.\" Author: Juli Mallett <jmallett@FreeBSD.org> .\" Date: June 04, 2003 .\" Description: .\" Manual page for libufs. .\" .\" This file is in the public domain. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd June 4, 2003 .Dt LIBUFS 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm libufs .Nd operate on UFS file systems from userland .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libufs .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/param.h .In sys/mount.h .In ufs/ufs/ufsmount.h .In ufs/ufs/dinode.h .In ufs/ffs/fs.h .In libufs.h .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm library and the functions it provides are used for implementing utilities which need to access a UFS file system at a low level from userland. Facilities provided are used to implement utilities such as .Xr newfs 8 and .Xr dumpfs 8 . The .Nm library is designed to be simple, and to provide functions that are traditionally useful to have. .Pp A disk is represented as the type .Vt "struct uufsd" as defined in .In libufs.h . The structure is filled out, operations are performed, and the disk is closed. .Sh ERRORS Functions provided by .Nm return \-1 in every functional error situation. They also set the .Va d_error field of .Vt "struct uufsd" to a string describing the error. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr bread 3 , .Xr bwrite 3 , .Xr cgread 3 , .Xr cgread1 3 , .Xr sbread 3 , .Xr sbwrite 3 , .Xr ufs_disk_close 3 , .Xr ufs_disk_fillout 3 , .Xr ufs_disk_fillout_blank 3 , .Xr ufs_disk_write 3 , .Xr ffs 7 .Sh HISTORY The .Xr libufs 3 library first appeared in .Fx 5.0 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Juli Mallett Aq jmallett@FreeBSD.org .Pp .An -nosplit Additional design, feedback, and ideas were provided by .An Poul-Henning Kamp Aq phk@FreeBSD.org .