
451 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<!-- This is LINUXDOC.DTD, a hacked version of QWERTZ.DTD v1.3
by Matt Welsh; modified from QWERTZ.DTD by Tom Gordon -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
<!-- Parameter Entities -->
<!-- =========================================================== -->
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" em|it|bf|sf|sl|tt|cparam " >
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" (#pcdata | f| x| %emph; |sq| %xref | %index )* " >
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" list | itemize | enum | descrip " >
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" %list; | comment | lq | quote | tscreen " >
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" def | prop | lemma | coroll | proof | theorem " >
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" %par; | figure | tabular | table | %mathpar; |
%thrm; | %litprog; ">
<!element linuxdoc o o
(part | chapt | sect | article | report |
book | letter | telefax | slides | notes | manpage ) >
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Ordinary//EN">
"ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN">
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<!-- =========================================================== -->
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"&#RS;B&#RE;" psplit
"&#RS;&#RE;" psplit>
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<!-- What a mess. The following is here to clean up problems with
paragraph breaks in a descrip. I can think of cases where this might
break, but it seems to work. mdw -->
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"&#RS;B" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" ptag
"&#RS;&#RE;" ptag>
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loc cdata "tbp">
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file cdata #required>
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"B&#RE;" space
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null>
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ca cdata #required>
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"&#RE;" null
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B" null
"B&#RE;" null
"BB" space>
<!usemap tabmap tabular>
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loc cdata "tbp">
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"B&#RE;" space
"&#RS;&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;B" null>
<!usemap ttmap tt>
<!element mc - - cdata >
<!entity % sppos "tu" >
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<!entity % limits "pr|in|sum" >
<!entity % fbu "fr|lim|ar|root" >
<!entity % fph "unl|ovl|sup|inf" >
<!entity % fbutxt "(%fbu;) | (%limits;) |
(%fcstxt;)|(%fscs;)|(%fph;)" >
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<!element f - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
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"&#RS;B" null
"&#RS;B&#RE;" null
"&#RS;&#RE;" null>
<!usemap fmap f >
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<!element eq - - ((%fbutxt;)*)>
<!shortref dmmap
"&#RE;" space>
<!usemap dmmap (dm,eq)>
<!element fr - - (nu,de) >
<!element nu o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element de o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ll o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ul o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element opd - o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element pr - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element in - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element sum - - (ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element lim - - (op,ll,ul,opd?) >
<!element op o o (%fcstxt;|rf|%fph;) -(tu) >
<!element root - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!attlist root
n cdata "">
<!element col o o ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element row o o (col, (arc, col)*) >
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ca cdata #required >
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<!entity arc "<arc>" >
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"&#RE;" space>
<!usemap arrmap ar >
<!element sup - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
<!element inf - - ((%fbutxt;)*) -(tu) >
<!element unl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element ovl - - ((%fbutxt;)*) >
<!element rf - o (#pcdata) >
<!element phr - o ((%fphtxt;)*) >
<!element v - o ((%fcstxt;)*)
-(tu|%limits;|%fbu;|%fph;) >
<!element fi - o (#pcdata) >
<!element tu - o empty >
<!usemap global (rf,phr)>
<!element def - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element prop - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element lemma - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element coroll - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element proof - - (p+) >
<!element theorem - - (thtag?, p+) >
<!element thtag - - (%inline)>
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"&#RS;B" null -- delete leading blanks -- >
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<!-- ref modified to have an optional name field HG -->
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id cdata #required
name cdata #implied>
<!-- url entity added to have direct url references HG -->
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url cdata #required
name cdata #implied>
<!-- htmlurl entity added to have quieter url references esr -->
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url cdata #required
name cdata #implied>
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id cdata #required>
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<!element article - -
(titlepag, header?,
toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, (part | sect)*,
(appendix, sect+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
<!attlist article
opts cdata #IMPLIED>
<!-- Hacked by mdw to exclude abstract; abstract now part of titlepag -->
<!element report - -
(titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*,
(part | chapt)*, (appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote)>
<!attlist report
opts cdata #IMPLIED>
<!element book - -
(titlepag, header?, toc?, lof?, lot?, p*, (part | chapt)*,
(appendix, chapt+)?, biblio?) +(footnote) >
<!attlist book
opts cdata #IMPLIED>
<!-- Hacked by mdw, abstract now part of titlepag -->
<!element titlepag o o (title, author, date?, abstract?)>
<!element title - o (%inline, subtitle?) +(newline)>
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<!usemap oneline titlepag>
<!element author - o (name, thanks?, inst?,
(and, name, thanks?, inst?)*)>
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<!element and - o empty>
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<!element inst - o (%inline) +(newline)>
<!element date - o (#pcdata) >
<!usemap global thanks>
<!element newline - o empty >
<!entity nl "<newline>">
<!-- Hacked by mdw -->
<!element abstract - o (%inline)>
<!usemap oneline abstract>
<!element toc - o empty>
<!element lof - o empty>
<!element lot - o empty>
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<!element lhead - o (%inline)>
<!element rhead - o (%inline)>
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<!element heading o o (%inline)>
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<!element sect2 - o (%sect, sect3*)>
<!element sect3 - o (%sect, sect4*)>
<!element sect4 - o (%sect)>
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<!element footnote - - (%inline)>
<!usemap global footnote>
<!element cite - o empty>
<!attlist cite
id cdata #required>
<!element ncite - o empty>
<!attlist ncite
id cdata #required
note cdata #required>
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style cdata "linuxdoc"
files cdata "">
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opts cdata "null">
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(from, %addr, to, %addr, cc?, subject?, sref?, rref?,
rdate?, opening, p+, closing, encl?, ps?)>
<!attlist letter
opts cdata "null">
<!element from - o (#pcdata) >
<!element to - o (#pcdata) >
<!usemap oneline (from,to)>
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<!element email - o (#pcdata) >
<!element phone - o (#pcdata) >
<!element fax - o (#pcdata) >
<!element subject - o (%inline;) >
<!element sref - o (#pcdata) >
<!element rref - o (#pcdata) >
<!element rdate - o (#pcdata) >
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<!element closing - o (%inline;) >
<!element cc - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
<!element encl - o (%inline;) +(newline) >
<!element ps - o (p+) >
<!element telefax - -
(from, %addr, to, address, email?,
phone?, fax, cc?, subject?,
opening, p+, closing, ps?)>
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opts cdata "null"
length cdata "2">
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<!attlist notes
opts cdata "null" >
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-(sect2 | f | %mathpar | figure | tabular |
table | %xref | %thrm )>
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opts cdata "null"
title cdata ""
sectnum cdata "1" >
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"&#RS;B" null>
<!usemap manpage manpage >
<!-- end of linuxdoc dtd -->