MFC r197780:

Make fetch(9) and store(9) manual pages closer to reality.
This commit is contained in:
Edward Tomasz Napierala 2010-03-27 17:25:17 +00:00
parent bd7ae20991
commit 90a7b167a8
3 changed files with 53 additions and 28 deletions

View File

EVENTHANDLER.9 eventhandler_register.9
MLINKS+=fetch.9 fubyte.9 \
fetch.9 fuswintr.9 \
fetch.9 fusword.9 \
fetch.9 fuword.9
fetch.9 fuword.9 \
fetch.9 fuword16.9 \
fetch.9 fuword32.9 \
fetch.9 fuword64.9
MLINKS+=g_attach.9 g_detach.9
MLINKS+=g_bio.9 g_clone_bio.9 \
g_bio.9 g_destroy_bio.9 \
@ -1147,8 +1149,10 @@ MLINKS+=stack.9 stack_copy.9 \
stack.9 stack_zero.9
MLINKS+=store.9 subyte.9 \
store.9 suswintr.9 \
store.9 susword.9 \
store.9 suword.9
store.9 suword.9 \
store.9 suword16.9 \
store.9 suword32.9 \
store.9 suword64.9
MLINKS+=swi.9 swi_add.9 \
swi.9 swi_sched.9
MLINKS+=sx.9 sx_assert.9 \

View File

@ -34,29 +34,35 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd January 7, 1996
.Dd October 5, 2009
.Nm fetch ,
.Nm fubyte ,
.Nm fusword ,
.Nm fuswintr ,
.Nm fuword
.Nm fuword ,
.Nm fuword16 ,
.Nm fuword32 ,
.Nm fuword64
.Nd fetch data from user-space
.In sys/types.h
.In sys/time.h
.In sys/systm.h
.In sys/resourcevar.h
.Ft int
.Fn fubyte "const void *base"
.Ft int
.Fn fusword "void *base"
.Ft int
.Fn fuswintr "void *base"
.Ft long
.Fn fuword "const void *base"
.Ft int
.Fn fuword16 "void *base"
.Ft int32_t
.Fn fuword32 "const void *base"
.Ft int64_t
.Fn fuword64 "const void *base"
.In sys/resourcevar.h
.Ft int
.Fn fuswintr "void *base"
@ -69,16 +75,22 @@ routines provide the following functionality:
.It Fn fubyte
Fetches a byte of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn fusword
Fetches a short word of data from the user-space address
.It Fn fuword
Fetches a word of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn fuword16
Fetches 16 bits of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn fuword32
Fetches 32 bits of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn fuword64
Fetches 64 bits of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn fuswintr
Fetches a short word of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .
This function is safe to call during an interrupt context.
.It Fn fuword
Fetches a word of data from the user-space address
.Pa base .

View File

@ -34,13 +34,12 @@
.\" $FreeBSD$
.Dd January 7, 1996
.Dd October 5, 2009
.Nm store ,
.Nm subyte ,
.Nm susword ,
.Nm suswintr ,
.Nm suword
.Nd store data to user-space
@ -48,15 +47,19 @@
.In sys/types.h
.In sys/time.h
.In sys/systm.h
.In sys/resourcevar.h
.Ft int
.Fn subyte "void *base" "int byte"
.Ft int
.Fn susword "void *base" "int word"
.Fn suword "void *base" "long word"
.Ft int
.Fn suword16 "void *base" "int word"
.Ft int
.Fn suword32 "void *base" "int32_t word"
.Ft int
.Fn suword64 "void *base" "int64_t word"
.In sys/resourcevar.h
.Ft int
.Fn suswintr "void *base" "int word"
.Ft int
.Fn suword "void *base" "long word"
@ -69,16 +72,22 @@ routines provide the following functionality:
.It Fn subyte
Stores a byte of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn susword
Stores a short word of data to the user-space address
.It Fn suword
Stores a word of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn suword16
Stores 16 bits of of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn suword32
Stores 32 bits of of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn suword64
Stores 64 bits of of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
.It Fn suswintr
Stores a short word of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .
This function is safe to call during an interrupt context.
.It Fn suword
Stores a word of data to the user-space address
.Pa base .