2000-09-29 13:46:07 +00:00
# This file tells config what files go into building a kernel,
# files marked standard are always included.
# $FreeBSD$
# The long compile-with and dependency lines are required because of
# limitations in config: backslash-newline doesn't work in strings, and
# dependency lines other than the first are silently ignored.
font8x16.o optional std8x16font \
compile-with "uudecode < /usr/share/syscons/fonts/${STD8X16FONT}-8x16.fnt && file2c 'unsigned char font_16[16*256] = {' '};' < ${STD8X16FONT}-8x16 > font8x16.c && ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} font8x16.c" \
no-implicit-rule before-depend \
clean "${STD8X16FONT}-8x16 font8x16.c"
atkbdmap.h optional atkbd_dflt_keymap \
compile-with "/usr/sbin/kbdcontrol -L ${ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP} | sed -e 's/^static keymap_t.* = /static keymap_t key_map = /' -e 's/^static accentmap_t.* = /static accentmap_t accent_map = /' > atkbdmap.h" \
no-obj no-implicit-rule before-depend \
clean "atkbdmap.h"
ia64/ia64/ia64-gdbstub.c optional ddb
ia64/ia64/autoconf.c standard
ia64/ia64/busdma_machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/clock.c standard
ia64/ia64/clock_if.m standard
ia64/ia64/db_disasm.c optional ddb
ia64/ia64/db_interface.c optional ddb
ia64/ia64/db_trace.c optional ddb
ia64/ia64/elf_machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/exception.s standard
ia64/ia64/in_cksum.c optional inet
ia64/ia64/interrupt.c standard
# locore.s needs to be handled in Makefile to put it first. Otherwise it's
# now normal.
# ia64/ia64/locore.s standard
ia64/ia64/machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/mem.c standard
ia64/ia64/mountroot.c optional slice
ia64/ia64/mp_machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/pal.s standard
ia64/ia64/perfmon.c optional perfmon profiling-routine
ia64/ia64/perfmon.c optional perfmon
ia64/ia64/pmap.c standard
ia64/ia64/procfs_machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/support.s standard
ia64/ia64/ssc.c standard
2000-10-04 17:53:03 +00:00
ia64/ia64/sscclock.c standard
ia64/ia64/sscdisk.c standard
2000-09-29 13:46:07 +00:00
ia64/ia64/swtch.s standard
ia64/ia64/sys_machdep.c standard
ia64/ia64/trap.c standard
ia64/ia64/userconfig.c optional userconfig
ia64/ia64/vm_machdep.c standard
ia64/isa/isa.c optional isa
ia64/isa/isa_dma.c optional isa
2000-11-08 02:57:01 +00:00
contrib/dev/acpica/Subsystem/Hardware/hwcpu64.c optional acpica
2000-09-29 13:46:07 +00:00
dev/advansys/adv_isa.c optional adv isa
dev/aic/aic_isa.c optional aic isa
dev/fb/fb.c optional fb
dev/fb/fb.c optional vga
dev/fb/splash.c count splash
dev/fb/vga.c optional vga
dev/kbd/atkbd.c optional atkbd
dev/kbd/atkbdc.c count atkbdc
dev/kbd/kbd.c optional atkbd
dev/kbd/kbd.c optional kbd
dev/kbd/kbd.c optional sc
dev/kbd/kbd.c optional ukbd
dev/syscons/schistory.c count sc
dev/syscons/scmouse.c optional sc
dev/syscons/scterm.c optional sc
dev/syscons/scterm-dumb.c optional sc
dev/syscons/scterm-sc.c optional sc
dev/syscons/scvgarndr.c optional sc vga
dev/syscons/scvidctl.c optional sc
dev/syscons/scvtb.c optional sc
dev/syscons/syscons.c optional sc
dev/syscons/sysmouse.c optional sc
isa/atkbd_isa.c optional atkbd
isa/atkbdc_isa.c optional atkbdc
isa/fd.c optional fdc
isa/ppc.c optional ppc
isa/psm.c optional psm
isa/sio.c count sio
isa/syscons_isa.c optional sc
isa/vga_isa.c optional vga
kern/subr_diskmbr.c standard
libkern/ia64/htonl.S standard
libkern/ia64/htons.S standard
libkern/ia64/ntohl.S standard
libkern/ia64/ntohs.S standard
2000-10-04 17:53:03 +00:00
libkern/ia64/__divsi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__modsi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__udivsi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__umodsi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__divdi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__moddi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__udivdi3.S standard
libkern/ia64/__umoddi3.S standard
2000-09-29 13:46:07 +00:00
libkern/bcmp.c standard
libkern/ffs.c standard