Another stray file that got imported a long time ago and never cleaned up.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
#! /opt/bin/perl5
# Beware of the fact that this script was not written to handle
# branches in the PVCS archives, but it might work nontheless. I have
# a specific addition in this latest version that would not be
# globally useful: automatically making Framemaker files binary with
# -kb (regardless of the file extension).
# ---------------------------------
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# To recursively walk through a PVCS archive directory tree (archives
# located in VCS/ or vcs/ subdirectories) and convert them to RCS archives.
# The RCS archive name is the PVCS workfile name with ",v" appended.
# The calling syntax is:
# pvcs_to_rcs [-l]
# where -l indicates the operation is to be performed only in the current
# directory (no recursion)
# pvcs_to_rcs
# Would walk through every VCS or vcs subdir starting at the current directory,
# and produce corresponding RCS archives one level above the VCS or vcs subdir.
# * This script does not perform any error checking or logging of any kind
# * This script was developed using perl-5.003 on a Sun Solaris 2.5 machine
# and executed from a csh
# * PVCS archives in VCS/ or vcs/ subdirectories are left intact
# * RCS archives are processed in the VCS/ or vcs/ subdirectories and
# are moved (forcibly) up one level upon completion of the conversion
# * This script has *not* been tested with PVCS archives with branches,
# although the only thing I believe that might need to be changed
# is the ORDER of revision processing (e.g. you can't checkin if
# you haven't yet checked in 1.2).
# * All revisions are saved with correct "metadata" (i.e. check-in date,
# author, and log message). Any blank log message is replaced with
# "no comment". This is because RCS does not allow non-interactive
# checkin of a new revision without a comment string.
# * Revision numbers are incremented by 1 during the conversion (since
# RCS does not allow revision 1.0).
# * Version labels are assigned to the appropriate (incremented) revision
# numbers. PVCS allows spaces and periods in version labels while RCS
# does not. A global search and replace converts " " and "." to "_"
# There may be other cases that ought to be added.
# * Any workfile within the VCS/ or vcs/ will be deleted (or overwritten)
# since it is used in the checkout of each revision
# * Locks on PVCS archives should be removed (or the workfiles should be
# checked-in) prior to conversion, although the script will blaze through
# the archive nonetheless (But you would lose any checked out revision(s))
# * The -kb option is added to the RCS archive for workfiles with the following
# extensions: .bin .out .btl .rom .a07 .lib .exe .tco .obj .t8u .c8u .o .lku
#NOTE: Each possible binary extension is delimited by '.'
$bin_ext =
# the main procedure that is run once in each directory
sub execdir
$curlevel= $curlevel +1;
#local sets the variables directory and prev directory local to the procedure
#change into the directory to be processed
#open the current directory for listing
#initialize the list of filenames
#set filenames equal to directory listing
@filenames = readdir(CURDIR);
#clean up by closing the directory
#initialize a list for any subdirectories
#begin a for loop to execute on each filename in the list @filename
for (@filenames)
#if the file is a directory...
if (-d $_)
#include it in @subdir
#for loop of subdirs
for (@subdirs)
#if not a parent directory, run execdir on each sub dir
if (($_ ne '.') and ($_ ne '..') and ($maxlevel > $curlevel))
#save the current directory
$cd = &getcwd;
#Print output header for each directory
print("Directory: $cd\n");
#determine the last directory in this path (to only process vcs or VCS)
$_ = $cd;
$num_dirs = split /\//;
@dirs = @_;
$last_dir = $dirs[$num_dirs-1];
# print"Last directory is $last_dir\n";
#shell redirection: output from command in @ARGV is put in $output
# $output = `@ARGV`;
#begin a for loop to execute on each filename in the list @filename
for (@filenames)
if ( (-f $_) and ($_ ne '.') and ($_ ne '..') and ($maxlevel > $curlevel)
and ( ( $last_dir eq 'vcs' ) or ( $last_dir eq 'VCS' ) ) )
$got_archivefile = 0;
$got_workfile = 0;
$got_version_labels = 0;
$got_description = 0;
$got_rev_count = 0;
$file = $_;
$abs_file = $cd . "/" . $file;
print("Converting $abs_file...\n");
$vlog_output = `vlog $_`;
$_ = $vlog_output;
# Split the cvs status output into individual lines
@vlog_strings = split /\n/;
$num_vlog_strings = @vlog_strings;
$_ = $vlog_string[0];
if ( /^vlog: warning/ )
print("$abs_file is NOT a valid PVCS archive!!!\n");
elsif( $vlog_output )
# Collect all vlog output into appropriate variables
$num = 0;
while( $num < $num_vlog_strings )
# print("$vlog_strings[$num]\n");
$_ = $vlog_strings[$num];
if( ( /^Workfile:\s*/ ) && (!$got_workfile ) )
$got_workfile = 1;
# get the string to the right of the above search (with any path stripped)
$workfile = $';
$num_fields = split /\//;
if ( $num_fields > 1 )
$workfile = $_[$num_fields - 1 ];
# print"Workfile is $workfile\n";
elsif( ( /^Archive:\s*/ ) && (!$got_archivefile ) )
$got_archivefile = 1;
# get the string to the right of the above search (with any path stripped)
$archivefile = $';
$num_fields = split /\//;
if ( $num_fields > 1 )
$archivefile = $_[$num_fields - 1 ];
# print"Archive is $archivefile\n";
elsif ( ( /^Rev count:\s*/ ) && (!$got_rev_count ) )
$got_rev_count = 1;
# get the string to the right of the above search
$rev_count = $';
print"Revision count is $rev_count\n";
elsif ( ( /^Version labels:\s*/ ) && (!$got_version_labels ) )
$got_version_labels = 1;
$first_vl = $num+1;
elsif ( ( /^Description:\s*/ ) && (!$got_description ) )
$got_description = 1;
$description = "\"" . $vlog_strings[$num+1] . "\"";
# print"Description is $description\n";
$last_vl = $num - 1;
elsif ( /^Rev\s*/ ) # get all the revision information at once
$rev_index = 0;
while ( $rev_index < $rev_count )
$rev_num[$rev_index] = $';
if ( /^Locked\s*/ )
$num += 1;
/^Checked in:\s*/;
$checked_in[$rev_index] = "\"" . $' . "\"";
/^Author id:\s*/;
$author[$rev_index] = "\"" . $_[2] . "\"";
$relative_comment_index = 0;
$comment_string = "";
while( ( $vlog_strings[$num+4+$relative_comment_index] ne
"-----------------------------------" ) &&
( $vlog_strings[$num+4+$relative_comment_index] ne
"===================================" ) )
# We need the \n added for multi-line comments. There is no effect for
# single-line comments since RCS inserts the \n if it doesn't exist already
$comment_string = $comment_string .
$vlog_strings[$num+4+$relative_comment_index] . "\n";
$relative_comment_index += 1;
# Convert any double quotes to an escaped double quote
$comment_string =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$comment[$rev_index] = "\"" . $comment_string . "\"";
$num += ( 5 + $relative_comment_index );
$rev_index += 1;
$num -= 1; #although there should be nothing left for this to matter
$num += 1;
# Loop through each version label, checking for need to relabel ' ' with '_'.
$num_version_labels = $last_vl - $first_vl + 1;
print"Version label count is $num_version_labels\n";
for( $i = $first_vl; $i <= $last_vl; $i += 1 )
# print("$vlog_strings[$i]\n");
$label_index = $i - $first_vl;
split /\"/;
$label = @_[1];
$label_revision[$label_index] = @_[1];
# Create RCS revision numbers corresponding to PVCS version numbers by
# adding 1 to the revision number (# after last .)
$rcs_rev = &pvcs_to_rcs_rev_number( $label_revision[$label_index]);
$label_revision[ $label_index ] = $rcs_rev;
# replace ' ' with '_', if needed
$new_label[$label_index] = $label;
$new_label[$label_index] =~ s/ /_/g;
$new_label[$label_index] =~ s/\./_/g;
$new_label[$label_index] = "\"" . $new_label[$label_index] . "\"";
# print"Label $new_label[$label_index] is for revision
# Create RCS revision numbers corresponding to PVCS version numbers by
# adding 1 to the revision number (# after last .)
for( $i = 0; $i < $rev_count; $i += 1 )
$rcs_rev_num[ $i ] = &pvcs_to_rcs_rev_number( $rev_num[ $i ] );
# print"PVCS is $rev_num[ $i ]; RCS is $rcs_rev_num[ $i ]\n"
# Create RCS archive and check in all revisions, then label.
# PVCS vlog lists revisions last-revision-first; reverse that ordering
$first_time = 1;
for( $i = $rev_count - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 1 )
print "get -r$rev_num[$i] $archivefile\\($workfile\\)\n";
# $vcs_output = `vcs -u -r$rev_num[$i] $file`;
$get_output = `get -r$rev_num[$i] $archivefile\\($workfile\\)`;
if( $first_time )
$first_time = 0;
$file_output = `file $workfile`;
# If an empty comment is specified, RCS will not check in the file;
# check for this case. (but an empty -t- description is fine - go figure!)
# Since RCS will pause and ask for a comment if one is not given,
# substitute a dummy comment "no comment".
if ( $comment[$i] eq "\"\"" )
$ci_command = "ci -f -r$rcs_rev_num[$i] -d$checked_in[$i] -w$author[$i]
-t-$description -m\"no comment\" $workfile";
$ci_command = "ci -f -r$rcs_rev_num[$i] -d$checked_in[$i] -w$author[$i]
-t-$description -m$comment[$i] $workfile";
print "$ci_command\n";
$ci_output = `$ci_command`;
# Also check here whether this file ought to be "binary"
if( $_[1] eq "Frame" )
print"Binary attribute -kb added (file type is Frame)\n";
$rcs_output = `rcs -kb $workfile,v`;
$num_fields = split /\./;
if ( $num_fields > 1 )
$ext = "." . $_[$num_fields - 1] . ".";
if ( ( index $bin_ext, $ext ) > - 1 )
print"Binary attribute -kb added (file type is $ext)\n";
$rcs_output = `rcs -kb $workfile,v`;
$rcs_output = `rcs -l $workfile`;
# If an empty comment is specified, RCS will not check in the file;
# check for this case. (but an empty -t- description is fine - go figure!)
if ( $comment[$i] eq "\"\"" )
$ci_command = "ci -f -r$rcs_rev_num[$i] -d$checked_in[$i] -w$author[$i]
-m\"no comment\" $workfile";
$ci_command = "ci -f -r$rcs_rev_num[$i] -d$checked_in[$i] -w$author[$i]
-m$comment[$i] $workfile";
print "$ci_command\n";
$ci_output = `$ci_command`;
# Attach version labels
for( $i = $num_version_labels - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 1 )
# print "rcs -n$new_label[$i]:$label_revision[$i] $workfile\n";
$rcs_output = `rcs -n$new_label[$i]:$label_revision[$i] $workfile`;
print "Version label $new_label[$i] added to revision $label_revision[$i]\n";
# Move archive file up one directory level (above vcs/ or VCS/)
$mv_output = `mv -f $workfile",v" ..`;
#print the output to STDOUT
# print("$output");
$curlevel=$curlevel - 1;
if ($dir ne $prevdir)
sub pvcs_to_rcs_rev_number
local($input, $num_fields, @rev_string, $return_rev_num, $i);
$input = @_[0];
$_ = $input;
$num_fields = split /\./;
@rev_string = @_;
@rev_string[$num_fields-1] += 1;
$return_rev_num = @rev_string[ 0 ];
for( $i = 1; $i < $num_fields; $i += 1 )
$return_rev_num = $return_rev_num . "." . @rev_string[ $i ];
return $return_rev_num;
##MAIN program: checks to see if there are command line parameters
if ($#ARGV > 2) {
#if not then end and print help message
die "Usage: pvcsns [-l]\n"};
if (@ARGV[0] eq "-l") {$maxlevel=1;shift @ARGV;}
#start the whole thing
Reference in New Issue
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