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# $Id: Makefile,v 1.464 1999/01/30 22:15:35 jkh Exp $
# make release CHROOTDIR=/some/dir BUILDNAME=somename [ RELEASETAG=tag ]
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# Where "/some/dir" is the pathname of a directory on a some
# filesystem with at least 1000MB of free space, "somename" is what
# you want the release to call itself and, optionally, which CVS "tag"
# name should be used when checking out the sources to build the release
# (default is HEAD).
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# Please note: the vn driver must also be compiled into your kernel,
# otherwise the target 'release.8' and possibly others will fail.
# Set these, release builder!
# Fixed version:
# Automatic SNAP versioning:
DATE != date +%Y%m%d
BASE = 3.0
# If this is a RELEASE, then set
# If you are using a local CVS repository with components stored in
# non-standard modules, override these on the make commandline or
# in the environment.
# Unless set elsewhere, indicate the object format we'll be using.
# Uncomment this to disable the doc.1 target. It is also an ERROR
# to set NOPORTS and not set NODOC since docs depend on ports.
# Comment the following if you want the release documentation to be
# in English only.
DOCPORTS= textproc/docproj
# Set this to wherever the distfiles required by ${DOCPORTS} live.
DISTFILES?= ${.CURDIR}/../../ports/distfiles
1998-11-03 03:31:22 +00:00
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# Things which without too much trouble can be considered variables
# BIN_DISTS are special in that they get full /etc installation sets.
COMPAT_DISTS?= compat1x compat20 compat21
OTHER_DISTS?= manpages catpages games proflibs dict info doc
CRYPTO_DISTS?= krb des
1995-03-17 04:54:13 +00:00
# Extra source tarballs; each argument is a pair of source dir and
# distribution name. The dist name should not exceed 7 characters
# (another "s" for "source" will be prepended).
EXTRA_SRC+= usr.sbin/sendmail/cf smailcf
BOOT1= etc/protocols etc/rc.conf
# mountpoint for filesystems.
MNT= /mnt
# Various floppy image parameters.
1998-10-14 10:58:12 +00:00
MFSLABEL= fd1440
1999-01-11 00:54:00 +00:00
# overrides.
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "alpha"
MFSLABEL= minimum2
FIXITLABEL= minimum2
ZIPNSPLIT= gzip --no-name -9 -c | split -b 240640 -
# Things which may get you into trouble if you change them
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
MTREEFILES= ${.CURDIR}/../etc/mtree
RD= /R/stage
FD= /R/ftp
CD= /R/cdrom
CD_DISC1= ${CD}/disc1
1997-03-12 02:31:12 +00:00
CD_DISC2= ${CD}/disc2
# Where the bootstrap ports (see DOCPORTS) get installed.
LOCALDIR= /usr/local/bin
# ${BOOTSTRAPDIR} is for those utilities that refer to the hosting
1997-05-03 12:14:21 +00:00
# environment, rather than the target environment. This is specifically
# intended for kernel-dependent utilities that are used during the build.
# ${BOOTSTRAPDIR} is actually being used by prepending it to the normal
# ${PATH}. Thus, it's also available to outside utilities like
BOOTSTRAPDIR= /bootstrap
# The mount subsystem has been changed between 2.2 and 3.0 by the
# Lite2 import.
BOOTSTRAPUTILS= /sbin/mount /sbin/umount
# 3.0 cpio tries to reference lchown(2) which is not available in 2.2
BOOTSTRAPUTILS+= /usr/bin/cpio
.if !defined(CRUNCH_TARGETS)
CRUNCH_TARGETS= boot fixit
EXTRAS= cdrom.1 ftp.1
.if !defined(NODOC)
DOCREL= doc.1
rerelease release:
.if !defined(CHROOTDIR) || !defined(BUILDNAME) || !defined(CVSROOT)
@echo "To make a release you must set CHROOTDIR, BUILDNAME and CVSROOT" && false
1995-02-26 01:35:32 +00:00
.if make(release)
.if exists(${CHROOTDIR})
# The first command will fail on a handful of files that have their schg
# flags set. But it greatly speeds up the next two commands.
-rm -rf ${CHROOTDIR}
-chflags -R noschg ${CHROOTDIR}/.
-rm -rf ${CHROOTDIR}
-mkdir -p ${CHROOTDIR}
cd ${.CURDIR}/../etc && ${MAKE} distrib-dirs DESTDIR=${CHROOTDIR}
cd ${.CURDIR}/../etc && ${MAKE} distribution DESTDIR=${CHROOTDIR}
1999-01-06 19:18:45 +00:00
[ -f /etc/resolv.conf ] && cp -p /etc/resolv.conf ${CHROOTDIR}/etc
cd ${.CURDIR}/.. && ${MAKE} installworld DESTDIR=${CHROOTDIR} NOMAN=1
for i in ${BOOTSTRAPUTILS} ; do \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
.if !defined(RELEASETAG)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr && rm -rf src && \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr && rm -rf src && \
.if defined(LOCAL_PATCHES) && exists(${LOCAL_PATCHES})
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src && patch --silent < ${LOCAL_PATCHES}
.if defined(LOCAL_SCRIPT) && exists(${LOCAL_SCRIPT})
.if !defined(NOPORTS)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr && rm -rf ports && cvs -R -d ${CVSROOT} co -P ${RELEASEPORTSMODULE} && cd ports && make readmes PORTSDIR=${CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports
.if !defined(NODOC)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr && rm -rf doc && cvs -R -d ${CVSROOT} co -P ${RELEASEDOCMODULE}
[ -d ${DISTFILES}/ ] && cp -rp ${DISTFILES} ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports/distfiles
.if make(rerelease)
.if !defined(RELEASETAG)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src && cvs -R -q update -P -d
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src && cvs -R -q update -P -d -r ${RELEASETAG}
.if !defined(NOPORTS)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/ports && cvs -R -q update -P -d
.if !defined(NODOC)
cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/doc && cvs -R -q update -P -d
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# Add version information to those things that need it.
( cd ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src/sys/conf && \
mv foo && \
sed "s/^RELEASE=.*/RELEASE=${BUILDNAME}/" foo > && rm foo )
echo OBJFORMAT=${OBJFORMAT} > ${CHROOTDIR}/etc/objformat
-test -f install.cfg && cp install.cfg ${CHROOTDIR}/usr/src/release
echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "set -ex" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "_RELTARGET=\$${1:-doRELEASE}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "export CFLAGS='-O -pipe'" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "export BUILDNAME=${BUILDNAME}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "export VNDEVICE=${VNDEVICE}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "export OBJFORMAT=${OBJFORMAT}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
.if defined(RELEASETAG)
.if defined(NOPORTS)
echo "export NOPORTS=${NOPORTS}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
.if defined(NODOC)
echo "export NODOC=${NODOC}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1997-06-24 23:08:18 +00:00
.if defined(ALLLANG)
echo "export ALLLANG=${ALLLANG}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1997-06-24 23:08:18 +00:00
.if defined(NOSRC)
echo "export NOSRC=${NOSRC}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1997-06-28 08:21:10 +00:00
.if defined(NOSHARED)
echo "export NOSHARED=${NOSHARED}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
.if defined(BOOT_CONFIG)
echo "export BOOT_CONFIG=\"${BOOT_CONFIG}\"">> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
# Don't remove this, or the build will fall over!
echo "export RELEASEDIR=/R" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "export PATH=${BOOTSTRAPDIR}:$${PATH}:${LOCALDIR}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1999-01-05 02:09:29 +00:00
echo "if [ ! -f /tmp/.world_done ]; then" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo " cd /usr/src" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
.if make(release)
1999-01-05 02:09:29 +00:00
echo " (cd etc; make distrib-dirs distribution)" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo " make world" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
.if make(rerelease)
1999-01-05 02:09:29 +00:00
echo " make all install" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1999-01-05 02:09:29 +00:00
echo " touch /tmp/.world_done" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "fi" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "cd /usr/src/release/sysinstall" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "make obj" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
1995-05-09 02:24:39 +00:00
echo "cd /usr/src/release" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "make objlink" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "make \$${_RELTARGET}" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
echo "echo make ${.TARGET} Finished" >> ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
chmod 755 ${CHROOTDIR}/mk
chroot ${CHROOTDIR} /mk
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
rm -rf boot_crunch release.[0-9]
# Clean out /R and make the directory structure.
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
-mkdir /R
-chflags -R noschg /R/.
rm -rf /R/*
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
mkdir ${RD}
mkdir ${RD}/floppies
mkdir ${RD}/trees
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
mkdir ${RD}/dists
1996-01-10 08:51:08 +00:00
mkdir ${RD}/kernels
for i in ${DISTRIBUTIONS} ; do \
mkdir ${RD}/trees/$$i && \
mkdir ${RD}/dists/$$i && \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
mtree -deU -f ${MTREEFILES}/BSD.root.dist \
-p ${RD}/trees/$$i > /dev/null && \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
mtree -deU -f ${MTREEFILES}/BSD.usr.dist \
-p ${RD}/trees/$$i/usr > /dev/null && \
mtree -deU -f ${MTREEFILES}/BSD.include.dist \
-p ${RD}/trees/$$i/usr/include > /dev/null && \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
mtree -deU -f ${MTREEFILES}/BSD.var.dist \
-p ${RD}/trees/$$i/var > /dev/null ; \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
touch release.1
# Install the system into the various distributions.
cd ${.CURDIR}/../etc && make distrib-dirs DESTDIR=${RD}/trees/bin
cd ${.CURDIR}/.. && make distribute DISTDIR=${RD}/trees
.if exists(${.CURDIR}/../kerberosIV) && !defined(NOKERBEROS)
cd ${.CURDIR}/../kerberosIV && ( \
make bootstrap &&\
make obj all help-distribute DISTDIR=${RD}/trees &&\
make kprog \
-chflags -R noschg ${RD}/trees
touch release.2
# Make and install the generic kernel(s).
.for kernel in ${KERNELS}
rm -f ${RD}/kernels/${kernel}
rm -rf ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/${kernel}
cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} doKERNEL KERNEL=${kernel}
rm -rf ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/${kernel}
ln -f ${RD}/kernels/${kernel} ${RD}/trees/bin/kernel.${kernel}
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
touch release.3
# Make and install the three crunched binaries which live on the floppies.
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# You are not supposed to like this :-)
# NB: the "RELEASE_BUILD_FIXIT" magic prevents vi from including the
# Tcl and Perl APIs. See also /usr/src/usr.bin/vi/Makefile.
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
@mkdir -p /stand
cd ${.CURDIR}/sysinstall && make obj depend all install
rm -rf ${RD}/crunch
mkdir -p ${RD}/crunch
export RELEASE_BUILD_FIXIT=noway ; \
for j in ${CRUNCH_TARGETS} ; do \
rm -rf $${j}_crunch && \
mkdir $${j}_crunch && \
( cd $${j}_crunch && \
1998-06-25 06:35:20 +00:00
crunchgen ${.CURDIR}/$${j}_crunch.conf && \
${MAKE} -DRELEASE_CRUNCH -f $${j} subclean all \
mv $${j}_crunch/$${j}_crunch ${RD}/crunch/$${j} && \
true || { rm -rf $${j}_crunch ; false ; } ; \
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
touch release.4
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Fix up the distributions. ##==--
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
# Handle some grief caused by the munition braindeadness.
for i in sbin/init bin/ed usr.sbin/ppp ; do \
( cd ${.CURDIR}/../$$i; \
make -DNOCRYPT clean all distribute DISTDIR=${RD}/trees ) ; \
# Create any "synthetic dists" now.
@for i in ${DISTRIBUTIONS}; do \
if [ -f ${.CURDIR}/scripts/$${i} ]; then \
echo -n "Running $$i dist creation script... "; \
env OBJFORMAT=${OBJFORMAT} RD=${RD} sh ${.CURDIR}/scripts/$${i} || echo "$$i distribution script returned bad status."; \
1997-06-21 15:45:51 +00:00
echo "Done."; \
fi \
done \
# Create symlinks for the MD5-based crypt lib, too. The
# automatically created links still point to the DES stuff,
# which went into its own distribution.
for i in ${RD}/trees/bin/usr/lib/libscrypt* ; do \
c=`echo $$i | sed -e 's/libscrypt/libcrypt/'` ; \
rm -f $$c ; \
ln -s `basename $$i` $$c ; \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# Remove all the directories we don't need.
-cd ${RD}/trees && \
find ${OTHER_DISTS} ${COMPAT_DISTS} ${CRYPTO_DISTS} -depth -type d -print | xargs rmdir
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
touch release.5
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Package up the tarballs from assembled trees ##==--
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
rm -rf ${RD}/dists
mkdir -p ${RD}/dists
@for i in ${DISTRIBUTIONS} ; \
do \
if [ -d ${RD}/trees/$${i} ] ; then \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) doTARBALL \
SD=${RD}/trees/$${i} \
TN=$$i TD=$$i ARG="." && \
echo "$${i} distribution is finished."; \
fi ; \
1995-05-30 08:29:07 +00:00
# More munition braindeadness.
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
( cd ${RD}/dists && \
if [ -f krb/krb.aa ] ; then mv krb/* des && rmdir krb ; fi )
touch release.6
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Make source dists ##==--
1997-06-24 23:08:18 +00:00
.if !defined(NOSRC)
@cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) doTARBALL SD=/usr/src \
TD=src TN=sbase ARG="[A-Z]*"
@for i in `cd /usr/src && echo [a-z]*` ; do \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
if [ -d /usr/src/$$i ] ; then \
cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) doTARBALL \
TN=`echo s$$i | tr -d '.' | sed 's/usr/u/'` \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
SD=/usr/src TD=src ARG="$$i" ; \
fi ; \
.if defined(EXTRA_SRC)
@set ${EXTRA_SRC} && \
while [ $$# -ge 2 ] ; do \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
if [ -d /usr/src/$$1 ] ; then \
cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) doTARBALL \
SD=/usr/src TN="s$$2" TD=src ARG="$$1" ; \
fi && shift && shift ; \
( cd ${RD}/dists/src && \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
if [ -f ssecure.aa ] ; then mv ssecure.* ../des ; fi && \
if [ -f scrypto.aa ] ; then mv scrypto.* ../des ; fi && \
if [ -f skerbero.aa ] ; then mv skerbero.* ../des ; fi ; )
@echo "src distribution is finished."
1997-06-24 23:08:18 +00:00
touch release.7
1995-05-30 08:29:07 +00:00
# Complete the bootfd
# Now, just to get this picture down once and for all:
# +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# |boot.flp |
# +-----+-----+------------------------------------------------------------+
# |boot1|boot2|floppy filesystem "bootfd" |
# +-----+-----+-+--------------------------------------------------------+-+
# |kernel |
# +------------+-----------------------------------------+-+
# |mfs filesystem "mfsfd" |
# +-----------------------------------------+
Multiple changes stacked as one commit since they all depend on one another. First, change sysinstall and the Makefile rules to not build the kernel nlist directly into sysinstall now. Instead, spit it out as an ascii file in /stand and parse it from sysinstall later. This solves the chicken-n- egg problem of building sysinstall into the fsimage before BOOTMFS is built and can have its symbols extracted. Now we generate the symbol file in release.8. Second, add Poul-Henning's USERCONFIG_BOOT changes. These have two effects: 1. Userconfig is always entered, rather than only after a -c (don't scream yet, it's not as bad as it sounds). 2. Userconfig reads a message string which can optionally be written just past the boot blocks. This string "preloads" the userconfig input buffer and is parsed as user input. If the first command is not "USERCONFIG", userconfig will treat this as an implied "quit" (which is why you don't need to scream - you never even know you went through userconfig and back out again if you don't specifically ask for it), otherwise it will read and execute the following commands until a "quit" is seen or the end is reached, in which case the normal userconfig command prompt will then be presented. How to create your own startup sequences, using any boot.flp image from the next snap forward (not yet, but soon): % dd of=/dev/rfd0 seek=1 bs=512 count=1 conv=sync <<WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO USERCONFIG irq ed0 10 iomem ed0 0xcc000 disable ed1 quit WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO Third, add an intro screen to UserConfig so that users aren't just thrown into this strange screen if userconfig is auto-launched. The default boot.flp startup sequence is now, in fact, this: USERCONFIG intro visual (Since visual never returns, we don't need a following "quit"). Submitted-By: phk & jkh
1996-10-05 10:44:07 +00:00
release.8: write_mfs_in_kernel dumpnlist
rm -rf ${RD}/mfsfd
mkdir ${RD}/mfsfd
cd ${RD}/mfsfd && \
mkdir -p etc dev mnt stand/help
@cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) installCRUNCH CRUNCH=boot \
DIR=${RD}/mfsfd/stand ZIP=false
( cd ${RD}/trees/bin/dev && \
1998-03-06 23:03:49 +00:00
ls console tty ttyv0 ttyv1 ttyv2 ttyv3 null zero | \
cpio -dump ${RD}/mfsfd/dev )
1996-12-14 23:14:39 +00:00
( cd ${RD}/mfsfd/dev && rm -f *[swo]d*[bdefgh] )
cd ${RD}/trees/bin && ls ${BOOT1} | cpio -dump ${RD}/mfsfd/stand
1995-06-11 19:33:05 +00:00
echo "nameserver 42/tcp name" > ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/etc/services
echo "ftp 21/tcp" >> ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/etc/services
echo "domain 53/tcp nameserver" >> ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/etc/services
echo "domain 53/udp nameserver" >> ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/etc/services
echo "cmd 514/tcp shell" >> ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/etc/services
gzip -9c ${.CURDIR}/../COPYRIGHT > ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/help/COPYRIGHT.hlp.gz
gzip -9c ${.CURDIR}/texts/$${i} > ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/help/$${i}.gz; done
1998-11-06 17:29:08 +00:00
-test -f ${.CURDIR}/install.cfg && cp ${.CURDIR}/install.cfg ${RD}/mfsfd
@mkdir -p ${RD}/mfsfd/boot
@cp /boot/boot* ${RD}/mfsfd/boot
1996-07-05 08:53:54 +00:00
@echo "Making the regular boot floppy."
@tar --exclude CVS -cf - -C ${.CURDIR}/sysinstall help | \
tar xf - -C ${RD}/mfsfd/stand
1996-07-05 08:53:54 +00:00
@echo "Compressing doc files..."
1999-01-05 02:35:38 +00:00
@gzip -9 ${RD}/mfsfd/stand/help/*.hlp
sh -e ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ -s mfsroot ${RD} ${MNT} \
@gzip -9vc mfsroot > mfsroot.gz
@sh -e ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/floppies/mfsroot.flp \
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} doMFSKERN FSIMAGE=kern
@rm mfsroot mfsroot.gz mfsroot.size
@echo "Regular and MFS boot floppies made."
touch release.8
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Create a fixit floppy ##==--
@echo "Making fixit floppy."
@rm -rf ${RD}/fixitfd
@mkdir ${RD}/fixitfd
@cd ${RD}/fixitfd && \
mkdir -p dev stand bin sbin etc mnt mnt1 mnt2 mnt3 mnt4 tmp \
@cd ${.CURDIR} && $(MAKE) installCRUNCH CRUNCH=fixit \
DIR=${RD}/fixitfd/stand ZIP=false
@( cd ${RD}/fixitfd/dev && \
sed -e '/^PATH/s/^/#/' ${RD}/trees/bin/dev/MAKEDEV > MAKEDEV && \
chmod 755 MAKEDEV && \
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
sh MAKEDEV all )
@cp ${RD}/trees/bin/etc/spwd.db ${RD}/trees/bin/etc/group \
${RD}/trees/bin/etc/protocols ${RD}/fixitfd/etc
@cp ${RD}/trees/bin/usr/share/misc/scsi_modes \
@cp ${.CURDIR}/fixit.profile ${RD}/fixitfd/.profile
@cp ${.CURDIR}/ ${RD}/fixitfd/etc/services
@cp ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/fixitfd/stand/tar
@chmod 555 ${RD}/fixitfd/stand/tar
@sh -e ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/floppies/fixit.flp ${RD} \
# Do our last minute floppies directory setup in a convenient place.
@cp ${.CURDIR}/texts/FLOPPIES.TXT ${RD}/floppies/README.TXT
@(cd ${RD}/floppies; md5 * > CHECKSUM.MD5)
touch release.9
1995-03-13 20:09:38 +00:00
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Setup a suitable ftp-area ##==--
@echo "Setting up FTP distribution area"
@mkdir -p ${FD}
@cd ${RD} && find floppies -print | cpio -dumpl ${FD}
@cd ${RD}/dists && find . -print | cpio -dumpl ${FD}
@for i in ${DIST_DOCS}; do cp ${.CURDIR}/texts/$${i} ${FD}; done
@echo "CD_VERSION = ${BUILDNAME}" > ${FD}/cdrom.inf
.if !defined(NOPORTS)
@tar -cBf - -C ${CD_DISC1} ports | tar -xBf - -C ${FD}
1995-03-13 20:09:38 +00:00
1996-01-11 20:28:40 +00:00
# --==## Setup a suitable cdrom-area ##==--
@echo "Setting up CDROM distribution area"
@mkdir -p ${CD_DISC1} ${CD_DISC2}
@cd ${RD} && find floppies -print | cpio -dumpl ${CD_DISC1}
@cd ${RD}/dists && find . -print | cpio -dumpl ${CD_DISC1}
@ln -f ${RD}/kernels/MFSKERNEL.boot ${CD_DISC1}/kernel
@for i in ${DISTRIBUTIONS} ; \
do \
if [ -d ${RD}/trees/$${i} ] ; then \
chflags -R noschg ${RD}/trees/$${i} ; \
( cd ${RD}/trees/$${i} && \
1997-03-12 02:31:12 +00:00
find . -depth -print | cpio -dumpl ${CD_DISC2} ) ; \
fi \
@rm -f ${CD_DISC2}/.profile
@cp ${.CURDIR}/fixit.profile ${CD_DISC2}/.profile
@echo "CD_VERSION = ${BUILDNAME}" > ${CD_DISC1}/cdrom.inf
@echo "CD_VERSION = ${BUILDNAME}" > ${CD_DISC2}/cdrom.inf
@for i in ${DIST_DOCS}; do cp ${.CURDIR}/texts/$${i} ${CD_DISC1}; done
.if !defined(NOPORTS)
@-rm -rf /usr/ports/distfiles/*
@mkdir -p ${CD_DISC1}/ports && \
tar -czf ${CD_DISC1}/ports/ports.tgz -C /usr ports && \
cp ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${CD_DISC1}/ports/ \
&& (cd ${CD_DISC1}/ports; md5 * > CHECKSUM.MD5)
@echo "Making docs..."
@for i in ${DOCPORTS}; do \
cd /usr/ports/$$i && make all install clean JADETEX=no FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes; \
@cd /usr/doc && make all distribute DISTDIR=${RD}/trees
touch doc.1
1995-02-26 01:35:32 +00:00
# Various "subroutine" and other supporting targets.
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
.if !defined(SD)
@echo "SD undefined in doTARBALL" && exit 1
1995-05-30 08:29:07 +00:00
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
.if !defined(TD)
@echo "TB undefined in doTARBALL" && exit 1
1995-05-30 08:29:07 +00:00
1995-02-25 22:08:48 +00:00
.if !defined(ARG)
@echo "ARG undefined in doTARBALL" && exit 1
1995-05-30 08:29:07 +00:00
@rm -rf ${RD}/dists/${TD}/${TN}*
@mkdir -p ${RD}/dists/${TD}
@( cd ${SD} && \
tn=`echo ${TN} | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | cut -c1-8` && \
echo rolling ${TD}/$$tn tarball &&\
tar --exclude CVS --exclude obj --exclude BOOTMFS -cf - ${ARG} | \
${ZIPNSPLIT} ${RD}/dists/${TD}/$$tn. && \
sh ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/dists/${TD}/$$tn > \
${RD}/dists/${TD}/$$tn.inf && \
if [ -f ${.CURDIR}/scripts/$${TD} ]; then \
cp -p ${.CURDIR}/scripts/$${TD} ${RD}/dists/${TD}/; \
fi && \
1997-01-01 03:16:34 +00:00
if [ "${SD}" != "/usr/src" ]; then \
mtree -c -i -p ${SD}/${ARG} \
-k gname,md5digest,mode,nlink,uname,size,link,type \
1997-01-01 03:16:34 +00:00
> ${RD}/dists/${TD}/$$tn.mtree ; \
else \
true; \
fi; \
(cd ${RD}/dists/${TD}; \
rm -f CHECKSUM.MD5; \
md5 * > CHECKSUM.MD5) \
1995-02-26 01:35:32 +00:00
doRELEASE: release.1 release.2 ${DOCREL} release.3 release.4 release.5 \
release.6 release.7 release.8 release.9
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} ${EXTRAS}
1995-02-26 01:35:32 +00:00
@echo "Release done"
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} boot.flp
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} fixit.flp
@cd ${RD} && find floppies -print | cpio -dumpl ${FD}
@rm -f release.4 release.8
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} release.4 release.8 CRUNCH_TARGETS=boot
@rm -f release.4 release.9
@cd ${.CURDIR} && ${MAKE} release.4 release.9 CRUNCH_TARGETS=fixit
write_mfs_in_kernel: ${.CURDIR}/write_mfs_in_kernel.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o write_mfs_in_kernel ${.CURDIR}/write_mfs_in_kernel.c
# Add -DDO_SCSI to CFLAGS to enable scsi frobbing support.
Multiple changes stacked as one commit since they all depend on one another. First, change sysinstall and the Makefile rules to not build the kernel nlist directly into sysinstall now. Instead, spit it out as an ascii file in /stand and parse it from sysinstall later. This solves the chicken-n- egg problem of building sysinstall into the fsimage before BOOTMFS is built and can have its symbols extracted. Now we generate the symbol file in release.8. Second, add Poul-Henning's USERCONFIG_BOOT changes. These have two effects: 1. Userconfig is always entered, rather than only after a -c (don't scream yet, it's not as bad as it sounds). 2. Userconfig reads a message string which can optionally be written just past the boot blocks. This string "preloads" the userconfig input buffer and is parsed as user input. If the first command is not "USERCONFIG", userconfig will treat this as an implied "quit" (which is why you don't need to scream - you never even know you went through userconfig and back out again if you don't specifically ask for it), otherwise it will read and execute the following commands until a "quit" is seen or the end is reached, in which case the normal userconfig command prompt will then be presented. How to create your own startup sequences, using any boot.flp image from the next snap forward (not yet, but soon): % dd of=/dev/rfd0 seek=1 bs=512 count=1 conv=sync <<WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO USERCONFIG irq ed0 10 iomem ed0 0xcc000 disable ed1 quit WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO Third, add an intro screen to UserConfig so that users aren't just thrown into this strange screen if userconfig is auto-launched. The default boot.flp startup sequence is now, in fact, this: USERCONFIG intro visual (Since visual never returns, we don't need a following "quit"). Submitted-By: phk & jkh
1996-10-05 10:44:07 +00:00
dumpnlist: ${.CURDIR}/dumpnlist.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o dumpnlist ${.CURDIR}/dumpnlist.c
.if !defined(CRUNCH)
@echo "CRUNCH undefined in installCRUNCH" && exit 1
.if !defined(DIR)
@echo "DIR undefined in installCRUNCH" && exit 1
.if !defined(ZIP)
@echo "ZIP undefined in installCRUNCH" && exit 1
@if ${ZIP} ; then \
gzip -9 < ${RD}/crunch/${CRUNCH} > ${DIR}/${CRUNCH}_crunch ; \
else \
ln -f ${RD}/crunch/${CRUNCH} ${DIR}/${CRUNCH}_crunch ; \
@chmod 555 ${DIR}/${CRUNCH}_crunch
@for i in `crunchgen -l ${.CURDIR}/${CRUNCH}_crunch.conf` ; do \
ln -f ${DIR}/${CRUNCH}_crunch ${DIR}/$$i ; \
# --==## Compile a kernel by name ${KERNEL} ##==--
# We don't erase the sys/compile/${KERNEL} directory, since somebody
# may want to reuse it (release.8 presently)
@rm -f ${RD}/kernels/${KERNEL}
@cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/conf && config ${KERNEL}
@cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/compile/${KERNEL} && \
make depend && \
make kernel && \
cp kernel ${RD}/kernels/${KERNEL}
# --==## Put a filesystem into a BOOTMFS kernel ##==--
@echo "Running doMFSKERN for ${FSIMAGE}"
Multiple changes stacked as one commit since they all depend on one another. First, change sysinstall and the Makefile rules to not build the kernel nlist directly into sysinstall now. Instead, spit it out as an ascii file in /stand and parse it from sysinstall later. This solves the chicken-n- egg problem of building sysinstall into the fsimage before BOOTMFS is built and can have its symbols extracted. Now we generate the symbol file in release.8. Second, add Poul-Henning's USERCONFIG_BOOT changes. These have two effects: 1. Userconfig is always entered, rather than only after a -c (don't scream yet, it's not as bad as it sounds). 2. Userconfig reads a message string which can optionally be written just past the boot blocks. This string "preloads" the userconfig input buffer and is parsed as user input. If the first command is not "USERCONFIG", userconfig will treat this as an implied "quit" (which is why you don't need to scream - you never even know you went through userconfig and back out again if you don't specifically ask for it), otherwise it will read and execute the following commands until a "quit" is seen or the end is reached, in which case the normal userconfig command prompt will then be presented. How to create your own startup sequences, using any boot.flp image from the next snap forward (not yet, but soon): % dd of=/dev/rfd0 seek=1 bs=512 count=1 conv=sync <<WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO USERCONFIG irq ed0 10 iomem ed0 0xcc000 disable ed1 quit WAKKA_WAKKA_DOO Third, add an intro screen to UserConfig so that users aren't just thrown into this strange screen if userconfig is auto-launched. The default boot.flp startup sequence is now, in fact, this: USERCONFIG intro visual (Since visual never returns, we don't need a following "quit"). Submitted-By: phk & jkh
1996-10-05 10:44:07 +00:00
@rm -f ${RD}/kernels/BOOTMFS.${FSIMAGE}
@cd ${.CURDIR}/../sys/${MACHINE_ARCH}/conf && \
sh ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${_MFSKERN} < GENERIC > BOOTMFS
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "i386"
1998-11-03 21:09:11 +00:00
@echo "options INTRO_USERCONFIG" >> ${.CURDIR}/../sys/i386/conf/BOOTMFS
.if defined(_MFSKERN)
@echo "options \"MFS_ROOT_SIZE=`cat mfsroot.size`\"" >> \
1998-10-13 21:36:13 +00:00
@rm -rf ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}
@mkdir ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}
@cp ${RD}/kernels/BOOTMFS ${RD}/kernels/BOOTMFS.${FSIMAGE}
mv ${RD}/kernels/BOOTMFS ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/kernel
@echo "Setting up /boot directory for ${FSIMAGE} floppy"
@mkdir -p ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot
@cp /boot/boot1 /boot/boot2 /boot/loader ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot
.if !defined(_MFSKERN) || ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "alpha"
1999-01-13 21:56:58 +00:00
@echo "@load /kernel" > ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@echo "@echo Please insert MFS root floppy and press enter:" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@echo "@read" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@echo "@load -t mfs_root /mfsroot" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@echo "@boot" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
@touch ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.config
.if defined(_MFSKERN)
@echo "Writing MFS image into kernel for ${FSIMAGE} floppy"
@./write_mfs_in_kernel ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/kernel mfsroot
@cp ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/kernel ${RD}/kernels/MFSKERNEL.${FSIMAGE}
@gzip -9v ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/kernel
@touch ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/kernel.config
@rm -f ${RD}/floppies/${FSIMAGE}.flp
.if defined(_MFSKERN)
sh -e ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/floppies/${FSIMAGE}.flp \
${RD} ${MNT} ${MFSSIZE} ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE} \
sh -e ${.CURDIR}/scripts/ ${RD}/floppies/${FSIMAGE}.flp \
${RD} ${MNT} ${BOOTSIZE} ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE} \
@echo "Created ${RD}/floppies/${FSIMAGE}.flp"
1995-02-28 01:15:52 +00:00
.include <>