Amend my fix a bit. My way failed to take leap years into account. The

simplest thing is to just calculate the days using curtime - boottime / 86400.
The modification for this is less obtrusive anyway.

Suggested by: Bill Fenner <>
This commit is contained in:
Bill Paul 1995-11-21 05:43:27 +00:00
parent 10459e8c10
commit abc60cd9fc

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
#ifndef lint
static char rcsid[] = "$Id: rup.c,v 1.2 1995/05/30 06:33:26 rgrimes Exp $";
static char rcsid[] = "$Id$";
#endif /* not lint */
#include <stdio.h>
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ rstat_reply(char *replyp, struct sockaddr_in *raddrp)
struct hostent *hp;
char *host;
statstime *host_stat = (statstime *)replyp;
int year1, year2;
if (search_host(raddrp->sin_addr))
@ -116,21 +115,15 @@ rstat_reply(char *replyp, struct sockaddr_in *raddrp)
tmp_time = localtime((time_t *)&host_stat->curtime.tv_sec);
host_time = *tmp_time;
tmp_time = gmtime((time_t *)&host_stat->curtime.tv_sec);
year1 = tmp_time->tm_year;
tmp_time = gmtime((time_t *)&host_stat->boottime.tv_sec);
year2 = tmp_time->tm_year;
host_stat->curtime.tv_sec -= host_stat->boottime.tv_sec;
tmp_time = gmtime((time_t *)&host_stat->curtime.tv_sec);
host_uptime = *tmp_time;
#define updays (host_stat->curtime.tv_sec / 86400)
if (host_uptime.tm_yday != 0)
sprintf(days_buf, "%3d day%s, ", host_uptime.tm_yday +
(365 * (year1 - year2)),
((host_uptime.tm_yday + (365*(year1 - year2)))> 1) ?
"s" : "");
sprintf(days_buf, "%3d day%s, ", updays,
(updays > 1) ? "s" : "");
days_buf[0] = '\0';