2015-07-09 07:20:15 +00:00
; System call table for CloudABI.
; All system calls that do not use any machine-dependent data types are
; prefixed with cloudabi_sys_. The others are called cloudabi64_sys_.
#include <sys/sysent.h>
#include <sys/sysproto.h>
#include <compat/cloudabi64/cloudabi64_syscalldefs.h>
#include <compat/cloudabi64/cloudabi64_proto.h>
0 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_timestamp_t \
cloudabi_sys_clock_res_get( \
cloudabi_clockid_t clock_id); }
1 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_timestamp_t \
cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get( \
cloudabi_clockid_t clock_id, \
cloudabi_timestamp_t precision); }
2 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_condvar_signal( \
cloudabi_condvar_t *condvar, \
2015-07-27 10:04:06 +00:00
cloudabi_mflags_t scope, \
2015-07-09 07:20:15 +00:00
cloudabi_nthreads_t nwaiters); }
3 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_close( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd); }
4 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_fd_create1( \
cloudabi_filetype_t type); }
5 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_create2( \
cloudabi_filetype_t type); }
6 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_datasync( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd); }
7 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_fd_dup( \
cloudabi_fd_t from); }
8 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_fd_pread( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi64_iovec_t *iov, \
cloudabi64_size_t iovcnt, \
cloudabi_filesize_t offset); }
9 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_fd_pwrite( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi64_ciovec_t *iov, \
cloudabi64_size_t iovcnt, \
cloudabi_filesize_t offset); }
10 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_fd_read( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi64_iovec_t *iov, \
cloudabi64_size_t iovcnt); }
11 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_replace( \
cloudabi_fd_t from, \
cloudabi_fd_t to); }
12 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_filesize_t cloudabi_sys_fd_seek( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_filedelta_t offset, \
cloudabi_whence_t whence); }
13 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_get( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf); }
14 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_put( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf, \
cloudabi_fdsflags_t flags); }
15 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_fd_sync( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd); }
16 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_fd_write( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi64_ciovec_t *iov, \
cloudabi64_size_t iovcnt); }
17 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_advise( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_filesize_t offset, \
cloudabi_filesize_t len, \
cloudabi_advice_t advice); }
18 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_allocate( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_filesize_t offset, \
cloudabi_filesize_t len); }
19 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_create( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
cloudabi_filetype_t type); }
20 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_link( \
cloudabi_lookup_t fd1, \
const char *path1, size_t path1len, \
cloudabi_fd_t fd2, \
const char *path2, size_t path2len); }
21 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_file_open( \
cloudabi_lookup_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
cloudabi_oflags_t oflags, \
const cloudabi_fdstat_t *fds); }
22 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi_sys_file_readdir( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
void *buf, size_t nbyte, \
cloudabi_dircookie_t cookie); }
23 AUE_NULL STD { size_t cloudabi_sys_file_readlink( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
void *buf, size_t bufsize); }
24 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_rename( \
cloudabi_fd_t oldfd, \
const char *old, size_t oldlen, \
cloudabi_fd_t newfd, \
const char *new, size_t newlen); }
25 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fget( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_filestat_t *buf); }
26 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fput( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf, \
cloudabi_fsflags_t flags); }
27 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_get( \
cloudabi_lookup_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
cloudabi_filestat_t *buf); }
28 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_stat_put( \
cloudabi_lookup_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf, \
cloudabi_fsflags_t flags); }
29 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_symlink( \
const char *path1, size_t path1len, \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path2, size_t path2len); }
30 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_file_unlink( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen, \
cloudabi_ulflags_t flag); }
31 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_lock_unlock( \
2015-07-22 10:04:53 +00:00
cloudabi_lock_t *lock, \
2015-07-27 10:04:06 +00:00
cloudabi_mflags_t scope); }
2015-07-09 07:20:15 +00:00
32 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_advise( \
void *addr, size_t len, \
cloudabi_advice_t advice); }
33 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_lock( \
const void *addr, size_t len); }
34 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_map( \
void *addr, size_t len, \
cloudabi_mprot_t prot, \
cloudabi_mflags_t flags, \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_filesize_t off); }
35 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_protect( \
void *addr, size_t len, \
cloudabi_mprot_t prot); }
36 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_sync( \
void *addr, size_t len, \
cloudabi_msflags_t flags); }
37 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_unlock( \
const void *addr, size_t len); }
38 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_mem_unmap( \
void * addr, size_t len); }
39 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_poll( \
const cloudabi64_subscription_t *in, \
cloudabi64_event_t *out, \
2015-08-05 13:09:46 +00:00
cloudabi64_size_t nevents); }
2015-07-09 07:20:15 +00:00
40 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_exec( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, const void *data, \
size_t datalen, \
const cloudabi_fd_t *fds, \
size_t fdslen); }
41 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_exit( \
cloudabi_exitcode_t rval); }
42 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_proc_fork(); }
43 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_proc_raise( \
cloudabi_signal_t sig); }
44 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_random_get( \
void *buf, size_t nbyte); }
45 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_fd_t cloudabi_sys_sock_accept( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, \
cloudabi_sockstat_t *buf); }
46 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_bind( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen); }
47 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_connect( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const char *path, size_t pathlen); }
48 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_listen( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, \
cloudabi_backlog_t backlog); }
49 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_sock_recv( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, \
const cloudabi64_recv_in_t *in, \
cloudabi64_recv_out_t *out); }
50 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_sock_send( \
cloudabi_fd_t s, \
const cloudabi64_send_in_t *in, \
cloudabi64_send_out_t *out); }
51 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_shutdown( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_sdflags_t how); }
52 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_sock_stat_get( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
cloudabi_sockstat_t *buf, \
cloudabi_ssflags_t flags); }
53 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi_tid_t cloudabi64_sys_thread_create( \
cloudabi64_threadattr_t *attr); }
54 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_thread_exit( \
2015-07-22 10:04:53 +00:00
cloudabi_lock_t *lock, \
2015-07-27 10:04:06 +00:00
cloudabi_mflags_t scope); }
2015-07-14 15:11:50 +00:00
55 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_thread_tcb_set(void *tcb); }
2015-07-09 07:20:15 +00:00
56 AUE_NULL STD { void cloudabi_sys_thread_yield(); }
2015-08-05 13:09:46 +00:00
57 AUE_NULL STD { cloudabi64_size_t cloudabi64_sys_poll_fd( \
cloudabi_fd_t fd, \
const cloudabi64_subscription_t *in, \
cloudabi64_size_t nin, \
cloudabi64_event_t *out, \
cloudabi64_size_t nout, \
const cloudabi64_subscription_t *timeout); }