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* EDIT THIS FILE WITH CAUTION (ntpdsim-opts.c)
* It has been AutoGen-ed Sunday August 17, 2008 at 05:20:14 AM EDT
* From the definitions ntpdsim-opts.def
* and the template file options
* Generated from AutoOpts 29:0:4 templates.
* This file was produced by an AutoOpts template. AutoOpts is a
* copyrighted work. This source file is not encumbered by AutoOpts
* licensing, but is provided under the licensing terms chosen by the
* ntpdsim author or copyright holder. AutoOpts is licensed under
* the terms of the LGPL. The redistributable library (``libopts'') is
* licensed under the terms of either the LGPL or, at the users discretion,
* the BSD license. See the AutoOpts and/or libopts sources for details.
* This source file is copyrighted and licensed under the following terms:
* ntpdsim copyright 1970-2008 David L. Mills and/or others - all rights reserved
* see html/copyright.html
#include <limits.h>
#include "ntpdsim-opts.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
tSCC zCopyright[] =
"ntpdsim copyright (c) 1970-2008 David L. Mills and/or others, all rights reserved";
tSCC zCopyrightNotice[] =
/* extracted from ../include/copyright.def near line 8 */
"see html/copyright.html";
extern tUsageProc optionUsage;
* global included definitions
#ifdef __windows
extern int atoi(const char*);
# include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef NULL
# define NULL 0
# define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
# define EXIT_FAILURE 1
* Ipv4 option description:
tSCC zIpv4Text[] =
"Force IPv4 DNS name resolution";
tSCC zIpv4_NAME[] = "IPV4";
tSCC zIpv4_Name[] = "ipv4";
* Ipv6 option description:
tSCC zIpv6Text[] =
"Force IPv6 DNS name resolution";
tSCC zIpv6_NAME[] = "IPV6";
tSCC zIpv6_Name[] = "ipv6";
* Authreq option description with
* "Must also have options" and "Incompatible options":
tSCC zAuthreqText[] =
"Require crypto authentication";
tSCC zAuthreq_NAME[] = "AUTHREQ";
tSCC zAuthreq_Name[] = "authreq";
static const int
aAuthreqCantList[] = {
* Authnoreq option description with
* "Must also have options" and "Incompatible options":
tSCC zAuthnoreqText[] =
"Do not require crypto authentication";
tSCC zAuthnoreq_NAME[] = "AUTHNOREQ";
tSCC zAuthnoreq_Name[] = "authnoreq";
static const int
aAuthnoreqCantList[] = {
* Bcastsync option description:
tSCC zBcastsyncText[] =
"Allow us to sync to broadcast servers";
tSCC zBcastsync_NAME[] = "BCASTSYNC";
tSCC zBcastsync_Name[] = "bcastsync";
* Simbroadcastdelay option description:
tSCC zSimbroadcastdelayText[] =
"Simulator broadcast delay";
tSCC zSimbroadcastdelay_NAME[] = "SIMBROADCASTDELAY";
tSCC zSimbroadcastdelay_Name[] = "simbroadcastdelay";
* Configfile option description:
tSCC zConfigfileText[] =
"configuration file name";
tSCC zConfigfile_NAME[] = "CONFIGFILE";
tSCC zConfigfile_Name[] = "configfile";
* Phasenoise option description:
tSCC zPhasenoiseText[] =
"Phase noise level";
tSCC zPhasenoise_NAME[] = "PHASENOISE";
tSCC zPhasenoise_Name[] = "phasenoise";
* Debug_Level option description:
#ifdef DEBUG
tSCC zDebug_LevelText[] =
"Increase output debug message level";
tSCC zDebug_Level_NAME[] = "DEBUG_LEVEL";
tSCC zDebug_Level_Name[] = "debug-level";
#else /* disable Debug_Level */
#define zDebug_LevelText NULL
#define zDebug_Level_NAME NULL
#define zDebug_Level_Name NULL
#endif /* DEBUG */
* Set_Debug_Level option description:
#ifdef DEBUG
tSCC zSet_Debug_LevelText[] =
"Set the output debug message level";
tSCC zSet_Debug_Level_NAME[] = "SET_DEBUG_LEVEL";
tSCC zSet_Debug_Level_Name[] = "set-debug-level";
#else /* disable Set_Debug_Level */
#define zSet_Debug_LevelText NULL
#define zSet_Debug_Level_NAME NULL
#define zSet_Debug_Level_Name NULL
#endif /* DEBUG */
* Driftfile option description:
tSCC zDriftfileText[] =
"frequency drift file name";
tSCC zDriftfile_NAME[] = "DRIFTFILE";
tSCC zDriftfile_Name[] = "driftfile";
* Panicgate option description:
tSCC zPanicgateText[] =
"Allow the first adjustment to be Big";
tSCC zPanicgate_NAME[] = "PANICGATE";
tSCC zPanicgate_Name[] = "panicgate";
* Simslew option description:
tSCC zSimslewText[] =
"Simuator slew";
tSCC zSimslew_NAME[] = "SIMSLEW";
tSCC zSimslew_Name[] = "simslew";
* Jaildir option description:
tSCC zJaildirText[] =
"Jail directory";
tSCC zJaildir_NAME[] = "JAILDIR";
tSCC zJaildir_Name[] = "jaildir";
* Interface option description:
tSCC zInterfaceText[] =
"Listen on interface";
tSCC zInterface_NAME[] = "INTERFACE";
tSCC zInterface_Name[] = "interface";
* Keyfile option description:
tSCC zKeyfileText[] =
"path to symmetric keys";
tSCC zKeyfile_NAME[] = "KEYFILE";
tSCC zKeyfile_Name[] = "keyfile";
* Logfile option description:
tSCC zLogfileText[] =
"path to the log file";
tSCC zLogfile_NAME[] = "LOGFILE";
tSCC zLogfile_Name[] = "logfile";
* Novirtualips option description:
tSCC zNovirtualipsText[] =
"Do not listen to virtual IPs";
tSCC zNovirtualips_NAME[] = "NOVIRTUALIPS";
tSCC zNovirtualips_Name[] = "novirtualips";
* Modifymmtimer option description:
#ifdef SYS_WINNT
tSCC zModifymmtimerText[] =
"Modify Multimedia Timer (Windows only)";
tSCC zModifymmtimer_NAME[] = "MODIFYMMTIMER";
tSCC zModifymmtimer_Name[] = "modifymmtimer";
#else /* disable Modifymmtimer */
#define zModifymmtimerText NULL
#define zModifymmtimer_NAME NULL
#define zModifymmtimer_Name NULL
#endif /* SYS_WINNT */
* Nofork option description:
tSCC zNoforkText[] =
"Do not fork";
tSCC zNofork_NAME[] = "NOFORK";
tSCC zNofork_Name[] = "nofork";
* Nice option description:
tSCC zNiceText[] =
"Run at high priority";
tSCC zNice_NAME[] = "NICE";
tSCC zNice_Name[] = "nice";
* Servertime option description:
tSCC zServertimeText[] =
"Server time";
tSCC zServertime_NAME[] = "SERVERTIME";
tSCC zServertime_Name[] = "servertime";
* Pidfile option description:
tSCC zPidfileText[] =
"path to the PID file";
tSCC zPidfile_NAME[] = "PIDFILE";
tSCC zPidfile_Name[] = "pidfile";
* Priority option description:
tSCC zPriorityText[] =
"Process priority";
tSCC zPriority_NAME[] = "PRIORITY";
tSCC zPriority_Name[] = "priority";
* Quit option description:
tSCC zQuitText[] =
"Set the time and quit";
tSCC zQuit_NAME[] = "QUIT";
tSCC zQuit_Name[] = "quit";
* Propagationdelay option description:
tSCC zPropagationdelayText[] =
"Broadcast/propagation delay";
tSCC zPropagationdelay_NAME[] = "PROPAGATIONDELAY";
tSCC zPropagationdelay_Name[] = "propagationdelay";
* Updateinterval option description:
tSCC zUpdateintervalText[] =
"interval in seconds between scans for new or dropped interfaces";
tSCC zUpdateinterval_NAME[] = "UPDATEINTERVAL";
tSCC zUpdateinterval_Name[] = "updateinterval";
* Statsdir option description:
tSCC zStatsdirText[] =
"Statistics file location";
tSCC zStatsdir_NAME[] = "STATSDIR";
tSCC zStatsdir_Name[] = "statsdir";
* Endsimtime option description:
tSCC zEndsimtimeText[] =
"Simulation end time";
tSCC zEndsimtime_NAME[] = "ENDSIMTIME";
tSCC zEndsimtime_Name[] = "endsimtime";
* Trustedkey option description:
tSCC zTrustedkeyText[] =
"Trusted key number";
tSCC zTrustedkey_NAME[] = "TRUSTEDKEY";
tSCC zTrustedkey_Name[] = "trustedkey";
* Freqerr option description:
tSCC zFreqerrText[] =
"Simulation frequency error";
tSCC zFreqerr_NAME[] = "FREQERR";
tSCC zFreqerr_Name[] = "freqerr";
* Walknoise option description:
tSCC zWalknoiseText[] =
"Simulation random walk noise";
tSCC zWalknoise_NAME[] = "WALKNOISE";
tSCC zWalknoise_Name[] = "walknoise";
* User option description:
tSCC zUserText[] =
"Run as userid (or userid:groupid)";
tSCC zUser_NAME[] = "USER";
tSCC zUser_Name[] = "user";
* Var option description:
tSCC zVarText[] =
"make ARG an ntp variable (RW)";
tSCC zVar_NAME[] = "VAR";
tSCC zVar_Name[] = "var";
* Dvar option description:
tSCC zDvarText[] =
"make ARG an ntp variable (RW|DEF)";
tSCC zDvar_NAME[] = "DVAR";
tSCC zDvar_Name[] = "dvar";
* Slew option description:
tSCC zSlewText[] =
"Slew up to 600 seconds";
tSCC zSlew_NAME[] = "SLEW";
tSCC zSlew_Name[] = "slew";
* Ndelay option description:
tSCC zNdelayText[] =
"Simulation network delay";
tSCC zNdelay_NAME[] = "NDELAY";
tSCC zNdelay_Name[] = "ndelay";
* Pdelay option description:
tSCC zPdelayText[] =
"Simulation processing delay";
tSCC zPdelay_NAME[] = "PDELAY";
tSCC zPdelay_Name[] = "pdelay";
* Help/More_Help/Version option descriptions:
tSCC zHelpText[] = "Display usage information and exit";
tSCC zHelp_Name[] = "help";
tSCC zMore_HelpText[] = "Extended usage information passed thru pager";
tSCC zMore_Help_Name[] = "more-help";
tSCC zVersionText[] = "Output version information and exit";
tSCC zVersion_Name[] = "version";
* Save/Load_Opts option description:
tSCC zSave_OptsText[] = "Save the option state to a config file";
tSCC zSave_Opts_Name[] = "save-opts";
tSCC zLoad_OptsText[] = "Load options from a config file";
tSCC zLoad_Opts_NAME[] = "LOAD_OPTS";
tSCC zNotLoad_Opts_Name[] = "no-load-opts";
tSCC zNotLoad_Opts_Pfx[] = "no";
#define zLoad_Opts_Name (zNotLoad_Opts_Name + 3)
* Declare option callback procedures
#ifdef DEBUG
static tOptProc doOptSet_Debug_Level;
#else /* not DEBUG */
# define doOptSet_Debug_Level NULL
#endif /* def/not DEBUG */
#if defined(TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS)
* Under test, omit argument processing, or call optionStackArg,
* if multiple copies are allowed.
extern tOptProc
optionNumericVal, optionPagedUsage, optionStackArg,
static tOptProc
* #define map the "normal" callout procs to the test ones...
#define SET_DEBUG_LEVEL_OPT_PROC optionStackArg
#else /* NOT defined TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS */
* When not under test, there are different procs to use
extern tOptProc
optionNumericVal, optionPagedUsage, optionPrintVersion, optionStackArg;
static tOptProc
* #define map the "normal" callout procs
#define SET_DEBUG_LEVEL_OPT_PROC doOptSet_Debug_Level
#define SET_DEBUG_LEVEL_OPT_PROC doOptSet_Debug_Level
#endif /* defined(TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS) */
# define DOVERPROC optionVersionStderr
# define DOVERPROC optionPrintVersion
#endif /* TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS */
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Define the Ntpdsim Option Descriptions.
static tOptDesc optDesc[ OPTION_CT ] = {
{ /* entry idx, value */ 0, VALUE_OPT_IPV4,
/* equiv idx, value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ IPV4_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zIpv4Text, zIpv4_NAME, zIpv4_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 1, VALUE_OPT_IPV6,
/* equiv idx, value */ NOLIMIT, NOLIMIT,
/* equivalenced to */ INDEX_OPT_IPV4,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ IPV6_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zIpv6Text, zIpv6_NAME, zIpv6_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 2, VALUE_OPT_AUTHREQ,
/* equiv idx, value */ 2, VALUE_OPT_AUTHREQ,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ AUTHREQ_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, aAuthreqCantList,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zAuthreqText, zAuthreq_NAME, zAuthreq_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 3, VALUE_OPT_AUTHNOREQ,
/* equiv idx, value */ 3, VALUE_OPT_AUTHNOREQ,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ AUTHNOREQ_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, aAuthnoreqCantList,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zAuthnoreqText, zAuthnoreq_NAME, zAuthnoreq_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 4, VALUE_OPT_BCASTSYNC,
/* equiv idx, value */ 4, VALUE_OPT_BCASTSYNC,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ BCASTSYNC_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zBcastsyncText, zBcastsync_NAME, zBcastsync_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 5, VALUE_OPT_SIMBROADCASTDELAY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 5, VALUE_OPT_SIMBROADCASTDELAY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ SIMBROADCASTDELAY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zSimbroadcastdelayText, zSimbroadcastdelay_NAME, zSimbroadcastdelay_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 6, VALUE_OPT_CONFIGFILE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 6, VALUE_OPT_CONFIGFILE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ CONFIGFILE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zConfigfileText, zConfigfile_NAME, zConfigfile_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 7, VALUE_OPT_PHASENOISE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 7, VALUE_OPT_PHASENOISE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PHASENOISE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPhasenoiseText, zPhasenoise_NAME, zPhasenoise_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 8, VALUE_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL,
/* equiv idx, value */ 8, VALUE_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ DEBUG_LEVEL_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zDebug_LevelText, zDebug_Level_NAME, zDebug_Level_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 9, VALUE_OPT_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL,
/* equiv idx, value */ 9, VALUE_OPT_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ SET_DEBUG_LEVEL_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ SET_DEBUG_LEVEL_OPT_PROC,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zSet_Debug_LevelText, zSet_Debug_Level_NAME, zSet_Debug_Level_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 10, VALUE_OPT_DRIFTFILE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 10, VALUE_OPT_DRIFTFILE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ DRIFTFILE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zDriftfileText, zDriftfile_NAME, zDriftfile_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 11, VALUE_OPT_PANICGATE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 11, VALUE_OPT_PANICGATE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PANICGATE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPanicgateText, zPanicgate_NAME, zPanicgate_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 12, VALUE_OPT_SIMSLEW,
/* equiv idx, value */ 12, VALUE_OPT_SIMSLEW,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ SIMSLEW_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zSimslewText, zSimslew_NAME, zSimslew_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 13, VALUE_OPT_JAILDIR,
/* equiv idx, value */ 13, VALUE_OPT_JAILDIR,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ JAILDIR_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zJaildirText, zJaildir_NAME, zJaildir_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 14, VALUE_OPT_INTERFACE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 14, VALUE_OPT_INTERFACE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ INTERFACE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionStackArg,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zInterfaceText, zInterface_NAME, zInterface_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 15, VALUE_OPT_KEYFILE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 15, VALUE_OPT_KEYFILE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ KEYFILE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zKeyfileText, zKeyfile_NAME, zKeyfile_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 16, VALUE_OPT_LOGFILE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 16, VALUE_OPT_LOGFILE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ LOGFILE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zLogfileText, zLogfile_NAME, zLogfile_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 17, VALUE_OPT_NOVIRTUALIPS,
/* equiv idx, value */ 17, VALUE_OPT_NOVIRTUALIPS,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ NOVIRTUALIPS_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zNovirtualipsText, zNovirtualips_NAME, zNovirtualips_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 18, VALUE_OPT_MODIFYMMTIMER,
/* equiv idx, value */ 18, VALUE_OPT_MODIFYMMTIMER,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ MODIFYMMTIMER_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zModifymmtimerText, zModifymmtimer_NAME, zModifymmtimer_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 19, VALUE_OPT_NOFORK,
/* equiv idx, value */ 19, VALUE_OPT_NOFORK,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ NOFORK_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zNoforkText, zNofork_NAME, zNofork_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 20, VALUE_OPT_NICE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 20, VALUE_OPT_NICE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ NICE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zNiceText, zNice_NAME, zNice_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 21, VALUE_OPT_SERVERTIME,
/* equiv idx, value */ 21, VALUE_OPT_SERVERTIME,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ SERVERTIME_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zServertimeText, zServertime_NAME, zServertime_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 22, VALUE_OPT_PIDFILE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 22, VALUE_OPT_PIDFILE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PIDFILE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPidfileText, zPidfile_NAME, zPidfile_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 23, VALUE_OPT_PRIORITY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 23, VALUE_OPT_PRIORITY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PRIORITY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionNumericVal,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPriorityText, zPriority_NAME, zPriority_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 24, VALUE_OPT_QUIT,
/* equiv idx, value */ 24, VALUE_OPT_QUIT,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ QUIT_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zQuitText, zQuit_NAME, zQuit_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 25, VALUE_OPT_PROPAGATIONDELAY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 25, VALUE_OPT_PROPAGATIONDELAY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PROPAGATIONDELAY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPropagationdelayText, zPropagationdelay_NAME, zPropagationdelay_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 26, VALUE_OPT_UPDATEINTERVAL,
/* equiv idx, value */ 26, VALUE_OPT_UPDATEINTERVAL,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ UPDATEINTERVAL_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionNumericVal,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zUpdateintervalText, zUpdateinterval_NAME, zUpdateinterval_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 27, VALUE_OPT_STATSDIR,
/* equiv idx, value */ 27, VALUE_OPT_STATSDIR,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ STATSDIR_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zStatsdirText, zStatsdir_NAME, zStatsdir_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 28, VALUE_OPT_ENDSIMTIME,
/* equiv idx, value */ 28, VALUE_OPT_ENDSIMTIME,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ ENDSIMTIME_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zEndsimtimeText, zEndsimtime_NAME, zEndsimtime_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 29, VALUE_OPT_TRUSTEDKEY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 29, VALUE_OPT_TRUSTEDKEY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ TRUSTEDKEY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionStackArg,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zTrustedkeyText, zTrustedkey_NAME, zTrustedkey_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 30, VALUE_OPT_FREQERR,
/* equiv idx, value */ 30, VALUE_OPT_FREQERR,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ FREQERR_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zFreqerrText, zFreqerr_NAME, zFreqerr_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 31, VALUE_OPT_WALKNOISE,
/* equiv idx, value */ 31, VALUE_OPT_WALKNOISE,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ WALKNOISE_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zWalknoiseText, zWalknoise_NAME, zWalknoise_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 32, VALUE_OPT_USER,
/* equiv idx, value */ 32, VALUE_OPT_USER,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ USER_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zUserText, zUser_NAME, zUser_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 33, VALUE_OPT_VAR,
/* equiv idx, value */ 33, VALUE_OPT_VAR,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ VAR_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionStackArg,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zVarText, zVar_NAME, zVar_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 34, VALUE_OPT_DVAR,
/* equiv idx, value */ 34, VALUE_OPT_DVAR,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ DVAR_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionStackArg,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zDvarText, zDvar_NAME, zDvar_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 35, VALUE_OPT_SLEW,
/* equiv idx, value */ 35, VALUE_OPT_SLEW,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ SLEW_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zSlewText, zSlew_NAME, zSlew_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 36, VALUE_OPT_NDELAY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 36, VALUE_OPT_NDELAY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ NDELAY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zNdelayText, zNdelay_NAME, zNdelay_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ 37, VALUE_OPT_PDELAY,
/* equiv idx, value */ 37, VALUE_OPT_PDELAY,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ PDELAY_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zPdelayText, zPdelay_NAME, zPdelay_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ INDEX_OPT_VERSION, VALUE_OPT_VERSION,
/* equiv idx value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ VERSION_OPT_FLAGS, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ DOVERPROC,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zVersionText, NULL, zVersion_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ INDEX_OPT_HELP, VALUE_OPT_HELP,
/* equiv idx value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ OPTST_IMM | OPTST_NO_INIT, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ doUsageOpt,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zHelpText, NULL, zHelp_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ INDEX_OPT_MORE_HELP, VALUE_OPT_MORE_HELP,
/* equiv idx value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* opt state flags */ OPTST_IMM | OPTST_NO_INIT, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionPagedUsage,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zMore_HelpText, NULL, zMore_Help_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ INDEX_OPT_SAVE_OPTS, VALUE_OPT_SAVE_OPTS,
/* equiv idx value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, 1, 0,
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ NULL,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zSave_OptsText, NULL, zSave_Opts_Name,
/* disablement strs */ NULL, NULL },
{ /* entry idx, value */ INDEX_OPT_LOAD_OPTS, VALUE_OPT_LOAD_OPTS,
/* equiv idx value */ NO_EQUIVALENT, 0,
/* equivalenced to */ NO_EQUIVALENT,
/* min, max, act ct */ 0, NOLIMIT, 0,
/* opt state flags */ OPTST_SET_ARGTYPE(OPARG_TYPE_STRING) \
/* last opt argumnt */ { NULL },
/* arg list/cookie */ NULL,
/* must/cannot opts */ NULL, NULL,
/* option proc */ optionLoadOpt,
/* desc, NAME, name */ zLoad_OptsText, zLoad_Opts_NAME, zLoad_Opts_Name,
/* disablement strs */ zNotLoad_Opts_Name, zNotLoad_Opts_Pfx }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Define the Ntpdsim Option Environment
tSCC zUsageTitle[] =
"ntpdsim - NTP daemon simulation program - Ver. 4.2.4p5\n\
USAGE: %s [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]...\n";
tSCC zRcName[] = ".ntprc";
tSCC* apzHomeList[] = {
tSCC zBugsAddr[] = ",";
#define zExplain NULL
tSCC zDetail[] = "\n\n";
/* extracted from /usr/local/gnu/share/autogen/optcode.tpl near line 408 */
#if defined(ENABLE_NLS)
static tOptionXlateProc translate_option_strings;
# define translate_option_strings NULL
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
tOptions ntpdsimOptions = {
0, NULL, /* original argc + argv */
0, NULL, /* current option index, current option */
zRcName, zCopyright, zCopyrightNotice,
zFullVersion, apzHomeList, zUsageTitle,
zExplain, zDetail, optDesc,
zBugsAddr, /* address to send bugs to */
NULL, NULL, /* extensions/saved state */
optionUsage, /* usage procedure */
translate_option_strings, /* translation procedure */
* Indexes to special options
NO_EQUIVALENT /* index of '-#' option */,
NO_EQUIVALENT /* index of default opt */
43 /* full option count */, 38 /* user option count */
* Create the static procedure(s) declared above.
static void
tOptions* pOptions,
tOptDesc* pOptDesc )
#if ! defined(TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS)
/* * * * * * *
* For the set-debug-level option, when DEBUG is #define-d.
#ifdef DEBUG
static void
tOptions* pOptions,
tOptDesc* pOptDesc )
/* extracted from ../include/debug-opt.def, line 29 */
DESC(DEBUG_LEVEL).optOccCt = atoi( pOptDesc->pzLastArg );
#endif /* defined DEBUG */
#endif /* defined(TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS) */
/* extracted from /usr/local/gnu/share/autogen/optmain.tpl near line 92 */
main( int argc, char** argv )
int res = EXIT_SUCCESS;
(void)optionProcess( &ntpdsimOptions, argc, argv );
void optionPutShell( tOptions* );
optionPutShell( &ntpdsimOptions );
return res;
#endif /* defined TEST_NTPDSIM_OPTS */
/* extracted from /usr/local/gnu/share/autogen/optcode.tpl near line 514 */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <autoopts/usage-txt.h>
static char* AO_gettext( char const* pz );
static void coerce_it(void** s);
static char*
AO_gettext( char const* pz )
char* pzRes;
if (pz == NULL)
return NULL;
pzRes = _(pz);
if (pzRes == pz)
return pzRes;
pzRes = strdup( pzRes );
if (pzRes == NULL) {
fputs( _("No memory for duping translated strings\n"), stderr );
return pzRes;
static void coerce_it(void** s) { *s = AO_gettext(*s); }
#define COERSION(_f) \
* This invokes the translation code (e.g. gettext(3)).
static void
translate_option_strings( void )
* Guard against re-translation. It won't work. The strings will have
* been changed by the first pass through this code. One shot only.
if (option_usage_text.field_ct == 0)
* Do the translations. The first pointer follows the field count field.
* The field count field is the size of a pointer.
char** ppz = (char**)(void*)&(option_usage_text);
int ix = option_usage_text.field_ct;
do {
*ppz = AO_gettext(*ppz);
} while (--ix > 0);
option_usage_text.field_ct = 0;
tOptDesc* pOD = ntpdsimOptions.pOptDesc;
int ix = ntpdsimOptions.optCt;
for (;;) {
pOD->pzText = AO_gettext(pOD->pzText);
pOD->pz_NAME = AO_gettext(pOD->pz_NAME);
pOD->pz_Name = AO_gettext(pOD->pz_Name);
pOD->pz_DisableName = AO_gettext(pOD->pz_DisableName);
pOD->pz_DisablePfx = AO_gettext(pOD->pz_DisablePfx);
if (--ix <= 0)
#endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* ntpdsim-opts.c ends here */