/* $NetBSD: parse.c,v 1.11 2000/09/24 02:19:54 augustss Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999, 2001 Lennart Augustsson <augustss@netbsd.org> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <dev/usb/usb.h> #include <dev/usb/usbhid.h> #include "usbhid.h" #include "usbvar.h" #define MAXUSAGE 100 struct hid_data { u_char *start; u_char *end; u_char *p; hid_item_t cur; unsigned int usages[MAXUSAGE]; int nusage; int minset; int logminsize; int multi; int multimax; int kindset; int reportid; /* * The start of collection item has no report ID set, so save * it until we know the ID. */ hid_item_t savedcoll; u_char hassavedcoll; /* * Absolute data position (bits) for input/output/feature. * Assumes that hid_input, hid_output and hid_feature have * values 0, 1 and 2. */ unsigned int kindpos[3]; }; static int min(int x, int y) { return x < y ? x : y; } static int hid_get_item_raw(hid_data_t s, hid_item_t *h); static void hid_clear_local(hid_item_t *c) { c->usage = 0; c->usage_minimum = 0; c->usage_maximum = 0; c->designator_index = 0; c->designator_minimum = 0; c->designator_maximum = 0; c->string_index = 0; c->string_minimum = 0; c->string_maximum = 0; c->set_delimiter = 0; } hid_data_t hid_start_parse(report_desc_t d, int kindset, int id) { struct hid_data *s; s = malloc(sizeof *s); memset(s, 0, sizeof *s); s->start = s->p = d->data; s->end = d->data + d->size; s->kindset = kindset; s->reportid = id; s->hassavedcoll = 0; return (s); } void hid_end_parse(hid_data_t s) { while (s->cur.next) { hid_item_t *hi = s->cur.next->next; free(s->cur.next); s->cur.next = hi; } free(s); } int hid_get_item(hid_data_t s, hid_item_t *h) { int r; for (;;) { r = hid_get_item_raw(s, h); if (r <= 0) break; if (h->report_ID == s->reportid || s->reportid == -1) break; } return (r); } #define REPORT_SAVED_COLL \ do { \ if (s->hassavedcoll) { \ *h = s->savedcoll; \ h->report_ID = c->report_ID; \ s->hassavedcoll = 0; \ return (1); \ } \ } while(/*LINTED*/ 0) static int hid_get_item_raw(hid_data_t s, hid_item_t *h) { hid_item_t *c; unsigned int bTag = 0, bType = 0, bSize; unsigned char *data; int dval; unsigned char *p; hid_item_t *hi; hid_item_t nc; int i; hid_kind_t retkind; c = &s->cur; top: if (s->multimax) { REPORT_SAVED_COLL; if (c->logical_minimum >= c->logical_maximum) { if (s->logminsize == 1) c->logical_minimum =(int8_t)c->logical_minimum; else if (s->logminsize == 2) c->logical_minimum =(int16_t)c->logical_minimum; } if (s->multi < s->multimax) { c->usage = s->usages[min(s->multi, s->nusage-1)]; s->multi++; *h = *c; /* * 'multimax' is only non-zero if the current * item kind is input/output/feature */ h->pos = s->kindpos[c->kind]; s->kindpos[c->kind] += c->report_size; h->next = 0; return (1); } else { c->report_count = s->multimax; s->multimax = 0; s->nusage = 0; hid_clear_local(c); } } for (;;) { p = s->p; if (p >= s->end) return (0); bSize = *p++; if (bSize == 0xfe) { /* long item */ bSize = *p++; bSize |= *p++ << 8; bTag = *p++; data = p; p += bSize; } else { /* short item */ bTag = bSize >> 4; bType = (bSize >> 2) & 3; bSize &= 3; if (bSize == 3) bSize = 4; data = p; p += bSize; } s->p = p; /* * The spec is unclear if the data is signed or unsigned. */ switch(bSize) { case 0: dval = 0; break; case 1: dval = *data++; break; case 2: dval = *data++; dval |= *data++ << 8; break; case 4: dval = *data++; dval |= *data++ << 8; dval |= *data++ << 16; dval |= *data++ << 24; break; default: return (-1); } switch (bType) { case 0: /* Main */ switch (bTag) { case 8: /* Input */ retkind = hid_input; ret: if (!(s->kindset & (1 << retkind))) { /* Drop the items of this kind */ s->nusage = 0; continue; } c->kind = retkind; c->flags = dval; if (c->flags & HIO_VARIABLE) { s->multimax = c->report_count; s->multi = 0; c->report_count = 1; if (s->minset) { for (i = c->usage_minimum; i <= c->usage_maximum; i++) { s->usages[s->nusage] = i; if (s->nusage < MAXUSAGE-1) s->nusage++; } c->usage_minimum = 0; c->usage_maximum = 0; s->minset = 0; } goto top; } else { if (s->minset) c->usage = c->usage_minimum; *h = *c; h->next = 0; h->pos = s->kindpos[c->kind]; s->kindpos[c->kind] += c->report_size * c->report_count; hid_clear_local(c); s->minset = 0; return (1); } case 9: /* Output */ retkind = hid_output; goto ret; case 10: /* Collection */ c->kind = hid_collection; c->collection = dval; c->collevel++; nc = *c; hid_clear_local(c); /*c->report_ID = NO_REPORT_ID;*/ s->nusage = 0; if (s->hassavedcoll) { *h = s->savedcoll; h->report_ID = nc.report_ID; s->savedcoll = nc; return (1); } else { s->hassavedcoll = 1; s->savedcoll = nc; } break; case 11: /* Feature */ retkind = hid_feature; goto ret; case 12: /* End collection */ REPORT_SAVED_COLL; c->kind = hid_endcollection; c->collevel--; *h = *c; /*hid_clear_local(c);*/ s->nusage = 0; return (1); default: return (-2); } break; case 1: /* Global */ switch (bTag) { case 0: c->_usage_page = dval << 16; break; case 1: c->logical_minimum = dval; s->logminsize = bSize; break; case 2: c->logical_maximum = dval; break; case 3: c->physical_maximum = dval; break; case 4: c->physical_maximum = dval; break; case 5: c->unit_exponent = dval; break; case 6: c->unit = dval; break; case 7: c->report_size = dval; break; case 8: c->report_ID = dval; s->kindpos[hid_input] = s->kindpos[hid_output] = s->kindpos[hid_feature] = 0; break; case 9: c->report_count = dval; break; case 10: /* Push */ hi = malloc(sizeof *hi); *hi = s->cur; c->next = hi; break; case 11: /* Pop */ hi = c->next; s->cur = *hi; free(hi); break; default: return (-3); } break; case 2: /* Local */ switch (bTag) { case 0: c->usage = c->_usage_page | dval; if (s->nusage < MAXUSAGE) s->usages[s->nusage++] = c->usage; /* else XXX */ break; case 1: s->minset = 1; c->usage_minimum = c->_usage_page | dval; break; case 2: c->usage_maximum = c->_usage_page | dval; break; case 3: c->designator_index = dval; break; case 4: c->designator_minimum = dval; break; case 5: c->designator_maximum = dval; break; case 7: c->string_index = dval; break; case 8: c->string_minimum = dval; break; case 9: c->string_maximum = dval; break; case 10: c->set_delimiter = dval; break; default: return (-4); } break; default: return (-5); } } } int hid_report_size(report_desc_t r, enum hid_kind k, int id) { struct hid_data *d; hid_item_t h; int size; memset(&h, 0, sizeof h); size = 0; for (d = hid_start_parse(r, 1<<k, id); hid_get_item(d, &h); ) { if (h.report_ID == id && h.kind == k) { size = d->kindpos[k]; } } hid_end_parse(d); return ((size + 7) / 8); } int hid_locate(report_desc_t desc, unsigned int u, enum hid_kind k, hid_item_t *h, int id) { hid_data_t d; for (d = hid_start_parse(desc, 1<<k, id); hid_get_item(d, h); ) { if (h->kind == k && !(h->flags & HIO_CONST) && h->usage == u) { hid_end_parse(d); return (1); } } hid_end_parse(d); h->report_size = 0; return (0); }