- Pacific/Fiji will go into DST from 21 October 2012 till 20 January 2013.
- Fix offset for Pacific/Tokelau.
- Gaza and West Bank had DST from 29 March to 28 September 2012.
- Syria has DST from April till October
- Morocco had DST from April to September 2012 except for 20 July to 20 August.
- Cuba changed to DST from 1 April 2012 only.
- Haiti has DST between 8 March and 1 November in 2012.
Obtained from: ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/releases/
- Fiji will end DST on 22 January 2012.
- Moldova split into two timezones has been cancelled.
- Cuba will end DST on 13 November 2011
Obtained from: ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/releases/
- Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR, also known as
"Pridnestrovie") has abolished seasonal clock change (no transition
to the Winter Time).
- The recent change to the Ukranian time zone (Europe/Kiev) to
introduce permanent daylight saving time (similar to Russia) was
South America:
- Bahia: The President signed a decree that includes Bahia in summer
- Add Europe/Tiraspol Pridnestrovie
Obtained from: ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/releases/
- Daylight Saving Time will not be used in Egypt during Ramadan this year.
- Proper names for Pacific/Pohnpei and Pacific/Chuuk
- Fix historical information for Finland for 1981 and 1982
- No leap-second for December 2010.
- Fix historical information for Ontario (Canada)
Obtained from: ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/
- Fix coordinates of Africa/Gaborone, Pacific/Noumea, Pacific/Tongatapu,
- Fix URLs (=3D -> = etc)
- Jordan doesn't go at last Friday of March 00:00 but no last
Thursday of March 24:00
- Specifically state license for the data: public domain
- Asia/Katmandu -> Asia/Kathmandu
- Fix historical references to DST in Switzerland
- Correct rules for America/Resolute (Nunavut)
- Cuba didn't have DST in 2005.