
1379 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Jeffrey Roberson <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice unmodified, this list of conditions, and the following
# disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# $FreeBSD$
import sys
import re
from Tkinter import *
# To use:
# - Install the ports/x11-toolkits/py-tkinter package; e.g.
# portinstall x11-toolkits/py-tkinter package
# - Add KTR_SCHED to KTR_COMPILE and KTR_MASK in your KERNCONF; e.g.
# options KTR
# options KTR_ENTRIES=32768
# options KTR_MASK=(KTR_SCHED)
# - It is encouraged to increase KTR_ENTRIES size to gather enough
# information for analysis; e.g.
# options KTR_ENTRIES=262144
# as 32768 entries may only correspond to a second or two of profiling
# data depending on your workload.
# - Rebuild kernel with proper changes to KERNCONF and boot new kernel.
# - Run your workload to be profiled.
# - While the workload is continuing (i.e. before it finishes), disable
# KTR tracing by setting 'sysctl debug.ktr.mask=0'. This is necessary
# to avoid a race condition while running ktrdump, i.e. the KTR ring buffer
# will cycle a bit while ktrdump runs, and this confuses schedgraph because
# the timestamps appear to go backwards at some point. Stopping KTR logging
# while the workload is still running is to avoid wasting log entries on
# "idle" time at the end.
# - Dump the trace to a file: 'ktrdump -ct > ktr.out'
# - Run the python script: 'python ktr.out'
# To do:
# 1) Add a per-thread summary display
# 2) Add bounding box style zoom.
# 3) Click to center.
# 4) Implement some sorting mechanism.
# 5) Widget to display variable-range data (e.g. q length)
# 6) Reorder rows, hide rows, etc.
# 7) "Vertical rule" to help relate data in different rows
# 8) Mouse-over popup of full thread/event/row lable (currently truncated)
# 9) More visible anchors for popup event windows
# BUGS: 1) Only 8 CPUs are supported, more CPUs require more choices of
# colours to represent them ;-)
# 2) Extremely short traces may cause a crash because the code
# assumes there is always at least one stathz entry logged, and
# the number of such events is used as a denominator
ticksps = None
status = None
configtypes = []
lineno = -1
def ticks2sec(ticks):
us = ticksps / 1000000
ticks /= us
if (ticks < 1000):
return (str(ticks) + "us")
ticks /= 1000
if (ticks < 1000):
return (str(ticks) + "ms")
ticks /= 1000
return (str(ticks) + "s")
class Scaler(Frame):
def __init__(self, master, target):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.scale = Scale(self, command=self.scaleset,
from_=1000, to_=10000000, orient=HORIZONTAL,
self.label = Label(self, text="Ticks per pixel")
self.scale.pack(fill="both", expand=1) = target
self.initialized = 1
def scaleset(self, value):
def set(self, value):
class Status(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.label = Label(self, bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W)
self.label.pack(fill="both", expand=1)
def set(self, str):
def clear(self):
def startup(self, str):
class EventConf(Frame):
def __init__(self, master, name, color, enabled):
Frame.__init__(self, master) = name
self.color = StringVar()
self.color_default = color
self.color_current = color
self.enabled = IntVar()
self.enabled_default = enabled
self.enabled_current = enabled
def draw(self):
self.label = Label(self,, anchor=W)
self.sample = Canvas(self, width=24, height=24,
self.rect = self.sample.create_rectangle(0, 0, 24, 24,
self.list = OptionMenu(self, self.color,
"dark red", "red", "pink",
"dark orange", "orange",
"yellow", "light yellow",
"dark green", "green", "light green",
"dark blue", "blue", "light blue",
"dark violet", "violet", "purple",
"dark grey", "light grey",
"white", "black",
self.checkbox = Checkbutton(self, text="enabled",
self.label.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.sample.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.list.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W)
self.checkbox.grid(row=0, column=3)
self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.columnconfigure(2, minsize=110)
def setcolor(self, color):
self.sample.itemconfigure(self.rect, fill=color)
def apply(self):
cchange = 0
echange = 0
if (self.color_current != self.color.get()):
cchange = 1
if (self.enabled_current != self.enabled.get()):
echange = 1
self.color_current = self.color.get()
self.enabled_current = self.enabled.get()
if (echange != 0):
if (self.enabled_current):
graph.setcolor(, self.color_current)
if (cchange != 0):
graph.setcolor(, self.color_current)
def revert(self):
def default(self):
class EventConfigure(Toplevel):
def __init__(self):
self.resizable(0, 0)
self.title("Event Configuration")
self.items = LabelFrame(self, text="Event Type")
self.buttons = Frame(self)
self.items.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.types = []
self.irow = 0
for type in configtypes:
self.additem(, type.color, type.enabled)
def additem(self, name, color, enabled=1):
item = EventConf(self.items, name, color, enabled)
item.grid(row=self.irow, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.irow += 1
def drawbuttons(self):
self.apply = Button(self.buttons, text="Apply",
self.revert = Button(self.buttons, text="Revert",
self.default = Button(self.buttons, text="Default",
self.apply.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.revert.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W)
self.default.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=E+W)
self.buttons.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
self.buttons.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
def apress(self):
for item in self.types:
def rpress(self):
for item in self.types:
def dpress(self):
for item in self.types:
class EventView(Toplevel):
def __init__(self, event, canvas):
self.resizable(0, 0)
self.event = event
self.frame = Frame(self)
self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W)
self.buttons = Frame(self)
self.buttons.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.canvas = canvas
self.bind("<Destroy>", self.destroycb)
def destroycb(self, event):
if (self.event != None):
self.event = None
def clearlabels(self):
for label in self.frame.grid_slaves():
def drawlabels(self):
ypos = 0
labels = self.event.labels()
while (len(labels) < 7):
labels.append(("", "", 0))
for label in labels:
name, value, linked = label
l = Label(self.frame, text=name, bd=1, width=15,
relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W)
if (linked):
fgcolor = "blue"
fgcolor = "black"
r = Label(self.frame, text=value, bd=1,
relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W, fg=fgcolor)
l.grid(row=ypos, column=0, sticky=E+W)
r.grid(row=ypos, column=1, sticky=E+W)
if (linked):
r.bind("<Button-1>", self.linkpress)
ypos += 1
self.frame.columnconfigure(1, minsize=80)
def drawbuttons(self):
self.back = Button(self.buttons, text="<", command=self.bpress)
self.forw = Button(self.buttons, text=">", command=self.fpress) = Button(self.buttons, text="new", command=self.npress)
self.back.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W)
self.forw.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=E+W), column=2, sticky=E+W)
self.buttons.columnconfigure(2, weight=1)
def newevent(self, event):
self.event = event
def npress(self):
EventView(self.event, self.canvas)
def bpress(self):
prev = self.event.prev()
if (prev == None):
while (prev.real == 0):
prev = prev.prev()
if (prev == None):
def fpress(self):
next =
if (next == None):
while (next.real == 0):
next =
if (next == None):
def linkpress(self, wevent):
event = self.event.getlinked()
if (event != None):
class Event:
name = "none"
color = "grey"
def __init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp, last=0):
self.source = source
self.cpu = cpu
self.timestamp = int(timestamp)
self.entries = []
self.real = 1
self.idx = None
self.state = 0
self.item = None
self.dispcnt = 0
self.linked = None
self.recno = lineno
if (last):
def status(self):
statstr = + " " +
statstr += " on: cpu" + str(self.cpu)
statstr += " at: " + str(self.timestamp)
statstr += self.stattxt()
def stattxt(self):
return ""
def textadd(self, tuple):
def labels(self):
return [("Source:",, 0),
("Event:",, 0),
("CPU:", self.cpu, 0),
("Timestamp:", self.timestamp, 0),
("Record: ", self.recno, 0)
] + self.entries
def mouseenter(self, canvas, item):
def mouseexit(self, canvas, item):
def mousepress(self, canvas, item):
EventView(self, canvas)
def next(self):
return self.source.eventat(self.idx + 1)
def prev(self):
return self.source.eventat(self.idx - 1)
def displayref(self, canvas):
if (self.dispcnt == 0):
canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=2)
self.dispcnt += 1
def displayunref(self, canvas):
self.dispcnt -= 1
if (self.dispcnt == 0):
canvas.itemconfigure(self.item, width=0)
canvas.tag_raise("point", "state")
def getlinked(self):
return self.linked.findevent(self.timestamp)
class PointEvent(Event):
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0):
Event.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last)
def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos):
l = canvas.create_oval(xpos - 6, ypos + 1, xpos + 6, ypos - 11,
fill=self.color, tags=("all", "point", "event")
+ (,), width=0)[l] = self
self.item = l
if (self.enabled == 0):
canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden")
return (xpos)
class StateEvent(Event):
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0):
Event.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last)
self.duration = 0
self.skipnext = 0
self.skipself = 0
self.state = 1
def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos):
next = self.nextstate()
if (self.skipself == 1 or next == None):
return (xpos)
while (self.skipnext):
skipped = next
next.skipself = 1
next.real = 0
next = next.nextstate()
if (next == None):
next = skipped
self.skipnext -= 1
self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp
if (self.duration < 0):
self.duration = 0
print "Unsynchronized timestamp"
print self.cpu, self.timestamp
print next.cpu, next.timestamp
delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio
l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos,
xpos + delta, ypos - 10, fill=self.color, width=0,
tags=("all", "state", "event") + (,))[l] = self
self.item = l
if (self.enabled == 0):
canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden")
return (xpos + delta)
def stattxt(self):
return " duration: " + ticks2sec(self.duration)
def nextstate(self):
next =
while (next != None and next.state == 0):
next =
return (next)
def labels(self):
return [("Source:",, 0),
("Event:",, 0),
("Timestamp:", self.timestamp, 0),
("CPU:", self.cpu, 0),
("Record:", self.recno, 0),
("Duration:", ticks2sec(self.duration), 0)
] + self.entries
class Count(Event):
name = "Count"
color = "red"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp, count):
self.count = int(count)
Event.__init__(self, source, cpu, timestamp)
self.duration = 0
self.textadd(("count:", self.count, 0))
def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos):
next =
self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp
delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio
yhight = self.source.yscale() * self.count
l = canvas.create_rectangle(xpos, ypos - yhight,
xpos + delta, ypos, fill=self.color, width=0,
tags=("all", "count", "event") + (,))[l] = self
self.item = l
if (self.enabled == 0):
canvas.itemconfigure(l, state="hidden")
return (xpos + delta)
def stattxt(self):
return " count: " + str(self.count)
class Running(StateEvent):
name = "running"
color = "green"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Idle(StateEvent):
name = "idle"
color = "grey"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Yielding(StateEvent):
name = "yielding"
color = "yellow"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.skipnext = 0
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Swapped(StateEvent):
name = "swapped"
color = "violet"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Suspended(StateEvent):
name = "suspended"
color = "purple"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Iwait(StateEvent):
name = "iwait"
color = "grey"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Preempted(StateEvent):
name = "preempted"
color = "red"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.skipnext = 1
self.prio = prio
self.linked = bythread
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("by thread:",, 1))
class Sleep(StateEvent):
name = "sleep"
color = "blue"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, wmesg):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.wmesg = wmesg
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("wmesg:", self.wmesg, 0))
def stattxt(self):
statstr = StateEvent.stattxt(self)
statstr += " sleeping on: " + self.wmesg
return (statstr)
class Blocked(StateEvent):
name = "blocked"
color = "dark red"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, lock):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.lock = lock
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("lock:", self.lock, 0))
def stattxt(self):
statstr = StateEvent.stattxt(self)
statstr += " blocked on: " + self.lock
return (statstr)
class KsegrpRunq(StateEvent):
name = "KsegrpRunq"
color = "orange"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.linked = bythread
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("by thread:",, 1))
class Runq(StateEvent):
name = "Runq"
color = "yellow"
enabled = 1
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.linked = bythread
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("by thread:",, 1))
class Sched_exit_thread(StateEvent):
name = "exit_thread"
color = "grey"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) = "sched_exit_thread"
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Sched_exit(StateEvent):
name = "exit"
color = "grey"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp) = "sched_exit"
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Padevent(StateEvent):
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last=0):
StateEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, last) = "pad"
self.real = 0
def draw(self, canvas, xpos, ypos):
next =
if (next == None):
return (xpos)
self.duration = next.timestamp - self.timestamp
delta = self.duration / canvas.ratio
return (xpos + delta)
class Tick(PointEvent):
name = "tick"
color = "black"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, stathz):
PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
class Prio(PointEvent):
name = "prio"
color = "black"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, newprio, bythread):
PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.newprio = newprio
self.linked = bythread
self.textadd(("new prio:", self.newprio, 0))
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
if (self.linked != self.source):
self.textadd(("by thread:",, 1))
self.textadd(("by thread:",, 0))
class Lend(PointEvent):
name = "lend"
color = "black"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, tothread):
PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.prio = prio
self.linked = tothread
self.textadd(("prio:", self.prio, 0))
self.textadd(("to thread:",, 1))
class Wokeup(PointEvent):
name = "wokeup"
color = "black"
enabled = 0
def __init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp, ranthread):
PointEvent.__init__(self, thread, cpu, timestamp)
self.linked = ranthread
self.textadd(("ran thread:",, 1))
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
class EventSource:
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
def __init__(self, name, group=DEFAULT, order=0): = name = []
self.cpu = 0
self.cpux = 0
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00 = group
self.order = order
def __cmp__(self, other):
if ( ==
return cmp(self.order, other.order)
return cmp(,
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
# It is much faster to append items to a list then to insert them
# at the beginning. As a result, we add events in reverse order
# and then swap the list during fixup.
def fixup(self):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
def event(self, event):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
def remove(self, event):
def lastevent(self, event):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00, event)
def draw(self, canvas, ypos):
xpos = 10
self.cpux = 10
self.cpu =[1].cpu
for i in range(0, len([i].idx = i
for event in
if (event.cpu != self.cpu and event.cpu != -1):
self.drawcpu(canvas, xpos, ypos)
self.cpux = xpos
self.cpu = event.cpu
xpos = event.draw(canvas, xpos, ypos)
self.drawcpu(canvas, xpos, ypos)
def drawname(self, canvas, ypos):
ypos = ypos - (self.ysize() / 2)
canvas.create_text(10, ypos, anchor="w",
def drawcpu(self, canvas, xpos, ypos):
cpu = int(self.cpu)
if (cpu == 0):
color = 'light grey'
elif (cpu == 1):
color = 'dark grey'
elif (cpu == 2):
color = 'light blue'
elif (cpu == 3):
color = 'light green'
2007-01-06 04:40:44 +00:00
elif (cpu == 4):
color = 'blanched almond'
elif (cpu == 5):
color = 'slate grey'
elif (cpu == 6):
color = 'light slate blue'
elif (cpu == 7):
color = 'thistle'
color = "white"
l = canvas.create_rectangle(self.cpux,
ypos - self.ysize() - canvas.bdheight,
xpos, ypos + canvas.bdheight, fill=color, width=0,
tags=("all", "cpuinfo"))
def ysize(self):
return (None)
def eventat(self, i):
if (i >= len(
return (None)
event =[i]
return (event)
def findevent(self, timestamp):
for event in
if (event.timestamp >= timestamp and event.real):
return (event)
return (None)
class Thread(EventSource):
names = {}
def __init__(self, td, pcomm):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
EventSource.__init__(self, pcomm, THREAD)
self.str = td
cnt = Thread.names[pcomm]
Thread.names[pcomm] = 0
Thread.names[pcomm] = cnt + 1
def fixup(self):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
cnt = Thread.names[]
if (cnt == 0):
cnt -= 1
Thread.names[] = cnt += " td" + str(cnt)
def ysize(self):
return (10)
class Counter(EventSource):
max = 0
def __init__(self, name):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
EventSource.__init__(self, name, COUNT)
def event(self, event):
EventSource.event(self, event)
count = event.count
count = int(count)
if (count > Counter.max):
Counter.max = count
def ymax(self):
return (Counter.max)
def ysize(self):
return (80)
def yscale(self):
return (self.ysize() / Counter.max)
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
class CPULoad(Counter):
def __init__(self, cpu):
Counter.__init__(self, "cpu" + str(cpu) + " load") = LOAD
self.order = cpu
class KTRFile:
def __init__(self, file):
self.timestamp_f = None
self.timestamp_l = None
self.threads = []
self.sources = []
self.ticks = {}
self.load = {}
self.crit = {}
self.stathz = 0
global ticksps
print "first", self.timestamp_f, "last", self.timestamp_l
print "time span", self.timespan()
print "stathz", self.stathz
ticksps = self.ticksps()
print "Ticks per second", ticksps
def parse(self, file):
ifp = open(file)
print "Can't open", file
ktrhdr = "\s*\d+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+"
tdname = "(\S+)\(([^)]*)\)"
crittdname = "(\S+)\s+\(\d+,\s+([^)]*)\)"
# XXX doesn't handle:
# 371 0 61628682318 mi_switch: 0xc075c070(swapper) prio 180 inhibit 2 wmesg ATA request done lock (null)
ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname
ktrstr += " prio (\d+) inhibit (\d+) wmesg (\S+) lock (\S+)"
switchout_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) idle"
idled_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "mi_switch: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) preempted by "
ktrstr += tdname
preempted_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "mi_switch: running " + tdname + " prio (\d+)"
switchin_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "sched_add: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname
sched_add_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "setrunqueue: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname
setrunqueue_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "sched_rem: " + tdname + " prio (\d+) by " + tdname
sched_rem_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "sched_exit_thread: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)"
sched_exit_thread_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "sched_exit: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)"
sched_exit_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "statclock: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)"
ktrstr += " stathz (\d+)"
sched_clock_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
ktrstr = "sched_prio: " + tdname + " prio (\d+)"
ktrstr += " newprio (\d+) by " + tdname
sched_prio_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
cpuload_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + "load: (\d+)")
cpuload2_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + "cpu (\d+) load: (\d+)")
loadglobal_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + "global load: (\d+)")
ktrstr = "critical_\S+ by thread " + crittdname + " to (\d+)"
critsec_re = re.compile(ktrhdr + ktrstr)
parsers = [[cpuload_re, self.cpuload],
[cpuload2_re, self.cpuload2],
[loadglobal_re, self.loadglobal],
[switchin_re, self.switchin],
[switchout_re, self.switchout],
[sched_add_re, self.sched_add],
[setrunqueue_re, self.sched_rem],
[sched_prio_re, self.sched_prio],
[preempted_re, self.preempted],
[sched_rem_re, self.sched_rem],
[sched_exit_thread_re, self.sched_exit_thread],
[sched_exit_re, self.sched_exit],
[sched_clock_re, self.sched_clock],
[critsec_re, self.critsec],
[idled_re, self.idled]]
global lineno
lineno = 0
for line in ifp.readlines():
lineno += 1
if ((lineno % 1024) == 0):
status.startup("Parsing line " + str(lineno))
for p in parsers:
m = p[0].match(line)
if (m != None):
if (m == None):
print line,
def checkstamp(self, cpu, timestamp):
timestamp = int(timestamp)
if (self.timestamp_f == None):
self.timestamp_f = timestamp;
if (self.timestamp_l != None and timestamp > self.timestamp_l):
return (0)
self.timestamp_l = timestamp;
return (timestamp)
def timespan(self):
return (self.timestamp_f - self.timestamp_l);
def ticksps(self):
return (self.timespan() / self.ticks[0]) * int(self.stathz)
def switchout(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, inhibit, wmesg, lock):
TDI_SWAPPED = 0x0004
TDI_LOCK = 0x0008
TDI_IWAIT = 0x0010
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
inhibit = int(inhibit)
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
if (inhibit & TDI_SWAPPED):
Swapped(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
elif (inhibit & TDI_SLEEPING):
Sleep(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, wmesg)
elif (inhibit & TDI_LOCK):
Blocked(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, lock)
elif (inhibit & TDI_IWAIT):
Iwait(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
elif (inhibit & TDI_SUSPENDED):
Suspended(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
elif (inhibit == 0):
Yielding(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
print "Unknown event", inhibit
def idled(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Idle(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
def preempted(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Preempted(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio,
self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm))
def switchin(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Running(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
def sched_add(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
bythread = self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm)
Runq(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, bythread)
Wokeup(bythread, cpu, timestamp, thread)
def sched_rem(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, bytd, bypcomm):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
KsegrpRunq(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio,
self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm))
def sched_exit_thread(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Sched_exit_thread(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
def sched_exit(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Sched_exit(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio)
def sched_clock(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, stathz):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
self.stathz = stathz
cpu = int(cpu)
ticks = self.ticks[cpu]
self.ticks[cpu] = 0
self.ticks[cpu] += 1
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
Tick(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, stathz)
def sched_prio(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, prio, newprio, bytd, bypcomm):
if (prio == newprio):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
thread = self.findtd(td, pcomm)
bythread = self.findtd(bytd, bypcomm)
Prio(thread, cpu, timestamp, prio, newprio, bythread)
Lend(bythread, cpu, timestamp, newprio, thread)
def cpuload(self, cpu, timestamp, count):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
cpu = int(cpu)
load = self.load[cpu]
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
load = CPULoad(cpu)
self.load[cpu] = load
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
Count(load, cpu, timestamp, count)
def cpuload2(self, cpu, timestamp, ncpu, count):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
cpu = int(ncpu)
load = self.load[cpu]
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
load = CPULoad(cpu)
self.load[cpu] = load
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
Count(load, cpu, timestamp, count)
def loadglobal(self, cpu, timestamp, count):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
cpu = 0
load = self.load[cpu]
load = Counter("CPU load")
self.load[cpu] = load
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
Count(load, cpu, timestamp, count)
def critsec(self, cpu, timestamp, td, pcomm, to):
timestamp = self.checkstamp(cpu, timestamp)
if (timestamp == 0):
cpu = int(cpu)
crit = self.crit[cpu]
crit = Counter("Critical Section")
self.crit[cpu] = crit
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
Count(crit, cpu, timestamp, to)
def findtd(self, td, pcomm):
for thread in self.threads:
if (thread.str == td and == pcomm):
return thread
thread = Thread(td, pcomm)
return (thread)
def fixup(self):
for source in self.sources:
Padevent(source, -1, self.timestamp_l)
Padevent(source, -1, self.timestamp_f, last=1)
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
class SchedDisplay(Canvas):
def __init__(self, master):
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
self.ratio = 1
self.ktrfile = None
self.sources = None
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
self.parent = master
self.bdheight = 10 = {}
Canvas.__init__(self, master, width=800, height=500, bg='grey',
scrollregion=(0, 0, 800, 500))
def setfile(self, ktrfile):
self.ktrfile = ktrfile
self.sources = ktrfile.sources
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
# Compute a ratio to ensure that the file's timespan fits into
# 2^31. Although python may handle larger values for X
# values, the Tk internals do not.
self.ratio = (ktrfile.timespan() - 1) / 2**31 + 1
def draw(self):
ypos = 0
xsize = self.xsize()
for source in self.sources:
status.startup("Drawing " +
self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos,
width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",))
ypos += self.bdheight
ypos += source.ysize()
source.draw(self, ypos)
ypos += self.bdheight
self.tag_raise("point", "state")
self.tag_lower("cpuinfo", "all")
self.create_line(0, ypos, xsize, ypos,
width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",))
self.tag_bind("event", "<Enter>", self.mouseenter)
self.tag_bind("event", "<Leave>", self.mouseexit)
self.tag_bind("event", "<Button-1>", self.mousepress)
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
self.bind("<Button-4>", self.wheelup)
self.bind("<Button-5>", self.wheeldown)
def mouseenter(self, event):
item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT)
event =[item]
event.mouseenter(self, item)
def mouseexit(self, event):
item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT)
event =[item]
event.mouseexit(self, item)
def mousepress(self, event):
item, = self.find_withtag(CURRENT)
event =[item]
event.mousepress(self, item)
- Add some rudimentary support for sorting the list of event sources (threads, CPU load counters, etc.). Each source is tagged with a group and an order similar to the SYSINIT SI_SUB_* and SI_ORDER_*. After the file is parsed, all the sources are then sorted. Currently, the only affects of this are that the CPU loads are now sorted by CPU ID (so CPU 0 is always first). However, this makes it easier to add new types of event sources in the future and have them all clustered together instead of intertwined with threads. - Python lists perform insertions at the tail much faster than insertions at the head. For a trace that had a lot of events for a single event source, the constant insertions of new events to the head of the per-source event list caused a noticable slow down. To compensate, append new events to the end of the list during parsing and then reverse the list prior to drawing. - Somewhere in the tkinter internals the coordinates of a canvas are stored in a signed 32-bit integer. As a result, if an the box for an event spans 2^31, it would actually end up having a negative X offset at one end. The result was a single box that covered the entire event source. Kris worked around this for some traces by bumping up the initial ticks/pixel ratio from 1 to 10. However, a divisor of 10 can still be too small for large tracefiles (e.g. with 4 million entries). Instead of hardcoding the initial scaling ratio, calculate it from the time span of the trace file. - Add support for using the mouse wheel to scroll the graph window up and down.
2009-01-13 16:33:10 +00:00
def wheeldown(self, event):
self.parent.display_yview("scroll", 1, "units")
def wheelup(self, event):
self.parent.display_yview("scroll", -1, "units")
def drawnames(self, canvas):
status.startup("Drawing names")
ypos = 0
canvas.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0,
canvas["width"], self.ysize()))
for source in self.sources:
canvas.create_line(0, ypos, canvas["width"], ypos,
width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",))
ypos += self.bdheight
ypos += source.ysize()
source.drawname(canvas, ypos)
ypos += self.bdheight
canvas.create_line(0, ypos, canvas["width"], ypos,
width=1, fill="black", tags=("all",))
def xsize(self):
return ((self.ktrfile.timespan() / self.ratio) + 20)
def ysize(self):
ysize = 0
for source in self.sources:
ysize += source.ysize() + (self.bdheight * 2)
return (ysize)
def scaleset(self, ratio):
if (self.ktrfile == None):
oldratio = self.ratio
xstart, ystart = self.xview()
length = (float(self["width"]) / self.xsize())
middle = xstart + (length / 2)
self.ratio = ratio
self.configure(scrollregion=(0, 0, self.xsize(), self.ysize()))
self.scale("all", 0, 0, float(oldratio) / ratio, 1)
length = (float(self["width"]) / self.xsize())
xstart = middle - (length / 2)
def scaleget(self):
return self.ratio
def setcolor(self, tag, color):
self.itemconfigure(tag, state="normal", fill=color)
def hide(self, tag):
self.itemconfigure(tag, state="hidden")
class GraphMenu(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master, bd=2, relief=RAISED)
self.view = Menubutton(self, text="Configure")
self.viewmenu = Menu(self.view, tearoff=0)
self.view["menu"] = self.viewmenu
def econf(self):
class SchedGraph(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master) = None
self.names = None
self.display = None
self.scale = None
self.status = None
self.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
def buildwidgets(self):
global status = GraphMenu(self)
self.display = SchedDisplay(self)
self.names = Canvas(self,
width=100, height=self.display["height"],
bg='grey', scrollregion=(0, 0, 50, 100))
self.scale = Scaler(self, self.display)
status = self.status = Status(self)
self.scrollY = Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical",
self.display.scrollX = Scrollbar(self, orient="horizontal",
self.display["xscrollcommand"] = self.display.scrollX.set
self.display["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set
self.names["yscrollcommand"] = self.scrollY.set
def layout(self):
self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1), column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W)
self.names.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N+S)
self.display.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W+E+N+S)
self.scrollY.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=N+S)
self.display.scrollX.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2,
self.scale.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W)
self.status.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky=E+W)
def draw(self, file):
ktrfile = KTRFile(file)
def display_yview(self, *args):
def setcolor(self, tag, color):
self.display.setcolor(tag, color)
def hide(self, tag):
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "usage:", sys.argv[0], "<ktr file>"
root = Tk()
root.title("Scheduler Graph")
graph = SchedGraph(root)