/* * Copyright (c) 1999, Boris Popov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * calls that don't fit to any other category */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <strings.h> #include <netncp/ncp_lib.h> static time_t ncp_nw_to_ctime(struct nw_time_buffer *source) { struct tm u_time; bzero(&u_time,sizeof(struct tm)); /* * XXX: NW 4.x tracks daylight automatically */ u_time.tm_isdst = -1; u_time.tm_sec = source->second; u_time.tm_min = source->minute; u_time.tm_hour = source->hour; u_time.tm_mday = source->day; u_time.tm_mon = source->month - 1; u_time.tm_year = source->year; if (u_time.tm_year < 80) { u_time.tm_year += 100; } return mktime(&u_time); } int ncp_get_file_server_information(NWCONN_HANDLE connid, struct ncp_file_server_info *target) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 17); if ((error = ncp_request(connid, 23, conn)) != 0) return error; memcpy(target, ncp_reply_data(conn, 0), sizeof(*target)); target->MaximumServiceConnections = htons(target->MaximumServiceConnections); target->ConnectionsInUse = htons(target->ConnectionsInUse); target->MaxConnectionsEverUsed = htons(target->MaxConnectionsEverUsed); target->NumberMountedVolumes = htons(target->NumberMountedVolumes); return 0; } int ncp_get_stations_logged_info(NWCONN_HANDLE connid, u_int32_t connection, struct ncp_bindery_object *target, time_t *login_time) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 28); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, connection); if ((error = ncp_request(connid, 23, conn)) != 0) return error; bzero(target, sizeof(*target)); target->object_id = ncp_reply_dword_hl(conn, 0); target->object_type = ncp_reply_word_hl(conn, 4); memcpy(target->object_name, ncp_reply_data(conn, 6), sizeof(target->object_name)); *login_time = ncp_nw_to_ctime((struct nw_time_buffer *)ncp_reply_data(conn, 54)); return 0; } int ncp_get_internet_address(NWCONN_HANDLE connid, u_int32_t connection, struct ipx_addr *target, u_int8_t * conn_type) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 26); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, connection); error = ncp_request(connid, 23, conn); if (error) return error; bzero(target, sizeof(*target)); ipx_netlong(*target) = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, 0); memcpy(&(target->x_host), ncp_reply_data(conn, 4), 6); target->x_port = ncp_reply_word_lh(conn, 10); *conn_type = ncp_reply_byte(conn, 12); return 0; } NWCCODE NWGetObjectConnectionNumbers(NWCONN_HANDLE connHandle, pnstr8 pObjName, nuint16 objType, pnuint16 pNumConns, pnuint16 pConnHandleList, nuint16 maxConns) { int error, i, n; nuint32 lastconn; DECLARE_RQ; lastconn = 0; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 27); ncp_add_dword_lh(conn, lastconn); ncp_add_word_hl(conn, objType); ncp_add_pstring(conn, pObjName); if ((error = ncp_request(connHandle, 23, conn)) != 0) return error; n = min(ncp_reply_byte(conn, 0), maxConns); *pNumConns = n; for (i = 0; i < n ; i++) { *pConnHandleList++ = ncp_reply_dword_lh(conn, i * 4 + 1); } return 0; } void NWUnpackDateTime(nuint32 dateTime, NW_DATE *sDate, NW_TIME *sTime) { NWUnpackDate(dateTime >> 16, sDate); NWUnpackTime(dateTime & 0xffff, sTime); } void NWUnpackDate(nuint16 date, NW_DATE *sDate) { sDate->day = date & 0x1f; sDate->month = (date >> 5) & 0xf; sDate->year = ((date >> 9) & 0x7f) + 1980; } void NWUnpackTime(nuint16 time, NW_TIME *sTime) { sTime->seconds = time & 0x1f; sTime->minutes = (time >> 5) & 0x3f; sTime->hours = (time >> 11) & 0x1f; } nuint32 NWPackDateTime(NW_DATE *sDate, NW_TIME *sTime) { return 0; } nuint16 NWPackDate(NW_DATE *sDate) { return 0; } nuint16 NWPackTime(NW_TIME *sTime) { return 0; } time_t ncp_UnpackDateTime(nuint32 dateTime) { struct tm u_time; NW_DATE d; NW_TIME t; NWUnpackDateTime(dateTime, &d, &t); bzero(&u_time,sizeof(struct tm)); u_time.tm_isdst = -1; u_time.tm_sec = t.seconds; u_time.tm_min = t.minutes; u_time.tm_hour = t.hours; u_time.tm_mday = d.day; u_time.tm_mon = d.month - 1; u_time.tm_year = d.year - 1900; return mktime(&u_time); } int ncp_GetFileServerDateAndTime(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, time_t *target) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request(conn); if ((error = ncp_request(cH, 20, conn)) != 0) return error; *target = ncp_nw_to_ctime((struct nw_time_buffer *) ncp_reply_data(conn, 0)); return 0; } int ncp_SetFileServerDateAndTime(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, time_t * source) { int year; struct tm *utime = localtime(source); DECLARE_RQ; year = utime->tm_year; if (year > 99) { year -= 100; } ncp_init_request_s(conn, 202); ncp_add_byte(conn, year); ncp_add_byte(conn, utime->tm_mon + 1); ncp_add_byte(conn, utime->tm_mday); ncp_add_byte(conn, utime->tm_hour); ncp_add_byte(conn, utime->tm_min); ncp_add_byte(conn, utime->tm_sec); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWDownFileServer(NWCONN_HANDLE cH, int force) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 211); ncp_add_byte(conn, force ? 0 : 0xff); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWCloseBindery(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 68); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWOpenBindery(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 69); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWDisableTTS(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 207); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWEnableTTS(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 208); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWDisableFileServerLogin(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 203); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); } NWCCODE NWEnableFileServerLogin(NWCONN_HANDLE cH) { DECLARE_RQ; ncp_init_request_s(conn, 204); return ncp_request(cH, 23, conn); }