- Initial revamp of vop_table.tcl. This scripting is ugly and will be

cleaned up; just wanted to make a place holder.  The biggest issue is
  that it is an incomplete revamp; that is... the inconsistent naming
  table generation is not done yet ... will be added soon with the clean
  up.  The purpose of this script is to handle the vop_vector changes that
  phk@ did over the recent weeks.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew R. Reiter 2005-01-05 06:53:03 +00:00
parent c935314fae
commit bccebad491

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
# Attempt to generate a similar HTML file akin to vop_table.tcl output.
# This is all fairly poor perl code... but whatever, will be cleaned up
# in the near future.
# (c) 2004 Andrew R. Reiter <arr@watson.org>
# All Rights Reserved.
# $FreeBSD$
# XXX todo: Make $src_dir modificationable
$src_dir = "/usr/src";
$srcsys_dir = $src_dir."/sys";
$vnode_if_awk = $srcsys_dir."/tools/vnode_if.awk";
$vnode_if_src = $srcsys_dir."/kern/vnode_if.src";
# Temporary input file... generated by a find(1) based command.
$infile = "/tmp/vt.$$";
# Output HTML
$outfile = "vop_vectors.html";
# Get a bunch of the vop_ routines out of this file.
`awk -f $vnode_if_awk $vnode_if_src -q`;
if ($?) {
print "Incapable of writing out the typedef file.\n";
# Eat the typedefs file into memory
open TD, "vnode_if_typedef.h" || die "Unable to open typedef file: $!\n";
@vop_tdefs = <TD>;
close TD;
`rm -f vnode_if_typedef.h`;
# List of available vnode operations
@available_vn_ops = ();
push @available_vn_ops, "default";
foreach $vt (@vop_tdefs) {
if ($vt =~ m/typedef\s+(\S+)\s+vop_(\S+)_t\(/) {
push @available_vn_ops, $2;
# Alpha sort.
@available_vn_ops = sort(@available_vn_ops);
# Array of { file , fs }
@fs = ();
$#fs = 0;
# Array of available vops for a given fs
@fsvnops = ();
$#fsvnops = 0;
#Begin output.
open OF, ">$outfile";
print OF "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>File system vnode Operations</TITLE>";
print OF "</HEAD><BODY>\n";
print OF "<TABLE BORDER WIDTH=\"100%\" HEIGHT=\"100%\" >\n";
print OF "<TR><TH><font size=-1>F<br>i<br>l<br>e<br><br>S<br>y<br>s<br>t<br>e<br>m<br></font>\n";
print OF "<TH><font size=-1>V<br>e<br>c<br>t<br>o<br>r<br><br>V<br>a<br>r<br>i<br>a<br>b<br>l<br>e<br></font>\n";
foreach $avops (@available_vn_ops) {
@ao = split //,$avops;
print OF "<TH><font size=-1> ";
foreach $aoz (@ao) {
print OF "$aoz<br>\n";
print OF "</font>\n";
print OF "</TR></font>\n";
#Generate $infile; sketchy
`find /usr/src/sys -type f -iname *.c -print | xargs grep 'vnodeops =' > $infile`;
# Read in the file we find(1) generated.
open VT, $infile;
foreach $l (<VT>) {
# Attempt to find all the files holding vop_vector declarations
# Need to sort based on $fs[]->{fs}
if ($l =~ m/^(\S+):.*vop_vector ((\S+)_vnodeops) =/) {
# Eh, I suck at perl; forgot some syntax, so hack.
$sz = $#fs;
$fs[$sz]->{file} = $1;
$fs[$sz]->{fs} = $3; # file system
$fs[$sz]->{fsvar} = $2; # fs vop vector variable
push @fs_s, $3;
close VT;
`rm -f $infile`;
@fs_s = sort @fs_s;
$m = 0;
foreach $fss (@fs_s) {
for ($l = 0; $l < $#fs; $l++) {
if ($fs_s[$m] eq $fs[$l]->{fs}) {
$fs[$l]->{fsi} = $m;
sub vop_fn_val {
($vfn) = @_;
$ret = "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#00ddd0\"> ";
if ($vfn eq "VOP_EBADF") {
$ret .= "b";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "VOP_PANIC") {
$ret .= "!";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "VOP_NULL") {
$ret .= "-";
return $ret;
if ($vfn =~ m/vop_std/) {
$ret .= "S";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "vop_cache_lookup") {
$ret .= "C";
return $ret;
if ($vfn =~ m/vop_no/) {
$ret .= "N";
return $ret;
if ($vfn =~ m/vop_/) {
$ret .= "V";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "VOP_EINVAL") {
$ret .= "i";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "VOP_ENOTTY") {
$ret .= "t";
return $ret;
if ($vfn eq "VOP_ENOTOPSUPP") {
$ret .= "*";
return $ret;
if ($vfn =~ m/_lookup/) {
$ret .= "L";
return $ret;
$ret .= "F";
return $ret;
# Loop through files that define vop_vectors.
for ($j = 0; $j < $#fs; $j++) {
# Open the file containing the vop_vector decl.
open V, $fs[$j]->{file};
@VF = <V>;
close V;
# Zero out array; is there an easier way to do this in perl?
for ($z = 0; $z < $#fsvnops; $z++) {
$fsvnops[$z] = "<td bgcolor=\"d0d0d0\">";
$opz = 0;
foreach $v (@VF) {
if ($v =~ m/vop_vector (\S+_vnodeops) =/) {
$opz = 1;
next if ($opz == 0);
# Ehhh... hax
if ($v =~ m/;/) {
$opz = 0;
# ... Generate a vop_vector under each @fs entry?
# vop_LABEL = <func>
if ($v =~ m/\.vop_(\S+)\s+=\s+(\S+),/) {
$iz = get_vop_fn_index($1);
if ($iz == -1) {
print "Unknown vnop routine: $1:$2 \n";
exit 1;
$fsvnops[$iz] = vop_fn_val($2);
$fs[$j]->{out} = " <TD> $fs[$j]->{fsvar}";
# Print out based on fsvnops
foreach $z (@fsvnops) {
$fs[$j]->{out} .= $z;
$fs[$j]->{out} .= "</TR>\n";
foreach $s (@fs_s) {
for ($b = 0; $b < $#fs; $b++) {
if ($s eq $fs[$b]->{fs}) {
print OF "<TD> $s ".$fs[$b]->{out};
print OF "</TR></TABLE>\n";
print OF "<PRE>\n";
print OF "
C vfs_cache_lookup
* vop_defaultop
b vop_ebadf
i vop_einval
t vop_enotty
* vop_eopnotsupp
- vop_null
! vop_panic
F _
V vop_
N vop_no
S vop_std
L _lookup
print OF "</BODY></HTML>\n";
close OF;
exit 0;
sub get_vop_fn_index {
($vop_fn) = @_;
$r = 0;
foreach $y (@available_vn_ops) {
if ($y eq $vop_fn) {
return $r;
return -1;