$FreeBSD$ ; from: @(#)syscalls.master 8.1 (Berkeley) 7/19/93 ; ; System call name/number master file (or rather, slave, from SVR4). ; Processed to create svr4_sysent.c, svr4_syscalls.c and svr4_syscall.h. ; Columns: number type nargs name alt{name,tag,rtyp}/comments ; number system call number, must be in order ; type one of STD, OBSOL, UNIMPL, COMPAT ; name psuedo-prototype of syscall routine ; If one of the following alts is different, then all appear: ; altname name of system call if different ; alttag name of args struct tag if different from [o]`name'"_args" ; altrtyp return type if not int (bogus - syscalls always return int) ; for UNIMPL/OBSOL, name continues with comments ; types: ; STD always included ; COMPAT included on COMPAT #ifdef ; LIBCOMPAT included on COMPAT #ifdef, and placed in syscall.h ; OBSOL obsolete, not included in system, only specifies name ; UNIMPL not implemented, placeholder only ; #ifdef's, etc. may be included, and are copied to the output files. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include 0 UNIMPL unused 1 NOPROTO { void sys_exit(int rval); } exit sys_exit_args void 2 MNOPROTO { int fork(void); } 3 NOPROTO { int read(int fd, char *buf, u_int nbyte); } 4 NOPROTO { int write(int fd, char *buf, u_int nbyte); } 5 STD { int svr4_sys_open(char *path, int flags, int mode); } 6 NOPROTO { int close(int fd); } 7 STD { int svr4_sys_wait(int *status); } 8 STD { int svr4_sys_creat(char *path, int mode); } 9 NOPROTO { int link(char *path, char *link); } 10 NOPROTO { int unlink(char *path); } 11 STD { int svr4_sys_execv(char *path, char **argp); } 12 NOPROTO { int chdir(char *path); } 13 STD { int svr4_sys_time(time_t *t); } 14 STD { int svr4_sys_mknod(char* path, int mode, int dev); } 15 NOPROTO { int chmod(char *path, int mode); } 16 NOPROTO { int chown(char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid); } 17 STD { int svr4_sys_break(caddr_t nsize); } 18 STD { int svr4_sys_stat(char* path, struct svr4_stat* ub); } 19 NOPROTO { int lseek(int filedes, off_t *offset, int whence); } 20 NOPROTO { pid_t getpid(void); } 21 UNIMPL old_mount 22 UNIMPL sysv_umount 23 NOPROTO { int setuid(uid_t uid); } 24 NOPROTO { uid_t getuid(void); } 25 UNIMPL stime 26 UNIMPL ptrace 27 STD { int svr4_sys_alarm(unsigned sec); } 28 STD { int svr4_sys_fstat(int fd, struct svr4_stat *sb); } 29 STD { int svr4_sys_pause(void); } 30 STD { int svr4_sys_utime(char *path, struct svr4_utimbuf *ubuf); } 31 UNIMPL stty 32 UNIMPL gtty 33 STD { int svr4_sys_access(char *path, int flags); } 34 STD { int svr4_sys_nice(int prio); } 35 UNIMPL statfs 36 NOPROTO { int sync(void); } 37 STD { int svr4_sys_kill(int pid, int signum); } 38 UNIMPL fstatfs 39 STD { int svr4_sys_pgrpsys(int cmd, int pid, int pgid); } 40 UNIMPL xenix 41 NOPROTO { int dup(u_int fd); } 42 NOPROTO { int pipe(void); } 43 STD { int svr4_sys_times(struct tms *tp); } 44 UNIMPL profil 45 UNIMPL plock 46 NOPROTO { int setgid(gid_t gid); } 47 NOPROTO { gid_t getgid(void); } 48 STD { int svr4_sys_signal(int signum, svr4_sig_t handler); } #if defined(NOTYET) 49 STD { int svr4_sys_msgsys(int what, int a2, int a3, int a4, \ int a5); } #else 49 UNIMPL msgsys #endif 50 STD { int svr4_sys_sysarch(int op, void *a1); } 51 UNIMPL acct 52 UNIMPL shmsys 53 UNIMPL semsys 54 STD { int svr4_sys_ioctl(int fd, u_long com, caddr_t data); } 55 UNIMPL uadmin 56 UNIMPL exch 57 STD { int svr4_sys_utssys(void *a1, void *a2, int sel, void *a3); } 58 NOPROTO { int fsync(int fd); } 59 STD { int svr4_sys_execve(char *path, char **argp, char **envp); } 60 NOPROTO { int umask(int newmask); } 61 NOPROTO { int chroot(char *path); } 62 STD { int svr4_sys_fcntl(int fd, int cmd, char *arg); } 63 MSTD { int svr4_sys_ulimit(int cmd, long newlimit); } 64 UNIMPL reserved 65 UNIMPL reserved 66 UNIMPL reserved 67 UNIMPL reserved 68 UNIMPL reserved 69 UNIMPL reserved 70 UNIMPL advfs 71 UNIMPL unadvfs 72 UNIMPL rmount 73 UNIMPL rumount 74 UNIMPL rfstart 75 UNIMPL sigret 76 UNIMPL rdebug 77 UNIMPL rfstop 78 UNIMPL rfsys 79 NOPROTO { int rmdir(char *path); } 80 NOPROTO { int mkdir(char *path, int mode); } 81 STD { int svr4_sys_getdents(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes); } 82 UNIMPL libattach 83 UNIMPL libdetach 84 UNIMPL sysfs 85 STD { int svr4_sys_getmsg(int fd, struct svr4_strbuf *ctl, \ struct svr4_strbuf *dat, int *flags); } 86 STD { int svr4_sys_putmsg(int fd, struct svr4_strbuf *ctl, \ struct svr4_strbuf *dat, int flags); } 87 STD { int svr4_sys_poll(struct pollfd *fds, unsigned int nfds, \ int timeout); } 88 STD { int svr4_sys_lstat(char *path, struct svr4_stat *ub); } 89 NOPROTO { int symlink(char *path, char *link); } 90 NOPROTO { int readlink(char *path, char *buf, int count); } 91 NOPROTO { int getgroups(u_int gidsetsize, gid_t *gidset); } 92 NOPROTO { int setgroups(u_int gidsetsize, gid_t *gidset); } 93 NOPROTO { int fchmod(int fd, int mode); } 94 NOPROTO { int fchown(int fd, int uid, int gid); } 95 STD { int svr4_sys_sigprocmask(int how, svr4_sigset_t *set, \ svr4_sigset_t *oset); } 96 STD { int svr4_sys_sigsuspend(svr4_sigset_t *ss); } 97 STD { int svr4_sys_sigaltstack(struct svr4_sigaltstack *nss, \ struct svr4_sigaltstack *oss); } 98 STD { int svr4_sys_sigaction(int signum, \ struct svr4_sigaction *nsa, struct svr4_sigaction *osa); } 99 STD { int svr4_sys_sigpending(int what, svr4_sigset_t *mask); } 100 STD { int svr4_sys_context(int func, struct svr4_ucontext *uc); } 101 UNIMPL evsys 102 UNIMPL evtrapret 103 STD { int svr4_sys_statvfs(char *path, struct svr4_statvfs *fs); } 104 STD { int svr4_sys_fstatvfs(int fd, struct svr4_statvfs *fs); } 105 UNIMPL whoknows 106 UNIMPL nfssvc 107 STD { int svr4_sys_waitsys(int grp, int id, \ union svr4_siginfo *info, int options); } 108 UNIMPL sigsendsys 109 STD { int svr4_sys_hrtsys(int cmd, int fun, int sub, void *rv1, \ void *rv2); } 110 UNIMPL acancel 111 UNIMPL async 112 UNIMPL priocntlsys 113 STD { int svr4_sys_pathconf(char *path, int name); } 114 UNIMPL mincore 115 STD { caddr_t svr4_sys_mmap( caddr_t addr, svr4_size_t len, \ int prot, int flags, int fd, svr4_off_t pos); } 116 NOPROTO { int mprotect(void *addr, int len, int prot); } 117 NOPROTO { int munmap(void *addr, int len); } 118 STD { int svr4_sys_fpathconf(int fd, int name); } 119 MNOPROTO { int vfork(void); } 120 NOPROTO { int fchdir(int fd); } 121 NOPROTO { int readv(int fd, struct iovec *iovp, u_int iovcnt); } 122 NOPROTO { int writev(int fd, struct iovec *iovp, u_int iovcnt); } 123 STD { int svr4_sys_xstat(int two, char *path, \ struct svr4_xstat *ub); } 124 STD { int svr4_sys_lxstat(int two, char *path, \ struct svr4_xstat *ub); } 125 STD { int svr4_sys_fxstat(int two, int fd, struct svr4_xstat *sb); } 126 STD { int svr4_sys_xmknod(int two, char *path, svr4_mode_t mode, \ svr4_dev_t dev); } 127 UNIMPL clocal 128 MSTD { int svr4_sys_setrlimit(int which, \ const struct svr4_rlimit *rlp); } 129 MSTD { int svr4_sys_getrlimit(int which, \ struct svr4_rlimit *rlp); } 130 NOPROTO { int lchown(char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid); } 131 STD { int svr4_sys_memcntl(void * addr, svr4_size_t len, int cmd, \ void * arg, int attr, int mask); } 132 UNIMPL getpmsg 133 UNIMPL putpmsg 134 NOPROTO { int rename(char *from, char *to); } 135 STD { int svr4_sys_uname(struct svr4_utsname* name, int dummy); } 136 NOPROTO { int setegid(gid_t egid); } 137 STD { int svr4_sys_sysconfig(int name); } 138 MNOPROTO { int adjtime(struct timeval *delta, \ struct timeval *olddelta); } 139 STD { long svr4_sys_systeminfo(int what, char *buf, long len); } 140 UNIMPL notused 141 NOPROTO { int seteuid(uid_t euid); } 142 UNIMPL vtrace ; fork1 143 MUNIMPL { int fork(void); } 144 UNIMPL sigtimedwait 145 UNIMPL lwp_info 146 UNIMPL yield 147 UNIMPL lwp_sema_wait 148 UNIMPL lwp_sema_post 149 UNIMPL lwp_sema_trywait 150 UNIMPL notused 151 UNIMPL notused 152 UNIMPL modctl 153 STD { int svr4_sys_fchroot(int fd); } 154 STD { int svr4_sys_utimes(char *path, struct timeval *tptr); } 155 STD { int svr4_sys_vhangup(void); } 156 STD { int svr4_sys_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp); } 157 MNOPROTO { int getitimer(u_int which, struct itimerval *itv); } 158 MNOPROTO { int setitimer(u_int which, struct itimerval *itv, \ struct itimerval *oitv); } 159 UNIMPL lwp_create 160 UNIMPL lwp_exit 161 UNIMPL lwp_suspend 162 UNIMPL lwp_continue 163 UNIMPL lwp_kill 164 UNIMPL lwp_self 165 UNIMPL lwp_getprivate 166 UNIMPL lwp_setprivate 167 UNIMPL lwp_wait 168 UNIMPL lwp_mutex_unlock 169 UNIMPL lwp_mutex_lock 170 UNIMPL lwp_cond_wait 171 UNIMPL lwp_cond_signal 172 UNIMPL lwp_cond_broadcast 173 UNIMPL { ssize_t svr4_sys_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t nbyte, \ svr4_off_t off); } 174 UNIMPL { ssize_t svr4_sys_pwrite(int fd, const void *buf, \ size_t nbyte, svr4_off_t off); } 175 STD { svr4_off64_t svr4_sys_llseek(int fd, long offset1, \ long offset2, int whence); } 176 UNIMPL inst_sync 177 UNIMPL whoknows 178 UNIMPL kaio 179 UNIMPL whoknows 180 UNIMPL whoknows 181 UNIMPL whoknows 182 UNIMPL whoknows 183 UNIMPL whoknows 184 UNIMPL tsolsys 185 STD { int svr4_sys_acl(char *path, int cmd, int num, \ struct svr4_aclent *buf); } 186 STD { int svr4_sys_auditsys(int code, int a1, int a2, int a3, \ int a4, int a5); } 187 UNIMPL processor_bind 188 UNIMPL processor_info 189 UNIMPL p_online 190 UNIMPL sigqueue 191 UNIMPL clock_gettime 192 UNIMPL clock_settime 193 UNIMPL clock_getres 194 UNIMPL timer_create 195 UNIMPL timer_delete 196 UNIMPL timer_settime 197 UNIMPL timer_gettime 198 UNIMPL timer_overrun 199 MNOPROTO { int nanosleep(const struct timespec *rqtp, \ struct timespec *rmtp); } 200 STD { int svr4_sys_facl(int fd, int cmd, int num, \ struct svr4_aclent *buf); } 201 UNIMPL door 202 NOPROTO { int setreuid(int ruid, int euid); } 203 NOPROTO { int setregid(int rgid, int egid); } 204 UNIMPL install_utrap 205 UNIMPL signotify 206 UNIMPL schedctl 207 UNIMPL pset 208 UNIMPL whoknows 209 STD { int svr4_sys_resolvepath(const char *path, char *buf, \ size_t bufsiz); } 210 UNIMPL signotifywait 211 UNIMPL lwp_sigredirect 212 UNIMPL lwp_alarm 213 STD { int svr4_sys_getdents64(int fd, struct svr4_dirent64 *dp, \ int nbytes); } ;213 UNIMPL getdents64 214 STD { caddr_t svr4_sys_mmap64(void *addr, svr4_size_t len, \ int prot, int flags, int fd, svr4_off64_t pos); } 215 STD { int svr4_sys_stat64(char *path, struct svr4_stat64 *sb); } 216 STD { int svr4_sys_lstat64(char *path, struct svr4_stat64 *sb); } 217 STD { int svr4_sys_fstat64(int fd, struct svr4_stat64 *sb); } 218 STD { int svr4_sys_statvfs64(char *path, \ struct svr4_statvfs64 *fs); } 219 STD { int svr4_sys_fstatvfs64(int fd, struct svr4_statvfs64 *fs); } 220 MSTD { int svr4_sys_setrlimit64(int which, \ const struct svr4_rlimit64 *rlp); } 221 MSTD { int svr4_sys_getrlimit64(int which, \ struct svr4_rlimit64 *rlp); } 222 UNIMPL pread64 223 UNIMPL pwrite64 224 STD { int svr4_sys_creat64(char *path, int mode); } 225 STD { int svr4_sys_open64(char *path, int flags, int mode); } 226 UNIMPL rpcsys 227 UNIMPL whoknows 228 UNIMPL whoknows 229 UNIMPL whoknows 230 STD { int svr4_sys_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); } 231 NOPROTO { int socketpair(int domain, int type, int protocol, \ int *rsv); } 232 NOPROTO { int bind(int s, const struct sockaddr *name, int namelen); } 233 NOPROTO { int listen(int s, int backlog); } 234 NOPROTO { int accept(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int *anamelen); } 235 NOPROTO { int connect(int s, const struct sockaddr *name, \ int namelen); } 236 NOPROTO { int shutdown(int s, int how); } 237 STD { int svr4_sys_recv(int s, caddr_t buf, int len, int flags); } 238 NOPROTO { ssize_t recvfrom(int s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, \ struct sockaddr *from, int *fromlenaddr); } 239 NOPROTO { ssize_t recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr *msg, int flags); } 240 STD { int svr4_sys_send(int s, caddr_t buf, int len, int flags); } 241 NOPROTO { ssize_t sendmsg(int s, const struct msghdr *msg, int flags); } 242 STD { ssize_t svr4_sys_sendto(int s, void *buf, size_t len, \ int flags, struct sockaddr *to, int tolen); } 243 NOPROTO { int getpeername(int fdes, struct sockaddr *asa, int *alen); } 244 NOPROTO { int getsockname(int fdes, struct sockaddr *asa, int *alen); } 245 NOPROTO { int getsockopt(int s, int level, int name, void *val, \ int *avalsize); } 246 NOPROTO { int setsockopt(int s, int level, int name, const void *val, \ int valsize); } 247 UNIMPL sockconfig 248 UNIMPL { int ntp_gettime(struct ntptimeval *ntvp); } 249 MUNIMPL { int ntp_adjtime(struct timex *tp); }