rgb #f08080
.defcolor lightsalmon rgb #ffa07a
.defcolor lightsalmon1 rgb #ffa07a
.defcolor lightsalmon2 rgb #ee9572
.defcolor lightsalmon3 rgb #cd8162
.defcolor lightsalmon4 rgb #8b5742
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.defcolor peachpuff2 rgb #eecbad
.defcolor peachpuff3 rgb #cdaf95
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.defcolor bisque2 rgb #eed5b7
.defcolor bisque3 rgb #cdb79e
.defcolor bisque4 rgb #8b7d6b
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.defcolor coral1 rgb #ff7256
.defcolor coral2 rgb #ee6a50
.defcolor coral3 rgb #cd5b45
.defcolor coral4 rgb #8b3e2f
.defcolor honeydew rgb #f0fff0
.defcolor honeydew1 rgb #f0fff0
.defcolor honeydew2 rgb #e0eee0
.defcolor honeydew3 rgb #c1cdc1
.defcolor honeydew4 rgb #838b83
.defcolor orange rgb #ffa500
.defcolor orange1 rgb #ffa500
.defcolor orange2 rgb #ee9a00
.defcolor orange3 rgb #cd8500
.defcolor orange4 rgb #8b5a00
.defcolor salmon rgb #fa8072
.defcolor salmon1 rgb #ff8c69
.defcolor salmon2 rgb #ee8262
.defcolor salmon3 rgb #cd7054
.defcolor salmon4 rgb #8b4c39
.defcolor sienna rgb #a0522d
.defcolor sienna1 rgb #ff8247
.defcolor sienna2 rgb #ee7942
.defcolor sienna3 rgb #cd6839
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.defcolor magenta3 rgb #cd00cd
.defcolor magenta4 rgb #8b008b
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.defcolor maroon4 rgb #8b1c62
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.defcolor orchid1 rgb #ff83fa
.defcolor orchid2 rgb #ee7ae9
.defcolor orchid3 rgb #cd69c9
.defcolor orchid4 rgb #8b4789
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.defcolor plum3 rgb #cd96cd
.defcolor plum4 rgb #8b668b
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.defcolor purple1 rgb #9b30ff
.defcolor purple2 rgb #912cee
.defcolor purple3 rgb #7d26cd
.defcolor purple4 rgb #551a8b
.defcolor thistle rgb #d8bfd8
.defcolor thistle1 rgb #ffe1ff
.defcolor thistle2 rgb #eed2ee
.defcolor thistle3 rgb #cdb5cd
.defcolor thistle4 rgb #8b7b8b
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.defcolor ivory4 rgb #8b8b83
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.defcolor seashell1 rgb #fff5ee
.defcolor seashell2 rgb #eee5de
.defcolor seashell3 rgb #cdc5bf
.defcolor seashell4 rgb #8b8682
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.defcolor snow1 rgb #fffafa
.defcolor snow2 rgb #eee9e9
.defcolor snow3 rgb #cdc9c9
.defcolor snow4 rgb #8b8989
.defcolor wheat rgb #f5deb3
.defcolor wheat1 rgb #ffe7ba
.defcolor wheat2 rgb #eed8ae
.defcolor wheat3 rgb #cdba96
.defcolor wheat4 rgb #8b7e66
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.defcolor blanchedalmond rgb #ffebcd
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.defcolor darkgoldenrod3 rgb #cd950c
.defcolor darkgoldenrod4 rgb #8b6508
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.defcolor lemonchiffon1 rgb #fffacd
.defcolor lemonchiffon2 rgb #eee9bf
.defcolor lemonchiffon3 rgb #cdc9a5
.defcolor lemonchiffon4 rgb #8b8970
.defcolor lightgoldenrod rgb #eedd82
.defcolor lightgoldenrod1 rgb #ffec8b
.defcolor lightgoldenrod2 rgb #eedc82
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.defcolor papayawhip rgb #ffefd5
.defcolor cornsilk rgb #fff8dc
.defcolor cornsilk1 rgb #fff8dc
.defcolor cornsilk2 rgb #eee8cd
.defcolor cornsilk3 rgb #cdc8b1
.defcolor cornsilk4 rgb #8b8878
.defcolor gold rgb #ffd700
.defcolor gold1 rgb #ffd700
.defcolor gold2 rgb #eec900
.defcolor gold3 rgb #cdad00
.defcolor gold4 rgb #8b7500
.defcolor goldenrod rgb #daa520
.defcolor goldenrod1 rgb #ffc125
.defcolor goldenrod2 rgb #eeb422
.defcolor goldenrod3 rgb #cd9b1d
.defcolor goldenrod4 rgb #8b6914
.defcolor moccasin rgb #ffe4b5
.defcolor yellow rgb #ffff00
.defcolor yellow1 rgb #ffff00
.defcolor yellow2 rgb #eeee00
.defcolor yellow3 rgb #cdcd00
.defcolor yellow4 rgb #8b8b00
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