The offset field in struct dirent was set to the offset of
the next dirent in rev 1.36. The offset was calculated from
the current offset and the record length. This offset does
not necessarily match the real offset when we are using
cookies. Therefore, also use the cookies to set the offset
field in struct dirent if we're using cookies to iterate
through the dirents.
is not needed since the FreeBSD native implementation switched
from TIOC{G|S}PGRP to FIO{G|S}ETOWN (kern_descrip.c rev 1.55).
PR: 16946
Submitted by: Victor Salaman <>
glibc2 defines struct dirent differently than the Linux kernel does.
The getdents function therefore needs to read a heuristically defined
number of kernel dirents to satisfy the request. In case where too
many kernel dirents have been read, the function lseeks on the
directory so that a next call will start with the right dirent. The
offset used in lseeking is the offset-field in the last dirent passed
to the application. This can only mean that the offset-field holds
the offset of the next dirent and not the offset of the dirent itself.
fields in struct cdevsw:
d_stop moved to struct tty.
d_reset already unused.
d_devtotty linkage now provided by dev_t->si_tty.
These fields will be removed from struct cdevsw together with
d_params and d_maxio Real Soon Now.
The changes in this patch consist of:
initialize dev->si_tty in *_open()
initialize tty->t_stop
remove devtotty functions
rename ttpoll to ttypoll
a few adjustments to these changes in the generic code
a bump of __FreeBSD_version
add a couple of FreeBSD tags
far-reaching in fd-land, so you'll want to consult the code for
changes. The biggest change is that now, you don't use
fp->f_ops->fo_foo(fp, bar)
but instead
fo_foo(fp, bar),
which increments and decrements the fp refcount upon entry and exit.
Two new calls, fhold() and fdrop(), are provided. Each does what it
seems like it should, and if fdrop() brings the refcount to zero, the
fd is freed as well.
Thanks to peter ("to hell with it, it looks ok to me.") for his review.
Thanks to msmith for keeping me from putting locks everywhere :)
Reviewed by: peter
in deterministic behaviour. In this case known garbage out.
The fix is different than suggested in the PR.
PR: 12749
Originator: Boris Nikolaus <>
udev_t in the kernel but still called dev_t in userland.
Provide functions to manipulate both types:
major() umajor()
minor() uminor()
makedev() umakedev()
dev2udev() udev2dev()
For now they're functions, they will become in-line functions
after one of the next two steps in this process.
Return major/minor/makedev to macro-hood for userland.
Register a name in cdevsw[] for the "filedescriptor" driver.
In the kernel the udev_t appears in places where we have the
major/minor number combination, (ie: a potential device: we
may not have the driver nor the device), like in inodes, vattr,
cdevsw registration and so on, whereas the dev_t appears where
we carry around a reference to a actual device.
In the future the cdevsw and the aliased-from vnode will be hung
directly from the dev_t, along with up to two softc pointers for
the device driver and a few houskeeping bits. This will essentially
replace the current "alias" check code (same buck, bigger bang).
A little stunt has been provided to try to catch places where the
wrong type is being used (dev_t vs udev_t), if you see something
not working, #undef DEVT_FASCIST in kern/kern_conf.c and see if
it makes a difference. If it does, please try to track it down
(many hands make light work) or at least try to reproduce it
as simply as possible, and describe how to do that.
Without DEVT_FASCIST I belive this patch is a no-op.
Stylistic/posixoid comments about the userland view of the <sys/*.h>
files welcome now, from userland they now contain the end result.
Next planned step: make all dev_t's refer to the same devsw[] which
means convert BLK's to CHR's at the perimeter of the vnodes and
other places where they enter the game (bootdev, mknod, sysctl).
Made a new (inline) function devsw(dev_t dev) and substituted it.
Changed to the BDEV variant to this format as well: bdevsw(dev_t dev)
DEVFS will eventually benefit from this change too.
was not being set copied to the bsd arguments..
frequently, resulting in files of over 100MB of NULs
PR: 386/5044
Reviewed by: jmb
Submitted by: (Richard Winkel)
it in struct proc instead.
This fixes a boatload of compiler warning, and removes a lot of cruft
from the sources.
I have not removed the /*ARGSUSED*/, they will require some looking at.
libkvm, ps and other userland struct proc frobbing programs will need
the directory format (ext2fs, cd9660). For these filesystems, it must use
cookies to find the correct offset to use for subsequent reads. Without it,
linux /bin/ls tends to loop re-reading the same block over and over again.
2.2 candidate.
changes, so don't expect to be able to run the kernel as-is (very well)
without the appropriate Lite/2 userland changes.
The system boots and can mount UFS filesystems.
Untested: ext2fs, msdosfs, NFS
Known problems: Incorrect Berkeley ID strings in some files.
Mount_std mounts will not work until the getfsent
library routine is changed.
Reviewed by: various people
Submitted by: Jeffery Hsu <>
This will make a number of things easier in the future, as well as (finally!)
avoiding the Id-smashing problem which has plagued developers for so long.
Boy, I'm glad we're not using sup anymore. This update would have been
insane otherwise.
this code was not quite right (linux has a readdir and getdents syscall,
with the same args. readdir only returns one entry and uses a mutant
dirent structure. This code was also returning the mutant form for
getdents as well. My fault for missing this before.)
netscape-2.0 for Linux running all the Java stuff. The scrollbars are now
working, at least on my machine. (whew! :-)
I'm uncomfortable with the size of this commit, but it's too
inter-dependant to easily seperate out.
The main changes:
COMPAT_LINUX is *GONE*. Most of the code has been moved out of the i386
machine dependent section into the linux emulator itself. The int 0x80
syscall code was almost identical to the lcall 7,0 code and a minor tweak
allows them to both be used with the same C code. All kernels can now
just modload the lkm and it'll DTRT without having to rebuild the kernel
first. Like IBCS2, you can statically compile it in with "options LINUX".
A pile of new syscalls implemented, including getdents(), llseek(),
readv(), writev(), msync(), personality(). The Linux-ELF libraries want
to use some of these.
linux_select() now obeys Linux semantics, ie: returns the time remaining
of the timeout value rather than leaving it the original value.
Quite a few bugs removed, including incorrect arguments being used in
syscalls.. eg: mixups between passing the sigset as an int, vs passing
it as a pointer and doing a copyin(), missing return values, unhandled
cases, SIOC* ioctls, etc.
The build for the code has changed. i386/conf/files now knows how
to build linux_genassym and generate linux_assym.h on the fly.
Supporting changes elsewhere in the kernel:
The user-mode signal trampoline has moved from the U area to immediately
below the top of the stack (below PS_STRINGS). This allows the different
binary emulations to have their own signal trampoline code (which gets rid
of the hardwired syscall 103 (sigreturn on BSD, syslog on Linux)) and so
that the emulator can provide the exact "struct sigcontext *" argument to
the program's signal handlers.
The sigstack's "ss_flags" now uses SS_DISABLE and SS_ONSTACK flags, which
have the same values as the re-used SA_DISABLE and SA_ONSTACK which are
intended for sigaction only. This enables the support of a SA_RESETHAND
flag to sigaction to implement the gross SYSV and Linux SA_ONESHOT signal
semantics where the signal handler is reset when it's triggered. no longer appends the struct sysentvec on the end of the
generated init_sysent.c code. It's a lot saner to have it in a seperate
file rather than trying to update the structure inside the awk script. :-)
At exec time, the dozen bytes or so of signal trampoline code are copied
to the top of the user's stack, rather than obtaining the trampoline code
the old way by getting a clone of the parent's user area. This allows
Linux and native binaries to freely exec each other without getting
trampolines mixed up.
calls with a byte size of 1. This special case was not
correctly emulated. Now programs such as a simple 'ls' to a commercial
Macintosh emulator called 'executor' will work correctly.
This first shot only incorporaties so much functionality that DOOM
can run (the X version), signal handling is VERY weak, so is many
other things. But it meets my milestone number one (you guessed it
- running DOOM).
Uses /compat/linux as prefix for loading shared libs, so it won't
conflict with our own libs.
Kernel must be compiled with "options COMPAT_LINUX" for this to work.