when recalculating the ip checksum. cp is not guaranteed to
be aligned. It now doesn't matter that cp isn't aligned as
the caller does another mbuf_Alloc() regardless.
need to process a signal (usually a SIGALRM). Check to see
if we need to process a signal both before *and* after calling
select() as older (pre-2.0) versions of ppp used to.
This handles the possibility that ppp may block at some
point (maybe due to an open() of a misconfigured device).
Previously, we'd potentially lock up in select().
The `necessary' marker reduces the increased signal checking
overhead so that at full speed with no compression transferring
an 83Mb file via a ``!ppp -direct'' device, we get a 1%
throughput gain.
ACCMAP being REQuested by the peer, also increment our FSM
id so that we don't end up sending out a new REQ with the
same ID and different data (the changed ACCMAP).
when we've simply missed a packet.
When our Predictor1 CRC is wrong (implying we've dropped
a packet), don't send a ResetReq(). Instead, send another
CCP ConfigReq(). *shrug* My tests show this as being far
worse than the ResetReq as we may have further Nak/Rejs etc
and we're basically resetting both our incoming and outgoing
compression dictionaries, but rfc1978 says the ConfigReq is
correct, so we'd better go along...
This was pretty harmless as netmasks on a POINTOPOINT
interface are pretty much ignored, but it looked funny.
Mention the configured netmask in ``show ipcp''.
Describe in more detail what a proxy arp entry is.
peers by ORing the two together and NAKing or REQing
the result rather than allowing seperate local/peer
If the peer REJs our ACCMAP and our ACCMAP isn't 0,
warn about it and ignore the rejection.
Pointed out by: archie
Don't do a TLF when we get a ``Catastrphic Protocol Reject'' event
in state ``closed'' or ``stopped''.
Pointed out but not suggested by: archie
This makes no difference in the current implementation as
LcpLayerFinish() does nothing but log the event, but I disagree
in principle because it unbalances the TLF/TLS calls which
(IMHO) doesn't fit with the intentions of the RFC.
Maybe the RFC author had a reason for this. It can only happen
in two circumstances:
- if LCP has already been negotiated then stopped or closed and we
receive a protocol reject, then we must already have done a TLF.
Why do one again and stay in the same state ?
- if LCP hasn't yet been started and we receive an unsolicted
protocol reject, why should we TLF when we haven't done a TLS ?
we're already in network phase and our autoload values
are set with no minimum threshold (the default).
Tell the autoload timer that it's ``coming up'' *before*
calling AutoLoadTimeout() directly... not after. This
prevents the very first demand-dial connection from
immediately disconnecting when there are other auto links.
Problem diagnosis: Ted Mittelstaedt <tedm@toybox.placo.com>
that are made in each of the FSMs (LCP, CCP & IPCP) and the
number of REQs/Challenges for PAP/CHAP by accepting more arguments
in the ``set {c,ip,l}cpretry'' and ``set {ch,p}apretry'' commands.
Change the non-convergence thresholds to 3 times the number of configured
REQ tries (rather than the previous fixed ``10''). We now notice
repeated NAKs and REJs rather than just REQs.
Don't suggest that CHAP 0x05 isn't supported when it's not configured.
Fix some bugs that expose themselves with smaller numbers of retries:
o Handle instantaneous disconnects (set device /dev/null) correctly
by stopping all fsm timers in fsm2initial.
o Don't forget to uu_unlock() devices that are files but are not
ttys (set device /dev/zero).
Fix a *HORRENDOUS* bug in RFC1661 (already fixed for an Open event in state
According to the state transition table, a RCR+ or RCR- received in
the ``Stopped'' state are supposed to InitRestartCounter, SendConfigReq
and SendConfig{Ack,Nak}. However, in ``Stopped'', we haven't yet
done a TLS (or the last thing we did is a TLF). We must therefore
do the TLS at this point !
This was never noticed before because LCP and CCP used not use
LayerStart() for anything interesting, and IPCP tends to go into
Stopped then get a Down because of an LCP RTR rather than getting a
RCR again.
a bum name to return as we don't want ``delete xxx''
to delete the default route when xxx doesn't resolve.
Support IP number specifications as the host when specifying
a tcp-style device (rather than *just* hostnames).
correctly by invoking the timer to get the value before
displaying the message.
Don't assume that a value of 0 is ``random'' in
``show datalink''.
Make the random value between 1 and DIAL_TIMEOUT rather
than between 0 and DIAL_TIMEOUT-1
Some CHAP implementations send no welcome message with their
SUCCESS/FAILURE packets. This was being mis-identified as
a truncated packet by the new authentication code :-(
is complete before checking carrier. If it's there,
the device supports carrier. If it's not it doesn't.
Add the ``set cd'' command for deciding how soon to check
for carrier, and for deciding if carrier is REQUIRED.
The default has changed: Pre 2.0 versions of ppp waited
for 1 second. Version 2 didn't wait, but this causes
problems with some (few?) modems that don't assert carrier
immediately on reporting CONNECT. The one second delay
is back now and can be removed with ``set cd 0''.
Bump the ppp version number in case this needs to be changed
each time rather than making up a new one.
Increase the authname/authkey max sizes to 100 characters.
Allow ``authkey'' specifications beginning with ``!''.
When a challenge is received, the text following the
``!'' is executed as a program (expanding stuff in the same
way that ``sh'' and ``!bg'' do). The program is passed the
peer name, peer challenge and local ``authname'' on standard
input and is expected to output the name/key combination that
should be used to build the CHAP response.
This provides support for Secure ID cards (guess what I was
given at work recently!) using CHAP.
Examples will follow.