497 lines
19 KiB
497 lines
19 KiB
# Functionality covered: this file contains a collection of tests for the
# procedures in tclObj.c that implement Tcl's basic type support and the
# type managers for the types boolean, double, and integer.
# Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for
# errors. No output means no errors were found.
# Copyright (c) 1995-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) obj.test 1.10 97/05/19 14:38:29
if {[info commands testobj] == {}} {
puts "This application hasn't been compiled with the \"testobj\""
puts "command, so I can't test the Tcl type and object support."
if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source defs}
test obj-1.1 {Tcl_AppendAllObjTypes, and InitTypeTable, Tcl_RegisterObjType} {
set r 1
foreach {t} {list boolean cmdName bytecode string int double} {
set first [string first $t [testobj types]]
set r [expr {$r && ($first != -1)}]
set result $r
} {1}
test obj-2.1 {Tcl_GetObjType error} {
list [testintobj set 1 0] [catch {testobj convert 1 foo} msg] $msg
} {0 1 {no type foo found}}
test obj-2.2 {Tcl_GetObjType and Tcl_ConvertToType} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 12]
lappend result [testobj convert 1 double]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 12 12 double 3}
test obj-3.1 {Tcl_ConvertToType error} {
list [testdoubleobj set 1 12.34] [catch {testobj convert 1 int} msg] $msg
} {12.34 1 {expected integer but got "12.34"}}
test obj-3.2 {Tcl_ConvertToType error, "empty string" object} {
list [testobj newobj 1] [catch {testobj convert 1 int} msg] $msg
} {{} 1 {expected integer but got ""}}
test obj-4.1 {Tcl_NewObj and AllocateFreeObjects} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} string 2}
test obj-5.1 {Tcl_FreeObj} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 12345]
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [catch {testintobj get 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {12345 {} 1 {variable 1 is unset (NULL)}}
test obj-6.1 {Tcl_DuplicateObj, object has internal rep} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 47]
lappend result [testobj duplicate 1 2]
lappend result [testintobj get 2]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 2]
} {{} 47 47 47 2 3}
test obj-6.2 {Tcl_DuplicateObj, "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testobj duplicate 1 2]
lappend result [testintobj get 2]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 2]
} {{} {} {} {} 2 3}
test obj-7.1 {Tcl_GetStringFromObj, return existing string rep} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 47]
lappend result [testintobj get 1]
} {47 47}
test obj-7.2 {Tcl_GetStringFromObj, "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [teststringobj append 1 abc -1]
lappend result [teststringobj get 1]
} {{} abc abc}
test obj-7.3 {Tcl_GetStringFromObj, returns string internal rep (DString)} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 xyz]
lappend result [teststringobj append 1 abc -1]
lappend result [teststringobj get 1]
} {xyz xyzabc xyzabc}
test obj-7.4 {Tcl_GetStringFromObj, recompute string rep from internal rep} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 77]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1]
lappend result [teststringobj get 1]
} {77 770 770}
test obj-8.1 {Tcl_NewBooleanObj} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 0]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 0 boolean 2}
test obj-9.1 {Tcl_SetBooleanObj, existing "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 0] ;# makes existing obj boolean
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} 0 boolean 2}
test obj-9.2 {Tcl_SetBooleanObj, existing non-"empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 98765]
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 1] ;# makes existing obj boolean
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 98765 1 boolean 2}
test obj-10.1 {Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj, existing boolean object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 1]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1] ;# gets existing boolean rep
} {1 0}
test obj-10.2 {Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj, convert to boolean} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 47]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1] ;# must convert to bool
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {47 0 boolean}
test obj-10.3 {Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj, error converting to boolean} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testbooleanobj not 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected boolean value but got "abc"}}
test obj-10.4 {Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testbooleanobj not 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected boolean value but got ""}}
test obj-11.1 {DupBooleanInternalRep} {
set result ""
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 1]
lappend result [testobj duplicate 1 2] ;# uses DupBooleanInternalRep
lappend result [testbooleanobj get 2]
} {1 1 1}
test obj-12.1 {SetBooleanFromAny, int to boolean special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 1234]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1] ;# converts with SetBooleanFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {1234 0 boolean}
test obj-12.2 {SetBooleanFromAny, double to boolean special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 3.14159]]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1] ;# converts with SetBooleanFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {3.14159 0 boolean}
test obj-12.3 {SetBooleanFromAny, special case strings representing booleans} {
set result ""
foreach s {yes no true false on off} {
teststringobj set 1 $s
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {0 1 0 1 0 1 boolean}
test obj-12.4 {SetBooleanFromAny, recompute string rep then parse it} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 456]
lappend result [testintobj div10 1]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1] ;# converts with SetBooleanFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {456 45 0 boolean}
test obj-12.5 {SetBooleanFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testbooleanobj not 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected boolean value but got "abc"}}
test obj-12.6 {SetBooleanFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 x1.0]
lappend result [catch {testbooleanobj not 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {x1.0 1 {expected boolean value but got "x1.0"}}
test obj-12.7 {SetBooleanFromAny, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testbooleanobj not 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected boolean value but got ""}}
test obj-13.1 {UpdateStringOfBoolean} {
set result ""
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 0]
lappend result [testbooleanobj not 1]
lappend result [testbooleanobj get 1] ;# must update string rep
} {0 1 1}
test obj-14.1 {Tcl_NewDoubleObj} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 3.1459]]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 3.1459 double 1}
test obj-15.1 {Tcl_SetDoubleObj, existing "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testdoubleobj set 1 0.123] ;# makes existing obj boolean
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} 0.123 double 2}
test obj-15.2 {Tcl_SetDoubleObj, existing non-"empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 98765]
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 27.56]] ;# makes existing obj double
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 98765 27.56 double 1}
test obj-16.1 {Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj, existing double object} {
set result ""
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 16.1]]
lappend result [testdoubleobj mult10 1] ;# gets existing double rep
} {16.1 161.0}
test obj-16.2 {Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj, convert to double} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 477]
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj div10 1]] ;# must convert to bool
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {477 47.7 double}
test obj-16.3 {Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj, error converting to double} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testdoubleobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected floating-point number but got "abc"}}
test obj-16.4 {Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testdoubleobj div10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected floating-point number but got ""}}
test obj-17.1 {DupDoubleInternalRep} {
set result ""
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 17.1]]
lappend result [format %.6g [testobj duplicate 1 2]] ;# uses DupDoubleInternalRep
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj get 2]]
} {17.1 17.1 17.1}
test obj-18.1 {SetDoubleFromAny, int to double special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 1234]
lappend result [testdoubleobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetDoubleFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {1234 12340.0 double}
test obj-18.2 {SetDoubleFromAny, boolean to double special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 1]
lappend result [testdoubleobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetDoubleFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {1 10.0 double}
test obj-18.3 {SetDoubleFromAny, recompute string rep then parse it} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 456]
lappend result [testintobj div10 1]
lappend result [testdoubleobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetDoubleFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {456 45 450.0 double}
test obj-18.4 {SetDoubleFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testdoubleobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected floating-point number but got "abc"}}
test obj-18.5 {SetDoubleFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 x1.0]
lappend result [catch {testdoubleobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {x1.0 1 {expected floating-point number but got "x1.0"}}
test obj-18.6 {SetDoubleFromAny, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testdoubleobj div10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected floating-point number but got ""}}
test obj-19.1 {UpdateStringOfDouble} {
set result ""
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj set 1 3.14159]]
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj mult10 1]]
lappend result [format %.6g [testdoubleobj get 1]] ;# must update string rep
} {3.14159 31.4159 31.4159}
test obj-20.1 {Tcl_NewIntObj} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 55]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 55 int 2}
test obj-21.1 {Tcl_SetIntObj, existing "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 77] ;# makes existing obj int
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} 77 int 2}
test obj-21.2 {Tcl_SetIntObj, existing non-"empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testdoubleobj set 1 12.34]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 77] ;# makes existing obj int
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 12.34 77 int 2}
test obj-22.1 {Tcl_GetIntFromObj, existing int object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 22]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1] ;# gets existing int rep
} {22 220}
test obj-22.2 {Tcl_GetIntFromObj, convert to int} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 477]
lappend result [testintobj div10 1] ;# must convert to bool
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {477 47 int}
test obj-22.3 {Tcl_GetIntFromObj, error converting to int} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testintobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected integer but got "abc"}}
test obj-22.4 {Tcl_GetIntFromObj, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testintobj div10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected integer but got ""}}
test obj-22.5 {Tcl_GetIntFromObj, integer too large to represent as non-long error} {nonPortable} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testintobj inttoobigtest 1]
} {{} 1}
test obj-23.1 {DupIntInternalRep} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 23]
lappend result [testobj duplicate 1 2] ;# uses DupIntInternalRep
lappend result [testintobj get 2]
} {23 23 23}
test obj-24.1 {SetIntFromAny, int to int special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 1234]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetIntFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {1234 12340 int}
test obj-24.2 {SetIntFromAny, boolean to int special case} {
set result ""
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 1 1]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetIntFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {1 10 int}
test obj-24.3 {SetIntFromAny, recompute string rep then parse it} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 456]
lappend result [testintobj div10 1]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1] ;# converts with SetIntFromAny
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {456 45 450 int}
test obj-24.4 {SetIntFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testintobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected integer but got "abc"}}
test obj-24.5 {SetIntFromAny, error parsing string} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 x17]
lappend result [catch {testintobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {x17 1 {expected integer but got "x17"}}
test obj-24.6 {SetIntFromAny, integer too large} {nonPortable} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 12345678901234567890]
lappend result [catch {testintobj mult10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {12345678901234567890 1 {integer value too large to represent}}
test obj-24.7 {SetIntFromAny, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testintobj div10 1} msg]
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected integer but got ""}}
test obj-25.1 {UpdateStringOfInt} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj set 1 512]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1]
lappend result [testintobj get 1] ;# must update string rep
} {512 5120 5120}
test obj-26.1 {Tcl_NewLongObj} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
testintobj setmaxlong 1
lappend result [testintobj ismaxlong 1]
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 1 int 1}
test obj-27.1 {Tcl_SetLongObj, existing "empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [testintobj setlong 1 77] ;# makes existing obj long int
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} {} 77 int 2}
test obj-27.2 {Tcl_SetLongObj, existing non-"empty string" object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testdoubleobj set 1 12.34]
lappend result [testintobj setlong 1 77] ;# makes existing obj long int
lappend result [testobj type 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
} {{} 12.34 77 int 2}
test obj-28.1 {Tcl_GetLongFromObj, existing long integer object} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj setlong 1 22]
lappend result [testintobj mult10 1] ;# gets existing long int rep
} {22 220}
test obj-28.2 {Tcl_GetLongFromObj, convert to long} {
set result ""
lappend result [testintobj setlong 1 477]
lappend result [testintobj div10 1] ;# must convert to bool
lappend result [testobj type 1]
} {477 47 int}
test obj-28.3 {Tcl_GetLongFromObj, error converting to long integer} {
set result ""
lappend result [teststringobj set 1 abc]
lappend result [catch {testintobj ismaxlong 1} msg] ;# cvts to long int
lappend result $msg
} {abc 1 {expected integer but got "abc"}}
test obj-28.4 {Tcl_GetLongFromObj, error converting from "empty string"} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj newobj 1]
lappend result [catch {testintobj ismaxlong 1} msg] ;# cvts to long int
lappend result $msg
} {{} 1 {expected integer but got ""}}
test obj-29.1 {Ref counting and object deletion, simple types} {
set result ""
lappend result [testobj freeallvars]
lappend result [testintobj set 1 1024]
lappend result [testobj assign 1 2] ;# vars 1 and 2 share the int obj
lappend result [testobj type 2]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 2]
lappend result [testbooleanobj set 2 0] ;# must copy on write, now 2 objs
lappend result [testobj type 2]
lappend result [testobj refcount 1]
lappend result [testobj refcount 2]
} {{} 1024 1024 int 4 4 0 boolean 3 2}
testobj freeallvars