[Home] WishList Home | RecentChanges | Preferences _________________________________________________________________ Surprised by this behavior...is this a bug? (Goal: e.g. distinguish between completely numeric args/names and those containing non-numerics) % touch 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyssey % ls -1 *[^0-9]* 104a 16a02 2001_A_Space_Odyssey pex103 pex103a z101 # (great, looks good to me. Got everything containing a nonnumeric, no more, n o less.) % foreach p ( 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyss ey ) foreach? if ( $p !~ *[^0-9]* ) echo $p foreach? end # (no output. Huh?) % foreach p ( 1023 pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 2001 2001_A_Space_Odyss ey ) foreach? if ( $p =~ *[^0-9]* ) echo $p foreach? end 1023 (!) pex103 pex103a 104a z101 16a02 1999 (!) 2001 (!) 2001_A_Space_Odyssey # (Huh?) The [MAN page description] for =~ and !~ just refer to "(see [Filename substitution])', but evidently there is a (unexplained) difference. The actual filename globbing looks correct to me, but the pattern matching operator behavior is unexpected, if I'm not missing something. tcsh 6.09.00 - bhooglan _________________________________________________________________ Wish "tcsh -l" would accept other flags. At least "-c". Currently I can't get ssh to have the right environment unless it is a login shell. The .ssh/environment doesn't work for me because I login to different machines with different environments. One thing to do would be to not have the different environment for login compared to other shells, but what I would really like is something like... ssh remote_application_server "tcsh -l -c application" The "ssh -t" doesn't work for me and I don't know why. Thanks Tim Fix limit vmemoryuse in Linux In Linux tcsh is unable to limit vmemoryuse. This is because RLIMIT_VMEM isn't defined, instead Linux has RLIMIT_AS which means the same. On Google groups I found patches suggested by Komazaki at http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=sv&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=ISO-2022-JP&selm =m3snmczvfc.wl%40thinkpad.osk.3web.ne.jp.osk.3web.ne.jp and Ogawa Hirofumi suggests a patch at http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=sv&lr=&ie=UTF-8&selm=87snmba4id.fsf %40devron.myhome.or.jp None of these patches seems to have been included in version 6.12 as 6.12 still has this problem. /Henrik?? New idea: use last line (or n'th line) of output as input to new command. I often find myself typing something like: >locate lshort /usr/local/stow/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi . . . /usr/local/store/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi >xdvi /usr/local/store/share/texmf/doc/latex/general/lshort.dvi Now the way I accomplish writing the last line, is by moving the mouse over the last line, and the copy paste it. It would be very nice, if the shell could keep the last n lines of output in a buffer. This way one could avoid using the mouse by typing something like: >xdvi <M-1> which would insert the last line of output, similarly <M-2> could insert the second last line of output. (the exact commands used is of course configured via bindkey). This could save me a couple of times to the mouse everyday - di010070@diku.dk The shell does not capture any output from commands it runs, so this is really more a feature for the terminal (be it hardware or software). --Kim Fix memory leak related to aliasrun(). Precmd, Cwdcmd etc. leak memory. Fix migrate -site $$... Seems to hang... (aix370) Fix history in loops. New idea: sed operations on variables. Lots of people seem to like the idea to be able to do sed type operations on shell variables. Maybe we can extend the syntax of the variable editing to understand string operations. So I would like to be able to use: > set a="this is a STRING" > echo $a:[3-] is is a STRING > echo $a:[#] 16 > echo $a:[6-7] is > echo $a:[-2] ng > echo $a:[-20] Subscript out of bounds. > echo $a:[2-20] Subscript out of bounds. > echo $a:[1-1]:u$a:[2-]. This is a string. </blockquote> Fix pipelines that contain builtins so that they behave correctly. I tried to fix that (most of the code is in sh.sem.c, but it works only for non POSIX machines cause otherwise the setpgid() I added fails). Fix the correct code... How to do that involves A.I.... Rewrite the whole thing. It has taken to much beating over the years... Add another hook like precmd to be executed after the prompt but before the command. Add instructions for using configure in the README file. Make manual page references links in the HTML version of the manual. It is possible to match the words with ([0-9]) after them. Links could be using the manual page CGI at http://www.tac.eu.org/cgi-bin/man-cgi for content. Add OpenBSD?? to the Makefile, etc. A Csh compatability mode would be nice: I know tcsh is supposed to be fully csh compatible, but csh scripts containing such constructs as '$<' , 'if ( -d $file ) cd $file' or any of a great number of other valid csh commands, will produce syntax errors or the like with tcsh, which is frustrating when writing/maintaining csh scripts which have to run on systems with only tcsh and systems with only csh. If such a thing exists, I couldn't find it after searching the man page for two hours, and it should be better documented Add hooks for command completion Either for a dynamically loaded library, or a callback to another program that allows another pass to complete the command. As a trivial example, the module could duplicate the functionality of aliases. A tcsh_mud.so could define sigh, groan, cheer, lol, etc to produce output if they weren't actually valid commands. Properly deal with : in filename substitution Given something like blah.foo:*.foo expand it properly to something like blah.foo:baz.foo:bob.foo:bar.foo It already does this, if you have a file named like that... --Kim Directory commands don't handle blanks in filenames. If I have an environment variable such as: % setenv TOMCAT '/c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0' and then do the following, setenv complains that it has too many arguments. % cd /tmp % cd "$TOMCAT" setenv: Too many arguments % dirs /c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 /tmp % pushd "$TOMCAT" /c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 setenv: Too many arguments. % pushd /tmp /tmp /c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 % pushd /c/Program? Files/Apache? Software Foundation/Tomcat? 5.0 /tmp setenv: Too many arguments. Wish tcsh would feature fc (fix command) as in bash !Wish tcsh would featuer fc (fix command) as in bash ! i wish for read-only CVS access to the sources (as i am on the bleeding egde) Functions would be useful! As would being able to redirect stderr (or other file descriptors) independently of stdout! -- Rohan Talip Don't complete commands with non-executable files. For example if I have a file called README in a directory in the PATH, and I type R TAB tcsh will complete README as a command. But README does not have the x bit set, so it's kind of pointless to have that completion. --> Setting the shell variable "recognize_only_executables" will give you this behavior. --Waz If I have in my .tcshrc: complete {cd,pushd} p/1/d/ and I type "complete cd" at the shell prompt nothing is printed. It would be nice if {cd,pushd} p/1/d/ was printed. --> I had programmed this feature a while ago but have not submitted it because the implementation is not robust enough to keep TCSH from crashing when special characters are part of the pattern. I'll get back to it at some point! --Waz It would be nice if "set autolist" would be on by default. --- Unicode (UTF-8) doesn't seem to work. It's not even possible to "make catalogs" in unicode environment. Also unicode support (and other multibyte encodings) should depend on environment variables (LC_CTYPE), not on "set dspmbyte". On unicode terminal translations show empty characters instead of messages. In addition to message catalogs, there are more problems: ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> ls tcsh ��� ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> set dspmbyte utf8 ipi:~/test/tcsh/bin> ls ??? ls: No match. Unicode is used more and more, and is default on many environments, so this really should be fixed. --mpaananen _________________________________________________________________ When I have a script called from complete I would like to have the the existing text from the command line passed to that script so that it can look at all existing words to detemine what it should output as the completion list. For example: complete prog 'n/-x/`myscript`' Then when I do this: > prog -a A -b B -x <TAB> The script would get 'prog -a A -b B -x ' which would allow the script to base its -x completions on the options given for -a and -b (or if they aren't present give nothing - or a message saying that they are required). Setting a temporary environment variable before executing the command would also work and would probably be safer. Perhaps this info is already available as a special variable that can be manually passed to the script: complete prog 'n/-x/`myscript $cmd_line`'? Update: I looked into this further by actually downloading the code and looking through it. It doesn't seem that this information is available anywhere, but I did manage to achieve what I wanted by adding the following two lines around the call to tw_complete (line 278, tw.parse.c 6.12.00): added> tsetenv(STRCURRCMDLINE, (Char *)&qline); looking = tw_complete(cmd_start, &wordp, &pat, looking, &suf); added> Unsetenv(STRCURRCMDLINE); And I added a definition for STRCURRCMDLINE to be "CURRCMDLINE". This provides the environment variable CURRCMDLINE to any script/program running under complete. The only issue I see is picking a sufficiently obscure environment variable that noone else is likely to use, but have it readable enough to understand what it is for. It also shouldn't overwrite an existing ENV variable if it is already in use. _________________________________________________________________ Home | RecentChanges | Preferences Edit text of this page | View other revisions Last edited March 25, 2004 10:27 (diff) Search: ____________________