set when extended translation is turned on, thus we need to do the mailbox
unlock command no matter what value is in the extended bios flag byte as
the other extensions (ie, > 2 drive support) cause the same problems.
The code has been changed to ALWAYS unlock the mailbox interface on ALL
1542C class boards.
called once when card is attached. Solved problem with driver
getting hosed when a reset takes place.
Removed init_block array -- now part of malloced memory. No more
static declarations left.
Added code so that debug ioctl actually does something.
ifconfig is0 debug will now switch on debugging code.
Other general cleanups.
since make depend wasn't picking up any new dependencies. However, due
to a bug in the old code, the original dependencies weren't being used, so
this version is better than the original and the lastest version.
(And is more readable as well)
* Novell probe changed to be invasive because of too many complaints
* about some clone boards not being reset properly and thus not
* found on a warmboot. Yuck.
* Revision 2.10 1993/10/23 04:07:12 davidg
* increment output errors if the device times out (done via watchdog)
* Revision 2.9 1993/10/23 04:01:45 davidg
* increment input error counter if a packet with a bad length is
* detected.
( I am currently using it with a Microsoft
InPort busmouse, under FreeBSD Epsilon. I hadn't planned on supporting it,
but I have patched it a few times, and I guess this is now the de facto
reference version, so send me any problems or improvements.
- Gene Stark
October 9, 1993
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1993 02:22:41 -40962758 (WST)
As the subject line says:
I can;t believe this typo is still here.
Has NOBODY used the isa_dmastart() routine for 16bit DMA?
I know I just hit the dma regs directly for the AHA1542,
and it appears that either everybody else does as well, or
they only use 8bit DMA (e.g. floppy)
Editors Note:
The definition of DMA2_CHN was incorrectly using IO_DMA1!
* increase maximum time to wait for transmit DMA to complete to 120us.
* call ed_reset() if the time limit is reached instead of trying
* to abort the remote DMA.
* Revision 2.7 1993/10/15 10:49:10 davidg
* minor change to way the mbuf pointer temp variable is assigned in
* ed_start (slightly improves code readability)
* Revision 2.6 93/10/02 01:12:20 davidg
* use ETHER_ADDR_LEN in NE probe rather than '6'.
Remove NKMEMCLUSTERS, it is no longer define or used.
Fix comment on PTDpde and APTDpde to be pde instead of pte
Add new equation for calculating location of Sysmap
Remove Bill's old #ifdef garbage for counting up memory,
that stuff will never be made to work and was just cluttering
up the file.
Add code that places the PTD, page table pages, and kernel
stack below the 640k ISA hole if there is room for it, otherwise
put this stuff all at 1MB. This fixes the 28K bogusity in
the boot blocks, that can now go away!
Fix the caclulation of where first is to be dependent on
NKPDE so that we can skip over the above mentioned areas.
The 28K thing is now 44K in size due to the increase in
kernel virtual memory space, but since we no longer have
to worry about that this is no big deal.
Use if NNPX > 0 instead of ifdef NPX for floating point code.
Change the calculation of for the buffer cache to be
20% of all memory above 2MB and add back the upper limit
of 2/5's of the VM_KMEM_SIZE so that we do not eat ALL
of the kernel memory space on large memory machines, note
that this will not even come into effect unless you have
more than 32MB. The current buffer cache limit is 6.7MB
due to this caclulation.
It seems that we where erroniously allocating bufpages pages
for buffer_map. buffer_map is UNUSED in this implementation
of the buffer cache, but since the map is referenced in
several if statements a quick fix was to simply allocate
1 vm page (but no real memory) to it.
Remove rcsid, don't want them in the kernel files!
Removed some cruft inside an #ifdef DEBUGx that caused
compiler errors if you where compiling this for debug.
Use the #defines for PD_SHIFT and PG_SHIFT in place of
Remove patch kit header and rcsid, fix $Id$.
Now include "npx.h" and use NNPX for controlling the
floating point code.
Remove a now completly invalid check for a maximum virtual
address, the virtual address now ends at 0xFFFFFFFF so
there is no more MAX!! (Thanks David, I completly missed
that one!)
Remove patch kit header and rcsid, fix $Id$.
Now include "npx.h" and use NNPX for controlling the
floating point code.
Replace several 0xFE00000 constants with KERNBASE
Mark the fact that PGSHIFT and PDRSHIFT are really the same as
PG_SHIFT and PD_SHIFT, these should be collapsed some day soon.
Document that KERNBASE should really be KPTDPTDI << PDRSHIFT, for
now leave it as the constant 0xFE000000 until I make a seperate
common header file for this stuff (vmaddresses.h?)
Remove NKMEMCLUSTERS define, it was only being used to define
VM_KMEM_SIZE, so why have all the indirection. Besides who wants
to work in CLBYTE sizes chuncks.
Fix $Id$ and some other minor format clean ups.
Remove the XXX comment about NKPDE, since it now has the correct value
of 7.
Remove unused LASTPTDI and move the APTD into the very end of memory to
free up 4MB of kernel virtual address space.
Remove unused RSVDPTDI and free up 12MB of kernel virtual address space.
Fix $Id$.
Increase SHMMAXPGS to 512 (2MB) now that there is room for it to be
bigger. The XXX comment stays until the kernel moves down in memory
to free up enough space to use the proper default of 4MB.
VM_KMEM_SIZE is now a direct constant stating the size of the kernel
malloc region. Increased the value from 3MB to 16MB.
then use that information to fix the enhancemode features of the
1542C/CF boards by turning them off.
When doing this I found that the Buslogic 545S does NOT properly
mimic the 1542 families AHA_INQUIRE command. It only returns 1
byte of information, when the adaptec manual clearly states that 4
bytes are to be returned. I added a printf that explains the error
when we see a 545S for now, I tried to come up with a better solution,
but it involved to much work for now.
Bruce Evans had limited the kernel virtual address space to not include the
last 4MB since it was not being used. Other changes are being made that will
reloate the Alternate Page Directory Table (APDT) into this area so the limit
is being fixed to be the last virtual address. (Infact with this patch you
can now do that relocation)
line of Makefile.i386. Fixes the extra rule that gmake complains about
for machdep.o. This fix is from Joans 0lsson.
Rework the depends and rules for assym.s and genassym so that we now use
the .depend rule for genassym.o such that if you change any header files
that are included by genassym.c the right things happen. This is probably
what has caused more bad kernel builds than any other thing in the